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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 618 KB, 1435x899, 1314672820895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7854729 No.7854729 [Reply] [Original]

Has /jp/ been playing any multiplayer games recently? I'm bored and have no one to play with.

>> No.7854754

You know that feel about wanting to socialize and play with many different people?
Neither do I. That's why I don't play "multiplayer" games.

>> No.7854767

I just finished Dead Island and Space Marine recently. They're technically multiplayer games, but I played them alone.

>> No.7854768

/jp/ - Report Madness

>> No.7854770
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>play with more than yourself

>> No.7854774

Want to play Demon's Souls with me?

>> No.7854787

I would play lost planet 2 with /jp/

>> No.7854786

I've been playing League of Legends lately.
Also unless on Japanese servers >>>/v/

>> No.7854795

You'll find someone to play with one day, ponpo.

>> No.7854799

My ps3 is modded and can't go online. I'm more interested in f2p pc games.

>> No.7854803


Also, >>>/v/

>> No.7854804

I wasn't aware Diablo II was a multiplayer game until I got bored of it.

Hopefully Diablo III will be as fun.

>> No.7854809

Osu is the right way to go.

I always wanted to make a thread to play with you guys, but you seem pretty desilusional most time.


>> No.7854812

Mahjong is the only multiplayer game i've been playing lately. I don't know any multiplayer videogames to play nowadays besides shitty grinding MMOs or console -port FPS

>> No.7854816

I play with people daily, but I want to actually help people play through levels instead of pvp constantly.

>> No.7854820
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After seeing what people can do in that game, I've given up.

>> No.7854842

I like osu, but everytime I play with people I play insane maps so everyone ends up hating me.

>> No.7854843
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Still playing Eden Eternal though I think I'm the only one.

>> No.7854845
File: 244 KB, 1280x800, DN 2011-09-11 08-56-56 Sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only been playing Dragon Nest SEA. Even though I joined a guild I have been playing alone most of the time anyway.

>> No.7854849

Not that hard, I've played it for 2 months and I already can play that bad apple in that level, it's easier than you think once you are into it.

>> No.7854855
File: 349 KB, 600x800, Tomoka - Snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any kawaii basketball MMOs where I can be a loli...?

>> No.7854859

You're not alone.

Waiting on better mmorpgs to trash my life around.

>> No.7854861

I thought about playing mabinogi but I really can'tbe bothered.

>> No.7854865

Was playing UCGO recently, I'd just gotten my Zaku II suited up and was ready to get out of Tasmania, hanging with a bro from /m/ in a Gogg killing Feddies when Gogg vanishes and I'm surrounded by three GMs. My Zaku got wrecked and I was left with no cash to even get a Zaku I to replace it.

Not played since.

>> No.7854866

That level you linked isn't hard, I'm talking about playing xepher on insane, hyadin's 4 fiends on hard+, etc

>> No.7854874
File: 140 KB, 1024x772, eirin methuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing UCGO over SDGO

Why are you doing it wrong

>> No.7854873 [DELETED] 

There's an MMO where you can smuggle onions and be a dirty flip

Ragnarok Online.

>> No.7854884
File: 47 KB, 640x480, BERNIE!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn... That is pretty burgers...

>> No.7854886

I haven't played a multiplayer game I enjoyed since BF2 and I got burned out from that game years ago.

>> No.7854890
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Well, my computer wouldn't play it when /jp/ was playing until I got a new graphic's card but then it was too late.

I've solo'd the game so far (two characters over 30 now). That guild, Losers, is filled with me and me alone.

Yes, like the much of /jp/ I play MMOs ... and then solo them.

>> No.7854898

There's an MMO where you can smuggle onions and be a dirty filipissno

Ragnarok Online

>> No.7854906

I do not like the aesthetic.
Or the martian speak.
Not even a Garazzo could convince me otherwise.

My pilot was called Bernard McLeod.

>> No.7854910
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I play League of Legends occasionally, its the only multiplayer game I've played for awhile.

>> No.7854912

Multiplayer? Yeah right.

I've been burning time on the SP campaign on Freelancer for the millionth time, not sure why I keep doing this.

>> No.7854939
File: 39 KB, 960x720, dat amuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But in SDGO the Garrazzo is really good.

Also there's a complete english wiki for the game anyway!

>> No.7854949
File: 73 KB, 574x391, yukkurisa_wide_grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been playing combat arms as HELL

>> No.7854974

I'm downloading it now. Looks interesting

>> No.7854978

Enjoy all those BRcheaters, wtH-chan

i suggest you come play TF2 with me
it's nice as HELL.

>> No.7854981

I was, unfortunately, playing.......MW2 (yeah, please don't kill me) but I soon realized I was the only playing legitimately and ACTUALLY taking flags and positions. Everyone else was OMG LIKE QUIKSKOPE!!!1!1!11 or ONE MAN ARMY DANGER CLOSE NOOB TUBE FEST I GOT A NUKE I AM BEAST!1!1!!!!

I thew the game in the trash.

>> No.7854982
File: 403 KB, 600x850, Tomoka - Dress -S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about...?!

Brazilians are not even allowed in the Nexon servers!!
And that's because we have our own servers!

VIVA BRASIL!! - Lol, no...

>> No.7854994

I would have never thought anyone would repost my screenshot

>> No.7855038

Fuck you faggots i'm going to finish Deus Ex right now.

>> No.7855046

mw2 is unplayable. too many wallhackers.

>> No.7855055

Never played MW2, but near the end of MW's life I spent all day being an autist on the mic and RPGing my team at the start of every round. Good times.

