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7848263 No.7848263 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite Spell Card, /jp/?

And what about the hardes one you've encountered?

Also, danmaku thread

>> No.7848273
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>> No.7848277
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>> No.7848279

Hax sign "Anii devastation"

>> No.7848309
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>> No.7848326

Virtue of God

>> No.7848333

StB 9-4

>> No.7848355

Flying crosses fucking everywhere rage-quitting so hard.

>> No.7848366

Love Sign "Master Spark"

>> No.7848369

Anything Reisen does is enough to make me rage in agony...
Dem danmaku...

>> No.7848375

Yuyuko's 10% Reflowering.
I cleared PCB on Normal with all chars, and it's the only Easy spellcard i can't seem to capture.
All I can do is to bomb my way through it.

>> No.7848384

You just need to move the opposite direction of the bullet chain. Left-right-left-right.

>> No.7848385
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"Storm on Mt. Ooe"

For some reason, I just like it.
I like dodging the huge bullets, especially with them coming in diagonally. Feels intense.

Don't know about hardest, there are quite a few, many of which I don't remember the exact name of.

>> No.7848391

Feat of Strength "Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe"

>> No.7848394


mah nigga

>> No.7848419

Devil's Recitation.

Only because everytime I get to that spellcard, the music syncs perfectly with it.

>> No.7848424
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Denmarku-kun ?

>> No.7848430
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Nope, sorry.

Mah niggas

>> No.7848489

Miko's final card

Scarlet Gensokyo

>> No.7848656

Charming Siege From All Sides.

>> No.7848664

Mah niggas.

>> No.7848711
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>> No.7848731
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I actually like Parsee's homing danmaku. It is relentless.

>> No.7848766
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hataters gon hatate

>> No.7848808

Fuck, I hate that shit.

>> No.7848852 [DELETED] 

I'm just now getting around to playing Ten Desires. Yeah, slow, but I hardly play vidya anymore. Anyways, anybody else not really like it that much? I can't really get into it. The trance system is kinda dumb, and the spell cards are lame.

>> No.7848860

Anybody else not really like Ten Desires that much? The trance system is kinda dumb, and I don't like the spell cards. I dunno.

>> No.7848863

We saw your trip. It's too late.

>> No.7848876

I don't really care that much, I just know someone that goes here that I would prefer not to have to deal with. Stay on topic.

>> No.7849414
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>> No.7849740
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how you guys record your replay ?

I mean, in video

>> No.7849743

I use virtualdub.

>> No.7849801

Hey guys, I'm relatively new to danmaku, I've only played UFO and EoSD. Gave up on clearing UFO for a while. Do you have any tips on beating this game? I can't even 1cc easy yet. Though, I've gotten to the last boss with 1cc once, only on ReimuA.

>> No.7849846

10 practice
20 go to 10

>> No.7849856

Pretty much what I assumed I'd be told, you're right though.

>> No.7849876

have you beaten the star pentagram shit with Hatate? It's every bit as nasty as everyone told me

>> No.7849926

Could try installing the hitbox patch until you have a feel for it or just start with PCB. Really if you just started its about getting used to the controls.

>> No.7849943

Sadly I've probably put a good 30 hours in at least so far, not sure if I'm just bad at danmaku, or it's the game. I'll probably go get PCB now, though. I don't have it downloaded.

>> No.7849953
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Parsee on Ultra.

>> No.7849964

my PCB "other score screen" tells me that I spent about 34 hours ingame. I beat pretty much everything in that game.
I think it's not a grind, just a thing of looking up replays, adapting & strategic play etc.

>> No.7849980

Best of luck, honestly it took me about a month of playing about an hour or more to get my first 1CC, when I got that they just started piling in.

>> No.7849988

Ok, this is the second time I hear of Ultra. What are you guys hiding? Is it some kind of patch or something? Explain yourselves now!

>> No.7850000

vile, wicked cheaters

>> No.7850019

Nearly forgot, post your best replay and I'll check it out when I get a break here.

>> No.7850052

Alright, I'll have to get one though, I don't save mine often.

>> No.7850179

My last replay, it's actually pretty close to where I got last time, I might have cleared it had I not sucked around the stage 4 boss.

>> No.7850176
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>> No.7850204

Gengetsu "Mugetsu"

>> No.7850219
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>> No.7850244



>> No.7850306

First off in case you haven't already set it up EoSD and PCB suffer from horrible input lag, so try out this vsync patch to fix that http://mentaltoilet.blogspot.com/2009/05/vsync-patch.html

You died alot this game without using any bombs, you should be bombing anytime you feel you have lost control of the situation with bullets flying at you. If you had bombed those times you would most likely be walking away with enough lives and bombs to just bomb Sakuya into oblivion (not saying that is satisfying). A lot of the times I've noticed you flying up to the POC and getting nailed, playing as Marisa exclusively I feel as I can get away with it with my speed but you probably need to be more aware of what is about to happen. One thing I want to point out that staying above the bottom of the screen is not always a good idea, during China's "Gorgeous Sweet Flowet" you can see how you barely make it through some parts, but if you look at the bottom of the screen the card is a whole lot more calm.

I'll probably have more to write as I think it over and inevitably watch it again, also do you play fast paced games often?

>> No.7850321

Not too often, usually the games i play are more grindy, or have more story. I'm better at melee games like SSB when i play any type of 'reaction' game. But, I did always love Galaga, and found this through browsing this site. I love the games, but haven't 1cc'd yet. The reason I die is probably because I try to grab too many points.

