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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 34 KB, 400x300, renpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7836881 No.7836881 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you ``faggots'' created your own visual novel yet?

>> No.7836887

I'm working on it right now.

>> No.7836894

Any details you can share with us? ( ^ω^)

>> No.7836891

I have the IQ of a pebble.

>> No.7836905

Will there be ero?

>> No.7836904 [DELETED] 

- Terrible at writing, grammar, puncuation, spelling, etc.

- Wouldn't be able to come up with a great storyline / plot / etc.

- Not good at the stuff that "require" me to make a VN.

Good enough for you?

>> No.7836906

Too busy making video games.

>> No.7836907

>puncuation, spelling
Oh, the irony!

>> No.7836917
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I always had some difficulty trying to spell that word.

Same with completly (which I also just spelled wrong again).

>> No.7836921
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when i learn how the HELL to draw good in my laptop

>> No.7836927

The expert artists over at DeviantART have plenty of tutorials for you.

>> No.7836928

Use your spellcheck, man.

>> No.7836929

Was planning to with a friend who can draw and is in art school + a brother who is great at composing music. I was supposed to write it.

Then I realized I can only write shit and soon after I got busy with moonrunes.

>> No.7836939

can't draw
can't write
can't code

>> No.7836945

>proper quotes

>> No.7836951

­>⁶⁶Leet hax⁹⁹ with spoiler tags.

>> No.7836955

I want to do something enjoyable like a dojin game, not a fucking boring VN.

>> No.7836961
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Even if I did that, there's a slight chance I'd end up forgetting how to spell the word making me have to go through spellcheck "again" and wasting yet more of my free time remembering how to spell it.

>> No.7836965

/jp/ VN when

>> No.7836967

Half of your time would be writing code to blit sprites and swap them in and out of buffers and so on while debugging memory errors.
With something like Ren'Py you just need to get to work and start making a VN. A lot more enjoyable.

>> No.7836968

This. And I have plans to do so.

I started planning 6 years ago.

>> No.7836974

He meant an actual game, not a VN where he codes the engine himself.

>> No.7836993

That's what I meant too.

Though I suppose libraries like SDL make it a lot easier.

>> No.7837031

I broked my tablet and I'm not mouse drawing sprites or cg that aren't 8 bit, My hands shake too much.

I'm sorta working on a dungeon crawl with an immersive visual novel esque story though, but besides featuring some japan friendly tropes its not all that /jp/ related.

>> No.7837041

>I'm sorta working on a dungeon crawl
Are you part of the team from /g/, or is this a different project?

>> No.7837052

enjoyable for who plays it, retard. it's more than normal boring yourself to near death when doing something not directly for your delight. or you want to do a VN only for yourself? isn't more pratical your imagination then?
well, whatever. I'm going to the pub.

>> No.7837060

It's still months away, so there's no point sharing any details - not to mention, it's a short project that might end up being enjoyable, but is not really worth waiting for.
There's also a fair chance the initial project will be scrapped and I'll move to a more serious one instead.
No ero.

>> No.7837063

how do I draw sprites?
no, seriously, I want to know

>> No.7837068

I did.

>> No.7837067

Well you see for a long time I thought I did.
But then I realized I just wanted to write short stories/novellas because I didn't really give a shit about giving the reader any sort of choice or having other writers write over my shit. I suppose I could start a teeny tiny Visual Novel studio wherein I just write everything myself but I don't care enough about acquiring other assets that are actually more important to the whole Visual Novel thing than the writing.

Guess I'm an egotistical fuckhead but whatever.

>> No.7837077

Open up Paint. Zoom in to at least 400%. Draw using a tool with no antialiasing. Use a limited set of colors.

>> No.7837076

where the fuck did go onion ass? wasn't he doing some VN shit with his stinking brown little paws?

>> No.7837084

Funnily enough I saw this a few days ago and almost downloaded it. Then I was worried the 115mb zip might only be the Windows version, so I didn't bother.

>> No.7837090

...the resolution and the color limits are dependant on the final product, I guess. if I don't have idea of the sizes, I can't do anything.
also, why paint?
yeah, my computers skills are very low.

>> No.7837096
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>> No.7837099

Nope. All by my lonesome.

I'm kind of at an impasse on mine anyway because I weak at coding and what I wanna do is a lot more complex than I thought it would be.

But my sprites and environments don't have the polish required for me to be confident asking for outside help just yet.

>> No.7837105

-game size

>> No.7837116

I said Paint because everyone has it and knows how to use it. Even now a lot of pixel artists swear by it. Though frankly there are better applications that support palettes and layers and so on.
As a general rule just do everything in powers of 2 (e.g. 16x16, 32x32, 64x64) and see how big it is on the screen. There are a ton of ready-made palettes out there too, or you could even just lift one from an existing game or console.

>> No.7837112

I want to see Necro's sprites.

