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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 59 KB, 400x250, cospa_fate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7876698 No.7876698 [Reply] [Original]

OK, what the fuck are these things, and why the fucking hell have they got fucking Ilya rather than Sakura?

>> No.7876713

I think what you meant to say was, why the fucking hell have they got fucking Saber rather than Sakura.

>> No.7876709

Not everyone can appreciate Sakura's charm.

>> No.7876717
File: 36 KB, 490x488, 1315522365391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You might have more luck if you ask this on /po/

Just sayin.

>> No.7876724

Oh cool, I like these.

>> No.7876732

Well, I'm pissed off with fucking Nasu for totally fucking ignoring Sakura.

>> No.7876744

Illya > Sakura

>> No.7876769
File: 54 KB, 484x360, Sakura and Caster, united.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean why they have that clumsy miser instead of Sakura?

>> No.7876771

What? You expect me not to be pissed off at them putting Ilya before Sakura, and leaving Sakura out entirely? I mean, it's not like it would have been that fucking hard to make four of the damn things....

>> No.7876796

> I'm pissed off with fucking Nasu
Are they even official? They look like regular papercraft, they're probably made by some guy with his own tastes. If you're so enraged by this slight make your own papercraft.

>> No.7876809

I don't have a fit pasta for that.

>> No.7876816
File: 2.74 MB, 3000x2205, 008b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on the bright side; Nasu dislikes Caster and Ayako more.

>> No.7876822

illya sells better?

Either way I want.

>> No.7876825


>> No.7876833

Except that they're missing one of the fucking main characters because Nasu is a total fucking asshole who couldn't give a fucking shit about Sakura fans.

>> No.7876850

I don't think you understand how businesses work.
It's not Nasu goes to Company X and asks them to make Merchandise of Characters A, B, and C. But rather Company X goes to Nasu and gives him lots of money to make Merchandise of Characters A,B, and C, with those characters generally being characters that or popular with their target audience.
So you Sakura fans have no one to blame but yourselves for not being numerous enough.

>> No.7876860

There aren't any Sakura products for me to spend money on. And, besides, this is a collection. It's ridiculous to have a collection of FSN females and not have one of the bloody main heroines in it.

>> No.7876867

To be fair, nobody gives a shit about Sakura fans. There's like 3 of you.

>> No.7876896


>> No.7876900
File: 71 KB, 430x550, 1278639756472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be happy. At least Sakura got a route.

>> No.7876904
File: 179 KB, 1024x681, 1203172795987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel betrayed by this turn of events as a real Sakura fan.

>> No.7876909

Is that Fall/semester Mike?

>> No.7876914
File: 24 KB, 704x400, 1290564485340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7876915

>While Mike waits for people to finish writing their Sakura fanfics, he cuddles his Sakura doll, making a Zero-Caster face

That's pretty amusing. Sadly, the rest of that thread is just dumb.

>> No.7876928

On MAL the Saber fanclub has 1516 members, the Rin one 671, the Illya one 305 and the Sakura one 198. Isn't it sad Sakura?

>> No.7876934

I do think that Sakura would be a substantially more popular character if she didn't dress like a sixty year old woman.

>> No.7876943
File: 1.32 MB, 2000x1411, 70219 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image seems to sum up the situation pretty well.

>> No.7876960

That's a pretty nice image.
Will save for future use.

>> No.7876995

Sakura would be substantially more popular if she was a better character. Arcueid dresses like a REFINED OLDER WOMAN, and yet everyone loves her.

>> No.7877035

I don't think Sakura is that unpopular, and she's one of the fucking main heroines. Plus, it's not fucking surprising that she's not that high in popularity when Nasu seems to be intent on ignoring her at every opportunity.

>> No.7877049

>Respond to post
>Completely miss the point and failed to address anything in said post
>Strawman so hard I'm gagging

No words.

>> No.7877064

>I don't think Sakura is that unpopular
Yes, let's ignore facts.
Sure is blatant denial in here.

>Nasu seems to be intent on ignoring her at every opportunity.
Deal with it faggot. Maybe if there were more of you, the companies making the merchandise would actually care.

>> No.7877067

You missed the part where every reply was copypasted from the forum, so of course he failed to address anything in your post which wasn't written on that forum.
Also, nice yellowtext.

