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7831707 No.7831707 [Reply] [Original]

So I've got that interview tomorrow, I'm scared.
I'm going to just sit there farting and sweating and no say a word, it's going to be awkward as hell.
How do you explain not working for the last 4 years?

>> No.7831710

Say you were on a journey to find yourself.

>> No.7831717

And what if they then ask: "Did you find yourself in the end?"

>> No.7831720

Say your parents were sick or some shit and you had to care for them

>> No.7831723

you were on a backpacking trip across the country

>> No.7831725

if you are IT, just say you worked on yoru own as a provate contractor, and show then your card. worked for me

>> No.7831727

Say you were job hunting for a while but couldnt find anything and then


>> No.7831731

Why would anyone care if you haven't worked for 4 years?

>> No.7831736
File: 46 KB, 640x480, kira yamato 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were on a pilgrimage for Jesus

>> No.7831738

Because it looks like you're lazy (I am)

>> No.7831745

That actually might work, how are they going to disprove it?

>> No.7831751

Just make up stories about working full time during those 4 years

for reference just look for companies or stores that went bankrupt since then and give them the contact info of some close relative.
if they ask for more detailed info (like tax receipts) then just tell them you were working under the table

>> No.7831752

One shot of booze before you go to take the edge off.

>> No.7831762

The problem is that what THEY want are people who value their job over their own lives, and anything else.

They are probably not going to like someone who values religion that much to spend 4 years on it.

>> No.7831765
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next time just make up some shitty company that went bankrupt and if they ask about details just make up some more shit

>> No.7831768

Just remember to put some spaghetti in your pockets and you'll be A-OK.

>> No.7831860

Ask off the wall questions concerning that, e.g. to discuss interesting people he met.

>> No.7831970
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be brave anon and just tell them the truth

>> No.7832022

were you going to school or literally sitting in your attic for four years since high school?

>> No.7832029

sitting in my attic pretty much

>> No.7832077
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>> No.7832100

This guy is so much better than the chubby.jpg guy.

>> No.7832101
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>since high school?
I'm 29 years old.

>> No.7832105

What kind of job is this interview for?

>> No.7832121

Customer service, which is funny because I have no social skills and the charm of a dead frog.

>> No.7832143

Then you've already failed. Why exactly are you going for this job?

>> No.7832151


Don't worry, I'm sure you'll look dashing in your supermarket uniform.

Make sure to shave.

>> No.7832192
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I'm not, I just have to go to interviews they set up for me as part of my benefit conditions.
Thanks for the encouraging words.
When I was in College I had a part time job in a fruit and veg shop, we had to wear purple tabards.

>> No.7832213


Sounds dreadful, which supermarket is this interview for?

>> No.7832245

It's not a Supermarket.

>> No.7832270


People may try to start conversation with you, if it's not a big name retailer.

As you say you have no social skills, good luck.

>> No.7832314

It's fairly large and I'm pretty sure it's open interviews in front of other people, I am petrified.

>> No.7832340


Ouch, I wish you luck.

Don't sweat too much, wear a dark shirt so they can't see the patches.

>> No.7832455

Get your family members to pull some strings and skip the interview step.

No jewnections? Move out of Murricah, and go to a real country.

>> No.7832475

Why bother going if that's all you're going to do?
