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7858328 No.7858328 [Reply] [Original]

How does /jp/ feel about its depression?

Do you have "everything is bad, I'm ugly, stupid" moments or it's more serious with no real solution and only option might be Balamb Garden?

>> No.7858335

Balamb Garden is a great track.

>> No.7858342

My experience is more along the lines of "everyone is watching me, silently judging my every action, waiting for the opportunity to exploit my mistakes." Depression is just a side effect of continually operating under those conditions.

>> No.7858345

'Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec' is an anagram of 'succession of witches' and 'love'.

>> No.7858346

That's paranoia. Completely different. Completely normal.

>> No.7858365

I wouldn't say I'm depressed so much as I just have critically low self-esteem at times.

>> No.7858380
File: 132 KB, 533x703, Reimu [How to Lay Down].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No real solution. Got used to it and learned to live with that, alone here. Doesn't change the fact I'm depressed thought, but at least I'm not complaining or acting pathetically.

>> No.7858382

> I'm ugly, stupid
That's why I dropped from uni and covered my room's mirror with ducktape

I'm on /jp/ everyday but I rarely post, idk why

>> No.7858390

Sometimes when I have to go out in public I get really worried that people might notice me looking at girls. When that happens I have to leave otherwise I tend to start acting weird. That's mostly why I'm a hikki.

>> No.7858386
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GID and depressions that follow.
No cure for it other than dealing with it, one way or another.

Never going the Balamb Garden route though, there are still alot of VN's i want to read and lewd stuff i want to do.

>> No.7858395

What is it like to not have depression?

>> No.7858391

Only autists like ZUN!bar are depressed. The majority of /jp/ isn't depressed and doesn't live in their parent's basement.

Grow the hell up.

>> No.7858392
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I don't want to work nor study, but it bores me to do nothing all day. I don't care about things like relationships and friends. I like being alone.

I don't have a "goal" or any plans in my life besides solving the problem immediately in front of me, nor I truly desire something.

I just want to die and see if the magic happy afterlife really exists, but I can't betray my family by committing suicide, so everyday I wish for the world to end, and as I cannot choose when I will die, I keep working and studying, waiting...

I really hope 2012 will be the end of the world.

Or maybe I just should try drugs.

>> No.7858397
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>I'm ugly
Why would you care? After you've reached 2D enlightenment, your looks no longer matter.

>> No.7858398
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>time travel witch hunters
The best part was end of CD3, where they warp around and kill the primary witch in the past. I liked the whole lunatic pandora arc.

>> No.7858411

And how are you so sure of this?

>> No.7858410

why not just remove mirror from room?

>> No.7858421

Good god are you me ?
I suffer this shit as well every single fucking day, it's miserable.
Luckly in the army it goes away because everybody knows everybody so you gradually start to feel at ease and more relaxed.
I go around with a madoka magica skin plastered on my laptop, a cute animu character strap on my keyring and talk about videogames everyday and surprisingly no one really judges me about that or keeps me away because I'm weird.
Actually I wish I had joined sooner instead of wasting years doing nothing at an university but at least I've lived like a neet.

>> No.7858431

>My experience is more along the lines of "everyone is watching me, silently judging my every action, waiting for the opportunity to exploit my mistakes."

The worst is when this ends up forcing you to do inconvenient things instead of just feeling anxious. "Oh that bus looks pretty full, I don't want to get on it and have everyone look at me" *walks home instead, arrives 2 hours later, punches wall, grabs etc*

>> No.7858465

But I'm not depressed.
I don't always feel bad and I don't complain about anything in my life. It's more like I feel nothing in particular, neither happiness, nor sadness.
People tell me it's strange to live like this, but for me, it's nothing speciall.
One could compare it with gray: I don't see everything either black or white, because it's something in the middle of the two.
I also think that some people on /jp/ live like this. Or do you mostly feel really bad about your life?

>> No.7858468

I'm not really depressed anymore ever since I've been on stronger medication. There was a time where I didn't have any desire to keep living anymore and just wanted to be dead, and was like a zombie, but nowadays it's much better thankfully.

I still have lots of other mental problems, but at least I'm reasonably happy right now.

>> No.7858472


I agree.. I have done that.

>> No.7858486


Same bro, Im more of the "anyway the wind blows" + "Nothing Really Matters" (Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody_

>> No.7858497

Was me!