>> No.7877089

I don't like Arc. She acts like an airhead and is moody as hell.

>> No.7877094

Hmm. Alright. I thought they were some ordinary guy's papercraft.
Is there any place that to buy and import these though?

Then again, there wouldn't happen to be any scans of them, would there?
I suck at assembling thesethough, and the paper/cardboard they are made out of looks at least somewhat good. But still.

>> No.7877124

>Joke's on you I was only pretending to be retarded

Ok kid, no need to back pedal.

There there..~

>> No.7877149

I'm pretty sure Archer and Ilya have always outranked Sakura in all the Type-Moon Fate popularity polls. Possibly even Shirou and Rider as well.

>> No.7877161

Not really:


>> No.7877171

The keyword there being Fate.
I haven't kept up with Type-Moon since 2008 really.

>> No.7877235

Fuck you, Arcueid is awesome. She is loving, caring and protective. Plus she has a body that would leave a supermodel full of envy.

>> No.7877241

>Implying Illya isn't

>> No.7877256

Check Mandarake?

>> No.7877282

If she gets mad though she'll tear you apart limb from limb.

Ilya is pretty sharp. Plus, she has other advantages that make up for her bad moods.

>> No.7877297

You can order them at AmiAmi, but they aren't out until October.

>> No.7877299

Does Tsukihime have a bad ending like that?

>> No.7877311

I found a new hobby,/jp/

>> No.7877321

Sakura is evil.

>> No.7877328

That's a misconception you have there. Arcueid already stated that she doesn't kill humans. She won't get mad if you don't give her a good reason for it.

>Ilya is pretty sharp

Arc is sharper when it comes to serious matters and not modern stuff. And she is more mature than Illya, since she is mentally disciplined and capable of moderating her emotions, desires and attitudes. This slips when she experiences intense pain, exhaustion, and bloodlust, such as from having her head nearly cut off for the second time in as many weeks, but that can be excused.

>> No.7877336

Arc is just like a real woman!

>> No.7877341

>And she is more mature than Illya, since she is mentally disciplined and capable of moderating her emotions, desires and attitudes
Arc eating a burger.jpg

>> No.7877370

That scene is completely different on the VN. Plus it has no relevance with what you quoted.

>> No.7877389

So reading through their info, I am guessing SAL shipping would be the best choice?
But just what might the shipping end up as? And how does it being shipped to Europe affect this?
EMS shipping was more expensive when shipped to Europe, and had different size classes etc divided in different price ranges.

The information on SAL wasn't nearly as direct. And the EMS shipping ends up almost twice as expensive as the papercraft itself.

>> No.7877410

Man, I need to make more papercrafts.

>> No.7877412

Arc also has the drawback that she never calls you onii-chan.

And Ilya is a good girl. She's initially hostile to Shirou because of all the torment she suffered at the hands of her family as well as blaming Shirou for the loss of her father, but after they become more acquainted she doesn't want to kill him.

>> No.7877415
File: 32 KB, 456x495, COS-9136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mole

>> No.7877429

Illya is a fake little girl, so yeah.

>> No.7877439

By that logic a ton of lolis are "fake". All that matters for being classified as a loli is body type.

>> No.7877457

>Arcueid Mary Sue Brunestead thread

I'm disappointed /jp/.
Why don't we talk about a good heroine, like Ciel?

>> No.7877466
File: 2.04 MB, 3225x4492, 1314846162798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This art book only available in a limited form, right? Together with the first season of Carnival Phantasm? And is, out of print, right?

There is no chance that it's sold stand alone anywhere, is there?

>> No.7877487

Check mandarake.

>> No.7880792

So is anyone interested in scanning these?

>> No.7880829

Because Illya is superior character. Just look how cute she is. And she is not a slut. That's what you get for being a `fake`.

>> No.7880922

Sakura fans aren't figure-obsessed buyfag moetards, that's why. They can actually appreciate characters that are more complex than "tsundere so pure ftw xD".

>> No.7880929

No, that's precisely what I am.

>> No.7880959

Just imagine if you made Saber-brand toilet paper some morons would buy it.

>> No.7880979

In that case why are there 64 pieces of Sakura merchandise?


>> No.7880984

Of course Rina has 119 and Seiba has 321 matches. Poor Ilya only has 52.

>> No.7880991

Why aren't there more? Exactly.
