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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.7844349

oh boy this thread again

>> No.7844350



>> No.7844351
File: 34 KB, 602x366, OHSHIT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7844354

Just go back to the old system of pirating japanese releases with fan translation patches. "Companies" like mangagamer can be eliminated.

>> No.7844353
File: 97 KB, 571x574, OHSHIT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844364

I find it funny that these people say "VN industry" when they mean "VN official english localization industry", because MangaGamer and Ixrec and who-the-fuck-ever do not fucking make VNs.

>> No.7844359
File: 26 KB, 561x153, PETERPAYNE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844362

Or if you feel kind enough actually import the fucking game. Middlemen are scum.

>> No.7844363


>> No.7844366
File: 51 KB, 574x338, AGILIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7844367

Here's the thing that puzzles me: why so many people, you know, care about this at all?
The translations will continue.
Even if MG dies, they didn't offer ANYTHING of value, neither to western fans nor to Japanese companies.

>> No.7844372

tbh id buy from a company that actually sees you as a customer (in this case, mangagamer) than buying from a company that doesn't count you as a customer
im looking at you, japan sales only

>> No.7844374
File: 62 KB, 594x379, AGILIS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844378

I don't know if many people care. I don't know why these twitter screenshot threads require so many editions.

>> No.7844381

The games aren't being made for me or you in the first place, though I understand the concept you're getting at.
Then again, games made in my own country aren't even being made for me anymore either...

>> No.7844379

Also, this, so fucking much this.
Kouryuu crying about "killing this industry" was honestly disgusting.

>> No.7844380
File: 69 KB, 585x382, Fuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844383
File: 38 KB, 531x207, ANN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844384
File: 234 KB, 654x840, Yuyucow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844387

>15 posts in 10 minutes

Damn /jp/, you scary.

>> No.7844390


>> No.7844392

And not even mangagamer's death would kill official localizations. Kouryuu has no idea what he's saying.

>> No.7844394

i know, but they should at least respect you as a paying customer when you buy their game, not this japanese only shit.

anyhow; i don't think we should let mangagamer die at any cause.
more competition is always better.
it's not like mangagamer is holding back translations. it's the fantranslators themselves.

>> No.7844397

>it's not like mangagamer is holding back translations. it's the fantranslators themselves.
Errr... what?

>> No.7844396

It's as if these people actually believe that human beings who know other languages besides their native ones will magically stop translating things from one language to another and finding bored codemonkeys to slap things they translated into a pre-existing game.

>> No.7844399

>it's not like mangagamer is holding back translations. it's the fantranslators themselves.
But that's exactly what it was like in this case.

>> No.7844402

i don't follow the scene but i'm convinced MLA is delayed to hell because amaterasu decided to go official, not because mangagamer is holding them back (from releasing the translation unofficially)

>> No.7844405

/jp/ is for JRPGS. Let's talk about xhenowhatever on dolphin console or something.

>> No.7844406


>> No.7844407

Woah, nips sure love their porn

>> No.7844417
File: 11 KB, 206x170, 1314715616483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mangagamer tears are delicious.

>> No.7844418
File: 76 KB, 600x337, xenoblade5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the troll >>7844406

What level are you? I'm 78. I just got heavenly RED black winged sword.

>> No.7844429

Good, kill the middleman industry, same goes for "official" anime fansubs, it doesn't matter. Nothing in Japan will change. This isn't news.

>> No.7844444

Hey look, it's more drama between the faggot casuals who think that playing VNs in English makes them legitimate fans, and the even dumber faggots who think they can actually make money off of the phenomenon.

>> No.7844447
File: 8 KB, 224x448, 1203893894343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder if VN companies would actually lose sales if they had an explicitly gaijin-friendly policy. I understand that racism is the cornerstone of otaku culture and all, but still, I get the feeling that whenever companies choose work with JAST/MG/fantranslators, there's this undercurrent of "we're only doing this to momentarily appease the gaijin market, we really don't give a shit about you"

>> No.7844457

>racism is the cornerstone of otaku culture
Look, it's another dumbass who thinks that Japanese otaku actually know or care about the Western fanbase.

