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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 300x500, Clipboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7854998 No.7854998 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that this shit teir faggot autist game gets FIVE FUCKING BANNERS but /jp/ topics get ZERO?

This is some bullshit!

>> No.7855004

Why does it bother you so much?

>> No.7855006

So how are you guys liking Disgaea 4?

>> No.7855009

Disgaea anime is pretty cool, dude. I don't think they played the games.

>> No.7855010

>not blocking the banners

>> No.7855011

There's an Akiha banner. What else do you need?

>> No.7855019

This sure looks like a thread about Disagaea to me.

>> No.7855020

Dude, banners were made like 5 years ago way before the /a/ /jp/ split

>> No.7855014

No, fuck off, don't talk about that here, get your own fucking thread.

>> No.7855025

moot hates /jp/
that's trufax yo

>> No.7855028


This, those banners are basically the only part of old 4chan left these days.

>> No.7855023

I still haven't beaten Disgaea 1. I spent so much time fapping to Etna that I got bored of the game before Idid enough grinding to win. Such is life.

>> No.7855029

That's only there because moot had no idea what it was.

>> No.7855032

At least he gave us custom spoilers

>> No.7855040

>> /a/ /jp/ split
i was under the opinion /jp/ was some parts /jp/
and I also assumed the reason they made /jp/ was because too many people posted touhou and doujin games in /v/ and they said gb2 /a/
and /a/ said gb2 /v/ etc. etc. etc.

>> No.7855047

my real life is dead to me after buying this game

>> No.7855048

Some of them still say 4chan.net.

Anyone else notice that the comics section was removed from the front page. It still exist at http://www.4chan.org/comics/ but it's orphaned. That reminds me that I had better back up http://www.4chan.org/flash before history gets rewritten there too.

>> No.7855057

>fapping to Etna
Yup. This is why I always buy NIS games. So fappable, and I can play them.

>> No.7855078

Am I the only one who is shocked that the one that says "Loli" is still up. Seems like moot would have removed it years ago.

>> No.7855107

AFAIK, loli is allowed on /b/.

>> No.7855112

>i was under the opinion /jp/ was some parts /jp/
This is called the identity property.
>and I also assumed the reason they made /jp/ was because too many people posted touhou and doujin games in /v/ and they said gb2 /a/
>and /a/ said gb2 /v/ etc. etc. etc.
For a while, nearly every thread in /a/ was either about Touhou or one of the two Type Moon VNs, and /jp/ was created to sequester such threads.
/v/ wasn't really involved.

>> No.7855125
File: 8 KB, 300x100, harada04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this plenair or whatever her name is?

>> No.7855126

I've been banned for loli in /b/ before. Sad, it was the only redeeming feature. I'd like to think that it was an autoban caused by retarded mashing report, but you know moot's official position on loli. This was in 2008 though, so it could go anyway.

>> No.7855142

Remember Touhou GET?

>> No.7855146
File: 44 KB, 500x500, touhouget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7855238

Why does Flonne only get one banner when those other two get two?!

This is some bullshit!

>> No.7855237

>be in this thread
>look at banner
>it's Etna

wait, when did that happen

>> No.7855254

because Etna is loli

>> No.7855262

Because she is a retard.

>> No.7855257

Flonne is the worst character ever created.

>> No.7855275

Are you retarded, OP? There are three or four that are screencaps of VNs.

>> No.7855279 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 469x640, 1213880074930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you say such mean things?

Are you saying that Flonne is not? I submit lewd evidence to the contrary.

>> No.7855286

Flonne made me come when I watched the anime.

>> No.7855300

disgaea a shit
nis a shit

>> No.7855298
File: 215 KB, 520x808, Disgaea3__Raspberyl_by_rauine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Raspberyl banners? This is some bullshit.

So /jp/. Which Disgaea would you fuck?

>> No.7855304

I would fuck Thursday

>> No.7855319
File: 539 KB, 784x800, master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7855320

I've had Disagaea 3 on my shelf unbeaten since it came out (it's boring), but I hear Disgaea 4 has Index in it. Is this true?

>> No.7855325

What's with all the exceptionally shitty threads today?

>> No.7855327

as far as i know, its just Index appearing in a healing spell.

