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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7817798 No.7817798 [Reply] [Original]

So how is the NEET life treating you, /jp/?

I myself just won a legal lawsuit that netted me about $670,000 so i won't ever have to leave my room again in the foreseeable future.

>> No.7817803

How many of these lawsuits have you won now? You must be rolling in dough.

>> No.7817806


>just won

But that's what you said almost a year ago. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.7817823
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I'm jealous.

>> No.7817822


One, a malpractice suit. I went in for a simple surgery to have an unsual skin growth removed from my back but instead the doctors completely removed my genitals.

>> No.7817828

I'm surprised those back alley surgeons had that much money.

>> No.7817831

Happens all the time.

>> No.7817838


>> No.7817839

I have about the same money, not a problem in my life.

>> No.7817843

I would give my genitals for that much money.

>> No.7817853

Today I woke up, ate a bunch of crackers, masturbated, and went back to sleep. Then I woke up for another round of masturbation.

>> No.7817866

I became a millionare when my parents died. Life is wonderful.

>> No.7817886 [DELETED] 

I woke up and stayed in bed for half an hour and stared at the wall. Then I turned over and stared at my now dead computer, which really sucks. I feel like I've lost a friend.

I worked up the courage to call about a job but there seem to be too many qualifications required. So after eating a bowl of cereal I turned on the shitty laptop with a 14" screen I borrowed from my mom and got on 4chan. Planning on doing that for the rest of the day.

And it's the weekend that my mom gets to keep my siblings so they'll be coming over and being noisey so I'll probably be sneaking some of her pills to sleep through it with. I should probably fap before they get here now that I think about it..

>> No.7817923

today i woke up at 5 after 12 hours sleep interrupted by the cleaner in the morning
went to astronomy club for 2 hours and ate cookies and drove gf to buy a pie
i was meant to read a book but had no energy
somewhat similar to my situaltion before went to uni what with the wall stareing and laptop...

>> No.7817939

Man, fuck you people. I wish the absolute worse on all of you.

>> No.7817937

Shit poster, probably, or subtle NEET thread criticism.

>> No.7817944
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lack of balls

>> No.7817946


>> No.7817947

sexy Kaguya legs

>> No.7817954

It ended today, after 2 years of being a NEET.

Farewell, /jp/.

>> No.7817966

i got my 200$ month paycheck today
ha! pathetic NEET fucks

>> No.7817977 [DELETED] 

>wishing the worst on people already destroyed by society

>> No.7817997

Dude... That's nothing especially if that's USD and in the US.

>> No.7818023
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running low on funds, can't keep living like I am for long

probably going to paint the walls with my brains when I run out of money.

>> No.7818037

My grandparents are pretty rich, I can't believe I'll be happy instead of sad when they kick the bucket.

Oh well, it can't be helped.

>> No.7818039

Once you're done post in on the OC thread. Original content is always welcome.
Make it look like a Touhou if possible.

>> No.7818041

Being NEET is awesome.

>> No.7818045

I was born as a NEET and I'll die as a NEET.

>> No.7818062

Dear Christ, is it boring. And poor. How the fuck do you get money? Not all of us can file for disability, sue the fuck out of someone or live off their parents forever.

>> No.7818068

You don't need money to be NEET.

>> No.7818073

You need food, roof and internet to continue being NEET.
And that costs money.

>> No.7818076 [DELETED] 

Only if someone else isn't paying your way!

>> No.7818079

Again, not all of us can get others to pay our way.

>> No.7818081

Pretty well. I just finished watching Penguindrum and I have Dead Island downloaded, followed by Space Marine. I still have to finish the other two routes of Katahane, as well.

>> No.7818082

I live off my rich best friend. We're "very" close, and I told him that life sucked too hard and that I'd kill myself. It worked perfectly. Now he provides all for me, because he's too afraid he might lose his only friend!

>> No.7818087
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XGD3 games

>> No.7818089 [DELETED] 

Who's fault is that?

>> No.7818103

Normally no ones, and you're the problem if you can't sustain yourself.
But in this case, I'd guess it's mine for not hating people enough. I'm NEET/hikki because I'm lazy and self-loathing; not because I hate the world or some stupid bullshit like that.

>> No.7818098

Doing well. Receive 1200 a month for awwtism. Haven't worked or left my house in about 9 years now.

>> No.7818101

Sucks. I want to move out and get a new computer.

>> No.7818107
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I love my JTAG.

>> No.7818108

Maybe I should have got a modded Xbox 360 instead of Modded PS3.

>> No.7818110

>Space Marine
I expected better taste in games from you, Sudo.

>> No.7818112

I watched Space Marine, it's really short.
I wish it were much longer.

>> No.7818113

Does anybody else sometimes dream about everybody in else in his family dying and getting all the money and assets?

I mean, they're nice people and all, but if that happened I'd be set for life.

>> No.7818115

I know nothing about Warhammer, but people have been saying the demo for the game was good so I thought I'd give it a try. It's not like I have anything to lose but some of my unlimited free time.

>> No.7818129

Nope. That's horrible.

>> No.7818140

How selfish can you fucking be?

>> No.7818143 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ are you in America? I've worked my ass off at jobs and didn't even make that much.

>> No.7818222

i applied to over 70 jobs over the period of 2 month.
got 0 replies other than that cutco scam

>> No.7818232 [DELETED] 

just throwing this out there

is anyone near nc interested in doing the charcoal thing? we can get something to eat and try to enjoy ourselves beforehand, and I think it'd be a lot easier to finish the job if you have other people there

>> No.7818235

Charcoal thing? Elaborate.

