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7840954 No.7840954 [Reply] [Original]

So I finally got around to finishing G-senjou no Maou after leaving it around chapter 2 a few months ago. And I just must say chapter 4-5 plus the epilogue were absolutely amazing.
What were your thoughts on this VN /jp/?

>> No.7840956

I thought it was great, but you should probably leave before /jp/'s autism tells you to get out for liking a translated VN that's more than a week old.

>> No.7840958

Well its /jp/ after all, I usually just come here Touhou or Visual novels anyway

>> No.7840957

all the side routes felt unnecessary and just made the story more convoluted.

If they had made the other characters just...characters and just focused on Haru as one linear route, as well as fleshed out the characters some more, it would have been a better game, in my opinion.

Feel free to disagree, though, since i'm pretty sure this is just majority opinion.

>> No.7840961

I mean, not to say that the end still didn't bring me to tears and that it isn't still very good ;_;

sage for not really adding to the discussion

>> No.7840960

It was pretty good until the twist.

>> No.7840966

I only played Haru's route and I thought the other girls' chapters weren't strictly unnecessary. Each was a good way to flesh out Maou's modus operandi and build up Kyousuke's relationship with Haru.

>> No.7840967
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>> No.7840968

Good. A lot of it is quite sad, but you must use the MIND-OF-STEEL outlook as it's all quite expected from a mystery fiction.

>> No.7840979

I enjoyed the rest of the routes as it really made some of the others girls have a lot more depth, canon in particular. As OP said it starts out a bit slow and Maou suddenly disappearance in the other routes doesn't make much sense considering the plot twist.
I still really enjoyed it overall and its probably on my top 5

>> No.7840983

This. Then it got better in the epilogue.

>> No.7840980

I believe the intention was that Kyousuke was to be considered Maou unless you were playing Haru's route.

>> No.7840984

the final ending moments where the guy takes the fall for killing his brother was lame. that haru bitch should have just stayed in the kitchen with the chocolate

>> No.7840985

Oh, what the hell, I read G-sen as "Kara no Shoujo".
G-senjou no Maou was quite nice. There were a few things I would have liked to be different (especially in the ending/epilogue), but overall nice.

>> No.7840987

Yeah I believe that was the idea, which I suppose makes sense. Not a big fan of changing Maou depending on the route but considering how good the last chapter was I can't complain

>> No.7840990

I didn't like the twist, but I did like everything that happened after the twist, to the point I would love to see what that would look like animated.

Epilogue went a little full-retard, but I couldn't help but feel emotional at bits and the end was lovely. By the end, I felt like "yeah, that was pretty cool"

The other girls' routes are lame though

>> No.7840995

Honestly, it didn't really live up to my expectation. Definitely not as good as Sharin, but a good story nonetheless.

>> No.7840997

Epilogue was a bit unexpected but the prison parts were pretty emotional and genuinely really well done.
The other routes were alright but nothing compared to the real ending

>> No.7841025


But...Sharin was horrible!

>> No.7841029

I really liked sharin, what did you have against it bro?

>> No.7841033

Then I guess G-string was super horrible? Don't know, maybe we have different taste?

>> No.7841104

It was good aside from the schrodinger's cat Maou and the fact that you weren't him. It was so obvious that you weren't that I was hoping it was actually true. Boring plot twist.

>> No.7841114

So you had wanted MC to be Maou to not be Maou to be Maou?
That's 3 degrees of retarded right there.

>> No.7841122


Well, yeah. He is Maou in every route but Haru's. Fuck that shit.

>> No.7841164

A Profile has better mindfuck.

>> No.7841167

Dropped it halfway through, partially because of the horrible soundtrack.

>> No.7841168

Which is exactly why you had anticipated him to be so - which is why you anticipated him not to be so.
I thought it was pulled off just fine, though I'd rather have had a proper explanation.

Still beats 'lol maou just didn't care any more, and randomly stopped his quest for revenge at convenient points in the plot'.

>> No.7841198

I liked it.

>> No.7841201

I guess so. It didn't have that many twists, or that big of ones, but at least none of them were as retarded as G-Senjou's main one.

>Still beats 'lol maou just didn't care any more, and randomly stopped his quest for revenge at convenient points in the plot'.
I actually disagree. I don't think it's acceptable to have such a major plot point blatantly, retroactively change depending on what route you're on just because it's convenient for the story.

>> No.7841205


Say that again.

>> No.7841215

I liked it less than sharin but still thought it was pretty good. I didn't like the third and fourth chapter and their respective routes at all though. They were irritating me a lot more than anything else in the game.

>> No.7841217

Think of it as not telling /one/ story, but multiple.
Due to the way of telling the story, you were lead to believe something to be true. Had you went straight for Haru, you wouldn't have been fooled.

>> No.7841222

That's the only song from the OST that isn't forgettable. Most of the arranges of the classical songs sound pretty retarded.

>> No.7841260



>> No.7841276

Nice trolling.

>> No.7841300

Nice, but forgettable. Doesn't mean it's bad, it's just that I forgot this song existed until you pointed it out to me.

>> No.7841305
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4/10. I got mad for a second

>> No.7841321

>Think of it as not telling /one/ story, but multiple.
VNs don't work that way. They're expected to have cohesion of continuity between routes, which is why every other time discrepancies between routes or ends come up they're considered continuity errors. I don't see why G-Senjou should get a free pass.

