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785986 No.785986 [Reply] [Original]

Muda da

>> No.785996

Tis but a scratch.

>> No.785997

This is extremely upsetting to me, but I still giggled like 2 year-old at the peach with a knife stuck in its "butt".

>> No.786001


>> No.786005

See! Silly hats aren't just silly!

>> No.786008

Accurate depiction of Sakuya's story moodo

>> No.786010
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>> No.786011
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>> No.786012


>> No.786016


>> No.786018

Needs more arrows

>> No.786019

I giggled at the other dozen or so knives that are stuck into her. I bet it must hurt.

>> No.786026

It's okay, they missed her hitbox

>> No.786028


>> No.786033

more plz

>> No.786034

Graze points!

>> No.786043


>> No.786044

Sakuya is fucking dangerous
I mean, Reimu uses pieces of paper as her weapon while Marisa uses magic missiles. But Sakuya, goddamn knifes. She is a fricking murderer.
Udonge would be almost as bad, but she is so bad assassin you can't even call her deadly

>> No.786047

the peach?

>> No.786066
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>> No.786069

Most assassins actually use guns instead of their hands.

>> No.786093

And they have better techniques than COME SIT INSIDE THIS BUBBLE OF MINE SO THAT I CAN KILL YOU

>> No.786094


Reimu's amulets are more dangerous than knives.

>> No.786096
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>> No.786099
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>> No.786103

But they are not knifes.
Knifes do not kill you quickly, see from OP pic
They leave you there dying while magic kills you rightaway

>> No.786105


>> No.786115


goddamn yukarin, stop trying to seduce her

>> No.786121

Who cares about amulets when she has Needles?

>> No.786128

She does not seduce. She rapes.

>> No.786132

gb2 bed sakuya

>> No.786133

Which is worse? To kill somebody instantly with little pain, or to leave them maimed and bleeding for possibly hours wavering in and out of consciousness before finally dying in a pool of their own blood?

>> No.786136

Every touhou can make you die slowly and painfully
Every single bitch

>> No.786211
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Oops, my hand slipped. My bad.

>> No.786232

Except for Akyu. Her power is dying repeatedly.

>> No.786240


>> No.786254

What if you love her?

>> No.786260

In b4 someone makes a slut joke EVEN THOUGH SHE'S NOT A SLUT GOD DAMNIT

>> No.786277


Sanae gives you AIDS.

>> No.786278

Sanae isn't a bitch.

>> No.786279

You're right, she's not a slut, she's a good girl.

>> No.786289

No, that's Aya. The worst you'll get from Sanae is Syphilis.

>> No.786290
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Generally speaking, Flandre is a fast death. That said, it depends, if she just hugs you to death maybe not so fast as if she just panicked and obliterated you.

>> No.786291

Relationships with Touhou girls
Serious business

>> No.786296

Sanae is such a slut.

>> No.786302


Sanae carries some things that can make you die slowly and painfully.

Most of them just make you itch a lot and make it burn when you pee, but that shit still isn't pleasant.

>> No.786308

In one of the mock-VNs she almost smothered Anonymous with a teddy bear.

>> No.786310
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Black hair = slut
Green hair = not slut

>> No.786324
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>>Green hair = not slut
Oh ho?

>> No.786325
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Yuka disagrees.

>> No.786334


Exactly, I can imagine situations where Flandre may not instantly kill you, for most though she's instant death. Kinder then facing certain other Touhous.

Medicine ranges from her ripping you to shreds while slowed down with poison, to giving you cancer if you escape.

>> No.786335


Not a slut, just insane.

>> No.786336

black hair = bitch

>> No.786331

Aki sisters?

>> No.786355
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Interesting question; can you really be called a slut if all your sexual relations revolve around rape?

>> No.786361
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Well, Miss Eiki may act like a prim and proper business woman when she's at work. What she does when she's of her shift is another thing entirely ...

>> No.786369
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What are you talking about, Yuka has sex for money.

>> No.786370
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Yes, but Yuka rapes people so they can die happy, not to satisfy her own lust. It's selfless.

Therefore, Yuka is not a slut.

>> No.786374

Yuka doesn't care about murdering humans unless you fuck with her flowers.

>> No.786375
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I always got the impression she was so wound up because she never gets a break. So many god-damned sinners, she'll have to teach it to their bodies.

>> No.786378


If my images were sorted I would post a sad looking Sakura, but they're not so you'll have to settle for a simple yes.

>> No.786379
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>> No.786388

This sudden Yuka = slut thing sure is giving me deja vu. I wonder, has anyone ever forced a shitty meme to deflect slut accusations from the real slut before?

Sanae is a slut, deal with it.

>> No.786392

To be fair, if you were having a long day at work judging the dead, and somebody came into the courtroom talking about how he was having sex with Raymoo's armpits when she woke up, you'd probably be pretty hot and bothered, too.

>> No.786396

>>786388 Sanae is a slut, deal with it.
How did that start anyway? Did Sakura NO U it again?

>> No.786403
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As a Yuka expert I can say she has sex for love, love of rape.

>> No.786405

Same goes to you.
Aya is the real slut on which all of our blame, and in which all of Gensokyo's STDs, reside.

>> No.786407

Sanae has nothing to do with this. The same people slandering Sanae's good name are trying to do the same to Yuka to discredit the established theory that all green-haired Touhoes are not sluts.

>> No.786410
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Slut face. Not her fault her gods encourage it.

>> No.786414


No, Aya is a whore. She gets shit in return. Sanae gives it away for free, which makes her infinitely more generous and likable, and also much sluttier.

>> No.786418 [SPOILER] 
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No, Shameimaru is a whore since she takes something for it.

>> No.786424
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Flandre loves you to death

>> No.786431

Aya is ZUNs slut and bitch, ask ZUN if you dont believe me.

>> No.786436

Aya x ZUN is the one canon pairing in touhou

>> No.786444


>> No.786457

No, Aya gives it away for free. She only charges for the really kinky shit, like wing-ripping.

>> No.786461 [SPOILER] 
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aya is also a good girl!

>> No.786466

And she keeps track of her income in the little book aswell.

>> No.786474


No, she's a horrible fucking bitch. Have you ever gotten ink under your foreskin? I thought not. It's not fucking pleasant, believe me.

>> No.786475

What's the point of spoilering it if it's censored?

>> No.786478
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Sanae is the better "good girl" since she won't tell anyone...

>> No.786480


Poor Sanae got raped.

>> No.786481


Aya's vagina is aswell with piss.

>> No.786483
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even pimps are afraid of her

>> No.786659

Mmm... "Saved"...

>> No.786668
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>> No.786688


I knew you would appear in this thread.