>> No.7844459

And now the delusional retards who think if you can read moon you are a trve kvlt VN fan are taking part too! Good times!

>> No.7844464

Yep. I don't see a point making the games run only on japanese locale other than xenophobia.

It's not like making your game run only on japanese locale prevents the feminazis from discovering it or even prevent piracy.

>> No.7844465

Quick, archive the thread, so you can forever bask in the brief moment during which you had direct interaction with a true otaku.

>> No.7844470

For god's sake. If they didn't care about the non-japanese otaku they would not implement the big fuck you to the non-japanese which is japan only in big red english alphabet

>> No.7844471
File: 10 KB, 500x400, I wish I could hate you to death.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7844477

Bangkok, mark my words, one day you and I will meet in real life, and I will punch you square in the jaw. I swear. And you'll never see it coming either.

>> No.7844479

and your point is?
i'm just stating the facts.

>> No.7844480


It was just a shitty joke aimed at the kind of people who think like that
I thought /jp/ could take a little sarcasm

Why can nobody take it easy

>> No.7844485

Both the companies and nerds fan translating them should shut up. This is why you'll never have a cool place like Akihabara to walk around in your country. You. Just. Don't. Get. It.

>> No.7844486


>> No.7844490

We've had this discussion before, and I don't feel like repeating it. I often wonder how you can eat up so much content created by a bunch of people whom you seem to hate, and whom you seem to believe hate you back.

>> No.7844496

Teach 'em how to be cool nerds!

>> No.7844501

repeat yourself on how the japanese only region lock protects them from anything but the paying customer.
and i'd gladly fuck your daughter even though i hate you

>> No.7844504

BAngkok please just shut the fuck up. Everything you say is fucking stupid.

>> No.7844511

>still calling bangkok "bangkok" instead of bang-cock
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.7844512

nice ad-hominem as a last resort when losing an argument

>> No.7844516

You should all add this person to your filter, because he's a mangagamer shill. Take a look:


>> No.7844517
File: 11 KB, 240x320, 0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, Cave hates the goddamn gaijin so much. Just look at these region locks.

>> No.7844518
File: 8 KB, 333x100, part21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7844524

do you even read what you post?
it clearly states that the warning is given for legal reasons, plus does it physically prevent you from playing outside the USA?

>> No.7844528

Who gives a flying fuck about the English industry, its fucking useless and a waste of money. just stick to fan translations. When mangagamer appeared all that happened was that we got less translations. amaterasu could be done with 10 translations by now.

>> No.7844530

Go on, bring me something for AliceSoft's site. But from AliceSoft's site, not some blog connected to it.

>> No.7844531

amaterasu could have done 10 translations by now if they decided to, they just don't because they wanted to go official

>> No.7844538

Yeah,good thing thats over with, now they might actually get a ton of shit done.

>> No.7844552

The funny thing is no one actually gives a shit about the "harm" done.

>> No.7844553

Can anybody explain to me why the fuck a parasite like Mangagamer is even needed?

- Japanese company makes the games
- Fans make the translations
- Mangagamer makes ?????

What is the added value they bring to this system? All they are trying to do is fatten their own wallet by peddling somebody else's work.

>> No.7844562

Nice copypasta.

>> No.7844563

i think the games that won't start up unless your windows is japanese are a bigger problem, not ones released worldwide that are sold per region like that screenshot.

the games running on reallive that have to be cracked before they can be ran on any other system.

>> No.7844567


It's literally the exact same warning as the Japan-only warning, which you got all hot and bothered about in >>7844470

>> No.7844568

and how is mangagamer's at fault?
i also believe Age didn't give them the green light to MLA because the patch was leaked thus they see it as potentially loads of less sales due to piracy, so they offered kiminozo

and im not blaming anyone. my point is that
- amaterasu have valid reasons to go official, wouldnt you if you had the chance? i sure as hell would
- mangagamer is not at fault for being slow because contracts don't sign itself in a day
- age is not at fault for believing piracy because of MLA patch leak will hurt MLA sales so they offered kiminozo instead

i hope my points are clear

>> No.7844575
File: 17 KB, 400x400, mickey on the internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying customer

Blocking a bunch of people who don't pay for your product and cause drama is a perfectly sound business decision, but faggots like you will always see it as some sort of racial/personal thing. Whatever.