>> No.7855052


Bad Company 2 is better.

>> No.7855079
File: 195 KB, 500x563, 3d238b503e3144c88b3f55af54c8bc81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, still here.

>> No.7855080

Mmh, I've been playing Forgotten Hope 2 lately.

A WWII mod on BF2.

Great historical accuracy and shitloads of content.

Some WoT too.

>> No.7855082

I can't register a Osu! account because their site appears to be down.

anything else you'd like to play?

>> No.7855092

What he said. It's not great but the recent MMO releases have been utter shit.

>> No.7855093

I'm playing RO in a pre-renewal server.

>> No.7855118


>> No.7855121

I'll be damned, I didn't actually think there would be one, and it doesn't even look too bad. Hygogg too ...

Shit. I might give this a try once I've cleared my plate.

>> No.7855132
File: 12 KB, 500x500, 1288160119628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play MMO
>do nothing but grind
>ignore anyone who tries to talk to you or invites you to a party

>> No.7855137
File: 266 KB, 800x480, apsalus monster hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can come to #sdgcfo on rizon if you want help with an account, hygogg isn't a good suit however

>> No.7855147

I hope PSO2 is good.

>> No.7855143

I've been playing osu! with /a/
They've had daily insane mode rooms for a week or so now.

>> No.7855151

That's not true bro. I'm in a Touhou guild full of secondaries that I mostly ignore, but I also dick around with my real life friends that play.

>> No.7855163

Every time I play with them they're doing normal/easy.

I usually get bored before it's even my turn.

>> No.7855172

Anyone wanna play tf2?

>> No.7855179

check my HATS


>> No.7855183

Every time. I don't even know why I bother.

>> No.7855192

Not like you got better things to do in life.

Why not.

>> No.7855200
File: 423 KB, 1440x900, snapshot_20110911_100238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any /jp/ regulars that are level 55 that still plays EE? I'm still am having fun playing it but I think most quit awhile ago unfortunately. I made a lot of good friends from /jp/, but they all left me... ;_;

>> No.7855206

wtf why do you guys even bother with nexon? shittiest company ever

>> No.7855203

I'm going to start playing Trackmania 2 soon.
It has multiplayer and you can make itasha maybe and tracks shaped like touhou characters.


>> No.7855212

Why haven't you sold your max's severed head yet? people have paid over a thousand dollars for that shit.

>> No.7855225 [DELETED] 


id still play it, probably

>> No.7855226
File: 18 KB, 354x308, the penultimate reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... what?

That's a good way to get your steam account locked, and besides, I do wear it.

>> No.7855231

Your priorities are completely backwards.

>> No.7855234

Dled Dragon Nest, saw character creation page, never again.

>> No.7855236

That's a funny way of saying Aeriagames.

>> No.7855240

That's what the steam trading system is there for

>> No.7855255
File: 7 KB, 512x512, 1247780344158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop liking what I don't like

Yeah gonna have to call you both queers. Every company that isn't Activision or Infinity Ward is utter garbage anyway.

>> No.7855259

I don't remember being able to trade in cash with the steam trading function!

>> No.7855284

Hotglue still had 7-10 ish regulars the last time I checked, about a week ago.

>> No.7855369

I play nexon games.
I used to work for them
I know the shittiness and incompetence first-hand
nexon is ass

>> No.7855379

Not currently, waiting for something interesting to come that everyone jumps all over.

>> No.7855394

Waiting for Dark Souls and Diablo 3

>> No.7855413
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HoN, and I've recently been tricked into playing World of Tanks again.

>> No.7855426

Yes - yes.

>> No.7855431

Is league of legends any good? it seems to be pretty popular

>> No.7855435

The short answer is no.

>> No.7855444


>> No.7855457

I don't get it.

>> No.7855461

/v/ spams that game 24/7, usually just saying "new thread" with some LoL related picture

It's annoying as hell, but then I should probably stop going to /v/.

>> No.7855463

/v/ has shitloads of LoL threads and Fighting games

every single one full of mongoloids

>> No.7855474

It's dota with more emphasis on character abilities and no denying. I find it fun but then again I don't browse/play with /v/.

>> No.7855649

Is this worth it? I recently got a free PS3 and am trying to find good games. I only have Bayonetta and LittleBigPlanet2 right now.

>> No.7855663

Just wait until Dark Souls gets released and I'll play with you, ok?

>> No.7855664

Yes. Good choice with Bayonetta.

>> No.7855665

get Disgaea 4

>> No.7855669

So much Space Marine multiplayer.

Smashing assault marines with the meltagun all day long.

Fun times.

>> No.7855672

But what if we're of different covenants and can't interact? Or what if you accidentally invade me and your name gets written inside the game's "Book of the Guilty"?!

>> No.7855675

Stalker Bolter/Melta Gun is fantastic.

Assault Marines are really easy mode to play as.

>> No.7855676

We'll just have to hope that we will be able to meet each other in good terms.

>> No.7855685
File: 103 KB, 500x500, マタギティー - ベヨネッタが.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Bayonetta is definitely good. Still playing it. It's not only fun, but I also find Bayonetta as the hottest video game girl now. And there also seems to be a "Dark Souls" coming this October, so I think I'll wait for that, but I want some experience before that though, so I'll probably end up buying it. The games on my "to buy" list right now is Catherine, Demon's Souls, and... Fat Princess.

The last Disgaea game I played was the second one. I've been planning to buy that too. I can't wait to spend loads of hours in the item world!
