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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7835735 No.7835735 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, do you ever worry about getting 'too old' for all this? I'm only in my late twenties and I'm starting to feel that spending the rest of my life collecting figures and reading doujinshi might be a poor choice of lifestyle.
I don't know. Just having something of a mid-life crisis (I don't intend to live past my 50s). Does anyone else ever feel the same way? How do I get rid of this and re-immerse myself?

>> No.7835737

I prefer not to think about the future.

>> No.7835736

Yeah, I sure hate doing stuff I like, I think I should stop some time soon.

>> No.7835742


>How do I get rid of this and re-immerse myself?

By trying to get your life back on track?

>> No.7835743

Is there anything you'd rather do?

>> No.7835745

I don't think taking advice on how to continue with your life from /jp/ is the best course of action, at the v ery least.

>> No.7835752

I meant in the whole 'otaku' thing. I was a lot happier then.

>> No.7835753

Personally, I think the best way to avoid or minimize this problem is to have something else in your life, like a career or a girlfriend. It eases the guilt, as well as making your weaboo interests somewhat acceptable in the eyes of other people, as is it now your hobby and not your "life", and gives you something to look forward to.

I know this advice will be seen with hostility by some people, but really, it's the only way.

>> No.7835755


Are you happy with living like an otaku? Or are you not happy?

>> No.7835768

Here come another wannabe normalfag.
Just get a girlfriend and start a family like the rest of the people out there.

>> No.7835771

Too old for what? Enjoying mindless entertainment like everyone else on the planet?

Are you familiar with the concept of "hedonism"? It's the belief that the ultimate goal in life is simply pleasure. Does that not make sense?

What else are you going to live for anyway, asides from having a good time? Try to leave the world in some form of a better place than what you came into, and you've done all you should.

Don't ever trick yourself into thinking you're a loser for what you find interesting.

>> No.7835774
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.7835776
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read this to yourself

and you'll be fine

>> No.7835777

>career or a girlfriend

>> No.7835779

I just worry that I'm running out of things to do. I need something new to try out, but I don't exactly feel like taking the effort to do it either.

>> No.7835788

No because I'm not a closet normalfag.

>> No.7835797

Uh, buy a 360/PS3/beefy PC and emulate last gen, that should keep you occupied forever.

>> No.7835801

Can I get some more of these?

>> No.7835803

Take that shit back to myspace

>> No.7835813

suck my cock dude

>> No.7835816


That's all there is.

The guy used to post on /jp/ a lot but was so fucked in the head he left.

>> No.7835817

I never understood the "too old for this" train of thought. If anything, staying home and watching stuff rather than going out and doing stuff is MORE suited to old people. If anything, you're too young for this.

>> No.7835825

The way I see it is, I'm too broken to get a job, so can only live as long as I'm supported. I'll be socially unacceptable that way, so it's a drop in the ocean.

Once that stops I'll just portal.

>> No.7835827

Yeah, I'm 30 and I think this is about the time people will find it weird that I look at pictures of girls in their teens all the time. So I decided to start drawing so that I have an excuse to be busy with that stuff all the time -- I'm a comic artist!

>> No.7835832
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If you got good grades, then it won't matter if you are too broken to get a job.

>> No.7835843

All As and Bs in school, DMM in college, dropout from university after achieving 80%+ in all tests / course work.

Grades won't save you.

>> No.7835849

Really? I'd have thought that if you got good grades and crap, then you were pretty much secure for "any" job you wish to take (as long as you can do alright in a interview and your life is pretty much on track).

Must be different in different places.

>> No.7835862

Did you miss the part where he said "dropout"?

>> No.7835867

I think I did sorry.

Though just because he's a dropout, it doesn't mean it's impossible to get your life back on track should the situation call for it. Well that's "if" you want to get back into dedicating your life in college just to get good grades again and other shit like that.

And it's also ironic that I can't follow my own advice as well. Such a pity.

>> No.7835871
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hide your power level and lead a double life, normalfag out in HELL (aka the real world)

>> No.7835874

Speaking from personal experience, the people who say they are "too broken for a job" or can't get any because of lack of experience/connections aren't trying hard enough.

>> No.7835880

Oh I could start out at university again, and the college course was at a pretty high level, included some university course modules on it, so I could get a job with them. It's just the grades aren't the problem.

Dropped out of university due to the stress / social anxiety being too bad. It sounds cliché on /jp/, but when you start getting facial ticks, convulsions and chronic stomach pains among other things, it's time for a break.

>> No.7835878

grades mean nothing, you need connections to land any job that isn't flipping burgers.

>> No.7835887

That could be slightly true as where I live right now, the job where my brother works at there's some people who can get hired right on the spot.

It's fucking ridiculous on how people get hired like that. Whatever happened to the good olé fashion way?

Ah, I see. How you tried getting yourself checked out when you've had these problems?

>> No.7835903

trying hard is for failures and homus

>> No.7835906

Work in progress. Took months but the ticks and stomach pains have died down. Not ready to go to therapy yet but probably will before I try university again.

That said, this isn't my blog.

>> No.7835909

Of course not.

But I hope you get everything all sorted out so that you can try again in college / uni or whatever it is you are interested in.

>> No.7835916

-Sell all your weeaboo stuff. All of it.
-Stop playing time consuming vidya. That means any and all MMORPGs.
-Get out of the creepy ass basement.
-Start eating right and exercising.
-Start going to group events, like sports games or concerts. Doesn't matter if you aren't there with anyone, the fact that you are outside and with people is important. Also it will help you face any social paranoia you've developed (though it is a bit of a sink-or-swim scenario)

>> No.7835923

Why are you trying to make his life so dull?

>> No.7835926

>it is a bit of a sink-or-swim scenario
Yeah. Either you swim, or you break down and start shooting people. That's how it always starts.

>> No.7835936

>Sell all of your fun things and try to do things other people find fun because surely you weren't already doing fun things because those other people didn't do them too

Cancerous thoughts. This is even worse than those poor souls who give up their hobbies to get a girl, deluding themselves into thinking it's a path to happiness, when all they are really doing is digging a shallow grave for themselves. Either that or they're thoroughly masochistic.

>> No.7835942

>Implying he has even a drop of alpha enough in him to go on a murder rampage.

Oh boring? I'm sorry. I thought I was talking to the guy who lives in a serial killer basement and spends all his time alone fapping to figs and complaining on 4chan. Didn't realize he had such a happening life.

>> No.7835950
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>it is a bit of a sink-or-swim scenario
I wonder if someone gave this guy the same advice.

>> No.7835957

If you are crazy enough that you cannot enter a place full of people without flipping out, you have a sever anxiety disorder and need to seek therapy. If you don't try to fix it, you don't deserve friends.

>> No.7835966

take your implying shit and head back to /v/.

>> No.7835992

>I'm starting to feel that spending the rest of my life collecting figures and reading doujinshi might be a poor choice of lifestyle
No, really?

>> No.7836115
File: 109 KB, 224x320, strikers 1945 II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd loops in PSIKYO games are ridiculous...