For the record, I'd be happy to fuck your daughter too. Perhaps someday we can trade, assuming we both have children, which seems rather unlikely.

I'm going to bed now, I've had a long fucking day. Feel free to take another stab at me; nobody will remember anyway since at least I'm not a namefag like you.

Not me, you faggots.

Take it easy /jp/. I'm out.

>> No.7844577

-False information
-Bad idea?

>> No.7844583

read what this guy posted here

the JAPAN ONLY in eroges aren't there for legal reasons

>> No.7844585


Actually I typed it by hand both times, and nobody has still given a good answer.

Why is the middle-man necessary? Tell me if you can.

>> No.7844589

For awesome Overdrive games.

>> No.7844591

Why are you guys wasting your time discussing all this shit? All those wasted time could be used to play Katahane and Sharnoth, or replay Alternative.

>> No.7844592

>Blocking a bunch of people who don't pay for your product and cause drama is a perfectly sound business decision,

I do (used to) pay for the products. And I'm still blocked. What gives?

>> No.7844594

Amaterasu never stopped translating during this time. Keep spouting bullshit.

>> No.7844595

They actually respect you as a paying customer.

>> No.7844598

So why do I care?
This isn't going to affect the release of VNs, and it isn't going to affect my ability to read, buy or obtain them.

>> No.7844600

They respect me enough to spoil Kara no Shoujo

>> No.7844601

Which is why they block competing translations for no other reason than max dosh?

>> No.7844602

âge didn't give the green light to muvluv because it's in 5pb's hands now. Stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.7844604

dunno about that, but at least they don't tell you to go live in japan in order to play the games

>> No.7844608

>âge didn't give the green light to muvluv because it's in 5pb's hands now
citation needed? plus im not spreading misinformation, i clearly stated its my opinion, unlike some people with their presumptions

>i also believe

>> No.7844609

This essentially.
Nothing better than buying a game only to need to crack and patch the .exe to even play it, without jumping through multiple hoops of changing settings.

>> No.7844615

Shut the fuck up and change your locale already. No one thinks you deserve special treatment just because you are American.

>> No.7844618

Yeah, region locked content is clearly there just to spit in the faces of dirty gaijins.
And it's never been heard of outside of Japanese games.
I swear, you people are so goddamn retarded sometimes.

>> No.7844622

changing locale doesnt even work in a number of games, you genuinely needs japanese version of windows

i tried using japanese language pack for windows 7 ultimate, didnt work

>> No.7844628

You are fucking retarded. There is no Japanese version of windows. Change your language, locale, location and unicode settings and you have the exact same install as an equivalent you would get in Japan, dipshit.

>> No.7844633

All I need to do is select japanese windows then log off and log back in to switch. I use windows 7 ultimate

>> No.7844637

This thread is an eysore.

>> No.7844635
File: 130 KB, 450x600, 13161741_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't most VN devs over in Japan hate American because of that whole Rapeplay (or however it was spelled) scandal a while back? They're probably afraid that if a foreigner got caught with their game, it'd go all the way back to them and shit would happen. While blocking ips is a bit extreme, I can understand where they're coming from.

>> No.7844636

just wait for a moment, i'll show you what

>> No.7844638

the region block is there way before the rapelay controversy

>> No.7844642

>And it's never been heard of outside of Japanese games.

It hasn't. Not on PC. All Windows programs that are competently coded will work on any PC regardless of what region settings it uses.

Though the most likely explanation is that Japanese coders are just shit and can't code to save their lives. "Never ascribe to evil what can be explained through incompetence."

>> No.7844643


Old? We still do this.

>> No.7844646

Please do, because a Japanese OEM install is exactly the same as an American one with the settings I just referred to preset and the IME keyboard as default. There really isn't a difference.

There is no need to create imaginary obstacles in order to compensate for your technical and linguistic shortcomings.

