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7824581 No.7824581 [Reply] [Original]

Just fapped with a condom to Touhou. Still felt good, clean-up was instant, no chance to miss the tissue.

10/10 would use again.

>> No.7824592

Don't they have lube on them or something? I'd hate the feeling of it. Maybe I should buy a glove.

>> No.7824600

Not all of them are lubed.

>> No.7824596

Condoms are good for when your dick is surrounded by girl clothing that you'd rather not ruin.

>> No.7824603
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it works even better when you use the condom for the third time

>> No.7824602

You can buy nonlubed, which is what you would want in the case of >>7824596

>> No.7824612
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fucking tissues getting stuck on my dick. I need to get something else.

>> No.7824621

Toilet paper never sticks to mine~

>> No.7824628

I'm the opposite, tissues don't stick but toilet paper does.

>> No.7824635

Well, it's not like you fap with it on, you only use it as you finish~

>> No.7824632

Paper towels.

I'm serious. Plus, multiple uses that feel better than the last until a certain point.

>> No.7824633

Plastic water bottle. After a few loads you get to hear your cum splashing into your old cum, which is very erotic. And as a bonus you get to watch it all slowly turn black over time.

>> No.7824643

Can you use the same condom many times?
I don't feel socially able to buy condoms regularly.

>> No.7824649

Just use a hanky or a towel or something, and throw it in the machine whenever you do the wash.

>> No.7824652

you could just finish with latex gloves or something, if you're just after a container

>> No.7824653

Sometimes public toilets have condom machines. That's what I use. You can go at odd times to avoid people, too.

>> No.7824682

I tried that. After a few days the stink was unbearable. Hell, sometimes when I'm specially active my trash can starts stinking from all the cum-soaked toilet paper in it.

>> No.7824690

condoms are smelly like a car tire, I'd recommend not to use them. Especially since you need to go to a shop and face the cashier as you pay for it.

Also, don't buy lube when it's easier to buy hand lotion. It's much less compromising, I believe.

>> No.7824694

Why don't you just finish on your hand? I do that, just fap and cum upwards and let it fall and pool on my hand again. Then I go to the sink and dump it there, splash some water, good as new.

>> No.7824696
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i use this

>> No.7824699

After I fap with lotion my dick is moisturized as fuck

>> No.7824736

Any other stuff I can use as lubricant?
I really don't feel like going out...

>> No.7824735

Paper tower user here. Every few months or so I get some idea to try something else and think that it'll feel better, but it never does. Last time I just cleaned up everything around my desk and just let it fly, figuring it'll either land on me and clean up in the shower, land on my leather chair and i can easily find it, or land on the carpet and it'll just dry. Problem is I seem to get stressed out just before I finish and I don't seem to orgasm quite as hard. Then I have to clean up and think it would have felt better if I had just done it the way I always do it.

First thing I do when I move out, though, is buy a loli onahole and never look back.

>> No.7824740

Rather than hand lotion, I prefer to use my saliva. The though of having spit on my dick made it only more erotic, along side providing great lubrication and louder noises.

>> No.7824746

I use my own spit. Took awhile to get used to it but I've been using it for years now.

>> No.7824755

deciding where to ejaculate is a real dilemma for me. the easiest solution is to cum in my pants, but that has fairly obvious drawbacks. using a tissue isn't really an option since I feel like I need to wash my hands whenever I touch my penis, which means that I would have to leave whatever I was fapping to up on my monitor where someone might see it while I'm in the bathroom. lately I've been trying to go 90% of the way at my computer, close everything, and then run to the bathroom and finish in the toilet.

>> No.7824756
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If you tighten your grip, you can orgasm without ejaculating immediately.

The ejaculate will get stuck in your urethra. Don't worry; it disintegrates relatively quickly and there's no harm in keeping it in. You will quickly - probably immediately - feel the urge to urinate. Doing so will have you simply pissing out your ejaculate, you can clearly see it clouding up the water in the toilet bowl.

You can also choose to ignore this urge. However, if you do, while there is no harm in it, there is a chance that as your shaft softens, the change in shape and size to your urethra will eject some of the ejaculate still inside. It'll still be less than if you hadn't tightened your grip at all, but a mess is a mess, even if it's just a drop.

The obvious advantage to this method is that you do not consume any material resources. You can also fap with your pants on using this technique, which facilitates stealthy fapping - you can always abort immediately if you are about to be caught, unless you are literally ejaculating right at that moment. As long as there is a place where you will be able to urinate nearby, you can use this method to fap just about anywhere. In fact, I have even fapped this way on the interstate highway at night on long, dull road trips. It's incredibly satisfying - it breaks the monotony of the drive and wakes me up quickly.

