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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7834988 No.7834988 [Reply] [Original]

You know it's true

>> No.7834991

The world as a representation of the self and the self as the tabula rasa being painted by the world. In any case, the world must be the culprit.

>> No.7835029

It's true, really. You know what really sucks, though? Having passions that you can't really talk to anyone about because no one shares your interests. Competitive gaming, shootemups, music, and anime are all things I love watching, doing, and playing, but here in bumfuck Idaho everyone's either doing meth, doing outdoorsy shit, or moving to a city

Sure is great being thought of as a boring person just because I don't like hiking, camping, or shooting wild animals

>> No.7835034

No, it's not.

The world is boring for me. That character is talking to another 2D character, therefore it is implied that the world in the story isn't boring.
However, the 3D world is boring.

>> No.7835035

The entire NEET experience is lonely.

>> No.7835042


Pretty much this.

Except the world isn't boring, I'm just stuck in a part that I find boring.

>> No.7835047

>Competitive gaming, shootemups, music, and anime

>> No.7835076

My passion is internet browsing. I've suffered many a trials just to have the privilege to talk about touhous all day long.

>> No.7835078

It's really nice to have friends who share the same interests. Life has truly been suffering these last 3 years because of a lack of such friends.

The next best thing I have is you guys. Normally, that would be enough, but I have always preferred a face-to-face relationship which is the main reason I never got into social networking. It's just not the same as talking to somebody who is right next to you.

Not entirely true. I spent about 3 years with a roommate and often hung out with a friend at his apartment. Lucky for me, we all shared the same interests. But now? I had to moved due to various reason, and we no longer keep in touch. We did for a while, but there's that saying, "Out of sight, out of mind".

>> No.7835086
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My passion is browsing, posting in, and just generally being involved in Anonymous-based communities on the internet.

I have trouble explaining this to people on the rare occasions that I meet new people in real life. Sometimes, I meet other otaku in real life, or in a non Anonymous setting, and they'll be all "I've watched like several thousand anime series" or "I played every eroge released this year" and then they'll say, hey Anon, what's your passion? You seem pretty hardcore, what kinda otaku are you? And I just can't figure out how to explain it.

>> No.7835097

What's the source on this?

>> No.7835099

/jp/ isn't boring. You've become a boring poster.
You know it's true.
Also, I want to put my cream in Sakurano Kurimu.

>> No.7835113

Stupid thing to say, really. The world cannot hold any of those attributes on it's own, rather you're attributing those things to it. So, like, boring or not, it's really just you who's bored, yeah.

>> No.7835115


Go be a jaded asshole somewhere else, Anon

>> No.7835200
File: 448 KB, 1000x1401, aba4a2b7a6ae092cbaee6264efd6c828e33791cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so sexually arousing?

>> No.7835286

it is called quoting, dear anon.

>> No.7835394


Funny, I've decided to discard my only friends who were into animu shit a few weeks ago. Talking to them isn't going to earn me anything. They have only talked about politics anyway and circlejerked with their mid-tier stuff.

>> No.7835412

>Go be a jaded asshole somewhere else, Anon

>> No.7835422

For me the world is boring and I couldn't care less about what other people think.

>> No.7835426

Maybe it is true. I think I'll go on an adventure and slay a dragon or two-
Oh, wait, yeah, dragons don't exist. So much for that.

>> No.7835461

but I'm neither jaded nor an asshole. I don't understand you

>> No.7835512

The world is boring, and as a result of the world being boring, I've become boring. Time to go to a fun world.

>> No.7835529

I haven't been bored since I first got on AOL.

>> No.7835549

Haha, lemme guess.. "Anonymous Online"?