>> No.7844645
File: 12 KB, 379x301, 1293566253844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

I bet you guys don't even read VNs anymore, you just like to argue about them.

>> No.7844647

Fan translations are faster and better and free, so fuck manga gamer, fuck industry.

>> No.7844649
File: 161 KB, 1512x722, japaaannnnfusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you're enlightened

>> No.7844654

That's what you get for being a weeaboo

>> No.7844659
File: 92 KB, 1080x457, japaaannnnfusion2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what its like when running inside a japanese XP virtual machine

>> No.7844660 [DELETED] 

Just as "free" as Mangagamer's games.

>> No.7844663

>all the text is in english

Yeah, you're not doing it right.

>> No.7844665
File: 491 KB, 350x260, 1315145737460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you twelve?

>> No.7844670

changing locales and regions doesn't change the text in windows to that language in case you never knew

>> No.7844683
File: 20 KB, 470x542, display_language.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so hard.

>> No.7844687
File: 74 KB, 479x546, herp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you do it right. Instantly my computer is no different than a Japanese one.

>> No.7844686


Filter/ignore him and report. Do not help.

>> No.7844691
File: 36 KB, 440x214, 9275661_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you expect someone to know every possible function on a computer.

>> No.7844689

changing GUI language is only for windows 7 utimate plus it doesnt work
im on win7 pro now so i cant show you that. but i'd illegally upload the game for you to try out yourself that it doesn't.

>> No.7844693

This is /jp/'s attempt at emulating having a life. They act like they don't care about being shut-ins, but it secretly makes them feel bad.

Having a "hot issue" to discuss and feel strongly about is to emulate friends/a social life. When in reality nobody gives a flying fuck about this.

>> No.7844694

Btw I don't have Windows 7 Ultimate, only pro

>> No.7844695

you don't have that unless your using windows7 ultimate


>> No.7844697

thats because you pirated the MUI from froggie.sk

>> No.7844698
File: 47 KB, 640x236, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works, trust me.

>> No.7844701

it fucking doesnt

the pirated MUI from froggie.sk DOES work, though
the official MUI downloaded from windows update DOESNT

>> No.7844702


You also deserve a ban. See:


>> No.7844718


That poster worked on the MLA translation you idiot.

>> No.7844721

VN industry was never alive.

>> No.7844722

i dont know him because i dont follow the whole fest
still, citation was needed.

>> No.7844738

Fuck the translators. They act as if they were the ones that actually created the VNs.

>> No.7844745

Yeah, fuck those translators demanding payment for things they didn't even create. Fucking leeches.

>> No.7844759

The rights to Muv-Luv (and apparently Kimiilta and Kiminozo and all their other properties) now supposedly belong to "ixtl", whatever the fuck that is.

I first thought it was an anime production committee because it first started popping up around the TE anime announcement (http://muvluv-te-anime.ixtl.jp/ even) but if it's on their other VNs I don't know. But if you look at anything since July or so it has (c) âge, ixtl on it. (and yes I can say July with that degree of certainty, since Chronicles 02 is just age and even the Super Hornet plamo released at the end of July has age and ACID on it)

360 Muv-Luv site has ©2003 ACID / ©2011 5pb.・ixtl

>> No.7844765

Their C80 good have ixtl on it as well.

>> No.7844773

>things they didn't even create

They did create a thing: the translation.

The translation is its own thing you know.

>> No.7844780

Err, as well as having age on it. Though, that might've just been the TE fan that had ixtl on it, need to check.
I wouldn't be surprised in ixtl is some merchandising group comprised of Lantis, Koto, Hobbystock, age, Volks, 5pb, HoppyJapan, Tech Gian, ASCII Media Works, Cospa and all those other Operation Phoenix people.

>> No.7844786
File: 91 KB, 908x658, letssee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what?
I just went through a burden of installing windows7 ultimate and japanese language pack just to show you that

>> No.7844793
File: 75 KB, 798x597, letssee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you're enlightened now. for real.

>> No.7844796

I still don't get why they'd all be in on the other VNs too though, unless it's just a matter of saving the trouble of the characters coming from multiple games, so if you want to associate your Muv-Luv stuff with Haruka in a Hakuryo uniform you aren't fucked.