>> No.7818238

What's nc? I might be interested.

>> No.7818245 [DELETED] 

big in japan
nice and painless
north carolina
if you're willing to make the trip I don't care where you're from

>> No.7818251

Please don't use /jp/ to recruit people for your suicide group, it really ruins the take-it-easy mood.

>> No.7818253

You get in a tent, light up and switch on your portable console.

>> No.7818254

It's over 1000km from where I live, and I can't drive. It's a shame, because it sounds like my dream death. Having fun with someone like me, and then dying peacefully with him.

>> No.7818256


sounds pretty gay

>> No.7818264

Yeah. I don't think you'll end up in Gensokyo if you do that.

>> No.7818269

Well, I don't care. I think it's a very cute and romantic death.

>> No.7818270

Not gonna lie. If I did go to your suicide meet-up, I'd ditch last minute, come back when you're all dead, steal all your money, then fuck your dead bodies.

>> No.7818274 [DELETED] 

not like I'd care, I'd be dead
you can have my $20 and virgin asshole

I'll be taking it easy

>> No.7818284

Right and then the cops would find 5 dead guys all with your cum inside their assholes

>> No.7818304

DNA evidence is only useful if they have his DNA on record.

>> No.7818307

Well taht would be an awkward conversation to have with any relatives.

>> No.7818433 [DELETED] 

I'm a few states up, but I could probably grab a bus.

What kind of timeline are you looking at here?

>> No.7818455 [DELETED] 

Depends. I'd really like to have more than one person. I hate 1 on 1 awkwardness. If I found 2 willing people I'd be up for a fe days tops.

>> No.7818457

Been working part time (2-3 days a week) super easy job for a few months. TBH it's better than being 100% NEET, as you can actually buy shit and upgrade your computer. I really hate to say something like that to you guys, but I'm just sharing my experience with having a job that doesn't totally suck.

>> No.7818464

Get out suicidefags.
Real NEETs are content with their meaningless lives.

>> No.7818476 [DELETED] 

Alright cool. I'll keep an eye on this then.

I'll be bringing my gun if we go through with it. Hope you understand, can't have anyone trying to run off, or any "help" showing up.

>> No.7818505

>hikki/neet calling someone selfish
You're leeching off hard working people who you label as "normalfags" because they aren't mentally handicapped like you. Fucking retards. I like anime, manga, visual novels, video games and all that shit but you guys are fucking retarded. I sometimes come here for fighting game, room and figurine threads but then I see shit like this and it makes me want to puke.
Inb4 some faggots tries to explain that he's a neet/hikki out of his own choice and not because he's mentally handicapped. It's sad and sickening that you believe this bullshit yourself.
Also inb4 people reply to this post with telling me to get out and acting either soedgylulzxD, elitistic or "I don't care, I enjoy my life". Oh you, ofcourse you don't, noone would enjoy being a loser like you.
I honestly don't care how many of you pathetic freaks killed themselves after reading this

>> No.7818519 [DELETED] 

You sound jelly.

Enjoy paying for all my shit.

>> No.7818522


>> No.7818525

You sound frustrated.

Calm down and have a cup of tea or something.

>> No.7818534

I don't leave the house except to go to the store. Getting disability and SSI for Social Anxiety Disorder . Mostly because I can't have a job where I have to talk to anyone.

>> No.7818561

I think of people like you whenever I receive my monthly payment. And it feels good.

>> No.7818569

It's sad that /a/ is full of retards like you, too.
Nah, I live in Estonia anyways and I'm pretty sure noone that resembles you shitheads live there.
I'm actually pretty sad that there's no real treatment for mental illness yet.

>> No.7818571 [DELETED] 

Check clears tomorrow.
Thanks for buying me so many panties. You and all the other hard working americans have given me a great many erections with your tax money.

sorry eurofreinds your money goes to someone else

>> No.7818574

Wait, you can speak English?

This is a new development.

>> No.7818585

Just ignore and report next time, please.

>> No.7818578

so.. you mean people who live a happy life and aren't human trash?
I hated bullying in school and always stood up against them when they bullied the "weird kids" but it's still damn funny to read your butthurt comments and you trying to act calm and cool when actually you're sad. But yeah, gonna leave this thread now, bye faggots.

>> No.7818579 [DELETED] 

Only reason I haven't signed up for disability (besides the embarrassment) is after you get the money.. then what?

You're still in despair for the rest of your life, just barely scraping by.

>> No.7818590

Flaming people is not against the rules.

>> No.7818586

Why'd you quote me? I don't support their lifestyle either.

Oh I forgot you're mad as FUCK.

>> No.7818600 [DELETED] 

Stay with your parents and don't tell them you receive any money.

Enjoy what a middleclass life must feel like with no effort.

>> No.7818607


You're not alone, dude.

>> No.7818614


Oh Estonia? That fares quite high in the suicidal rate:
I think there's a lot more of mentally disturbed people in your country than you thought.

>> No.7818613

See Global Rule #3.

>> No.7818618

I'll be honest, I forgot that rule was there, mostly because neither moot nor anybody else cares about it or remembers it exists.

>> No.7818622

Funny how it gets enforced, almost as if it is remembered

>> No.7818629

It's 99% non-enforced. Pretty much any hostile interaction between internet users is flaming and /jp/ has maybe a thousand posts of it active at any given time.

>> No.7818639

You mean like the past several shit threads and rage threads that got deleted?

