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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7876855 No.7876855 [Reply] [Original]

You just arrived in Tokyo. What are you gonna do, first?

>> No.7876861

[x] rape the maids

>> No.7876863

Go to maid cafe and say hi to tuturu~

>> No.7876865


>> No.7876869

How do the japanes clubs look like? I'm totally curious about it

>> No.7876874

fags;gayte fan A: okarin is cute

fags;gayte fan B: tuturu is cute

fags;gayte fan A: cool wanna give me buttsex?

>> No.7876875

hang out with >>7876861

>> No.7876880

First of all, can I speak japanese too?

>> No.7876884

Something more than the basics

>> No.7876885

go to the central park (or whatever it is called) and fertilize the flowers.

>> No.7876890

Find my country's embassy and then beg for a job there.

>> No.7876894

smack smack

>> No.7876898

What about trying to screw some japanese pussy?

>> No.7876899

You mean buying eroge or something?

>> No.7876901


Leave the Japanese nekos alone.

>> No.7876905

I will tell Asians to stop dying their hair colours that only Caucasians can have.

>> No.7876902

lol, isn't reasonable to think japanes girls love baka gaijins?

>> No.7876903


I wanna fuck a Japanese bird so hard, and I don't mean the type that cooks Spaghetti.

>> No.7876911

Why should they? Western people dye their hair in color unavaible to them before...

>> No.7876916

Western people have access to all hair colours...............

>> No.7876918

He means individuals who do not have access to certain hair colors due to genetics...............................................

>> No.7876919

Probably get something to eat, go to a bar and socialize with Jap's regaling them with tales of my adventures in MURRIKA, then get a hotel or hook up with one of dem bitches.

>> No.7876920

If your hair are naturally blonde you can't access the dark colors unless you dye your hair.
The same happens in Japan.

>> No.7876917


Caucasians naturally have dark, blonde, and red hairs.

Pacific born Asians do not naturally grow blonde hairs. Red, sometimes, but it's extremely fucking rare.

>> No.7876926

I guess I'll wake up at 6am, dress like a true salaryman, and enter the underground train together with all the students and working people. Like being one of them. I guess it's priceless.

>> No.7876930

Fly back to the US.

>> No.7876936

Go to a Go-Soccer match.

>> No.7876955
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Try to find my way back home.
I never wanted to visit this shithole.

>> No.7876973
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Either jansou or a meido cafe. OR. Meido jansou. Where you play strip mahjong. Against maids. Yeah.

>> No.7876976

I suppose I'd try to look for a taxi to get to my apartment.

>> No.7876985

I would look for the nearest Visual Kei concert to have sex with one of the members.

>> No.7876986

Oh, come one, meido cafes are horrible places crowded with fat guys and stinking of sweat, and you'll never fuck any of the maid. Better go where the real girls are, isn't it?

>> No.7877041

this is what basement-dwelling youtube/anime/VN addicts actually believe

>> No.7877045 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.7877048

weaboo is mad

>> No.7877047

>Better go where the real girls are, isn't it?

This is /jp/.

>> No.7877061

Gorge myself on seafood.

Using my phone to speak for me.

>> No.7877057

Find that damn portal to Gensokyo.

>> No.7877059

I'm coming from a small suburb of a rather small city, and while it's considered the most developed city in my country it's still far from being comparable to large metropolitans like Tokyo, New York, Paris etc. So I will probably try to absorb as much as I can from that amazing city first. Get used to my extremely different surroundings.

>> No.7877070

Basically what this anon said, only I'd probably stop at a restaurant first.

>> No.7877073


>> No.7877079

No shit

>> No.7877087

>You just arrived in Tokyo
I'd check if my passport is in order
Those yellow monkey cops will stop you at every corner and ask for your name and number if youre american not wearing a cowboyhat and bermuda

>> No.7877092


>> No.7877101

No, he's clearly never been. You might have a problem entering porn shops though. I didn't since I look japanese enough to get by if I don't open my mouth.

>> No.7877111

Well, porn stuff is avaible from the net, and from here, so i guess I wouldn't need that

>> No.7877129

I forgot to add. He could be black. That changes things. You'd be surprised how many black men try and sell you stuff in tokyo. And how many indians there are in Burger Kings.

>> No.7877131

No need. Us whites can pick up Japanese schoolgirls wherever we want.

>> No.7877135

>since I look japanese enough
that's why you never talk to people that has been to japan
They end up thinking theyre nips and live inside an anime

>> No.7877155

Oh well, I'm a 190cm italian boy, I just couldn't be undetected.

>> No.7877162

Or I could be Asian and we all look the same. Occam's razor time I guess.

>> No.7877176

Go to Kyoto in November. Enjoy Schoolgirls everywhere. Dunno how far you can get with them, but they'll talk to you.

>> No.7877185

Why Kyoto and not Tokyo?

>> No.7877186

Go and find out where Toho studios is at and thank them all for making the movies that raised me.

God bless Godzilla.

>> No.7877205

eat some ramen or something and get on the first plane back home

>> No.7877212

All the schools have their school trip to kyoto. If you go to Kiyomizu-dera the place is literally filled with students around that time. I'd post pics but theyre not on my laptop.

>> No.7877219

That fake tan.

>> No.7877224

Oh no, I'd have loved to see them.
How can I make you able to contact me again?

>> No.7877266
File: 5 KB, 453x302, korea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on a boat to glorious South Korea

>> No.7877351

Open a portal to Gensokyo, Tokyo has many tall buildings.

>> No.7877374

Oh god, what was the name of this movie again?

>> No.7877378

Yoshinoya of course. Is there anywhere else?

>> No.7877386
File: 28 KB, 354x365, 50cent-chan is perplexed by this faggot shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blast this Kimchi
>Pop a cap on asian niggas

>> No.7877399

Mape the raids

>> No.7877414
File: 126 KB, 1191x722, tokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably find a room so I can do what I always do.
I mean, I can see Tokyo with Google Maps in full panorama view anyway.

>> No.7877441

Go clubbing. Masturbate in a capsule hotel.
Go to a maid café and charm the hottest girl with my western beaty and suave vocabulary. Then have sex with her in a capsule hotel.
