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7832921 No.7832921 [Reply] [Original]

Oh come on, this is bullshit.

I know the game wants me to feel sad for Meiya and her inability to cook, but come on, the situations is too fucking ridiculous for me to take it seriously.

>> No.7832925

Cooking shenanigans are boring as fuck

>> No.7832923

I hate when characters can't cook in VN's and games. It's really stupid and old.

>> No.7832927

What's the name of this VN?.

>> No.7832929

I couldn't cry in the sad scenes because of the ridiculous hair.

>> No.7832942

I told you about Extra, bro

>> No.7832948


Most protagonists don't even realize why the heroines are cooking for them anyways, and usually don't care if they can cook or not.

>> No.7832949

The Extra world is somewhere fun, inconsequential, and stupid. It's generally a peaceful world where you can have cooking competitions, where everyone's traumas are pretty minimal, and where there are no real huge or difficult problems for Takeru or anyone to deal with (Ayamine is the only one with a dilemma that is not completely ridiculous, maybe Meiya if you count something other than the Childhood Promise). It's not a very serious universe and it exists as a foil for a much darker place.

But the point isn't for you to take it seriously, the point is for all of these problems to be hugely contrasted by ML:U's world and the life or death struggle for survival. Extra shows just how good the characters have it. You aren't supposed to feel "sad" for anyone, except maybe Sumika when you neglect her.

>> No.7832958

You didn't cry like a bitch at the end of the original hive battle? The fuck, didn't think that was possible.


>> No.7832955

Yeah, because you're definitely supposed to be taking it seriously.

>> No.7832956


Lurk forever

>> No.7832960

They could have done it in a less shitty way.
Being a parody doesn't excuse that horrible segment.

>> No.7832980


What about the hairs?

>> No.7832982

Extra was so shitty, it almost made me drop the series. I mean, I get what they were trying to do with it, but it took far too long and the "humor" was lame as all hell.

>> No.7832986
File: 270 KB, 800x600, muv45085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not loving Extra more than Unlimited and Alternative

ITT: kisama-yatsus.

>> No.7832997

Extra and Unlimited are the best parts of the series.

>> No.7833001

A really lame comedy eroge and the same comedy eroge in another setting with no endings?

>> No.7833002


I agree in part. Then again, no one in the world is going to say "MuvLuv Extra is a worthwhile and great experience". It's tolerable, and some of the jokes are funny. Some are absurd and funny. Some are absurd and just detract from everything. That's why no one sings praises of Extra.

But I don't know, if you lived in the kind of world where you could suddenly have a mansion built over-night next to you, be driven in a stretch limo that defies physics, have a maid army on beck and call, and spend all of your time goofing around... wanting to go back to that after being thrown into a world where humanity is on its last legs, everything is fucked, backroom politics dominate, and you are almost certain to watch everyone you love and care about die... is much more understandable.

I think I would want to live in a silly comedy like Extra instead of a real heavy tragedy.

It also makes Takeru's failings more plausible. The reason he's so useless to begin with is because he comes from a world with no real problems. He never had to be strong or face horrors or live with tragedy, and that's what makes him so frustrating as a protagonist.

Still, the point here isn't to bask in Extra's goodness. It's to meet the characters and move on to the good stuff.

>> No.7833004

Meiya was the only reason to read extra besides yuuko and marimo.

>> No.7833006

>It's to meet the characters
I thought this was pointless, since the UL characters have almost nothing in common with them, only that they looked the same.

>> No.7833008

>with no endings?
It's not like Alt had multiple endings or anything. And Unlimited was enjoyable as it was a really fresh experience and there is a ton of unanswered stuff. Plus there is more focus on the people rather than on the Beta.

Extra, is fine. Sure it isn't going to hold up to an actual good galge or something, and it isn't long, but it was a fun read.

>> No.7833013
File: 198 KB, 800x600, Tekkumen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a very serious universe
This. This is the same universe where Tekkumen exists and fights like Space Invade-esque aliens.

>> No.7833015

I wish I could read this, but the retarded art, retarded as SHIT hair and the shitty first VN in the series puts me off. I just wanna read the Alternative.

>> No.7833024

The original point of Unlimited is that the 11 ends that we got in Unlimited needed to be played to unlock Sumika's Unlimited route, which is what in turn became Alternative.

>> No.7833023

So you haven't read it yet you're passing it of as shit? You're a silly guy, anon.

>> No.7833021

Extra wasn't for Mik/Mikoto etc., it was for Sumika and mostly Takeru. Takeru makes no sense without Extra and MLA needs Takeru to be who he is.