>> No.7844797

Why do you even care so much about this? There's clearly a way to play it, despite all your crying.

>> No.7844799

TE Anime fan just has ixtl on it, everything else is age and ixtl.

>> No.7844800

What does that mean? No more Chronicles 03?

I was hoping for TDA to have hscenes. ;_;

>> No.7844808

ixtl confirmed for Ixrec Translations

>> No.7844804

yes there are ways to play it
like a japanese version of windows
or a crack

>> No.7844810

Games that region lock usually combine methods. The first is usually system locale settings (time, region, that kind of stuff). The second is usually the language resource version of a system dll (like kernel32.dll). That's not something that changing the non-unicode settings or the region settings will change. There might be some other checks involved too but those are the most common and used together.

>> No.7844817

That's what I said.
Again, why do you give so many shits? Just pirate the game and do that, it's clear they don't want your money. You don't have to give it to them.

>> No.7844814

If you look at the KimiIta site, it's still all age.
For the 360 ports, it's probably a way of signifying that age has no direct involvement with it, unless they're part of ixtl.

>> No.7844816

now who's the smart one, huh?

>> No.7844822 [DELETED] 

the rights to the 360 port belongs to 5pb
but that the rights to the original game is now belongs to 5pb

its like how the rights to koitate ps2 version belongs to alchemist, but the original version still retains its original rightholder

>> No.7844826

Same for the KimiMuv site, which features a bunch of characters.
But, it is on the KimiNozo NEXT SEASON OVA site, so yeah.

>> No.7844832

the rights to the 360 port belongs to 5pb
but its unlikely that that the rights to the original game now also belongs to 5pb

its like how the rights to koitate ps2 version belongs to alchemist, but the original version still retains its original rightholder
IIRC axl even said that they have nothing to do with the ps2 version

so saying 5pb now holds the right to the pc version is probably bullshit

>> No.7844837

as a person who used to actually buy eroges, i feel like shit for supporting them all along

>> No.7844840
File: 41 KB, 640x426, EO8QM7G6sFY3eva783YRye6P6Gda9UXe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anime production committee it is. Much like how everything FMP has had "Full Metal Panic Film Partners" on it since 2006 even though they haven't filmed anything in ages.

Honestly I think that quite possibly explains why they wouldn't license the VNs. Animu industry takes piracy much more serious business aside from inexplicably throwing themselves at Crunchy Roll.

age can still generally do whatever it wants, this pretty much just applies to external licensing. "ixtl" shows up associated with eroge with h-scenes as much as anything.

Only shows up on recently updated pages. This is from a Bushiroad strategy presentation or whatever last week, with Kouki presenting.

>> No.7844845
File: 43 KB, 640x426, yM9MWU788xfR216op6t4v9hR4rjrnO47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7844875

I guess we can assume Bushiroad is part of ixtl/deals with ixtl then.
As the KimiIta site was last updated in 8/11, and doesn't feature any ixtl stuff on it.

>> No.7844886
File: 33 KB, 720x99, age_10th_kne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Bushiroad is an Operation Phoenix partner, yeah. cospa too I think.

None of the Kiminozo 10th anniversary banners had ixtl on them, funnily enough.

>> No.7844891

Though I forgot to mention the "age, ixtl" stuff was all TDA01 stuff, with no sign of TE anywhere.
inb4 TDA in TE
But seriously though, I have no idea who made the stuff.

>> No.7844895

Though, Kouki has mentioned wanting to animate everything Muv-Luv. I can't help but wonder if there's other stuff aside from TE in the basic planning.
Somebody just go tweet Kouki what "ixtl" is, dammit.

>> No.7844926

If TDA has H scenes, assuming they don't lolCast Change again, it'll only be with Yuzuka, not delicious Ellen. Not that there's anything wrong with Yuzuka, just not as delicious as Ellen.

>> No.7844978

Sorry, but you are wrong again. Just because you have changed the language doesn't mean that you have changed the locale. I can replicate the same image you just did if I change my locale to America. Nice try.