The rule is enforced, it just has leniency

>> No.7818642

Shit threads and rage threads are not deleted because they contain flames, they are deleted because they are shit.

>> No.7818655 [DELETED] 

The flaming rule is there as a catch. Basically if you do something a mod doesn't like that isn't readily defined by anything else they can just use that. Sort of like how schoolteachers use "insubordination" or the various criminal offenses law enforcement can slap you with just for walking down the street.

Just a way to keep you in line

>> No.7818667

Earning $2,400 for depression, aspergers, anxiety, and more. Along with having rich parents, I'm living the good life.

Hearing about people that work and earn much less than me only makes me feel pity for them. What a shame.

>> No.7818692

Couldn't sleep well today. The neighbor girl came over and wanted to go pick some berries with me or some shit.

I don't like her, and do not enjoy leaving my house. Why can't she take the hint; I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.7818700

Do you know any websites about group suicides?
(Even if these pages are in Japanese or Russian).

>> No.7818703

Perhaps she is an angel that has come to cure you of your hikkikomori ways.

>> No.7818704


try >>

I heard its really great

>> No.7818765

I went to a party and a rave yesterday and had the time of my life, some people described me as legendary.

>> No.7818776

That's very nice for you, sir.

>> No.7818891

I think it is you that is not taking her hint.

>> No.7818914

My NEET life is going fine, but do you really need to keep making these threads telling us about your money?

>> No.7818924

We should all go through with one of those suicide meet-ups, but first having our last meal together, having a lot of fun together before our final hour, and then realizing at the last moment that we can't kill ourselves yet after making such great friends.

...if only ;_;

>> No.7818929

How does copypasta like this generate so many replies? We shall never know...

>> No.7818935

It's not like we're discussing his fake lawsuit.

>> No.7818932

You are now normalfag scum.

>> No.7818940

Not before the /jp/ Aokigahara treasure hunt.

It's said that the evil witch of the forest is the driving factor behind the suicides. I bet she's a cute girl. I want to find and group rape her alongside other /jp/ users like true faceless men.

>> No.7818947

This anon is on to something.
You have my boner!

>> No.7818956

Today my dad talked about sending me to some African village to teach English, like I'd suddenly get over my anxiety if I did that.

He has some very scary views.

>> No.7818961

I wanted to see how much money I could earn by not eating and instead pocketing the cash and in a few months I got a little over $300. I ended up buying a doll with the money.

I'm also planning on going on a daytrip in a few days. I asked my parents at the beginning of the summer if I could use their car to go north for the day and they agreed. I'm going to spend the day in and around a swimming hole. I'm going to make myself a sandwich or two to bring along with. I waited until school was back in session so I could avoid people. I hope I don't get bit by any snakes. What was that rhyme with poisonous snakes and their colors?

>> No.7818975

the only one I know is "red next to yellow, you're one dead fellow"

>> No.7818980

>I wanted to see how much money I could earn by not eating
>in a few months I got a little over $300

You went a few months without eating? Do we have youkai posting on /jp/ now?

>> No.7818989

You have bested me with your TRU-NEET superiority, I am undone.

>> No.7818992

That's the one I was thinking about. Last time I was in the area I saw one of those banded snakes but couldn't remember the rhyme.

Of course I ate, just not as much. I guess I messed that one up.

>> No.7819005

I believe authorities do monitor communities that focus on suicide, and the fact we're on 4chan, the wild ruffians of the internet in their eyes, they might try to impede your attempt.

/jp/, if you seriously want to group up, get your friends and discuss this in a more private environment.

>> No.7819011

Suicide is pathetic when used as an escape from life.

>> No.7819009 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 640x480, futakuchi-onna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's said that those who starve themselves to keep in shape will become futakuchi-onna. Maybe you'll wake up one day as a little girl with a second mouth on the back of her neck.

>> No.7819010

>I wanted to see how much money I could earn by not eating and instead pocketing the cash and in a few months I got a little over $300.

I did something similar. Except, instead of not eating, I decided to buy all my food at Walmart instead, I saved about a hundred dollars a month even though I was still eating the same amount of food! Walmart helps me save money, so I can live better.

>> No.7819020

I'm sure those who want to kill themselves really care about your opinion on the nobleness of suicide.

>> No.7819016

You're so lame. Why are you trying impress a bunch of "truneets" if your life so great? Oh right, because your full of shit. And that rave you went never actually happened, have fun being fucking delusional, nerd.

>> No.7819026

Do they seriously work that hard to prevent suicides?


>> No.7819031


>> No.7819030

>meido doesn't want me killing off the userbase
I'll admit I smirked

>> No.7819040

I thought Saten-san had blue eyes. Why is she naked on her laptop? She is not NEET she is a high school student, stupid.

>> No.7819036

they'll apprehend people who possess child pornography even though those users were never involved in filming it, so yes, it's not too hard to imagine they'll stop suiciders too.

look at this recent campaign everyone has been involed with, major corporations and even the president of the united states


>> No.7819045


>> No.7819051

I'm not kidding when I say 4chan has been the closest thing to friends I've had in the last 5 years. If I was to spend my last moments with someone I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather do it with.

>> No.7819059

>spending your last minutes on the shitposting epicentre of the universe

Oh wow.

>> No.7819061

Get out a bit. Because there are no such things as 'friends' on anonymous imageboards, sure, there are friendly posters, but no friends.

>> No.7819070

Not a lot of dignity, eh?

>> No.7819085

Not so much as me wanting to brag about my life and more like posting it out of spite of all these annoying circlejerk NEET threads.

