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7862399 No.7862399 [Reply] [Original]

Was anyone else disappointed with the Spice & Wolf books?
After the magnificent atmosphere and pacing of the show I was expecting something on par with Tolstoy, but despite some evocative language in the second book the entire thing fell strangely flat and listless. I lost any will to buy them in the first five pages.

Are these failings of the original writing? Or does it defy translation?

>> No.7862402


>> No.7862417

It's a light novel. If you're looking for evocative language and vivid descriptions, you're looking in the wrong place.

I would, however, check the manga for the most delicious renderings of Holo around.

>> No.7862422

I still bought the first 5 books.
If anybody happens to have a link of high quality manga scans on hand, I'll gladly accept them.

>> No.7862423

I said this before, I'll say it again - LN writing does not work in English. It's got nothing to do with whether LN's are good or not, it just doesn't work.

>> No.7862436

Why wouldn't it? LNs are just books "targeted" at teens and young adults. Western light novels would be Harry Potter or Twilight and such.

Maybe Spice and Wolf is just poorly translated? Never read it.

>> No.7862451

Have you actually read any light novels in English?
Target audience being similar doesn't matter they're written similarly.

>> No.7862638

LNs, generally speaking, are pretty mediocre. The majority of them have awful writing and sentence structure. They're also practically never-ending. Reading a LN is pretty much the same as reading the script of an anime series. Even the best LNs are only average in terms of writing skill.

It's juvenile literature for teenagers, nothing more. I suggest you skip them and read books that don't suck.LNs will still never be as shitty as Twilight though.

>> No.7862646
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>I would, however, check the manga for the most delicious renderings of Holo around.

Do this. Jesus fuck. Koume Keito is some sort of nutbladder-bursting, penis engine-destroying genius.

>> No.7862659

No mater how many times people use this, I can't except it.
Holo just sounds wrong somehow.

>> No.7862702

Call her Korbo
piss off spice and wolf fans
fuck bitches
get money

>> No.7862699

Should I try watching the anime? I watched a couple of episodes, but never got far.

>> No.7862710

It's not very good. Watch it if you want to bore yourself to death.

>> No.7862721

fell asleep in the first episode
not trolling. the girl is cute but thats it.

>> No.7862723

I love horo's dub voice

>> No.7862725

Those are not light novels Zunbar.

>> No.7862736

I don't have any good disgusted looking Horo images, so pretend I posted one.

>> No.7862740
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I know what you mean, the only friend I have is a pretty big spice 'n wolf fan. He says Holo, I say Horo. I know I'm wrong, but god damn, Holo sounds ridiculous to me.

>> No.7862748

Sure they are; their authors said so.

Remember, light novels are light reading (as opposed to heavy reading). Also aimed at young adults, but older people enjoy them just fine as well obviously.

>> No.7862749
File: 23 KB, 704x400, horo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only furries in denial like Spice and Wolf.

>> No.7862753
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>> No.7862759

Horo sounds best, but it's all the same anyways.

Like po-tay-toe or po-tah-toe!

>> No.7862765

I don't really care what their authors may or may not have said. They are not light novels. They are not short reads. They do not come in a small form factor. They are not 6 dollars. etc.

Target demographic being the same does not make them light novels.

>> No.7862775

Well no shit OP you're basically reading a Novella with pictures and terrible expository structure held together with character interactions.
And the character interactions in Smith and Wesson are dildos.

>> No.7862778

LNs are no longer LNs but just regular Novels stretched out as long as possible masquerading under the guise of the LN moniker so no one can criticize their shitty pacing.
It was supposed to be about stories where every word was meant to move the story forward in some way.
Now it's totally cool if you jerk off for 12 volumes because it'll get gobbled up by someone anyway.

>> No.7862803

It has nothing to do with length.

Senjou no Horizon may be 1000+ pages per book (it actually is) and Harry Potter may be 800+ pages per book, but they're still light novels (light reading). Demographic does matter because you're aren't going to write something complex and difficult to read for teens.

Now, let's get back to more naked Horo.

>> No.7862832

going from hurrdurr "normal" fantasy/scifi to books like spice and wolf, they're definitely light.

>> No.7862835

>Senjou no Horizon may be 1000+ pages per book
Sure, except, they release each 'volume' into multiple parts. IE volume 3 is released in 3 parts. You know. So they can be considered a light novel. And even then, that is like 800 miniature pages. So it is hardly comparable.

>> No.7862846

Zunbar's just trolling, you know.

>> No.7862849

He is currently double trolling me on MSN as well.
