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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7877236 No.7877236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Hnn..." you say to yourself as you try and open your eyes. You hear nothing but the sounds of foot steps across the ground. Cars going by on the street. People going about their daily business. "Huh? Who's there?" you say as you stand up, your armpits showing like always. "Uh.." you take a few steps forward as your eyes adjust to the light. You were in a modern city.

"Uh.. did I... no, I don't think..." you say as you look down at the puddle. Black hair, ribbons, miko outfit, you were you alright. "Uh... where am I?"

You continue talking to yourself for the moment before turning back into the dark alley. You really had no idea what to do.

[ ] Continue down the dark alley
[ ] Go out and onto the main street
[ ] Try and talk to someone nearby
[ ] Other

>> No.7877242

I've never been a fan of quest threads.

>> No.7877244

Why are you on 4chan? Why don't you get some friends? Try to get laid, do something besides going on 4chan to try and act like a pretentious shitdick. If you had anybody in your life who actually wanted to listen to what you had to say you wouldn't be doing this, and if you weren't a complete piece of shit you would realize that nobody is going to read your point of view you faggot. Just stop or kill yourself, either or is fine with me.

>> No.7877245

>come to /jp/
>still see this shit

>> No.7877258
File: 335 KB, 1000x1000, get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7877261

[x] Continue down the dark alley

What's the worst that could happen? :3

>> No.7877262

[X] Continue down the dark alley

Sounds mysterious~

>> No.7877267

[ X ] Try and talk to someone nearby

Gotta know where we are

>> No.7877271

We've been done with this sort of thing for at least a year now, here in /jp/. You're late to the party.

>> No.7877272


Don't bring this faggotry to /jp/ please.

[X ] OP deletes his thread, goes back to /a/ and never returns.

>> No.7877274
File: 436 KB, 799x831, 1312781532788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Other: Get out of /jp/

>> No.7877276

hey op there is a entire site for touhou CYOA

>> No.7877278


Get out.

>> No.7877292


This shit has taken /a/ to new levels of faggotry never seen before, don't bring it to /jp/

>> No.7877310

People actually hate this? Thought I was the only one.

>> No.7877315


That's why you bumped the thread, idiot?

>> No.7877316

>Bring Touhou shit to /a/.
>Redirect shitposters to /a/ rather than .b.,
>Whine when /a/ brings their shit here.
As far as I'm concerned you're both homosexuals.

>> No.7877318
File: 114 KB, 450x400, 1315458623053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7877320



>> No.7877325

This was exiled from /jp/ once already. It was sad back then.

>> No.7877326

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.7877332
File: 693 KB, 660x880, Reimu9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You turn away from the street and continue down the dark alley. There was nothing of interest except puddles of water and rats scurrying about and through the trash. "Huh..." you say to yourself as you continue down he alley. "I know I'm beyond the barrier, but..." you say as you put up one hand along the wall as you walk. The trek down the alley doesn't last to long as you eventually come to a dead end.

"Ghhh..." you say in frustration before turning away. You continue to walk toward the city street with a frown on your face. No one was around, you didn't know where you were, and worst of all your feet were wet.

[ ] Sit down and relax
[ ] Continue searching
[ ] Talk to someone
[ ] Other
