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File: 196 KB, 850x606, sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7840202 No.7840202 [Reply] [Original]

How well are you sleeping these days, /jp/? Are you getting enough? I hope your dreams are pleasant.

>> No.7840223
File: 132 KB, 533x703, reimu dying by heartstroke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having problems with sleeping. I sleep way too long and lost my touhou dreams. I wish I could move back to sleeping at night

>> No.7840225

Not very well. I wake up a lot in the middle of the night. Sometimes I'll be too hot or uncomfortable. The other night I was awoken by a knock on the door (at least that's what I thought it was). I'm a very light sleeper.

The larger problem, however, is my fatigue. Throughout the day I'm always so tired. Maybe I oversleep

>> No.7840230

Better than usual, I guess. I still wake up prematurely a lot though. At the very least I'm getting closer to having a lucid dream with my waifu.

>> No.7840233

I had a dream that i was cleaning my room
mom came in with her usual bitching about not cleaning the room
by accident i swallowed a GBA cartridge
woke up and still had the taste of it in my throat

>> No.7840235

Ugh last night I had a terrible dream. I don't want to talk about the details but I had a couple of false awakenings. I'm trying to lucid dream but I have difficulties.

>> No.7840247

I just started trying the whole lucid dream thing a few months ago. I still have a ways to go myself, but I think I'm making progress at least.

>> No.7840241

My bed's pretty broken by now, so it's hard to find a position that's kind of comfortable with the extra feats of nice back pains now and then, but apart from that, it's alright I guess.

>> No.7840275

I used to write a dream diary. I looked forward to sleeping and documenting my adventures. But now the dreams aren't coming anymore.

>> No.7840279
File: 309 KB, 800x1184, reisen 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a lucid dream about once in 3 nights, but i rarely have a pleasurable one.
do you guys know any tips on lucid dreaming that involves touhou? i really want to hug Reisen whether inside a dream or not. ;v;

>> No.7840536

I keep starting to write down my dreams for a couple of days and then getting lazy again, it's pretty frustrating when I start forgetting them again/they fade too easily.

Any tips?

>> No.7840554

I have been having pretty bad dreams lately.
And sleeping itself is also problematic.

>> No.7840569

Writing down your dreams is actually a pretty good way to remember them consistently. It's not that you wake up not recalling them, but that you wake up groggy, decide that you'll write them later and go back to sleep, so you forget them almost immediately. Keep your computer by your side and just scribble the general plot just after waking so that you can recall the dream more easily.

>> No.7840575

If I had a dream the last month or two, I tend to be a little girl in it. It's quite nice, but waking up can be really depressing.

>> No.7840579

I usually get the full 9 hours. Most of the time I can fall asleep easily, but when I can't, I just browse /jp/

>> No.7840598


That should help out anyone that has lucid dream problems.

>> No.7840689

It's frustrating trying to get myself to sleep because all my dreams consist of being humiliated or teased. I never gain any energy from sleeping, it's always eroding me away. Subtly twisting my sanity.

>> No.7840724

I sleep about 10 or 12 hours a day at the moment. Too much, I know.


I had a bad dream the other night and, after I awoke, I realised that the only thing all my bad dreams have in common is I move like a character from a Resident Evil/Dino Crisis/whatever game. Really stilted, slow running, straight lines, no ducking or jumping, and so on and so forth. It was an interesting realisation.

>> No.7841865

I usually sleep like 2-4 hours a night and work like 12 hours a day. I'm fine until at the end of work it hits me like a ton of bricks. Fell asleep standing up a few times today.

>> No.7841950
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I sleep about 12 hours a night, but only if I get drunk. Without the alcohol, I only sleep about 5 hours.

>> No.7841949

I usually sleep well, but I don't know about my mother. Yes, I'm still living at home with my mother.
Sometimes, in the middle of the night, when I'm still awake, she screams because she had some nightmare whatsoever.
I tried talking to her about that, but it isn't that easy. I have the feeling she doesn't want to talk about it.

>> No.7841958
File: 2 KB, 209x215, strange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm HELLa tired recently...i feel like sleeping alot and i don't ever wanna wake up cuz suddenly everythings not fun again.

>> No.7841959
File: 2 KB, 80x80, absent lovers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many nightmares and you're all in all of them

>> No.7841960 [DELETED] 

7 hours if I don't fap
8 hours if I fap once
9-10 hours if I fap twice

>> No.7841967 [DELETED] 

7 hours if I don't fap
8 hours if I fap once
9-10 hours if I fap more than twice

>> No.7841980

I usually sleep like a rock. Don't have sleep problems, normally.

This week, however, has been hell, as I'm with mumps, and no longer can sleep in my usual positions, whyich consequently makes it harder to breath at night. To make things worse, I've been having constant pain in my right testicle...

>> No.7841989

I wish you were the girl in the pic ~♥~

>> No.7841993

Me too bro.

>> No.7842023
File: 10 KB, 646x812, feel_w_it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7842162

I keep having dreams (nightmares, really) about High School. I graduated 2 years ago.

How do I stop them from happening? They're bringing back traumatic memories.

>> No.7843900

Not so well. I sleep from 4AM to 6 PM, so usually 15 hours of sleep. I force myself to sleep even when I'm not tired, then wake up actually feeling tired from oversleep.

I feel dead when I wake up.

>> No.7843921

Not as good as I'd like. These days I wake up, brush my teeth etc. then I'm feeling fatigued for some reason, so I sleep for at least one more hour. Then I feel better.

As for dreams, I don't remember any of my dreams nowadays.

>> No.7843951

I sleep at 9 PM and wake up to refreshing, cool morning air at 5. I laugh at hipsters who party all night and sleep through the best time of day.

>> No.7844115

Had lucid dream recently. Discovered that you can have internal sleep paralysis (sleep paralysis when you are sleeping) and rails (partial lucid dream, when you are aware you are dreaming, but can control your actions only to little extent).
You need more practice and more confidence in your powers. Next thing i'll try to do when lucid dream is to open portals in sleep, which lead to Gensokyo or other people dreams. Though, i never tried that, no guarantee it will work.

>> No.7844127
File: 26 KB, 430x430, 1313617874395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How well are you sleeping these days, /jp/?

I usually sleep quite well these days. Well, other than my t-shirt sometimes strangling me, I have no problems sleeping at all most of the time.

>Are you getting enough?

More like I'm getting "far" too much sleep these days. I usually sleep for around either 10 hours or 9 hours. If I get less hours than that, I'm going to feel ill and it's one of the most annoying things to experience.

And I usually can't remember most of my dreams these days.

>> No.7844153

I used to have a very irregular sleeping schedule but now thanks to medication I sleep quite well.