>> No.7819100 [DELETED] 
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who NEET here

>> No.7819103
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>> No.7819104

You know when people anthropomorphize imageboards? That's the sort of bond he's talking about. The characteristics of the community. Stop getting your panties in a bunch about people enjoying their time here.

>> No.7819128

I'm not saying he can't enjoy the board its characteristics, I'm just saying it can't substitute as a friend.

>> No.7819134

Wait, wait one second.
I can understand why you people are here, I understand why you post/lurk all day on this board.

But are you seriously tell me that you "like" the other anons here? Or even the community in general?

I mean, how many times have you been called a faggot, a moron or an idiot? How many of you were never told to get out of /jp/ for the heck of it?

Sure it might have happened that sometimes an anon posted something that you liked and appreciated. But what makes you think it isn't the same anon that in another thread made you wish he died by impalement?

>> No.7819136

that or nothing
why do you normalfags always have to kick people when they're down

>> No.7819143

Of course I like the anons here.
And they rarely are nasty like you described to me.
It helps that I'm not a shitposter. Mostly.

>> No.7819145

I'm not kicking him when he's down. That's like saying that telling a hydrophobic person dying of dehydration that he has to drink water is "kicking him when he's down". Although that's pretty absurd.

>> No.7819162

Anyone will compliment you to your face. It takes a true friend to be honest to your face and call you a faggot when you need to be called a faggot.

>> No.7819168

/jp/ is not a true friend.

>> No.7819172

>I mean, how many times have you been called a faggot, a moron or an idiot? How many of you were never told to get out of /jp/ for the heck of it?
Seriously, I've never been insulted on 4chan. Ever.
If you don't shitpost you aren't insulted.

>> No.7819176


>> No.7819208

4chan-virginity status: TAKEN

>> No.7819223

he's homo

>> No.7819241

buttgaping gayloard
I want to make a /b/ thread consisting solely of people arguing like this, but it would never take off

>> No.7819243

See this is one of the cases where I think "I love you anon".

>> No.7819254

>But are you seriously telling me that you "like" the other anons here? Or even the community in general?
I appreciate the uniqueness of the experience. /jp/ can be very insightful about things, it has subtle humor that you don't often see on imageboards, and has an atmosphere of open mindedness. I hold a fondness for those good quality posters

>how many times have you been called a faggot, a moron or an idiot?
There are strict guidelines we impose on each other but it's there to help the board focus on otaku topics. Since 4chan is practically modless and janitors rarely help, there's no real punishment to people who shit post, it think it keeps people who respect the community in line, and those who are immature will resort to more shitposting.

Now who's ready to open the HELL out of those portals to gensokyo?

>> No.7819274

Yes, I think we can all aggree that /jp/ IS a wonderful place with wonderful posters. But it can still never substitute an actual friend, or social interaction, even though that's what a lot of your are precisely trying to avoid. And let's be honest, though, the guidelines are more to purge the REALLY annoying posters, rather than to keep the board on-topic. Most of the threads aren't even directly on board topic, although they do have this otaku-stank about them.

>> No.7819303

After 5 years someone finally called me a faggot.
I don't know if I should be happy or sad.

>> No.7819346

There is still social interaction whether it is in person or not. The only difference is there is no judging other than what comes out of your mouth. Everyone is equalized, while in real life your looks/gait/voice/gender comes into play.

Maybe internet friends are even more pure than real life ones since you actually befriend someone's personality.

>> No.7819380

>my definition of what a friend is should be unconditionally accepted in this wretched realm
I just don't care

>but it can still never substitute an actual friend
apples and oranges, why does it even matter what someones definition of a friend is to you? He could stumble upon an irc filled with /jp/ denizens and BAM he just got friends in his roster.

>social interaction
Now this is where you're clearly wrong. We're discussing things left and right with people and you're saying that ISN'T social interaction? Tell me how many deep and factual conversations you've had with your friends and compare that to any online board committed to it. People who are adjusted to the subject are better and offer more diverse conversations than your friends. Y'all are amateurs when discussing toehoes.

I guess we're missing out on some amazing experiences without true REEEL friends, like talking trash about our colleagues (I want to do this all the time) and being caught up in superficial trends, wasting my money to attend whatever club we be ballin at, or maybe doing fuck all at a mall.

Where are coming from? How did you find /jp/? Have you considered moving out of here?

>> No.7819397

The thing is, friends aren't as subjective as you like to think, there is a thing about actual socializing IRL that just cannot be substituted with internet discussions, and humans _are_ social animals.

Socializing isn't just topical discussion, there is a vast amount of elements to it than just discussion/exchanging thoughts.

And you seem to think that friendship revolves around backtalking, taking part in stupid thrends, and pissing money at nightclubs. Stupid consumerism. Honestly, I can understand how you could become so alienated, it's easy, but the thing is they're not all like that, and there's bound to be some people IRL who think like you.

And I came to /jp/ because I've been on 4chan for a pretty long time and this is a pretty nice, laid-back board with a fun community.

And don't try to act like as if the fact that you're alienated means that you're somehow above the 'normalfags'.

>> No.7819543
File: 190 KB, 1024x680, 1147556100_Sa4yT-XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're not all like that
The majority is, we're guided to be materialistic consumers. observe what's popular, look at the disgusting social hierarchy everyone loves to ignorantly support, notice how we desire for fame and short term satisfaction. We don't have any form of a positive real life community. These elements create a selfish and hostile environment that limits our creativity and the content and intelligent philosophies we could be producing. It also holds us back from forming deeper bonds with friends, something you desperately love to support.