>> No.7855328
File: 55 KB, 620x346, 17699-620x-1123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7855330


>> No.7855334

Maybe you should make a thread about it

>> No.7855335
File: 367 KB, 500x700, 9eebb662006cf1bb014a5909156b43c2f2658769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mage. Always the mages.

>> No.7855337

Well I'll be. I'd play it if I could pirate it.

>> No.7855340

You'd play it for one static cut-in? Find some standards.

>> No.7855341

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7855344

It's not like I'm saying I would pay for it because of a cut-in. Relax.

>> No.7855343

Zettai Hero Project for the PSP has a bunch of Dengeki cameos, including Index.

>> No.7855346

Perhaps he's quoting the person he's quoting.

>> No.7855347

Raspberyl and Female Mage.

Hopefully both at the same time.

>> No.7855348


The person I replied to, retard.

>> No.7855351

I would fuck Laharl. I'm not usually into shota, but he is attractive for some reason.

>> No.7855355

Mmmm, delicious maid mages

>> No.7855356

Are any of them playable characters? I've been playing the Dengeki Gakuen RPG for the index series stuff, but the game is so bad.

>> No.7855363
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 11 - 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgaea 4 is pretty great

>> No.7855375

You get costumes that change your appearance.

>> No.7855390

Cool. Downloading it now.

>> No.7855430
File: 330 KB, 600x833, 1309204715561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocking the banners

>> No.7855434

>not using appchan

>> No.7855437

>using horribly outdated and obsolete browsers just for a crappy app

>> No.7855443
File: 49 KB, 425x559, DisgaeaCelestialHost2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repent. Die.

>> No.7855451

Um, what? Appchan is a userstyle that you can install in Firefox or Chrome, two of the most up to date browsers.

>> No.7858836 [DELETED] 


>> No.7858840

Yeah, older versions of them. Unless they updated it recently.

>> No.7858843

Don't think I didn't see that.

>> No.7858849

I've been using Appchan on Nightly since it came out. I have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.7858851
File: 340 KB, 1400x1400, 6280fb667b6a8c9e08839ee0ef29aee8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7858854
File: 232 KB, 640x1023, d09a44900db2245505f09d9d4735cf9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7858859
File: 109 KB, 640x640, 6cc54db838d25b404c41a0ed1cffb38d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7858866
File: 47 KB, 640x640, 36e872711da6201aab060319b47a5446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7858870
File: 349 KB, 823x900, 7e3ab25b5068e178053855bb25f1b011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7858898

Oh shit, I wish I were a Prinny.

>> No.7858915

It's k I'm only on chapter 2, I've been playing other games. I don't like the characters so far nearly as much as others in the series.

>> No.7858925
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1266a204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually liking the only insufferable character in an otherwise perfect cast of characters.

>> No.7859006

There is an Akiha banner.

>> No.7859011
File: 7 KB, 300x100, 1065157684707[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol op is mad :3

>> No.7859019

and a Brave Soul banner

and probably other /jp/-related ones that I can't think of off the top of my head.

Not to mention most of the boards on 4chan don't have banners related to them anyway

>> No.7859022
File: 89 KB, 600x432, 8f3e9e59d0e619fcec7b67abbd5517b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you gotta do is be a murderer or a thief in life.

>> No.7859023 [DELETED] 

there even is a banner with grinman and some random nigger dude, so i don't understand why we don't have more banners with fate stay night or even katawa shoujo

>> No.7859031

You can also steal panties I believe.

>> No.7859037

I can't believe that name actually took hold.

>> No.7859034
File: 47 KB, 728x90, 728x90_h_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this banner has some jp things in it

>> No.7859036

>katawa shoujo

>> No.7859042

That'd still mean you are a thief.

>> No.7859049

This is the first time that I've realized that that is Flonne. Wow. Just when you think you know this play you learn a shocker like that....

>> No.7859077
File: 227 KB, 704x792, 1167254392300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Grinman? Seriously?

What the fuck happened, man. What the fuck happened.,

>> No.7859088

whatever happened to the gay purple man banner?

>> No.7859095

That joke got old in 2006.

Stop it.

>> No.7859104

It was an ad for some erotic webcomic site or something.

>> No.7859120

i recall someone made mock banners out of them
i thought they were put into circulation, but i could be wrong

>> No.7859114
File: 50 KB, 300x100, asotv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People stopped caring about Josh. L.

>> No.7859123

Good times.