>> No.7833022

>It's not like Alt had multiple endings or anything
You mean the ones that go "well, ALternative IV is doomed, let's move onto alternative V, timeskip and end" without any explanation.
Akatsuki no Goei had better done endings.

>> No.7833028

B-but, everyone says it's shit... it also looks shit. Slice of life... no REAL DEAL.

>> No.7833033

Which is why it's poorly done and horribly long for what it is.

>> No.7833034


UL and Alt aren't as jarring if you don't have Extra to compare it to. Takeru's shock at UL's world doesn't work if you don't have extra. The flashbacks and additional information of Extra (namely, the scenes with Yuuko's physics, the thrown shoe, Sumika's comments about meeting Takeru, etc) is needed for the impacts later.

Plus, many of the dilemmas remain the same. Tama's nervousness and connection with her father, Ayamine and Class-Rep's relationship problems, Meiya's fundamental character.

They are much deeper and better in UL but it does help to see them superficially first. I liked what Extra did as exposition and if you just had UL it wouldn't be as interesting.

Plus parts of Alt would fall flat.

>> No.7833040

>Plus parts of Alt would fall flat.
And this is my problem with alternative. For it to be truly good, you need to go through hours of a bad/mediocre comedy eroge that adds but overall detracts from the experience.

>> No.7833055

Not really. You're looking at it from the perspective of it all already being out. But when MuvLuv first came out, there was no Alt, nobody was thinking 'Oh I have to read this garbage just to get to Alt' etc. You can't really complain about it just because you're late to the party.

>> No.7833071

The execution maybe lacking but it is necessary to have it for Sumika and Takeru. I honestly believe there was no reason at all to have Meiya in Extra though, the side character with the most screen time is still a side character.

I don't think it does, the payoff in MLA is worth it due to the journey to get there. Extra, Unlimited, and Alternative are all needed to make it work. That being said they could have done Extra better.

>> No.7833072

Why the fuck did they think it was a good idea to put 40 hours of slice of life garbage before we get to the good parts? Like, what the fuck? Maybe 10 hours at most, IF THAT.

>> No.7833078

Haven't played alternative because futuristic mecha gore is too much real deal for me.
Extra was very good, except for the shitty lacrosse part.
They could've chosen any other niche sport, such as jai alai.

>> No.7833087

Why does ALT only have one gore cg?

>> No.7833092

Sumika's route and Meiya's route are close to the same and reading Chizuru/Miki/Kei's end are not necessary.

>> No.7833116

I can think of three off the top of my head.

>> No.7833123
File: 137 KB, 1024x600, 1274479075013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternative was desperately in need of some shenanigans involving the Valkyries.

>> No.7833142
File: 755 KB, 1024x600, radabinhodasberserker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Radhabinod was too busy fighting the BETA on Mars for that to happen. Otherwise, this would have happened in Canon.

>> No.7833175 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 271x234, 1311196933562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when no Kasumi route in Unlimited.

>> No.7833179

They could have at least included a bad end where you fuck her.

>> No.7833193

Someone, PLEASE convince me to start reading this. All I hear is bad for Muv-Luv, besides Alt. I feel like the first in the series will be horrible to read through.


>> No.7833213

It's not horrible, it's actually sort of fun. But it's just not amazing.

Extra is like a 6 or a 7 (7 if you do not do routes other than Sumika and Meiya). Ult is like a 7 or a 7.5.

It's a fun story. And then you get the really really really awesome payoff of ML:A.

Plus they just released the full patch.

>> No.7833207

>PLEASE convince me to start reading this.

>> No.7833210

Not going to lie. Extra IS horrible to read through. Unlimited is enjoyable, but Alternative is the real reason to read the series and makes everything worth it.

>> No.7833216

People come into Extra expecting either a great story due to hype or they get told it is really shitty too many times so they believe it without reading the story. It is generic eroge #1384 and not much more. Unlimited isn't much better but is far more interesting.

>> No.7833228

>Plus they just released the full patch.
Meh, sounds like I might try it out.

>> No.7833237

In some of the materials age has since released, it's clear that they had one planned at first during the main games, as they even have rough H Event sketches in there.
Albino lolis just have no rights, getting their routes taken away constantly like that.

>> No.7833333

This is bullshit. I'm going to make a VN where all the heroines are albino lolis, and you can fuck every one of them. Who's with me?

>> No.7833349

Take all my piracy dollars

>> No.7833441

Extra is best one, Unlimited is shit , Alt is good too.