Look at japan, look at all the content they produce compared to us, we're so weak and misguided we don't know how to live financially independent. Fixated on getting a cushy job so our employers can sort out all that yucky business stuff.

So how come we can hardly draw, we have to retrace of a lot of drawings other people do, we don't value craftmenship, and our content pales in comparison with our japanese sister site? Remember, the things I list listed usually run online, but they also have offline meetings

>there's bound to be some people IRL who think like you.
Guess where they frequent? It won't be at your local bars or sporting events. They'll probably have a computer if they value quality social interaction.

Comiket and comic-con is a good western and eastern comparison. If we were competent our conventions would be filled with OUR intellecutal property, WE would be producing content instead of reselling obscure items from nerdy TV shows and films.

>> No.7819565

What I'm basically saying is that our society reflects bad and self destructive values, and when someone is suggested they should conform to them, you should despise them for it.

normalfag is not an empty insult.

>> No.7819579

Popular != Everyone.
I have plenty of friends and almost none of them submit to something just because it's the trend. Of course I have a contempt for the majority of people who mindlessly accept the values that popular culture push onto them.
>look at Japan
Don't involve this in the conversation. Seriously. Japan is no better than any other country.

And I'm not telling you to go to local bars or some stupid sporting events, I'm just saying that you'll find a lot of likeable people if you're just try to be open towards them, and trust me, you'll eventually find somebody with a lot in common with yourself.

It does, and I'm not telling you to conform to the values of societies. What I am asking you to do is just try to be open towards people you think you might not like, and try not to substitute socialization with internet discussions. It isn't healthy in any way.

>> No.7819594

>your sad devotion to that religion

>> No.7819601

m0ar like cult. amirite?

>> No.7819639
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/jp/er with 'actual friends' here. There is no objective definition for "friend". Even if you call certain people "friends", your relationship with each of them is very different. What I can discuss, what I can't discuss, what I can or can't ask or talk about varies per friend.

Online friends aren't all that different from offline friends. The biggest difference is that you can't always avoid offline friends, so you have to be more careful around them, limiting how free you feel in what you say to them. That said, I can't really consider '/jp/' as a friend. You can't really get a bond with someone if there's no way to identify them - it's repeated interactions that make you familiar with the person, leading to "friendship".

As for real life social interaction being superior, I strongly disagree with it. Even for real life friends, the most meaningful conversations I've had were over the internet. For social failures like most of /jp/, many things are better expressed in text than in speech. The ridiculously fast pace and complicated etiquette of real life speech seriously impedes your ability to have a good conversation. The best kind of conversation is a 1-on-1 IM conversation, where you can properly prepare whatever you have to say, and the lack of external distractions makes sure the conversation remains meaningful as long as both participants are interested.

>> No.7819644

I think majority of non-alpha young male are becoming neets

>> No.7819646

not a neet, just visiting. Considering getting my weeaboo on since Ive been here long enough

But how do you guys deal with the sheer amount of Japanese shit out there?

>> No.7819649

Picking an area of interest and going from there, of course you'll never get to it all, but the fun is in finding things you like.

>> No.7819650

In this post i'll be using a minimalistic approach to argue things


>>popular !=Everyone.
>majority = almost everyone

>>Japan is no better than any other country.
>typical /jp/ bandwagon mindset
>japan revived gaming industry
>japans manga comics and cartoons exceeds any other countries counterpart medium
>we were talking about friendship and normalfags, both heavily influenced by society
>people denying japan's opposing communities and values is either xenophobic or to afraid of being labeled a weeaboo

>>open towards people
>this seems irrelevant, as I am open to people, but i'll be calling out what people really are.

>> No.7819679
File: 49 KB, 687x478, 1305405889984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet friends>Real life friends

I mean how often do you get the chance to discuss penises/loli's/and in general other stupid topics with real life friends.

That said how do you tell a person you have been "friends" with for 20 something years that you never liked him at all.
This guy considers me his best friend yet i could not care less about him, i simply keep in contact with him because it would be rude not to after all this time.

..I am a horrible person.

>> No.7819685

>how often do you get the chance to discuss penises


and you can do that easily, go find a gay bar.

>> No.7819691

gay people dont appreciate penises for the right reasons. We all know that.

>> No.7819705

I'm not sure I knew that.

>> No.7819720

Go on, tell us your story.
Why do gay people not appreciate them for the right reasons?

>> No.7819724

>I mean how often do you get the chance to discuss penises/loli's/and in general other stupid topics with real life friends.
Weird, because it seems like everybody in real life only wants to talk about fucking girls.

>> No.7819731

Gay people like penises on guys

I like them on effeminate drawings/tarps

>> No.7819733
File: 199 KB, 600x600, 1301961054406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>penises on guys.
Sick bastards.

>> No.7819739
File: 165 KB, 900x600, 1256141041544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody in real life only wants to talk about fucking girls.


>> No.7819763

You're still a faggot maricon.

>> No.7819806

>I myself just won a legal lawsuit that netted me about $670,000 so i won't ever have to leave my room again in the foreseeable future.
If you're frugal that can last you nearly your whole life. That's more money than most people make over 20 years!

Put your money in a bank with good interest rates and live cheap and you can ride on this for sixty years.

You lucky bitch!

>> No.7819813

>bank with good interest rates
I've got bad news for you.

>> No.7819824

Oh Ill takes that. But at least I have taste.

Its like going to a bar and trying to talk about your favorite videogame. Bars are shit places to go, bar none.