Another advantage is that this is basically what a cock ring does, and those devices are made to help you keep your erection after orgasm by preventing the flow of blood out of your shaft. Thus, you can continue after the first to have multiple orgasms this way.

>> No.7824759

also I don't understand needing lube or lotion to fap. when I grip my dick the skin can slide up and down a little like petting a cat. is something wrong with my ponos that I can do this?

>> No.7824760

Is there some kind of solvent I can use to dissolve semen so it just rinses off?

>> No.7824765

I tried constricting my pelvic muscle to prevent myself from ejaculating and it made my balls really sore for the rest of the day.

>> No.7824767


Some guys are extremely vigorous when fapping and they do not stop when the skin is stretched as far as it will go. If this is combined with a dry atmosphere, their skin will dry and crack, like chapped lips.

It doesn't really hurt and it's not a major issue, except for people who are obsessed with moisturizing their skin. The kind of people who use lotion to fap are a lot like the kind of people who keep bottles of hand sanitizer everywhere so they can lather up on a moment's notice due to how OCD they are about it.

Don't worry, they're the weird ones. You're normal.

>> No.7824768
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>>when I grip my dick the skin can slide up and down a little like petting a cat


>> No.7824771
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Yeah, don't do that. That prevents you from releasing at all. The cockring/tight grip solution allows your testicles to release, but holds the blood in your shaft and the ejaculate in your urethra. You will still get the satisfaction of release but a mess will be prevented, and if you feel so inclined, you will have kept your erection and will be ready for another go.

>> No.7824776


You know how animals like dogs and cats have extra skin at the nape of their necks that you can grab or just push around and they don't give a single fuck?

You probably haven't noticed, but your dick skin is like that.

>> No.7824775

Doesn't that fuck up your PC muscle

>> No.7824778

Feels great man. Smells horrible, but just the perfect consistency for lube, you can feel the condom fold up and form ridges which slide over your ponos.

I fap with TP. I can't be assed half way through or near climax to stop and grab some TP.

The soft ones are good for around 3 or 4, after that they get all hard and scratchy.

Corn starch and water. There's a recipe somewhere on the internet. Not as good as real lube or semen, but half way decent for something you don't have to go buy in public or order.

This is actually not good for you. I've done it before, but it can lead to sexual dysfunction later down the road. A few times won't hurt though.

All that being said, onahole with day old semen is great.

>> No.7824783

I do that when I use tissues and go dry. Easier and cleaner. It does leave this weird looking mark on your ponos though, although judging from porn, it is not uncommon.

>> No.7824787

>Using a condom

>Using a tissue

>Not just storing it in your foreskin

Oh wait, you're all cutfags

>> No.7824791
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Short answer: no.

Long answer: You are not stopping any of your internals from doing their job, save for the urethra, and that is just a matter of closing a fleshy tube. Your urethra can be felt from the underside of your shaft even during an erection - it is a simple matter to apply pressure from underneath and by squeezing the sides of the shaft.

Everything that is supposed to do its job is allowed to, you are only damming up the urethra. You can adjust where you apply pressure to either stop the flow up towards the tip, in the middle of the shaft, or down towards the base. I recommend the middle; too far up and too far down and you will not be able to completely close the tube, and ejaculate will flow through the opening that you can't close.

It's all the result of outside influence, so as far as your dick knows, all systems are running smoothly. I've never been injured through the use of this method.

>> No.7824793

My dick has an upward curve to it, so when I fap, I just cum on my stomach. Then I use an old towel to wipe it off on, which I keep in my room. I switch out towels every two weeks or so, but I've never noticed any scent.

>> No.7824796
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>This is actually not good for you. I've done it before, but it can lead to sexual dysfunction later down the road. A few times won't hurt though.

Been doing it for over ten years, and I feel fine. It doesn't fuck with any of your working parts, except arguably your urethra, but only as far as you would consider holding a rubber hose shut for a few seconds. The "sexual dysfunction" claim is just fear mongering. There is no evidence to support it.

>> No.7824797

You don't smell it because it's always there.

>> No.7824799

I use my belly like a boss.

>> No.7824802

My parents have never said anything either, and I think they would if they noticed a smell. I do drink an adequate amount of water, though, so that might play into it.

>> No.7824803

I come into my mouth when I don't have paper available.

>> No.7824804

I doubt most parents would actually tell their son that their room smelled like cum even if they noticed it.

>> No.7824811

Not necessarily "Your room smells like semen, son," but perhaps "Your room smells oddly, son."

I also have a decently large fan running about 75% of the time, so that might help circulate things

>> No.7824839

This thread made me fap.

>> No.7824879

Oh god. Thanks.


>> No.7824890

I got told discreetly and it took me 2 years before I realized it and took the advice.

