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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7872734 No.7872734 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have a job?

>> No.7872739

Browsing /jp/ is my job.

>> No.7872741
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, [Raws] Carnival Phantasm - 02 (BD 1920x1080 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_00.31_[2011.08.17_22.23.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a job.

>> No.7872745

I start this Monday.

>> No.7872759

because no one wants to hire me

>> No.7872767
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I see. Do go on...

>> No.7872778
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>Don't have experience
>Need experience for a job

>> No.7872781

I'm too busy organizing a worldwide revolution, from which so much spiritual energy will be generated that a portal to Gensokyo will definitely appear. I have no time for jobs.

>> No.7872791
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Because my pay is better than most of the shitty jobs around here.

>> No.7872792

Yeah, I don't get it either.

>> No.7872809

A job would be counterproductive.

>> No.7872821

I will soon, I am going in tomorrow to talk to the guy giving me the job. Ive worked for them before and they called me up out of the blue and told me that they want me to work for them.

>> No.7872826

I do. The stress from it must've cut ten years from my expected lifetime though.

>> No.7872829

in case you haven't realized it yet very few people get their jobs honestly

most people just use nepotism

a college degree and experience aren't even necessary for most jobs since they train you during the first 2 weeks, they just put that in the ad so they can have a excuse to reject the people they didn't like.

>> No.7872849

I had a job, but I quit because I had to move. Between you and me, the new management was too much to bear for much longer, what with shorter hours, harder work, and reduced wages.
I'm currently "looking" for a part-time job, but I can't be bothered and just want to spend some time alone with my video games and my waifu.

>> No.7872898

Because I've spent years as an unemployed shut-in, and now that I'm in my late twenties, I can't find a job that'll take me. I have no marketable skills, no proper work experience, and no references. I'm physically weak, am bad at small talk, tend to stutter a bit, and have an unpleasant voice. Oh, and I have no car, which is harshly limits the number of places to which I might apply.

The real fun part is that, due to my cavities getting worse, I _really_ could use some income. Sadly, with the economy being as it is, that's become less likely than ever.

>> No.7872907

I laready get enough money without working.

>> No.7872929

Because working sucks. Being locked away in some building surrounded by people for 8-12 hours is my idea of hell. Especially when the money you make is barely enough to scrape by on. The sad part is I'm actually a pretty hard worker when it comes down to it, I just hate the dealing with people.

All the good jobs are given to people through connections which of course I don't have.

>> No.7872933
File: 39 KB, 848x480, girl being shocked by jp's shittyness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a job. Every day I go in I wonder why I haven't been fired yet. I swear those people have me set up to fail.

>> No.7872963

I start on Tuesday. I look forward to, it's nice to not have your parents disappointed in you for once.

>> No.7872975

What are you doing?

>> No.7872989

It's just a local grocery store. I've been trying to get a second job or a full-time one but it's hard to get hired without work experience or a car.

>> No.7872991

>dont have work experience
>everything needs work experience

>go to low end places that don't need work experience
>literally hundreds to thousands of other people applying there, some with work experience, cutting all chances for me

>ask friends to hook me up at their work place
>lol no im not helping you out im too lazy and self centered and its your own fault you don't have a job

>Why don't you have a job?

>> No.7873003


>> No.7873018

Or Nepotism.

>> No.7873030
File: 599 KB, 301x225, 1306687453515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a wage slave.

You peasants are so silly sometimes.

>> No.7873036

Same problem as this guy, except without the cavities (I think, dentist will check up on me in a week or two) and I do have a car, though it's not actually mine.

Problem is that anyone here that has openings that pay well need ungodly amounts of college, which I don't have because I failed every class I took, even the ones I liked.

Fuck this shit.

>> No.7873047

Listen to this. Being active and involved in your community will greatly increase your chances of being hired.

For example for the past few years I've been volunteering at the local theoretical physics institute and medieval faire. I hate it, most of the people are cheeto smelling fat neckbeards who try to talk to you and stuff. But I put up with it because it looks good, some of the people you meet can be cool and if you want a job you'll have to deal with stuff like this there anyways.

>> No.7873057

>Hasn't sued anyone for millions of dollars yet

I really hope you guys don't do this. Assuming you're American, anyways.

>> No.7873067

most people on /jp/ don't want to do volunteer work for 2 years just to get a minimum wage job as a part of customer service

>> No.7873082
File: 11 KB, 211x251, boubou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a professional Hikikomori and the government pays my salary with your tax money.

>> No.7873095

>having to do community service after graduation just to find a low paying job to survive

gg America, you'll squeeze money out of young adults one way or another

>> No.7873099
File: 447 KB, 864x691, c6f6d335731964bf6164c7e21d18d968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I defend freedom and democracy OP, I don't worry about money since I'm defending freedom. You should join me, and sign a contract right away!

>> No.7873135
File: 2 KB, 174x160, cheecky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELLa busy studying and even my ADVISER said it's HELLa fine not having a job cuz this shits hard as HELL

>> No.7873215

What are you studying?
