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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7863380 No.7863380 [Reply] [Original]

So are there any of the original /jp/ users left here? Or is it really all /a/ and /v/ now? If so thats kinds sad, i had some good times here..

>> No.7863384


>> No.7863390

madoka a shit

>> No.7863391
File: 1 KB, 100x106, lolsticker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*drags lol sticker to this thread*

*is a oldfag*

>> No.7863397


>> No.7863400

suck my cock dude

>> No.7863405
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>> No.7863402

I've only been here about a year, but I don't go to any other boards.

>> No.7863408

I've been here since the split but I don't come on much anymore. 20% of the threads are on topic and have been discussed to death. The rest are autismic /jp/ trolling and shitting itself, /a/ and /v/, people wanting to be celebrity by trying to force their own "unique" daily dose shit and metathreads like this.

Fuck you, OP. Reported.

>> No.7863409
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>> No.7863406
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>> No.7863411

You're the worst. I bet you came here from shrinemaiden or some crap.

>> No.7863413

I know you really want to look like an oldfag dude, but you can't do that when using the word "autism" here.

>> No.7863415
File: 162 KB, 350x1507, 33274c48d5a7f9befdb5007c84161483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Hong, Remijam, ZUN!bar, sion (when he's not being autistic), some other tripfags that post on occasion, like Dollfagers and Mokou, and about 10 Anons, myself included. Add a couple more tripfags that either left or dropped the trip and that's the same /jp/ that always posted.

Stop metawhining, reported.

>> No.7863416

yes, but I don't post or create threads.
and the content of the board is determined by the threads made.
/a/ people love to make many threads of poor quality, so this is the result.

>> No.7863419

2008 crew.

>> No.7863430


>> No.7863427

Nope. Came here looking for VNs and decided to stay. If that offends you, you can suck my cock.

>> No.7863433

Seems to me that /jp/ probably has one of the lower turnover rates among the boards, but I'm not about to test that.

>> No.7863434

I will suck your cock but you have to pay me first.

>> No.7863440

Because 2008 was *such* a long time ago.

>> No.7863447

/jp/ meta-kopipe thread?

>I'm so frustrated that I'm going to every single one of those threads and announce they are shit, attracting everyone's attention and make them stay longer on the frontpage
>then, after all the ruckus I cause, I proclaim the whole board to be shit, maybe making a remark on how /jp/ used to be in order to sound more experienced
>Of course I have never made any interesting or amusing threads myself, but goddamn those were the good old days of epic threads! Nowadays, there are no good threads.
>I know this and do all that because I'm a way better poster than them, I know because I post a lot of walls of text in metathreads

>/jp/ expert

>> No.7863472

/jp/ has always been this way. it's just a tad different right now

>> No.7863921
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>> No.7863930

I was anon at the time but I was here.

/jp/ isn't really old enough as a board for that to be considered an achievement though.

>> No.7863941

dem fucking knockers

>> No.7863963

/jp/ is still the same

>> No.7863972

>So are there any of the original /jp/ users left here?

I think most of them silently perished in late 2000. You can only be a NEET for so long.

>> No.7863980

I've never been able to leave ever since I got here about one month after /jp/ was created. Waking up, turning the computer on and clicking the /jp/ bookmark have become a habit for me.

>> No.7863985

>Not having /jp/ set as your homepage.

>> No.7863988

I just realized that while I have been visiting various boards since 2004, I wouldn't say that there was a time when any of them weren't shit in some way or another. Hmm. Why do I come here again?

>> No.7864003

I like Firefox's default page. It's not perfect, but that huge RESTORE SESSION button is cute.

>> No.7864013
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I started on 2005 /a/ and I've been on /jp/ since the beginning. I don't think there are many of us that post anymore. I myself lurk 98% of the time.

>> No.7864030

/jp/. /jp/ never changes.

Since the dawn of 4chan, when ancientfags discovered how to use a keyboard, trolling has been done in the name of everything: from plots, characters or simple attention whoring. In the year 2007, after months of flamewars, the shitposting of anon could sustain itself no longer. 4chan was plunged into an abyss of tripfags and endless pointless threads. But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of /a/. Instead, the split was simply the prologue to another board of 4chan. For anon had succeeded in destroying old /a/ - but /jp/, /jp/ never changes. In the early days, dozens were spared the horrors of the Naruto and the big three by taking refuge in /jp/, where they could discuss about Touhou powerlevels and japanese porn with abandon. But when the hype for Rozen Maiden was over, they had only the hell of the shounen to greet them - all except those in /jp/. For on the fateful day, when moot decided to sell out to the jews, /jp/ became the most xenophobic board in all 4chan... and never changed. It was here you were posted. It is here you will post. Because, in /jp/: no new poster one is ever accepted, and no one ever leaves.