>> No.7850329


>> No.7850371

I have a friend who is in the same exact situation as you. Another piece I would like to add is try to dodge in smaller increments, so you don't smack into the next set of bullets in cards and work on your awareness of where bullets are going especially during the stage portion.

>> No.7850374

Yeah, alot of times when I die, I didn't even see the bullet that hit me coming.

>> No.7850378

Why do people do this.

>> No.7850391

I thought it looked a little weird. that makes sense that's it's tool-assisted.

on a different note, how the hell are people ever able to handle lunatic mode anyway is beyond me.

>> No.7850418
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I did it.


This might have taken the most attempts out of any of my other stage practice shenanigans, and it's less than 3 minutes of gameplay. Those noncards hurt so good.


>> No.7850477

Are you sure you didn't mean 9-6? 9-4 is one of the easier cards.

>> No.7850866

Ten Desires has the worst gameplay by far. The scoring system is so broken that the current world record runs involve not dodging a single bullet through the last few stages. The only stage with somewhat interesting scoring is Extra, since the end bonus makes suicides unprofitable. Even then, the scoring routes are already pretty much optimized, and the only score differences will come from who can stay closer to Mamizou longer.

On top of that, it's disappointingly easy on every difficulty.

>> No.7851215

hi Betty.
I would like your opinion on if I should even bother trying to collect spirits. It seems that every time I do I end up throwing myself into danger and waste a life. I personally find this to be one of the more difficult games of the series. what exactly am I doing wrong, and what is the best way I can improve? thanks.

>> No.7851223

Disregard spirits, acquire victory.

>> No.7852020

>because everytime I get to that spellcard, the music syncs perfectly with it.

This so fucking much. And I like how it consist of so many different patterns that overlap majestically.

>> No.7852724
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dude, you died to Icicle Fall - Easy.

>> No.7852794

He what? Ok, my sadistic side has awaken.

>> No.7852828

At first i like Miko's spellcards in spell practice a lot. But when i try to 1cc, they're not cool any more. They are just too fast at the beginning of the spellcards and have great chance of failure in the first few tries. And on top of that, i can't deathbomb at all, the deathbomb time is too short compare to the speed of those spellcards. Many times i just become pussy and have to bomb through every fast cards. The game also leaves no room for mistakes. Oh, i miss IN.

>> No.7852847

Yeah, once I thought how the hell that people are handling Hard. Now my normal runs are on Hard. Lunatic is next in the line.

>> No.7852854
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I have a feeling Youkai Polygraph will end up being my favorite, but I can't put my nose to the grindstone to get it done.
For the moment, it's probably Froggy Braves the Elements. Or to cop out, all of Utsuho's cards. That whole fight, to me, feels epic in a way that Touhou hasn't since the Scarlet sisters.

If /jp/ had a friend, how would you explain Touhou to them?
"Okay, so in this one, one loli is shooting another loli with butterflies."
"Because that other loli wants to take Spring."
"Yeah, 'cuz, that's how she's going to revive a dead body buried under a tree that she secretly doesn't know is HERSELF."


"So, why are these two fighting? What's the point of this?"
"Okay, so the hellcrow has gone nuclear, and she's literally throwing suns at you. Are you shrine maiden enough to stop her?"

>> No.7852898


Not the same person you were replying too, however could you tell me how to install the vsync patch properly? Apologies for being a pathetic noob

>> No.7852903



I'm so fucking tired right now.

>> No.7852938

assuming you already got the file (http://coolier.sytes.net:8080/th_up3/file/th3_8419.zip))
just as OP in http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=36811

>> No.7852949
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tidal gear

>> No.7852947

I would say "It's a shmup with a focus on multi-stage boss fights and slower-moving intricate patterns."

I mean, generally I just hold control through the dialogue after the first couple times anyways.

>> No.7852962


Thanks, it seems to have worked. Only thing is now everything is back in Japanese as opposed to the English patch, or is that supposed to happen?

>> No.7852966

you renamed the "th06.exe" instead of the "th06e.exe", right?

>> No.7852974


I didn't, will do now.

>> No.7853051
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Forgot my most hated. Oddly enough, my worst spellcards don't come from my most hated boss fights.
When Parsee goes all Taboo: 2 of a Kind on ya... hate that. I always mess that up.
And Flandre's pinwheel attack thing. Maybe I just haven't done it in a while and I beat her when I was still kinda new to Touhou, but that card was a guaranteed Master Spark screen etch-a-sketch moment for me.

>> No.7853275

Oh baby, over 50m in Possessed by Phoenix. Solo-Youmu is just so silly.

>> No.7853603

A mountain of cookies awaits the one who legitimately captures Ultra VoWG. Even MarisaBugged doesn't make it any less insane, it just takes less lives that way.

>> No.7853704

I always thought Scarlet Shot (lunatic) was way worse than Scarlet Gensokyo as far as actually capturing the card. Although if you can afford a bomb, it's much easier.

>> No.7853851

Started playing DS and StB for when I need quick games, these games are insane but I guess you can keep working at them easily.

>> No.7854195
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Keep your cookies. I can almost capture it at 30 FPS, but full speed is so completely out of the question. Normal/Ultra seems fine, though. It's just about as bad as a constantly unlucky Lunatic.

>> No.7854266

Phantasmagoria of Flower View thread. >>7854258

Don't be afraid to participate, /jp/.