>> No.7819830

I quit my job a while ago since my boss refused to give me a raise. He keeps fucking calling me and literally begging me to come back to work... without the promise of giving me a raise.

What an idiot.

>> No.7819837

>Does anybody else sometimes dream about everybody in else in his family dying and getting all the money and assets?

>I mean, they're nice people and all, but if that happened I'd be set for life.
No, both because it wouldn't be a sufficient amount for me too be set for life unless I gave up eating or the internet, and also because the longer they live the more money they will earn and the more I can inherit in the long run.

Also: that's a horrible thing, like damn. I couldn't do that shit to my family, I love them and shit.

>> No.7819860


First: I love my family.

Second: I have two sisters so sharing the "fortune" might not be enough.

Third: If my mother went to pass, both me and my younger sister(who's a neet as well) would be incapable of doing jack around the house...

>> No.7819871


You aren't only trash but also an idiot, I hope you fall through the stairs and break your neck.

>> No.7819877

>I mean, how many times have you been called a faggot, a moron or an idiot? How many of you were never told to get out of /jp/ for the heck of it?

>Sure it might have happened that sometimes an anon posted something that you liked and appreciated. But what makes you think it isn't the same anon that in another thread made you wish he died by impalement?
I've never taken offense at being called bad names over the internet, and I don't remember ever wishing harm on anyone here.

It's the internet, why would I give a fuck?

>> No.7819879
File: 344 KB, 676x550, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look. Another dumbshit wannabe normalfag living a lie.

I have been a NEET since the end of July.
Been working for a few years prior to this. I havent been this happy in my life.
Everyday is a Sunday now, no more social obligation, doing whatever the fuck I want and whatever that I enjoy.
I wish it can last.

>> No.7819887

You are all the reason I am going to vote Rick Perry come 2012. I will enjoy it when christians come and burn you at the stake for being on social welfare payments.

inb4 eurofags think Rick perry won't come over and rape you in the ass in Euroland. He will.

>> No.7819894

I want this to happen to sudo, and it will.

>> No.7819897

Who the hell is Rick Perry? Is he running on the green party ticket or some shit?

>> No.7819898
File: 46 KB, 640x444, 21312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neet life is good~
I have my own house that i inherited from one of my uncles and i have my welfare.

I am now 24 and i have never worked a single day of my life and i never will.
I love this country of Norway.

>> No.7819916

Grow up. Not everyone is a NEET/Hikki by choice. Although that guy you are responding to is an even bigger idiot for using such a boring argument, not everyone enjoys being unemployed and poor. Especially if caused by mental/personality/etc problems and disorders.

>> No.7819921

>Rick Perry

Being a Texan, I'd like to see this happen

>> No.7819931

Implying the poor and disabled aren't that cult's primary target.

Implying they wouldn't make it even easier to get welfare.

>> No.7819934

Socialism is made for us.

>> No.7819935

Even better. We get the poor and disabled. To kill the other poor and disabled. That way we get rid of them all!

>> No.7819955

>not everyone enjoys being unemployed and poor.
Have try being part of the workforce?
Ask any of your colleagues if they are enjoying their life working 40-50hours/week?
Do you know why they are working so hard?
99% of the people working are motivated by money. They are working because they want to be a NEET(retired). However what they dont realize is they will be either
1) too old to enjoy their wealth
2) die before they can enjoy their wealth
3) having kids like Sudo wasting their wealth

I am not saying the NEET lifestyle is good but I rather want to enjoy my youth rather than climbing the rat race. What is the point of having money if you never have the time to enjoy it?

>> No.7819961

Buying a prostate stimulation kit?

(Wanted to spell kit with a d.I'm really getting tired)

>> No.7819964

Depends on what you do. Some people really like doing their job because they aspired to it. Others are stuck in dead end jobs they never really chose. Hard to generalize really. Alot of real 'normals' out there fall into the latter category but even then I'm not sure if they'd rather be poor and unemployed.

>> No.7819992

From what I heard, people who have been working full-time for years simply can't go without a job anymore. Not having a job leaves such a gap in their schedule that they have no idea what they could possibly do with all that free time. It's become part of their routine to be a wageslave during most of their week, and people always want to go back to what they're used to. So even if they dislike their work...they do want to work.

>I have been a NEET since the end of July.
That's, uh, a full month. My summer vacation is longer than that, dude. Technically even I've been a NEET since somewhere in July, just because I haven't settled if I'll be doing anything in school this semester.

>> No.7820016

26 years old and I'm already financially independent.

Any NEET that is poor is because he is stupid and he deserve it.

>> No.7820043

I worked 90 hours this week and I loved it. The trick is to find a job where you actually love what you do, and then it isn't work.

I like legal work. I like working on hard problems and solving them. I like that when the shit hits the fan, I get to go into the war room, plan a strategy, and we move forward.

It's really stressful and my decisions have real and moral weight to them. Plus I love writing, calling people out on bullshit, and analyzing issues.

I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't love their work. A lot of people seem to do things just because they fell into them. For them, work is miserable and it sucks.

But if you find some area that you love, it's not work anymore. I think about work nearly all the time.

The money is good. It's more proof that I am good at what I do and matters for that reason, but having it is awesome.

I do like my coworkers and I love my boss. I love the problems I work on. I like finding people trying to undermine me and either getting them on my side or undermining them by surprise.

I was unemployed for about a year. I hated it. It was the worst time of my life. But having that time gave me the perspective I needed and the ability to manage a budget (living on 18k a year is not fun.)