Seems like there is a lot of people here that I feel like I can relate to. Wow. I dnt want the world to end, I DONT want to die but I know its going to happen and don't care when it happens.

>> No.7858556


>> No.7858589

no it's kog

>> No.7858639
File: 59 KB, 750x531, bd03dd8133cbed7a7cd54d8a19878cb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of it, I want to feel nothing, but maybe I will see a psychiatrist soon.

It feels like when you don't feel anything, but in a good way. Let's say, you're not hungry, not sleepy and you don't feel anything, and that's not a bad thing for you, because you can laugh easily, or do whatever you would like.

I am like you, except that I don't care about my parents. What's stopping me from dying is some stupid ass religion/mysticism that I learned in my younger years. I'm afraid that if I hurt someone by my suicide, I would reincarnate in another world, and have a even shittiest life.

>> No.7858641

you can't just blame everything on kog it's not healthy

>> No.7858643

I'm almost never depressed.

I actually seek out depressing things so I can get the feeling of achievement when I overcome them.

Fuck yeah.

>> No.7858646

I usually self-medicate with alcohol and occasionally benzos until those thoughts go away.

>> No.7858658

I don't know if I'm depressed but I feel tired all the fucking time. Like I've ran for 2 fucking hours. All the time. Shit sucks.

>> No.7858660

I'd rather not talk about it.

>> No.7858668

I'm so depressed I can't even blink

>> No.7858671

Alright, how many hoops do you have to jump through to get a proper diagnosis for depression?

In this welfare state of mine, that's all you need to get your government bucks.

>> No.7858676

Get depressed
Stay home, play video games
Depression lowers
Get a job
6 months later
Back to step 1

>> No.7858759
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>> No.7858760 [DELETED] 

That feel when random strangers try to start conversations with you about some girl and not only do you not know what to say, but you're worried that the stranger is the girl's father/boyfriend/brother either trying to start shit or making an attempt to hook the two of you up and you make an ass of yourself then in the end all the guy wanted to do was talk but he didn't know you were an autistic piece of shit.

>> No.7858790

I don't know. I lack any self-confidence, because most of the time, no one seems to want my company. I understand why, since I don't really have any significant skills or a desirable personality, and I'm not really interesting or even physically attractive...

And I'm getting lazier and lazier. I'm still in college, but my major is in liberal arts, and i'm too unmotivated to care at all about any of my classes. I don't study unless it's the night before (for like...half-semester midterms) and I rarely even do my homework properly. Somehow my GPA is still 3.0 though, which proves how worthless the program is...

>> No.7858797 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 400x533, 1312421665691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myself i am not really depressed.
Just very very paranoid for some reason.

And mostly to the point where it seriously fucks over anything i try to do.

Even if i know that people i walk by on the street dont give one shit about me i can feel their eyes on me waiting for me to show my back so they can put a knife in it.

>"Oh that bus looks pretty full, I don't want to get on it and have everyone look at me" *walks home instead, arrives 2 hours later, punches wall, grabs etc*

All day erry day.

>> No.7858801
File: 46 KB, 400x533, 1312421665691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myself i am not really depressed.
Just very very paranoid for some reason.

And mostly to the point where it seriously fucks over anything i try to do.

Even if i know that people i walk by on the street dont give one shit about me i can feel their eyes on me waiting for me to show my back so they can put a knife in it.

>"Oh that bus looks pretty full, I don't want to get on it and have everyone look at me" *walks home instead, arrives 2 hours later, punches wall, grabs etc*

All day erry day.

>> No.7858828

I sometimes feel that life is too much effort for little gain and what it would be like to end it, but i wouldn't say that i'm depressed.

Not really sure why i have those thoughts really. While i don't do much, i've had a couple close friends and relatively satisfied with my life (i wouldn't say happy though). I just randomly feel that it is a pointless endeavour to continue.

>> No.7858844

I swing between states of terrible self esteem and borderline megalomania. Used to be depressed and self hating, but now I feel more detached, mood is pretty flat, most things feel like they're not really happening to me, it just feels like I'm a 3rd party to it.

Things have got a lot better since I stopped leaving the house though, no more social anxiety problems, just financial ones now. For the most part I can take it easy and watch the hours crawl by but the years fly past.

>> No.7858845

I think I understand this. Sometimes I have a paranoi about small things like if I'm looking at something or if I blink at the wrong time.
Thank God for sunglasses.

>> No.7858853

I'm in love with a 2D girl, which both depresses and disgusts me.
I've turned down 3 girls because I only have eyes for my waifu now.