>> No.7824895

What I do:
1. Run to the bathroom and cum into the toilet.
2. Cum into a tissue, dispose of it in the toilet.
3. Cum on the table and wipe it off.
3 has a higher chance of being discovered if my parents come around (unless I put effort into cleaning it), so I don't do that very often. I prefer 2 and 3 though, because I can see what I'm fapping to as I cum. Been doing these for 8 years and have never been discovered, though.

>> No.7824907

I cum directly onto my glass table, wipe it up with TP as best I can, squeeze out the last bits from my penis making sure it's clean and dry, and lastly I spray some Endust for electronics on the table and wipe it down with a micro fiber cloth.

>> No.7824904

What I do:
Cum on hand
smell my cum
smear on the wall

i'm not going to leave this chair until 2AM fuck that.

>> No.7824918

While we're on the subject, do you fap through your orgasm, or do you stop? There was an onahole thread a few weeks ago, and when considering burying myself and coming in the back of an onahole, I realize that that's different from how I've always done it. And I believe that stopping like that is also the natural male reaction, too. I've considered trying it, but even thinking about it seems like it wouldn't feel as good.

>> No.7824924

At first I instinctively stopped but later I got used to fap all the way through it and stop some seconds later after I finally lose my libido.

>> No.7824970

It is fucking hard to move when you are cumming in an onahole. I continue fapping through it, but I just drive my ponos as far in the onahole as I can. It's a shame really. It feels good, but it isn't quite as satisfying.

>> No.7824983

One of my favorite fantasy is to have someone fap me with an onahole. Then as I come he/she would fap faster and faster and ignoring me begging them to stop because it's too sensitive. Then something would break inside of me and I'll ahegao and cum my soul out and lose consciousness.

>> No.7825051

When I was like 12 my aunt asked me to watch her house while she and her family went on vacation. I remember taking a condom from a package they had in one of their dressers. When I got home I remember trying to put it on and being unable to fit into it in any way at all. Either my uncle has a skinny penis or I have a fat penis.

>> No.7825063

Americans need lube when they want to fap because their parents typically cut off their foreskins when they are infants. They do this as a sign of loyal obedience to their Jewish masters, who in turn do it because they hate nature and think they know better than millions of years of evolution, and because they enjoy watching infants bleed from their penises.

>> No.7825064

Stop trying to turn this thread into a "Cut vs. Uncut" thread.

Try >>>/b/.

>> No.7825068

I'm not trying to turn it into anything, I just answered his legitimate question.

>> No.7825074

I am circumsized and I have never once used lube to masturbate with my hand.

I only use lube with my onahole, and that's not because I'm circumsized.

>> No.7825112

but they're usually more expensive than stores. here where I am, single condoms in public toilets are AUD$2 each, whereas a packet of 20 costs $7.

if you're near a university or something, student associations sometimes hand out free condoms (you know, HIV prevention and all that for the jocks and sluts on campus)

>> No.7825140

The first condom I wore was from a basic hygiene box handed to me on the first day of college. I went home and immediately put it on and fapped with it.

>> No.7828102 [DELETED] 


>> No.7831194 [DELETED] 


>> No.7831202 [DELETED] 
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I enjoy fapping 2-3 times into a condom in a session only to end it with sucking all the semen out of the condom~

Because that is my lewd fetish.jpg

>> No.7831264


>> No.7834300


>> No.7834366

>because they hate nature and think they know better than millions of years of evolution

>> No.7834371

No dude, the jew masters do it to suck the blood from the newborn's penis. It's where they get their jew powers from.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_milah#Metzitzah_technique

>> No.7834414

You evolved a foreskin because you didn't evolve to wear pants.

The real solution is to not wear pants.

>> No.7834441

Seriously? Foreskin is disgusting just like body hair, walking barefoot and 30-year lifespan.
Nature makes mistakes, we correct them. Nature, in general, has bad taste.
Plus, circumcision, along with shaving, is one of the few aesthetic procedures a man can undergo without being labeled as a faggot.

>> No.7834462

Yea I would prefer for my dick not to look like a piece of chalk.

>> No.7834481

Don't squeeze your dick to stop from jizzing. It's called retrograde ejaculation and it forces the semen into your bladder. It's not good, it's not supposed to happen.

>> No.7834485


Why would any person do that, even if it was good for health.

>> No.7834489

Don't people like the feeling of semen coming out of your penis? Don't they like seeing how much comes out? Who the hell would ever do something like that?

>> No.7834492

true /jp/ quality thread we have here

>> No.7834497

that's why I use paper towels, because I can shoot my cum onto them and watch it arc and splatter yet without any mess

>> No.7834498

Won't you just pee it out if it's in your bladder, though? Or does it form kidney stones? Regardless, I would never do it. It seems like it'd be painful, anyway.
