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7869618 No.7869618 [Reply] [Original]

rEimu PlayIng her Cool guitar.


>> No.7869619

Since when was rEimu in Van Halen?

>> No.7869620
File: 183 KB, 478x368, hornses ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7869627

Reimu showing off her feet like a slut

>> No.7869631

Reimu after 30 seconds of practice.

>> No.7869633 [DELETED] 

she just wants to to lick them clean thats all

>> No.7869634

she just wants you to lick them clean thats all

>> No.7869637

Reimu playing the yo-yo

>> No.7869641

...oh god, she's going in a public place with her bare feet all dolled up like that? everybody will watch them...outrageous!

>> No.7869649 [DELETED] 

I can play better than Reimu.

>> No.7869650

I can play better than Reimu.

>> No.7869654

That's nothing. I can play better than Ezra.

>> No.7869656

Oh yeah? WELL fine.

>> No.7869659

Cirno trying her best


>> No.7869660

I saw Shane, and though SHAWN LANE?
But then...

>> No.7869662

Wish I could be good at guitar too.

>> No.7869666

Good song to begin with

>> No.7869667

What a harlot!

>> No.7869671

I actually lol'd.

>> No.7869694

even monkeys can learn to play an instrument. it just need a slightly little tiny bit effort.
I know you can make it anon. take your time, but don't give up.

>> No.7869702

Malmsteen is a nice teacher, showing everything step for step.

>> No.7869722

I need to have oral sex with Reimu feet
oh god, I fucking need it
I want to lick and suck and bite them
under the soles, between the toes, on the heel
oooh god

>> No.7869809

I've been playin exercises and scales with metronome for months already, but still can't play any song or even solo decently, because my technique sucks. I'm not going to give up or drop guitar, but slow pace of learning bothers me sometimes.
Guess it will take years for me to become any confident with guitar.

>> No.7869816

It's probably your take on learning certain things. If you want to shoot me your email I can assist you. I've been giving master classes for quite some time now.

>> No.7869831

...years? that's okay. 99% of people need some year of practice to take confidence with it. don't worry and keep going!

>> No.7869857
File: 54 KB, 400x400, Touhou Faithful Star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanae and Reimu get together a try to get along
