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7857610 No.7857610 [Reply] [Original]

Would you fuck a non-white touhou?

>> No.7857616


>> No.7857625

Slow proxy.

>> No.7857620

there arent any
so no

>> No.7857624

Technically, theres no such thing as a white touhou, white implies Caucasian, while all Touhous are Japanese.

>> No.7857632

This is what your average retarded american would say.

>> No.7857638

Remilia, Flan, and Hong definitely aren't Japanese.

>> No.7857645

Delicious tan is acceptable.

Black? No.

>> No.7857655


>> No.7857675
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>> No.7857687

The Scarlet sisters, Alice and Maribel are all almost certainly caucasian.

Meiling is a youkai from China. The whole youkai concept is originally Chinese anyway. Even "youkai" is Chinese loanword.

>> No.7857714
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as long as there isn't any tribal bullshit or that terrible make up + orangey skin dye "fad" bullshit,

sure, why not.

>> No.7857769
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I'd actually say the opposite, in that most Touhous aren't ethnically Japanese.

Like while Yuugi may be from Japanese folklore, she certainly doesn't look ethically Japanese.

To be honest though, I never considered youkai ethnically anything, their race is youkai. Neither white nor asian. Yet they might exhibit features from either race like blonde hair and colored eyes.

>> No.7857790
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I consider Marisa white.
I never understood her description as an "Oriental Western Witch" though.

>> No.7857804

Reported for ban evasion.

>> No.7857812

I oppose racemixing.

>> No.7857867

She dyes her hair.

>> No.7857881

She has colorful eyes, which is a white only feature.

>> No.7857911

ZUN is strongly xenophobic. I very much doubt there is someone non-Asian.

>> No.7857922

zun hates nips too... and the chinese

typical singedpork. just wait till the malaysian jihad force takes away his pictures of ritr girrs

>> No.7857927

I don't think he's talking about the tripfag.

>> No.7857929

Most japanese words are "loan words"

>> No.7857930

All anime characters are japanese/asian if they are drawn in anime style.

Whites always look different.

>> No.7857941

ZUN never used anime style.

>> No.7857945

>non-white touhou
>white touhou

>> No.7857947

You know what he means. Stop nitpicking.

>> No.7857954

No, it's important to be nitpicky.

Also, some obviously western characters such as Alice (from Alice in Wonderland, not Touhou) are always drawn in default anime style.

>> No.7857985




Yeah. Definitely Japanese.

................. idiot.

>> No.7858002
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Take this shit back to /int/ or /stormfront/.

>> No.7858012

You mean like 95% of 2D Japanese girl portrayals? Don't treat outside world facts into Touhou, nothing makes sense there.

Also Marisa dyes her hair.

>> No.7858021
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She is obviously a Super Saiyan.

>> No.7858026

So she dyes her pubes too?

Or is she smooth like a WHITE GIRL.

>> No.7858031

They are not 3DPD, therefore they are not asian nor caucasian.


>> No.7858039

How do you know that they are pink?

How do you know that they are yellow as well?

>> No.7858042
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would you fuck a non-white white?

>> No.7858050

Can't see why you are so insistent on insulting your own intelligence.

Have you ever seen ZUN draw Marisa's nipples?
Also Marisa has yellow eyes, wouldn't even call it hazel.
Her surname is Kirisame, her name is 霧雨 魔理沙. No katakana is used.
She probably speaks Japanese in Gensokyo.

There is so much more that could be added, but there is no proof she is white.

>> No.7858054

How about we say that biologically their race is 'cute anime girl'.

>> No.7858061

How about we don't.

>> No.7858067

>Her surname is Kirisame, her name is 霧雨 魔理沙. No katakana is used.
>She probably speaks Japanese in Gensokyo.
She also speaks a foreign language.
See the books.

Can't see why you are so insistent on insulting your own intelligence.

>> No.7858063

But Touhou isn't an anime and ZUN's drawing are not anime-style.

>> No.7858069

They are.
They are bad but they are.

>> No.7858077
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Please tell me this was made in photoshop.

>> No.7858081

It's not like she was pretty to begin with.

>> No.7858089

>her name is 霧雨 魔理沙 No katakana is used
that's meaningless, plenty of foreigners in contact with Japanese culture write their name in Kanji. Plus, the meanings in of the characters in 魔理沙 make no sense whatsoever in combination.

>> No.7858087

As far as youkai and gods are concerned, I think their race corresponds to the country they originate from, i.e. oni are from Japan and vampires are from Europe. Although it is difficult to figure this out seeing as you wouldn't think of a different species as being a certain race.

As far as the humans are concerned, I assume they are Japanese or the descendants of the Japanese people stuck in Gensokyo after the border went up. Although there is a possibility that some foreigners slipped in.

>> No.7858102

I know, but there's "not pretty" and then there's "monster"

>> No.7858097

You just proved that guy's point. That was a pretty stupid comment. What's your next edgy remark going to be?

>> No.7858108


What this guy said, our shitty racial features don't apply to 2D.

>> No.7858116

I think she looked cute in 2004.

>> No.7858119

>You just proved that guy's point.
But the guy is you.
Also, I didn't prove nothing, like you did.

Just posted some evidences.

>> No.7858121

I said there is no proof she is white, I did not claim she was Japanese. She could be Mexican, but much evidence "suggests" she is Japanese or at least part. Having a dad that lives in the village and all.

>> No.7858136

Alice and the vampires are almost certainly white. But Kirisame isn't the most European name around.

>> No.7858141

Marisa, on the other hand, is a Spanish name.

>> No.7858152
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Marisa is just a westaboo, naturally she will try to look as western as possible.

>> No.7858163
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Outside of KoG, I've yet to see a single ginger Marisa in any fanwork.

Why? A ginger witch sounds fun.

>> No.7858169


>> No.7858171



you mean this?

>> No.7858176


Controlling two characters at once?

That's just silly.

>> No.7858178

He is? Where do you get that idea from? Not saying he isn't, just what's your proof?

>> No.7858187

He tried to empoison Namasensei once.

>> No.7858196

Japanese draw their characters with all sorts of different hair and eye colors to be colorful and pretty and shit. Sure only Caucasians have yellow/red hair and gree/blue eyes, but do they have green, purple, orange, silver, or blue hair? Or yellow, red, or purple eyes? Nope. They're just trying to be colorful. It doesn't imply anything and is a misconception that they're "trying to look white".

>> No.7858209

>It doesn't imply anything and is a misconception that they're "trying to look white".
Sure it is.

>> No.7858217


>> No.7858253

Unzan is a Jew, if you translate his name (雲山) into German you get "Wolkberg"

>> No.7858253,1 [INTERNAL] 

If I think of these girls as asians they aren't hot anymore. Fuck this thread.

>> No.7858253,2 [INTERNAL] 

I've always wondered why the animu artstyle uses caucasian skin tone instead of asiatic.
I understand the hair and eye colors -- if they all had black hair and brown eyes it would be boring as fuck and often hard to tell characters apart -- but the skin tone?
They darken the skin of men, but not women. It's so strange.

>> No.7858253,3 [INTERNAL] 

Haven't they always idolized pale skin for females over there?

>> No.7858253,4 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure what you mean. Japanese skin colour doesn't look that different from white's to me.

That's not something unique to Japan. In most civilized places girls with lighter skin are considered more attractive. Not to mention girls with darker skins are sluttier.