But yeah.... I don't understand anyone who isn't planning, working, and striving towards spending their life doing what they love. It confuses me.

>> No.7820045

inb4 buttrangers and floorshitting neets.

>> No.7820047

I work a meaningful and fulfilling job at a non-profit organization so I enjoy my job and so do most of my coworkers. Like others have said it's all about finding the right job. Not every job out there is a soulless 9-5 desk job.

>> No.7820083

I work at a warehouse 3 days a week. I have 4 day weekends every week plus vacations at 16.50 an hour. I dread the day I graduate UNI and have to get a salary job and work weekends for some prick boss.

If you actually liked your job more than time off, you would never go home. 90 hours is nothing buddy. Get it to 120 minimum, take cases for free, go to washington etc.

My life is 30 hours better than yours.

>> No.7820087

didn't read thread; how is this /jp/ related?

>> No.7820094

motivate me. I am a 23 year old law student (non amerifag) who basically spent the last 2 years failing because I'm too anxious and depressed to try anymore. How do you even cope with all the competition. Fuck, the intake for summer internships is like 1 in 5 to 1 in 10, with people who are ridiculously well connected, intelligent and sociable.

>> No.7820091

So how's your first day on /jp/?

>> No.7820092

pretty much every board has occasional loser support groups. Comes with the site.

>> No.7820098

Why do some /jp/ related threads get deleted immediately and this stays up for 10 hours?

>> No.7820099

Better question. How is anything on /jp/ /jp/ related. You make a topic, I'll point you to the right board.

>> No.7820107

Is there anything other than Touhou/VN's that really don't fit anywhere else? I mean doujin and stuff can go on /a/, hell, technically Touhou could be alright on /v/.

>> No.7820105

I don't think I can ever get a job.
I can't even look at people straight in the eyes.

>> No.7820112

>1.46 MB

>> No.7820117

Touhou and VNs are on /v/ all the time and usually reach 250+ posts

>> No.7820120

Ah, I was under the impression VNs were frowned upon in /b/ 2.0 for weeabooness. I don't visit /v/ much, though. I should stop by sometime.

>> No.7820130
File: 624 KB, 175x263, 1307344311069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it has a Touhou OP picture unlike the previous three versions of this kopipe thread. They get deleted pretty quickly without the touhou pic though.


>> No.7820132

Well finding something that you love doing is hard.

>> No.7820140


Hmm. I don't have a law degree. I plan to go to law school eventually, but I think in America too many kids go to law school without doing legal work. This is bad for them because they don't find out if they love the work until they've taken loans... and it's harder to get jobs because they haven't made connections.

It's getting hard for me, because going to law school will mean giving up my current salary to be a student.

My advice would be to explore test on positions. The UN Entrance Exam. Government Test-On Jobs, Etc. Most the people who try for them are basically.... mentally disabled.

Next UN exam is in October. State and Local govs vary by country. But these positions are a good way in.

Also, do unpaid internships that don't take up much time but sound impressive. They will help a lot.

Ironically, I have law students and lawyers working for me at the moment, because the legal economy is so bad. I'm almost 26.

But hang in there, it's one of those things where you just need to try really really hard and persistently, and once you get in (even at a not so great job) you can work up.

>> No.7820141

But none of those were deleted before their natural death. And that's not even getting into how spaced they are from each other.

You can complain about some of the current policies. This is not one of them. It's time to realize that it's just shitposting that is not allowed and it's not some hidden agenda to destroy /jp/ or whatever it is you and that kid believe.

>> No.7820139

You sound kind of frustrated, frustrated that your /a/nime gets deleted.

>> No.7820154

I'm simply pointing out that people should use a Touhou picture if they want they're previously unsuccessful threads to be more successful.

>> No.7820155

how can you function as a NEET when your parents do a poor job at supporting you?
currently my mother is sending most of her income to a 24 year old boy in nigeria who is madly in love with her but needs money for endless purposes before they can finally meet and be married.
of course I have tried to convince her of the obvious issue here, shown her evidence, keylogged her and blocked incoming emails, but she just keeps circumventing it and refusing to believe me.
she plans to visit nigeria this christmas at which point she will probably be robbed, held for ransom and killed. but I find it difficult to care after how much of an idiot she has proved herself.

>> No.7820156

There was no complaint in my post.

Anon always trying to start something from nothing.

>> No.7820159

That's about as bad as the "/jp/ related because I'm playing on japanese server" spam guy, give it up.

That and those threads were never actually deleted while active, and moot made /jp/ partially for NEET/ronery threads as he's said himself.

>> No.7820160

Wait... People fall for this stuff?

>> No.7820171

People do all the time. My dad got one where they ripped off the Thunderbirds story. Names and all. It was funny shit.

>> No.7820173

I apologize then. A bit tired and doing a quick check on the archive just filled me with disgust so I snapped at you.

But seriously, enough with the "why does the janitor delete my shitposting". I don't want to endure another chiespam storm.

Guess I should add to the thread as well, but a brief period in between things don't qualify me as NEET I think. So ignore me and carry on.

>> No.7820184

Well, I went to get steal toilet paper out of the local library bathroom again. Then I went and sat outside the courthouse, asking for money so I can "pay parking fines and avoid prison". Then I rode the bus to see if I could cum before I got to the stop by my home. I didn't make it. I wandered around for a while, went into my parents house and took some beer. Then I went out back into the shed where I sleep and fapped to some CP until about 6PM. Then I made some stupid comments on gelbooru and began my round on 4chan. So here I am.

