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783792 No.783792 [Reply] [Original]

is there such maid house-cleaning service in japan as in 81 diver?

>> No.783950

Dunno 'bout the maids but there's this thing called ''yonige'' y'know...

>> No.783954

What's that, Japanese for hooker?

>> No.783976


>> No.784057
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but i dont know

>> No.784065
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>> No.786248
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this show is so damn bad.
they try to make it like a comic or something.

i cant believe im watching this for the maid and Aragaki Yui's ED song

>> No.786341

same here, watching it for the maid

>> No.786366

The only other maid show i watched was maid in akihabara.
but that was godly awful home made drama.

any other maid drama?

>> No.786397

They would make a killing.

>> No.787323

where can I get the subs? I have the raws

>> No.787345
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i watch this show for that shogi center chick. the maid's tits aren't even that big.

>> No.787414

not bad.
but her style is a bit ganguro'ish.

>> No.789292
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(╬ ಠ益ಠ)

>> No.790614
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>> No.792263

subs at d-addicts

this show will make you dizzy the way they use the camera.

main character cries like every episode so far

>> No.792291

i think there's a nude maid service in the US. though some guy recently got robbed by one of them.

>> No.792321

Any good Dramas lately? (within at least5- 6 years).
I feel like I'm missing out, best ones I've seen in these years was Kekkon Dekinai Otoko and Sexy Voice and Robo

>> No.793004

o.O I will watch Sexy Voice and Robo

>> No.793030


>> No.793078

what's it about?

>> No.793215

About a loli who has very good ears and can manipulate her voice AND a robot Otaku (hence Robo) they become spies and solve mystery.

Both of them did well in this drama, especially the guy who played Robo (he played as L in two of the death note movies so....)

In the manga, Robo looks like a weeaboo and the girl looks like malnourished, but in this drama they both look good and really fit the character.

I wish there were more episodes though,even if it's mystery of the week

>> No.793408

what about Kekkon Dekinai Otoko?

>> No.795218

It's about a "weird" guy who is a respected architect and he talks in a weird manner, one night he fell ill and his neighbor came to his apartment, he then was rushed into the hospital and a female doctor took care of him, and it goes on from there.

VERY GOOD Drama (and unexpected Romance too?)
the 3 main characters are really good. Main sponsor is Toyota btw

>> No.795481
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She is Riisa Naka.
Her voice is makoto.

>> No.795551
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>> No.795591

health maid really pull me into 81diver.
this show is like shonen animu, power upgrade every ep

>> No.795629

Yes, there are maids, they're just ugly and don't come with the maid outfit as protrayed in shows.

>> No.795642
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threads like this - focusing on topics not relating to touhou/morning musume/shitty games/anime which isnt on /a/ for some reason - are the cancer curing /jp/

>> No.795654




>> No.795658
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>> No.795657

Is it worth watching 81diver?

>> No.795660


ITT tv shows which aren't on /tv/ for some reason

>> No.795667

i watch it for miruku-chan (maid)
if you can endure shonen animu, maybe you can give it a try

>> No.795768

watch it for the maid, but the way they shake the camera so much, you might get dizzy, the main character cries like every episode

>> No.796116

Doctor End lol

>> No.796884

>>is there such maid house-cleaning service in japan as in 81 diver?
sadly yes.

>> No.797221

why is it sad?
because the maid is not like miruku-chan in any way?

>> No.798608

yeah, they are middle aged ladies who say they are 17 years old

>> No.800808

>middle aged ladies who say they are 17 years old
(╬ ಠ益ಠ)

>> No.802670

Neighbor end was least likely.
Co-worker end would be lulz too
