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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7829740 No.7829740 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/!

I am sorry to be a TREMENDOUS FAGGOT, but you are the only people I know of to turn to in this moment of noncrisis. I will try to be brief.

You see, I recently went to touhou project and read some stories on a recommendation. I read Expectation of Sanguine Disorder and A Fairy's Tale. I enjoyed doing so. They are not literary masterpieces, but good popcorn reading.

Given these positive results, I went to their archive such that I might read more stories. I chose some of the larger stories at random thinking that if people would participate in a CYOA for so long a time, and if so much effort was put into it, then surely the results would at bare minimum be somewhat enjoyable.

Such was my logic. I was dead wrong. All of the stories I started to read at random are terrible. I won't go into particulars or dwell upon this point, as I think it would be self evident to any individual with any experience in literature.

I hold out hope, however, that somewhere in their vast archives of suckitude there remain further gems of nonsuck. Yet how am I to tell which is which? Certainly, I do not wish to waste time wading through shit. And even were I to do so, might I miss a piece that starts poorly but picks up later?

This is where you come in /jp/. Surely some of you are familiar enough to touhou project to make recommendations. Thank you for whatever aid you might render.

You might reasonably ask why I do not post this on THP itself. This is because I would imagine that asking for recommendations on the site itself would cause buttagony and shameless self promotion.

Thank you for your assistance. You are all lovely people.

>> No.7829745



But seriously go read A Scarlet Stained Memoir. Then go kill yourself

>> No.7829748

CYOA are mainly shitty fanwank from people wanting to fuck touhous. Though there isn't a reasn why people can't enjoy that
That said, google captain anonymous rex for some entertainment. Just make sure to only read the actual captain rex dream sequences and ignore the story around them.

>> No.7829749
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>> No.7829751

While fanfics are incredibly shitty and especially CYOAs, the one(s) by Sanaek seem kind of good, even if pointlessly erotic or grimdark at times.

>> No.7829759
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>> No.7829760

Expectation of Sanguine Disorder by Hungry Youkai is probably also pretty bad in it's whole (and especially near the end), but the beginning was interesting and I kind of enjoyed anyway.

>> No.7829768 [DELETED] 

Aya Kiss is the best doujin I read so far.

>> No.7829773

Certainly it had weaknesses, and ended weakly, but it amused me by its insistence on parodying video game tropes. The illusion of depth created by the multiple red herrings was surprisingly clever for a CYOA fanfic, and also helped the story seem like it had consistent direction despite being a CYOA and thus flip flopping all over the place every other post. It helped that I love Castlevania.

I also thought it was well written, given the natural constraints of a CYOA format.

>> No.7829783

I actually think mostly the same, but it feels like some part of me will break if I admit to liking fanfics.

>> No.7829785

OK I just started it. The prose is incredibly overwrought, but hopefully this should correct itself as the author will have to write fast to keep up participation in a CYOA. Hopefully, at least. I hope this isn't a troll suggestion.

I only see one and it's a lolsorandumb comedy with fourth wall breaking and authorial self-deprecation when the author is a stranger with no prior characterization. Strikes 1, 2, and 3 right there.

But since you seem to say his pieces are grimdark/erotic, and the piece I am reading is anything but, perhaps I merely missed which one you are actually talking about. A direct link or title would assist.

>> No.7829791

This one: http://www.mediafire.com/?r3opepvqvqfaerh

I also enjoyed "The Game" by Fell. It's in here, together with the rest of the archived CYOAs. http://www.touhou-project.com/storylist.html

>> No.7829802

The prose and writing style can be a little off putting and there is an argument about it half way through between the author and another writer. The overarching story is the most interesting part.

>> No.7829869

Interesting. The mediafire one seems to star an OC character in an alt reality that isn't even gensokyo. That makes me somewhat leery, but then again A Fairy's Tale ALSO starred an OC fairy in an alt reality not even gensokyo and was excellent so I'll give it a shot.

Why isn't it in the archive though?

As to the second one, I've read about three posts and I was amused when I figured out what the plot was actually about, but I don't know if I can handle all this stream of consciousness narration.

I mean, even just aethetically,

it's really annoying




to read...

...things in this format.

I'll still give it a shot since I certainly don't want to reject a piece out of hand for trying something bold, but the thing about bold moves is that they are bold because they tend to usually fail.

Anyway /jp/ thanks for the recommendations. It will take me a bit of time to actually read far enough into these to comment further. If this thread is still alive by then I may tell you my own thoughts.

>> No.7829882

It isn't an OC.
The setting is Gensokyo, except not.
I'll let you figure it out as you go along.

It was removed from the archive at the author's request. I'm not sure why, exactly. Luckily I had it saved before it got deleted.

'The Game' does have a rather... unique style, but it makes sense in context. Eventually.

>> No.7829902

What a long post. I don't think I'm gonna read it.

>> No.7830009

"Don't Read This" is a fairly amusing collection of short stories, but a lot of them are quite meta and not worth reading unless you've read a few other stories on THP.

>> No.7830034

Any story by Lion

>> No.7830039

> You see, I recently went to touhou project

I pray to god your not talking about that seminar at animecon

>> No.7830067

I'm willing to bet he means the website.
Like, the one also referenced in this thread once already.