>> No.7859139

Fuck you, guys. Everyone pointing out Grinman, but no one pointing out the lack of Happy Negro. I thought I was the one trolling.

>> No.7859809
File: 19 KB, 300x100, tripcodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the official /jp/ banner.

>> No.7859821

Why don't you guys make a touhou banner and email it to moot?

>> No.7859837

1) We could never stop arguing long enough to make one.
2) moot hates us.
3) moot never checks his emails anyway.

>> No.7859841

The one with the SA emoticon?

>> No.7859842

What's #4?

>> No.7859844

Have any banners even been added since /jp/'s creation?

>> No.7859865

I am pretty sure that there have been no banners added since at least 2006, and most certainly not since we got the new web 2.0 frontpage.

EDIT: According to http://www.4chan.org/contests/ , there have not been any new banners since 2007, and if I recall correctly, /jp/ wasn't created until 2008. So no.

>> No.7859878


>> No.7859885

I think the real question is have any banners been added since like 2006?

>> No.7859887
File: 13 KB, 300x100, youtsubanet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when 4chan was wapanese?

>> No.7859896

Remember when ``wapanese'' was wordfiltered to ``weeaboo'', and somehow ``weeaboo'' became the favored word for everyone and everyone forgot about ``wapanese''?

>> No.7859897

/jp/ - 4chan nostalgia general

>> No.7859903

i want sex the archer

>> No.7859916

my favorite disgaea is captain gordon's girlfriend. it's a shame there's no fanart of her.

also is anyone else buttfrustrated that there are naruto banners? did people here actually like that shit when moot picked the banners?

>> No.7859925

remember when we even had word filters? (well it was mostly only on /b/ or /v/, never mind.)

>> No.7859927
File: 1004 B, 300x100, mysql.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story of my life

>> No.7859932
File: 8 KB, 300x100, onepiece03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also is anyone else buttfrustrated that there are naruto banners?
Yeah, there should be more one piece ones.

Well, there SHOULD be a nostalgia board.
/l/ - oldfags.

>> No.7859933

They're back on /b/. Mostly to censor racism and homophobia. How do I know? No, I am not a /b/tard. I post loli\shota there.

>> No.7859935

Pretty sure Disgaea qualifies as /jp/ material, because who else could grind gloriously in the games?

>> No.7859942


How does it feel riding the special bus to school?

>> No.7859950


How does it feel knowing that I never actually played them?
I'll get around to it some day...

>> No.7860042

Well, level 5000 isn't going to reach itself.

>> No.7860047

I was saying Index as in the series not the girl itself. I don't much care for that NEET.

>> No.7860079

I like grinding though...

>> No.7860085

The only real grind in that game is getting the perfect ultimate weapons and also 186k stored levels (I think that's the right number?)

I miss being in high school when I could sit down and do nothing but play disgaea for hours and hours.

>> No.7860106

I think it's hilarious how "weeaboo" has actually become a legitimate term for Japan-loving dudes.

>> No.7860118
File: 207 KB, 600x1637, FMY4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot how GBS we were, jesus christ

>> No.7860130

I miss when you could make stuff like that and it'd be hilarious original content and not saged with "go back to gaia"

I miss when humor was as simple as making fun of lens flare too.

>> No.7860137

Thats because it was original and not some picture generator that someone used and spams it until it is forced.

>> No.7860135

In a manner of speaking

>> No.7860142

>I miss not being addicted to 4chan when I could sit down and do nothing but play disgaea for hours and hours.

For me, I am well aware that I could be playing games instead of spending all my free time on here, but somehow I'm here anyway.

>> No.7860169

I passed up Disgaea 4 in favor of Catherine
Did I miss out?

>> No.7860171


I wish when moot and co. were actually somewhat involved with the 4chan community, or at least, you had the sense that they cared about it and liked it. That's been gone for a while now.

moot should just sell the site to someone who does care or simply pick a successor to run 4chan without changing much (of anything). Problem is, I can't really think of any good candidates, I guess this is why moot hasn't abandoned us literally, only spiritually. At least he cares enough not to throw 4chan to the corporate sharks.

>> No.7862280
File: 45 KB, 180x180, 1285772700272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One Piece and Full Metal Alchemist banners = the shittiest banners ever!

>> No.7862720

I believe he said he plans on giving it to someone when he leaves for canv.ass, who knows what will happen at that point
