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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7867875 No.7867875 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes when the weight of the world has got you down, you just need a little something to pick yourself up.

I completely forgot that it was my birthday today until the lady at the transport department wished me well after I had my licence renewed.

It's been over five years since I've heard those words spoken to me.

ITT: birthday touhous

>> No.7867888

Where do you even drive to? Its obvious you have no friends or family.

>> No.7867899

if I had a microphone, I would record a birthday message just for you, anon.

Hope you have a good year to come!

>> No.7867902

I think 2hu is shit. but happy bday anon

>> No.7867906
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Birthdays no longer had any meaning to me since the parties where no longer thrown. The same thing applies to Christmas too. Fuck, I can't remember the last time we held a party at my house.

And happy birthday.

>> No.7867908
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happy birthday anon

it's my birthday too

>> No.7867912

why are you not out drinking?

Go get black out drunk and make some mistakes.

>> No.7867916
File: 132 KB, 849x602, sample-d699eb9d05ebcb06080e2a2a32c8b5c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday anon,

and to every other anon out there

>> No.7867918
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There, now stop whining.

>> No.7867932

You have just ruined his most precious day in the year.

Why do you people exist?

>> No.7867939

Because He needs to man the fuck up and do something other than be lazy all day posting on 4chan.

Besides, I actually went out of my way to SAY happy birthday as opposed to just posting, you lazy bum.

>> No.7867948
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no, fuck that shit. no more sad birthday stuff.

you're never alone as long as you have your internet friends

happy birthday OP and all other anons! Hope you got everything you ever wanted and more!

>> No.7867949
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think of how much cake yukari has at her place

>> No.7867950
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Happy birthday Anonymous-san~
It may not mean much but i still wish you the best of luck and i hope you have a good day.

>> No.7867963
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It was only Sakuya at first who counted my birthdays.

Since it was Sakuya's custom, I wanted to have them continue.
I wanted them to continue, but...

It's time to end this.

That's fine, right, Sakuya?
Today is my 30th birthday,

My last birthday.

>> No.7867966
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The only thing I might get excited for on a birthday is the cake. Otherwise, I just don't give a damn.


>> No.7867970
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I prefer unwrapping presents

>> No.7867981

>unwrapping presents

Unless your birthday is dec. 25th i do believe you're a tad underage or very spoiled.

>> No.7867985

Isn't the dream of every man to be spoiled by the women he loves?

>> No.7867992
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does anyone celebrate with something other than cake?

I know there are some of you out there who only greet yourselves on your birthday

>> No.7867999
File: 435 KB, 1200x945, 667ec9c3b164ba56b9c5b35a5899f6d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I spend the majority of the day with my waifu.

>> No.7868016

I'm 21 and I still get small birthday gifts. Last year I got a few piping bags and an insert.

Then I realized that my hands/arms are very weak and I can't squeeze and move at the same time or else my hands jerk and I ruin whatever I was working on.

>> No.7868030
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I had a really bad panic attack after I froze up in front of my doctor, and when I was stumbling out in a daze I went to the front desk to ask about pain psychiatry and this nice man saw I was feeling odd and walked with me down to the ER to see a psychologist immediately.

Ultimately the psychologist was another generic talking head who just said to take some antidepressant I'd already (unsuccessfully) taken and to cheer up and and ignored the anxiety issues and my ptsd history, but the guy who escorted me stayed with me the whole time until I felt lucid enough to go and take the bus home on my own. I was able to relax a bit for the first time in a while--that ER room felt so safe and un-threatening, and it was the first time someone stayed at my side. When I left that day, the sky seemed so beautiful and expansive that I really wanted to live, to feel lots of sensations and take in the everyday calm which surrounds everything like some ethereal fluid.

I have an appointment today with my pain management doctor which will decide whether my days are filled with a gnawing facial pain such that I can't feel my face; shooting, electric-barbed pains whenever I move my back or neck and a sensitivity to the slightest noise or touch. He'll probably say I'm complaining too much and there's no more they can do and to not be a wuss. Nonetheless I'll assert how I've done everything in my power to responsibly manage my pain and that he has a responsibility on his side as well to make sure that the pain is in fact manageable and to do something when all evidence points to the contrary.

If that doesn't work out, there's always legal action, but my birthday is next week and it is no more than a wretched counter of lost time, a yardstick for suffering--I do not know if I will be very much lucid to celebrate. Anyways happy birthday anon, sorry for the rant.

capcha: neuropathy whaterp

>> No.7868038

Is this the kind of behavior needed for autism money?

>> No.7868042

Happy Birthday, man.