>> No.7845154

I still remember when I bought a French copy of Earthsiege II in 1997. It required a French Windows.

>> No.7845160
File: 89 KB, 1024x600, マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ クロニクルズ PV(クリスカB).wmv_snapshot_05.01_[2011.09.08_15.21.09].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mentioning ixtl, was just rewatching one of the Chronicles PVs from Chronicles 01, and looked what showed up.

>> No.7845243

So what's ixtl exactly?
A writer's guild?

>> No.7845258

I dunno.
Probably TE Anime production partners stuff, like the guy above mentioned, as TE stuff does appear in the trailer.

>> No.7845275
File: 47 KB, 450x266, 016(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...isn't Azusa Maxima the guy doing the Alternative manga? Why the hell is he writing a PV?

Also more random ixtl sightings, note the lack of age anywhere on this Euro Front decal set.

Well, the name itself is a reference to The Voyage of the Space Beagle, and the alien Ixtl is probably the direct inspiration for Alien. It looks like at the time of that PV the name may have only been used to refer to the general planning group (like how Sunrise has Hajime Yatate), but at least now probably refers to all the production partners.

>> No.7845295

Azusa Maxima seems to be sort of general age staff, as an idea person. I think that person if credited for the additions to Alternative's story in the manga as well.
After all Wei Luxin started out writing MLA fan fiction, in the form of Chicken Divers, and is now the main writer of TDA, so it's not hard to see the writer of something more official getting hired by them.

>> No.7845429

"Western people aren't worth the money to bother catering to by delivering a quality, physical product to them for less than what it costs to buy a PSP, but DON'T YOU DARE TRANSLATE THE GAME YOURSELF AND PRODUCE A TRANSLATION AT HIGHER QUALITY, OR YOU'LL SINGLE-HANDEDLY KILL THE ENTIRE JAPANESE VN MARKET!"

In a nutshell. We are all Hitler.

>> No.7845638

Where can I get a new PSP for $50?

>> No.7845945

Personally, I would like to see the market here grow. It isn't exactly fun knowing that all it takes is a company exercising it's legitimate legal options to completely shot down a translation patch. More than seeing the market for translations grow (which would be nice, but we'll get the translations either way), I would like to see the medium itself gain popularity.

It has many redeeming features over other formats (of course I don't need to tell any of you that), even if there are a few flaws, and I would like to see what some people would do with it. You know, beyond some poor saps who can't draw or write making shit in Ren'Py.

But the way I see it, this is a case of a company using methods that do not work and just gradually getting a bad reputation. What has MG even done to "expand their market?". You know what would expand the market? Some fucking VNs getting translated that haven't been out for ages. Or heaven forbid some original godamn content.

>> No.7845969

I don't think anyone really likes mangagamer. They whine about sales and pirates and do all sorts of nonsense that seems just to be there to annoy the fans.

>> No.7845994

You got reading issues there, boy.

>> No.7846008

Well JAST and Hendane's "quality, physical products" are new. It seems to me used PSPs should be compared to used eroge.

>> No.7846033


>> No.7846123

>Some fucking VNs getting translated that haven't been out for ages. Or heaven forbid some original godamn content.
You mean, like Go, go Nippon? Which is new and with original content.

>> No.7846781

>They did create a thing: the translation.
>The translation is its own thing you know.

they still need to obtain a licence to be allowed to sell it. a licence that usually costs a lot of money.

you can't 'own' a translation to the point of being able to sell it without first obtaining the rights to do that from its actual creators, the copyright laws are there to prevent you from doing that.

>> No.7846828
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>implying dating sims and porn games deserve to be considered as an "industry" to begin with

>> No.7846849


Who are you quoting nerd?

>> No.7846872
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>> No.7846881


Go back to /v/ kid.

>> No.7846896

It's kind of hard to hear you with my cock jammed so far down your throat. Could you repeat that?

>> No.7846905
File: 33 KB, 149x197, 1299285986540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kid, why don't you go play some anime porn games and leave 4chan to the big dogs?

>> No.7846958



>> No.7847254
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Kouryuu and his butthurt buddies make bi-as articles.