>> No.7858880

Does anyone else have that problem where whenever you're around other people your mouth starts to produce buckets of excess saliva and you can't stop yourself from loudly gulping every minute?

>> No.7858887

II use to think that, but found it it was all in my head

>> No.7858900

I have a similar problem but with sweat. It's so bad that after about 30 minutes around people pretty much anything I touch with any part of my body, where I'm sitting, where I set my arms, leaves a wet spot from the sweat soaking through my clothes.

>> No.7858918
File: 212 KB, 478x453, 1306687891282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duct-taped mirrors? Sounds good, I want to punch the mirror everytime I look at it.

Nowadays the depression is mostly numb, instead of all lows, my mood is a flat line, no ups, no downs. Meh. Sometimes rage when other people say "lol anon it's so easy to be happy, just be confident, and you'll find the right person for you! There's someone for everyone out there!"

>> No.7858924

I can't even tell if I'm depressed or not anymore. What was it like to not be depressed? What was it like when I became depressed? Am I still depressed? I don't know. I'll just assume I am.
I don't think depression is even close to being one of my biggest problems anyway.

That's exactly like me, except I have different reasons why I haven't killed myself yet and instead of working and studying I'm living on welfare money.

I don't even considered public transportation an option if it takes less than 2h by bike or walking.

>> No.7858959
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I acted stoic throughout my high school years, I'd wear a serious face 3/5 of the time, and a faint, sarcastic smile whenever I felt nervous. I really, REALLY wanted to be normal and make friends, but didn't want to appear vulnerable. I ignored every person who tried to approach me, even if I wanted to learn about them. But in the end it was worth it, wasn't it?

>> No.7858973

>most things feel like they're not really happening to me, it just feels like I'm a 3rd party to it.
That's a mild psychosis, I think. I have the same thing, feels like I'm not really 'there' where I am, at least not how it used to feel when I was younger.

>Things have got a lot better since I stopped leaving the house though
Doesn't seem to help me, unfortunately. The feeling I get in my head when I go outside just gets worse and doesn't go down no matter how long I stay outside. Nowadays I just don't leave the house anymore, unless it's together with my father to some place.

>I'm afraid that if I hurt someone by my suicide, I would reincarnate in another world, and have a even shittiest life.
We call that world 'Hell'.

>> No.7858981

have depression, but what bothers me more than anything is whenever my throat feels like it's being choked. my anxiety never use to be this bad, but now it is

>> No.7858988

I pretty much feel nothing all the time. Nothing really brings me happiness anymore. I only partake in my hobbies because I need some way to pass the time.

>> No.7858985
File: 1.06 MB, 1400x995, 1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also found depression to wane as I get older and just be slowly overtaken by boredom / escapism. Drugs might not be the answer to life's problems, but if it helps hours of pixiv browsing and imagining yourself in a places more exciting than this, so be it.

>> No.7859000

>I can't even tell if I'm depressed or not anymore.

This sums it up pretty well for me. I've been depressed for so many years that after a while it sort of just became normal. Also as time goes on I feel any slight chance I had of getting anywhere in life slowly slipping away, but I can't bring myself to do anything about it.

>> No.7859012

Same. I am unsure as to the state of my depression. However, I no longer lay in bed all day when I should be going to school or work, so I do have some sort of quantifiable success. I don't notice any difference in how I feel, which is somewhat alarming.

>> No.7859013

Same here, and I only take photos for official documents. (never look at them though.)

>> No.7859032


Be careful, bro. I self-medicated for years and eventually the drugs became a problem in and of themselves.

I've been on meds for five years now and I'm definitely better than I was. I'd be lying if I said I don't wax some serious melancholia on a regular basis but at least I don't seriously contemplate suicide every morning.

There's something to be said for that.

>> No.7859035
File: 13 KB, 480x360, tomoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of manic, so I alternate between periods of insane productivity and then crushing apathy/ennui/boredom.

>> No.7859039

I do have those moments, like mostly everyone, but I usually recover pretty quickly from them.

>> No.7859051

But I need to make my pixiv fantasy dreams as real as possible.

>> No.7859080 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 898x1042, 896380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer to think eat solves depression, (at least now)
20 years later ---> teh pic (i feel bad linking the pic)

>> No.7859087

I'm not in a constant depressive state. Maybe once or twice a month, I find myself lying in bed and questioning my life and beating myself up emotionally. During this, I get myself motivated to do something about my life. Then when I wake up the next morning, I'm no longer depressed and no longer motivated to do anything. I just return to status quo.