>> No.7837143

The majority of English visual novels are shit. Every once and again one shines, but the rest look and feel like the have been made by weeaboo high school fangirls.

>> No.7837149

The only English VNs I enjoyed were Digital: A Love Story (though I'm not too sure whether that 'counts') and Don't take it personally babe.

Yes, author is a bitch, etc.

>> No.7837150

Depends how much depth you want in your sprites. I do alot of the monsters and stuff in paint just so I don't have to deal with Photoshop.

But yeah the easiest way to do it is like the anon said earlier and getting used to drawing in zoom. I suggest grabbing some sprite sheets and rpg maker or something that lets you see your sprites movement patterns easily.

Its really not terribly difficult once you get some practice in. I have more of a hard time with backgrounds and coding.


>> No.7837173

It's a Win/Linux/OsX combined release.

>> No.7837191
File: 57 KB, 700x545, 129901302856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be all over that shit if I could draw, but all I can do is writing.

What I want to do is a bishonen game with a yandere main character. Now you can not only see boys shirtless and give them valentines day chocolate, you can dress them up like your husbando and eat their liver with whipped cream and strawberries.

Oh well. I guess my dream shall never be.

>> No.7837202

There are plenty of people who can draw but cannot write. Team up with one of them and make your dream come true!

>> No.7837227
File: 264 KB, 500x734, 1276854920390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No idea how to find them. I considered posting some ideas up on /jp/, but I doubted that it would take off.

But if anybody knows someone who can draw decently and doesn't mind doing scenes where high school boys are getting their testicles completely mutilated, I wouldn't mind teaming up.

>> No.7837238

>⁶⁶Leet hax⁹⁹
I sense the presence an expert programmer.

>> No.7837256

Maybe at some point in the future when I feel they're good enough.

I'll probably be working on it more now that class is starting back up in 2 weeks or so(Besides advanced restraint and hand to hand my other courses are pretty boring and labtop accessible) also I don't like posting sprite sheets because its unflattering to a lot of sprites when they're not moving so I might make some preview animated gifs or something.

>> No.7837267

I made one, once.

>> No.7837261
File: 665 KB, 802x640, 09014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7837388


You should go onto the Leema Soft forums or DA (lol) to find artists, either people want recognition and do work for free (though no idea how long they'll stay on with you) or you could commision them.

I'm working on a VN with another channer, making one with a kuu/yandere girl.

>> No.7837416

well, being a not in empolyement, education or training no-future fail piece of dog poop, maybe I can find the time to try doing some srites.
soon on this board.

>> No.7837429

/a/ is making a VN.

>> No.7837449

This actually looks surprisingly polished. Downloading the preview now.

>> No.7837452

Isn't it obvious? If any of us wanted to create a visual novel, we'd try to appeal it in the Japanese market, not the [insert-non-japanese country] market. And a lot of us don't live in Japan, making that impractical.

It'd suck to be placed in the same category as those American artists in Tokyopop who try to market their "manga" when it's not Japanese-originated.

>> No.7837461

All western VNs I've seen are shit because of the writting.
Their settings and situations are really boring and extremely pretentious. And their characters seem to be written by either a closet faggot or a teenage lesbian.

>> No.7837473

I already played the preview and it wasn't that bad. The story seems a bit dull now but it has plenty of time to pick up.

>> No.7837468

Do it better then.

>> No.7837487

Too busy playing them.

Plus, it's not like I could contribute anything to the team, anyway. I don't have an interest in writing, coding or drawing. I'd be okay with doing the music, though, but I'm no composer.

>> No.7837493

So you're saying you have to be a director to be a critic?

>> No.7837517

Same problem as this guy. I don't want to deal with other writers and I don't have an artist best friend so I can pull a TypeMoon.
One day I'll make that "Girls Who Didn't Win" VN.... one day.

>> No.7837530

I'd like to try making one at some point. I've got some ideas but none developed enough to actually start writing yet. I'll need a drawfag, but I want to have at least the rough draft mostly done before I start looking for one.

>> No.7837575

>Their settings and situations are really boring and extremely pretentious

The reason I don't play japanese VNs.

>> No.7837582

You are a terrible weeaboo. The Japanese will never care for what you make, deal with it.

>> No.7837619

/jp/'s vn

but the project manager hardly leaks any details and every time he posts on jp he gets flamed/trolled.

there is some gameplay video listed on their twitter, but according to comments its kinda old.

>> No.7837623

I had an idea for a gameplay nukige but I don't have any creative skills.

>> No.7837678

>Studio_Nihi Hurray! We now have an official subdomain for Facebook
No way

>> No.7837730

I'm ignoring all updates to the website until we have a trailer video out - no reason to blog about a visual novel that has no proof of it's existence aside from a few screenshots.

