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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 50 KB, 949x884, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7818651 No.7818651 [Reply] [Original]

Satire at its finest.


>> No.7818671

I smiled.

>> No.7818672

did you hear that they plan on releasing more tripfag routes as DLC? what the fuck, why couldn't they finish the game before releasing it

>> No.7818675
File: 193 KB, 945x496, owned4lyfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7818678

I look forward to seeing one of these in every eroge thread from now on.

>> No.7818679

bad thread

you ban

sorry leave now

>> No.7818685

The most gratuitous shonen action I've read in a long time. And guess what? That's a very good thing.

While I can't say exactly how, since it's all spoilers, suffice it to say there are more red herrings than you would dare suspect, and all the real answers are seamlessly hidden where you would never think to look (or do, but can't discern any meaning from). By the end of the game, the sheer volume of things you thought you knew but didn't created something rare for me: an irresistible urge to replay earlier chapters.

The writing in Fate/Stay Night is absolutely ridiculous. Tons of cryptic language, abstract ramblings, maybe a hundred arc words (whose meanings you have to figure out), kanji and non-kanji puns, furigana abuse, stuff that looks like gibberish but isn't, random assortments of the above, and on occasion it seems to be outright mocking your ignorance. Between this, the good soundtrack, the unique and memorable art style, and the actual plot connecting all that nonsense together, the game is thoroughly immersive and addicting. Anyone who likes mind screws will have a very strong desire to unravel the mysteries, no matter how long it takes or hard it is to do so. And it is very possible to work out a lot of it by paying sufficiently close attention (and taking a few notes).

However that doesn't mean that trying to understand all of Fate/Stay Night is unrewarding or impossible. It's just that if you try, don't expect to feel any sort of certainty in your theory. But as long as you can keep yourself focused on the big picture, the ending will be gripping and satisfying.

Score: 10/10

Polarization: (-3.7/+5.6)

Comes down to how much you demand a story explain itself after casting doubt on the truth of anything. Some will see the unexplained parts as utterly irrelevant while others will feel the overall story is a complete mess.

Routes/Endings Played: Linear

Generated by TinFoil's Ixrec Review Generator

>> No.7818684

Ixrec reviews are almost as bad as SubaShibbly itself.

>> No.7818689
File: 223 KB, 940x511, sudocrem1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7818690

>every word is not a tvtropes link
Not legit, nothing to see here.

>> No.7818695

Needs more tvtropes links

>> No.7818722

I'm still thinking about how to implement TVTropes link spam without making the generator really slow, but it's definitely on the to-do list.

>> No.7818755
File: 463 KB, 819x480, Snap1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacking copious tvtropes links, but nothing's perfect I guess.

>> No.7818772

Also, change DEBUG to False in Django

>> No.7818779

Yeah, I realized that as soon as someone 404'd.

>> No.7818826

>the oppai ending

That is obviously not my ending he's referring to.

>> No.7819034

Added links to (some) of the tropes and added paragraphs from all but the last blog page of Ixrec's reviews.

Hopefully this server won't be gasping for air.

>> No.7819037

It has them now.

>> No.7819064
File: 40 KB, 833x485, Ixrec's Deus Ex- Human Revolution Review_1315004898413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is hilarious

>> No.7819186
File: 36 KB, 855x478, ixrec io.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. Pretty close.

>> No.7819203
File: 32 KB, 566x617, ixrec omega no shikai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is hilarious.

>> No.7819291

this just made my day. but yeah seriously, not enough tvtrope links, go fix that shit yo

>> No.7819332

Tsukihime Review

May as well start with the good parts. The writing style is rather nice, providing better description than the average VN and effectively characterizing the protagonist. Everyone else is also well-characterized, by which I mean they're consistent and just complex enough to be interesting. It's almost a certainty that you'll find one of the heroines to be cute. The story even does something clever once in a while.

So, we have the writer of Higurashi/Umineko and the writer of Cross Channel/Saihate teaming up with Key in an attempt to make some kind of epic plot on top of their usual slice of life and comedy stuff. Everyone with half a brain should at least be curious to see how this turned out. And the short answer is: for the most part it succeeds, but it's no masterpiece.

The flip side of this is that there is an insanely large amount of this cryptic text. So much so that it ends up being a bit of a chore to read through all of it. Though it is a satisfying chore, answers and plot developments really should have come at a slightly faster pace, and by the end there are simply too many questions left hanging. The ending itself was also a slight disappointment in some ways.

Good news is, all of the truly severe cases of bloat are easy enough to identify that you can just ctrl them without hesitation and get back to the good stuff. In the end most of the above was more of a huge nuisance than a fatal flaw, and the story was never in danger of completely losing its momentum or intrigue.

Score: 10/10

Polarization: (-2.3/+3.3)

Depends how irritated you get when a game switches back and forth between epic cliffhanging twists and slightly-too-long comedy/slice-of-life filler. It's also likely some people will be more liberal with ctrl than I was or fail to figure out quite as much in advance, making them immune to some of the aforementioned problems.

Routes/Endings Played: All Endings.

>> No.7819382

Is it bad that just based on the descriptions this thing gives out I want to play whatever VN it could be describing?

God damn I need a new VN to play.