Does anyone else have that "deadline" feeling? That feeling where you need to do something or your life could get worse?

>> No.7859100

Deadline for portals?

I think it's around 20 - later you might be too old.

>> No.7859116

Looks like I have one more year left.

>> No.7859187

Depression has been conquered by modern medical science for decades. See a doctor.

>> No.7859216
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I was diagnosed with a major depression disorder when I was about 14-16. The psychiatrist told me I'd have to live with this for the rest of my life and gave me some pills. I threw them away a couple of years after being diagnosed since they really weren't helping much. I figured out that the only real cure would be isolating myself from society, blocking my feelings, becoming something lesser than human, something hard and cold as a stone. Since then, I've started to find joy in little things, little things that I wouldn't have cared about before: the sound of raindrops, the smell of the night, watching plants grow, etc.
As for suicidal tendencies go, they stopped quite a while ago. I still cry myself to sleep sometimes, but it's not that bad, crying reminds me that I'm still human.
There's just one more thing to say, /jp/, you're my only true friend, whenever this bad feelings start coming back, I just have to visit you, you always make me smile, I think I'd just die if you were gone, I love you /jp/.

>> No.7859246

>Does anyone else have that "deadline" feeling? That feeling where you need to do something or your life could get worse?

Every day. I'm about to turn 23 and I work a dead end job I hate. I want to quit so I can start a career, but I don't know what I want to do. I don't want to feel like I'm waking up just to put up with shit I don't care about so I can get a paycheck at the end of the month.

>> No.7859273

Not really worse, just change. For some damn reason I feel that the 22nd of this month is supposed to be really important, but I don't recall why.

>> No.7859279

North Korea needs to start a war already so we can die being slightly less useless.

>> No.7859294

NEETs live like kings, so I don't get depressed, and neither should you.

>> No.7859300

If I was living like a king, I would be in that mansion right now.

>> No.7859301

Not much pleasures me in life so I lack goals, because there really isn't anything I want. I'm even getting bored of the internet, if it was turned off tomorrow I probably wouldn't care and just lay down in bed.

I don't feel much emotion other than the occasional despair. Sometimes I won't even be able to move and get physically sick from it, even then I won't cry. No matter how badly I want to I'm never able to cry.

I wish real life friendships were real. Maybe I could take my mind off the world and become a normalfag if I didn't have the ability to read minds. I know exactly what someone is thinking just by talking to them, which is terrible when people base most of their thoughts around how you look.

>> No.7859312

Yes, I have an everything is bad moment.
But it's more that the whole world is stupid, including me, but not just me.
Some things are so illogical, it makes one get close to crying at night, even though it never affects you in day to day life.
The only way to not lose the game is to go to gensokyo.
Everytime I'm overly happy, I remind myself that I'm losing to society and genetic programming that wants to keep you alive, when it's not completely rational to do so.

>> No.7859319

You don't need a mansion, you just need a nice bedroom that has the essentials.

>> No.7859333

Not that guy, but that's what you think before you live in a mansion.

I just want to play eroge all day. I suppose it is depressing when I'm not allowed to do that.

>> No.7859369
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It happens every once in a while.

Some days I feel like an amazing gift from god to this forsaken earth, and I can't stop looking at myself in the mirror. I can hardly sleep and stay up for days at a time, and things start looking weird (colors start changing, most things start looking green, reds get blurry) but thats mostly from lack of sleep and too much energy.

Other days, I feel like absolute shit, and I look like absolute shit. I normally stay home on those days, which has caused me to lose jobs in the past, and miss many days of school. I just stay in bed and don't eat at those times. Can't even tell I'm hungry; I've gone days without eating like that before. Lucky I still live with my brother, or I'd probably be dead.

I think everyone goes through highs and lows like this though, maybe a bit higher and lower for me though.

I don't think this is a symptom of autism or ass-burgers of any kind anyhow.

>> No.7859461

There's a thunderstorm going on outside right now.
I had to walk the dog, so I left before it even started raining.
The wind along with unusually frequent lightning and thunder felt pretty good and refreshing.
And then, when I was furthest from my house it started pouring. Big, fat drops of water started pounding the pavement like thousands of angry bees. Torrents of pouring water formed small, ankle-deep streams on the streets, and the lightning got even stronger. In seconds I was completely drenched, my vision obscured by the rippling curtain of rain, punctuated by lightning flashes.