I also avoid posting on /jp/ with updates about our progress because you all turned into a bunch of hostile assholes. If I make a thread I'll see it reposted some 20 odd times as if it's some clever attempt at trolling. This never happened when I first purposed the idea of a /jp/ made VN back in late 2008.

Lastly, the video is rather old. Just showing off some stuff to a few people and decided to leave it up for anyone curious enough to watch.

>> No.7837738

Fuck off.

>> No.7837741

Don't act surprised, you're getting backlash for all your shitty hotglue spam.

>> No.7837750

I can only write, and I'm not wasting any of it on 2bit VNs.

>> No.7837821

Zork is not good enough for you?

>> No.7837888

>it's existence
I hope you're not the writer?

>you all turned into a bunch of hostile assholes
We have all been a bunch of hostile assholes all along. Sure, 75% of the current hostile assholes may not have been here in 2008, but the 25% that was were also hostile assholes back then. After all, it was only May 2009 that /jp/ collectively started bashing Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.7837913
File: 523 KB, 1673x920, vn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I am working on one -_-


>> No.7837940

I feel like only the Japanese are capable of working with this type of medium without being shoehorned into the mediocrity that is OEVN's.

Or maybe OEVN's just need more time until they're more than just fanfic level. I'm talking out of my ass so take my two cents with a fistful of salt.

>> No.7837966

That reminds me of something I was thinking about - I entertained an idea of making a lighthearted, romance-focused VN using anime character art and backgrounds.
Would /jp/ play it?
Would /jp/ play it if Saten-san was a heroine?

>> No.7837967

I remember you from the programming threads on /g/. Hope this takes off, it's a neat idea.

>> No.7837961

>no reason to blog about a visual novel that has no proof of it's existence aside from a few screenshots.
god forbid you actually acknowledge the few people who are interested in your project
>I also avoid posting on /jp/ with updates about our progress
and god forbid updates to a VN go on the VN's site rather than some festering hole of negativity where you can pretend to be surprised and offended at the obvious reaction

keep up the good work project manager

>> No.7837964

Get the fuck out. You are only creating pure garbage because you're trying to make a VN without ever having read one, just like 99% of "OELVN authors".

>> No.7837968

>extremely pretentious.

OK, someone break down this shit to me. What do you define as "extremely pretentious" and why.

>> No.7837982

I tried, but it's really really hard to write. Like, I can't come up with content, and I have shitty writing skills. I have ideas and stuff but it just seems hard to get them out right.

>> No.7837983

­>>7837967 again.

A little late on the mark here, but read the goddamn page. He's working on the engine/design at the moment. What you see so far is obviously just a placeholder/sketch.

>> No.7837981

No, because anime art and backgrounds generally mean the author didn't actually try to make something halfway decent. It'll be just as shitty as most OELVNs.

>> No.7837978

You know what? I would. Silly VN is meant to be silly, I'm willing to leave aside my hate for spam if it means to have some quick fun.

>> No.7837996
File: 24 KB, 394x295, daily momiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a /v/ collaboration project.
No one seems to care, though...

>> No.7837999
File: 328 KB, 1680x1050, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not planning on making a plot or a playable game, I'll just make the working scripts and the algorithm and people will be able to make their own.

It is going to be open source and I will host the projects that are good enough for being published.

>> No.7838010

He's posted in the OC thread, and admitted there that he hasn't read a single VN before. I was nicer back then, but considering he still goes 'LOOK I'M MAKING A VN' I have no choice but to directly tell him he's creating pure garbage. I stand by what I posted in the OC thread:
>Would you write a book without ever having read a book? Would you create a game without ever having played a game? Would you direct a movie without ever having seen a movie?
>Your work will without a doubt suck if you are not the least bit familiar with what you're making. Go play some VNs (or dating sims or raising sims if that's what you're going for) to actually see what they're like, then come back to your project.
You simply cannot make something if you don't even know what it is you're making. Lots of OELVN authors make this "mistake" (scare quotes because most of them don't care and don't even try to make something halfway decent), and it's one of the main reasons why OELVNs are so terrible.

>> No.7838018

Yes, I read that. I am playing some right now and read: >>7837999

>> No.7838024

I'm waiting.

>> No.7838091

Something like translating a VN in every language known to man, advertising for years without a release, using japanese honorifics and names, worrying more about the name of the novel and the "company" behind it rather than focusing on finishing it, trying to write a VN having read only two or three, not including porn...
so on.

>> No.7838550

I've been thinking about this and I decided to go ahead and do it. It's not like I have anything better to do, and at least it's going to be good for a laugh.
Going to have to redo the characters, since I just did a quick mock-up and using cropped out character art is not looking too great, but that's not much of a problem.

>> No.7840375

That's not pretentious you idiot. That's amateurish!

>> No.7845221

I want to. I just don't have a good idea to write about yet. I already have characters drawn. I just don't know for what. ;_;