>> No.7847268

Hell, I'm surprised no one ever attempted to officially translate KimiNozo what with all the fucking that goes on there. I'm pretty sure it has more H scenes than most of the nukige translated into English do.

>> No.7847297 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7847325
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>> No.7847351
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Wouldn't it be cool if we encouraged everyone to learn Japanese and perhaps hold monthly events, like seminars where we brush up our kanji's and stuff and then we could buy the games so we can contribute and you know give something back to the industry?

>> No.7847355

That takes effort, so no.

>> No.7847354

It would, but you're asking people from 4chan to accomplish something as a group.
We can barely get /boardhere/ sings finished half the time.

>> No.7847360

Oh and then there's the fact that there's always that one incredibly mentally unstable individual who feels under-appreciated 24/7, 365 so he dons a tripcode and starts shitposting crossboards with his faggotry because he doesn't get enough attention from the collective.

>> No.7847362

I totally think we can do it. I see so much mad passion going on here on these 4chons I can't even understand half of it, I'm certain we can get passionate about it, isn't that really why we're here in the first place?
Everything does, but it's worth it.

>> No.7847371

Strength in numbers. He's one, and we've got to be at least more than two, right? He wants in on what we have and we simply shrug him off until he cleans his act up. He will always be left on his own record which is terrifying to him.

>> No.7848114
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how about you just accept the fact and stop being stubborn with your logical fallacies

>> No.7848116
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i can do this all day

>> No.7848118
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for fucks sake

YOU are the one thats wrong and wrong

>> No.7848125
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hereby, i declare you as the mister failure of the century

>> No.7848121
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just accept the told status

>> No.7848128

any questions?

>> No.7848148 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7848166
File: 234 KB, 900x959, Raul_Gonzalez_10mar2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some REAL MADrid shit going on here.

>> No.7848169

i aint even mad

>> No.7848170


What is this?

>> No.7848175


>> No.7848210

I'm not the one you're arguing with, but if you're actually having a genuine problem playing the game and don't have a crack for it, I could make one for you and even tell you exactly how it does the gaijin check. If you're not trolling and don't have a solution to it, you can upload the exe (include other files that are required to run it as well, just not the whole game, keep it small) and I'll look into it, otherwise, why do you care? There hasn't been a single VN I haven't been able to run on my computer, and I'm a stubborn bastard who only runs in English locale (NTLEA or Applocale for most japanese non-unicode programs).

>> No.7848214

how did you get muvluv to work without changing locale??

>> No.7848222

thanks for the helping hand but i have japanese xp installed, so i can play the game
im just showing him that his presumptions are wrong about how changing locales and shit always work
it doesn't

>> No.7848237

in case you want to have a look at it

>> No.7848248

You don't you idiot. Computers just do not work like that. You can get a stand alone exe to run without being in the Japanese locale (albeit with crap text), but not an installed game. It does not work that way.

>> No.7848270

It's dying? Good.
I hope everything /jp/ loves dies.
I hate everything this board likes except Touhou.
If everything in Japan except Touhou was destroyed forever it would make me cum buckets.

It's not even a real industry, that's like calling skateboarding an industry.

>> No.7848278

so then what did this guy do if he said he got every vn to run without changing from english locale?

>> No.7848298

Fair enough. I should elaborate that you can get quite a few games to run. However they will not WORK properly. Not only is the text garbled, I have had times on other computers when patches would not work (be it an official game patch or translation), and the games can crash or freeze. It is best in rule of thumb to simply switch locale. It won't break your computer to do so.

>> No.7848325
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>Implying i don't use Windows 7 Ultimate
>Implying i'm not using Japanese locale
>Implying that i'm not using Japanese Language pack

