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7824444 No.7824444 [Reply] [Original]

I think I just got a heart attack.

>> No.7824448

HELLa nice quads bro quadly epic because 4 4s

>> No.7824450

Perhaps you should see someone about that.

>> No.7824453
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But doctors nowadays are such a heartless monsters.

>> No.7824465

A few months ago I went to a doctor because I would feel like my head was moving by itself. He asked if I was smoking weed and when I told him no he gave me some nasal spray and told me I had Vertigo. I've had Vertigo in the past and this wasn't the same. My eye also started twitching at the same time and still hasn't gone away.

I don't like him very much.

>> No.7824483


Same! I just got quite a few symptoms of one but they seem to have passed now so I imagine it's all good.

>> No.7824495
File: 131 KB, 355x596, Kotomine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But doctors nowadays are such a heartless monsters.

>> No.7824496

I think that's an inner ear problem. I used to get those once in a while, where it feels like my head turned suddenly, but not for a long time now.

>> No.7824569

Ignore that post, I suck cock.