I haven't felt so alive in years.

I was grinning like a madman, and after a while I just started laughing out loud - any neighbors peeking out of their houses at the elements must think I'm crazy now. Halfway back to my house I was so drenched that I just took of my shoes and socks, and walked home barefoot, something I haven't done since I was a kid. If not for the fact that my dog was looking pretty miserable, I'd still be out there, walking in the rain.

I was feeling slightly miserable and somewhat frustrated earlier today, but this just cleared everything up better than any medication could.

>> No.7859481

I want to kill myself whenever I masturbate.
My life is nice but this ruins everything.
I want to die because I'm a failure who can't even do this much.I get depressed sometimes for days.
One of these nights I will kill myself because of this

>> No.7859484

I know what that feels like. You realize how pathetic you are when you know why you got excited.

>> No.7859506

I wake up everyday feeling like i'm god's gift to this beautiful green Earth, but that usually ends about the time I have my first akward conversation of the day.
If only I didn't have to interact with people my self esteem would be through the roof.
Most days I usually botch so many conversations I end up going to bed in the late afternoon because I know i'll feel better in the morning.

>> No.7859512

don't worry about it it happens to the best of us

>> No.7859519

Isn't that bipolar disorder?

>> No.7859521
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Undiagnosed Bi-polars?

>> No.7859530

This is a dumb fucking thread full of losers and other degenerate children.

>> No.7859536

Baww thread?

>> No.7859554


>> No.7859557

A few months ago I wrote a suicide note and informed two close friends I was off to kill myself. I stood at that bridge for a good 6 hours before pussying out. The guilt got to me, and I faced the consequences.

I am glad I didn't go through with it. I am feeling a little better now. SSRIs are a bitch.

>> No.7859561
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i have a few i'm bad and stupid moments as HELL
no im ugly moments, not anymore

>> No.7859581

So I'm not the only one that despises yet loves 2d? My mind says no, it's pathetic and can never happen, I go out of my way not to think about it but no matter how long I stay away the feelings always come back when I'm reminded of them. Sometimes I will be browsing a random forum and I see a picture of her and I suddenly I remember what I am and feel ultra depressed.

>> No.7859579
File: 187 KB, 995x600, 1314994894474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this.
Pic related.

>> No.7859590

Just recently, I said some stupid things to my best friend, and now he thinks I'm petty and immature. I'm not sure if our relationship will ever recover.

>> No.7859596
File: 67 KB, 461x523, SadSadSad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This image got so fucking close of describing me with absolute precision that it actually made me really, really sad.

I'll go to sleep now. That pic goes to my depressive folder.

>> No.7859603


>> No.7859628

I don't know. I hope that I am not, but I suspect that I may be.

>> No.7859690
File: 79 KB, 400x400, kill yourself out of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This image got so fucking close of describing me with absolute precision
I'd say that's about right, considering you bumped this thread and posted a Yotsuba B stick-figure picture.

>> No.7859715

It's been creeping in and out of my life since I was about 14. Definitely more sporadic now than it was in my mid-teens. Around age 17 it got so bad that I started to hear voices, but professional help made sure that was temporary.
Sometimes I think I'm free from it, but that's never the case. There were a few months last year where I got hit hard.

I don't really cry from it anymore, but I have been feeling paranoid. I'm relatively okay when I'm in solitude, but being seen by other people gives me an intense sensation of discomfort and fear.

>> No.7859741

kill yourself

>> No.7859754

Being a pedo is nothing to kill yourself over, anon

>> No.7859778

yes it is
Reported for pedo.

>> No.7860097

No it's not.
Reported for anti-pedo.

>> No.7860381

I get depressed sometimes when I realize that addictive stupid games pretty much randomly hijack entire days of my life to the exclusion of things that I find important, like keeping in touch with the people who were once important to me. I like to pretend that they still are, but facts point to the contrary; I would rather kill an hour or six playing a retarded game than even think about approaching them again. I have the willpower of a dead fish.

Then again, I find ways to have fun in my daily life. So it's not really depression, I guess, because I can ignore it. Only when I sit back and think about life.

>> No.7860381,1 [INTERNAL] 

good old days

>> No.7860381,2 [INTERNAL] 

ya sigh bros the good old days wish i could make the days now ones to remember but im too tard to put things into perspective