what did you do to your computer

>> No.7848340

Results seem to be:
Execle.exe - AlphaROM/Themida'd CD/DVD checker written in MFC and quite tiny after unpacking (not 6MB, that's just the DRM bloat), should launch the game (OLV_DL.exe). Does not appear to have gaijin-checks, but I didn't bother looking into it in detail. Since DRM is cancer, it might be possible to launch OLV_DL.exe without it, but I haven't looked into it in detail as I don't have a full copy of the game, so I wouldn't know if it really works.
OLV_DL.exe - The game. Before it initializes anything, it checks your locale in many different ways, it also checks our timezone and keyboard-related properties (in as many ways as they can think of):
.text:00426DAC call ds:GetSystemMetrics
.text:00426DB2 push ebx ; nTypeFlag
.text:00426DB3 call ds:GetKeyboardType
.text:00426DB9 call ds:GetSystemDefaultUILanguage
.text:00426DBF mov esi, eax
.text:00426DC1 mov [esp+1CF4h+hAccTable], esi
.text:00426DC5 call ds:GetSystemDefaultLangID
.text:00426DCB mov [esp+1CF4h+var_1CC8], eax
.text:00426DCF call ds:GetSystemDefaultLCID
.text:00426DD5 mov [esp+1CF4h+var_1CD0], eax
.text:00426DD9 call ds:GetUserDefaultUILanguage
.text:00426DDF mov [esp+1CF4h+var_1CD4], eax
.text:00426DE3 call ds:GetUserDefaultLangID
.text:00426DE9 mov [esp+1CF4h+var_1CDC], eax
.text:00426DED call ds:GetUserDefaultLCID

>> No.7848341

.text:00426DF7 call ds:GetThreadLocale
.text:00426DFD mov [esp+1CF4h+var_1CE0], eax
.text:00426E01 call ds:GetOEMCP
.text:00426E07 mov [esp+1CF4h+var_1CD8], eax
.text:00426E0B call ds:GetACP
.text:00426E11 mov [esp+1CF4h+var_1CEC], eax
.text:00426E15 call __tzset
.text:00426E1A mov eax, lpMultiByteStr
.text:00426E1F lea ecx, [esp+1CF4h+var_12D4]
.text:00426E26 sub ecx, eax

It should be possible to make all those pass without being in Japanese locale, but you'll need to use a debugger to see which ones fail when you change your settings (NTLEA isn't enough, they didn't hook enough APIs). However, since they just put all the checks in the same place, you can patch a jump over all of them, here's what you need to patch using a hex editor:
Comparing files OLV_DL_gaijinwelcome.exe and OLV_DL.EXE
00026EFF: E9 8B
00026F00: B4 C6
00026F01: 00 25
00026F02: 00 11
00026F03: 00 04

Try NTLEA or Applocale. There are also other things you could do.

>> No.7848352

> read shitkaku-like topic
> think it's true
Most people on /jp/ are indifferent to the state of the localization industry.
The japanese eroge industry is largely unaffected by any of this. Not even /jp/ers are affected by this - they got 2 patches for free instead of having to pay for them. Mangagamer might make less profit as they've been denied 3 free translations. JAST is unaffected by this. Nobody here even cares about it.

>> No.7848380

What kind of shitty compiler generates call instructions with DS prefixes?

>> No.7848383

I think I understood. It's an indirect call to a library function and the disassembler uses retarded syntax?

>> No.7848428

care to tell me how do you get all those informations?

>> No.7848443

ds stands for data segment. The Windows PE (Portable Executable) loader places imports in the IAT (Import Address Table) and the IAT is in the .rdata section, hence to call some imported API, you do call ds:[IAT.YourApi]. The disassembler does not write the [] to signify the indirection for such calls, instead just writes the segment name. You can see a direct (statically linked) library call after that (no ds:).
Using standard reversing engineering tools. A disassembler: IDA Pro. A debugger: OllyDBG. A hex editor and a virtual machine was also used. You also require knowledge of x86 assembly and knowledge of the platform's APIs and file format (Windows Internals, PE file format, others) to actually know how to use the tools meaningfully.

>> No.7848459

>ds stands for data segment. The Windows PE (Portable Executable) loader places imports in the IAT (Import Address Table) and the IAT is in the .rdata section, hence to call some imported API, you do call ds:[IAT.YourApi]. The disassembler does not write the [] to signify the indirection for such calls, instead just writes the segment name. You can see a direct (statically linked) library call after that (no ds:).
Yes, that's what I realized. Still, I think it's a bad syntax, it should explicitly show the indirection.