>Due to the way of telling the story, you were lead to believe something to be true. Had you went straight for Haru, you wouldn't have been fooled.
But I never thought he was Maou and I predicted who Maou really was. So the only thing I was fooled into thinking was that Maou was poorly written out of the story in the side routes, when really there was poor writing of a different kind going on.

>> No.7841327

I loved the soundtrack. Some of those arrangements/remixes were pretty clever.

DAT Erlking arrange, man. Combine this with Haru being fappable and you got a very good game.

>> No.7841366

You assumed a "cohesion of continuity" between the routes, because you didn't consider that it didn't need to have one.
Take Ever17 for example; The reader is tricked because we're used to faceless protagonists, and not hearing/seeing their body.
Now, Ever17 is basically /about/ this, whereas G-Senjou is not. In most of the routes, "Maou" is only a tool for advancing the plot.
It is only in the last route that he becomes "real" and part of the story.
Now I know somebody out there's going to be pissed because I made a comparison between G-Senjou and Ever17, but I think my point got across.

Also, G-Senjou should definitely not "get a free pass". Had the story hinged on whether Maou was real or a delusion/Different personality, and they pulled this, then it would have gone to the shitter.


>> No.7841368

G-Senjou's soundtrack has nothing on Sharin's.

>> No.7841375

I disagree.
Was the only memorable soundtrack in Sharin, in my opinion. And I definitely liked Sharin better than G-Senjou.

>> No.7841381


I was about to link that as an example, damn you

>> No.7841383

> only memorable soundtrack
>Not guitars that will haunt many an Anon until the day they fall into hell

>> No.7841400

What song are you referring to?

>> No.7841401


Again, different taste.

>> No.7841415

Oh yes, I remember the first one quite vividly, but I had trouble remembering the title, which is why I didn't use it as an example.
Anyway, my point is that in general, I think that G-Senjou's music was more memorable, and original (Which is funny, since they're remixes of classical music)

>> No.7841422

What's the song from Sharin's title screen called? It's the one song I can't find.

>> No.7841425

Speaking of Sharin, does anybody know when the QC for the fandisk will be done?

>> No.7841430

"m&p" apparently.

>> No.7841442

mallow, probably.

>> No.7841450

I don't really hear the haunting.
Perhaps he meant as in "hauntingly beautiful"?
I digress.

>> No.7841449

I loved it, but mystery is one of my favorite genres. I had seen the twist coming, but every time they suggested it might be the split personality, I began to doubt it sometimes. I think it was only a bad twist if you didn't see it coming. The reveal was still a great scene to me. Haru's ending was great.

I agree with the other endings being kind of afterthoughts, but they were still good in their own right. I loved Kanon's story, except for that abrupt ending, and I think Tsubaki's was decent enough. Shiratori had the only bad route to me, as it felt like nothing happened in it. There wasn't enough drama compared even to the hostage situation in chapter 4. I don't think they shouldn't be there or anything, but they could have been fleshed out a bit more in certain parts.

>> No.7841460

Haunting as in "if you don't concentrate hard enough you'll hear it, almost like a ringing in your ears".

>> No.7841536

Are there any translations for the sound dramas?

>> No.7841664

Anyone could have seen the true identity of Maou once they revealed that Kyousuke had a brother who just went to England and died. Before that, I doubted Kyousuke was actually Maou (I had the feeling Kyousuke was a lot nicer than he appeared to be, so him being Maou was improbable), but tried to keep my mind open to any surprises. Also, Haru is awesome, as per the usual.

As for the side routes, Tsubaki's I liked the most, though I found her naivety annoying. She's probably the best match for Kyousuke and the briefcase chase scene was entertaining. I liked Kanon, but maybe it's just because of her ponytail. Mizuha's route I found boring, so I'll just leave it at that.

>> No.7841690

>Anyone could have seen the true identity of Maou once they revealed the photo Kyousuke's mother and a man with delicious collarbones
I'd recognize those collarbones anywhere!

>> No.7842280
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>> No.7842727

>G-Senjou's soundtrack has nothing on Sharin's.

This. Fucking this. How a soundtrack composed of classical music can be on the whole WORSE I don't know, but G-Senjou managed it. Only good tracks in the whole thing were Carmina Burana and the original ones.

Reason to Be I since no one's posted it yet:

>> No.7842732

Kanon's voice also made my dick extremely hard.

>> No.7842747


The voice actress is like, seventy, but who cares. Delicious Ushio.

>> No.7842749

I don't even know who that is.
But that makes my dick even harder

>> No.7842758

I didn't like it

>> No.7842824


Seems so weak compared to its original. I think that's part of the reason behind the butthurt surrounding the soundtrack, I mean, turning the Revolutionary Etude into... that. Just doesn't feel right.

>> No.7842874

Does anyone know what classical song this comes from?

I'd go check myself but I don't have it installed on this computer. Either way, that's easily my favourite track aside from Close Your Eyes.

>> No.7842913 [DELETED] 

...and this generic boring shitty myblog thread still exist!?

I'm beginning to think that /jp/ really has become shitty lately... and that new Meido and his (since there are no females on the internets) biased policies wasn't helping either...

Seriously, I want /jp/ fun/retarded threads back... THAT'S IT! I'm officially joining the shitposters guild!... let the revolution begin!!!...

>> No.7842922

Uncle Mugen will lead us to the promised land