>> No.7820213

you shouldn't fap to CP. it's bad for your health.

>> No.7820230

You dont have a law degree but have lawyers working for you.


>> No.7820255



Look, a lot of kids who graduate go to law school because the economy is bad, getting a job is hard, and they believe they can ride it out.

There are about 40 or so law schools in the US worth attending. There are about 170ish law schools.

A lot of kids think they will make the big bucks if they go to these schools. A lot of kids graduated in 2008 during a bad economy, ran away to law school, and then graduated and the economy wasn't much better. So there's a glut of lawyers with no experience, many of whom are from "bad schools". And they have been lead to believe that their bad schools are good.

A guy I know mocked me for going straight into law and bragged about how much he would make when he graduated. He then sent me a facebook message when he saw an opening at my company and asked me to introduce him to the hiring manager while he bragged about himself a bit.

I told him I was the hiring manager. He thought I was joking. He submitted his resume. I sent him a thanks for the interest letter via company mail. He didn't get a job. He's now taking out another loan to get more education. Which won't help him because other idiots have the same idea.

The goal is to just get involved doing something and build from there. I have a good niche of talents and while I am not making what a really successful law student from a good school would make $160k +30k bonus, I am making a really good amount for a 25 year old guy and I love what I do.

Anyways, this is off /jp/ topic. I'm going back to Katahana now, I like it so far... but really can't wait for Yuno, Forest, and Umineko to get translated.

>> No.7820261

I thought you needed really good scores to get into law school in the first place.

How are you the hiring manager without even a degree anyway?

>> No.7820264


Things must be tough for law students

>> No.7820300

American law students have it worst. Still, its pretty hellish no matter what you do. Also women have a significant head start these days. They will hire you if you are hot and even only modestly intelligent.

>> No.7820305

i attended school to learn how to chase the red-white

sometimes i make about ¥20000 in blue boxes, and if im feeling a little mean i can make an extra ¥5000 by checking passed-out fairies for candy

>> No.7820311

Why America?

>> No.7820318

I have a college degree.

I scored a 176 on the LSAT. My GPA is shitty because I spent college drinking and sleeping around and watching anime. I don't regret any of that, except a few episodes of Bleach. I won't ever get laid now like I did in college.

For career, I worked as an intern, performed better than my superiors, replaced a superior, and got promoted.

At the same time, lawyers became oversupplied. I had some working for me for... get this... $15 an hour. Because that is how bad things are.

Personally, I think we're heading into a double dip recession. I am stalling because I want to graduate in a good economy that will make law school debt worth it.

But once you're in the corporate world, it's about ability to execute. I am 25 and am senior to several 50 year olds at my job. The difference being, I care about my work, I love it, and I know how to execute.

But my point to /jp/ is this: you guys are generally smart. Often you get obsessed with small and trivial things. Find one that adds business value and find the right company and you will be fine. Try to let go of some of your hangups about technicalities or trivial disagreements and just find a body of knowledge outside Type-Moon power levels that you love... and sky's the limit.

Try test-on jobs because... well... even those of you who aren't bright are still smarter than the average person.

Anyways, I need lesbians. Katahana and tequila time.

>> No.7820322

>neets wanting to change
>A job
>having good lives


>> No.7820324

Australian here. When I take out a loan for a year of my law degree, its about 20k a year. I borrow from the government, the total loan is indexed to inflation, and I don't pay anything more than interest until I start earning 40 - 50k a year.

A law degree is 5 years here (undergraduate, you have to do another degree such as Commerce/Science/Arts first). So that's 100k at most, and I can find a job in finance if I want to, or economics, as many do (at the end of 3rd year).


compare that to this. Law schools in the US are fucking evil.

>> No.7820339
File: 1.39 MB, 900x900, 1309413811971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had the balls the quit my job and start living the TRUE NEET life.

>> No.7820341

>That's, uh, a full month.
I am just saying that I prefer the NEET lifestyle.
I went almost half a year NEETing after graduating and have been occupied with full time job since until now.
At the end of the day it is all about $$$.
Enjoyment is the last thing on people mind when they join work force.

>> No.7820342

Yeah. I just had an 8 hour conversation with an Australian lawyer.

We paid him $3,000. Domo arigatou counsel. Here's my kidney while you are at it.

One thing I hate about my job is that I always get calls from Australia and China at like... this hour. Worse is that our VP of Aus came to visit our head office and he ALWAYS calls me at like 11pm, either when I am about to get laid or when I am hammered and he delivers an emergency situation.

So he visits the US and I am out at a local bar, and I see this 5'1 girl and I have a short girl fetish, and we're hitting it off and I am thinking that I am going to see if I can get her to wear the cat ears that I have at my place... when suddenly.

"Oy [Mirrored] it's [Crocodile Dundee] here from Au'r'strarlia, 'ave you gotten a chance to review that contract? Ay' think those do'dgy bastards are at it again.". That moment the magic melted and the odds of me getting a chick drunk enough to Nipah went out the fucking window.

I love the guy and he keeps me employed with his huge desire to fight any and all legal battles that come his way, but Jesus Christ, he traveled thousands of miles just to cock-block me.

Okay. Seriously. Turning off my phone. I am going to read okay prose set to high-pitched voices while flat chested lesbians make out with each other. That's my night.

>> No.7820359

Take your work blog to >>>/soc/.

>> No.7820372
File: 145 KB, 1205x557, byoukai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7820937

Cat ears and nipah, I like it. but seriously, just admit that you're a pedo already.

>> No.7820946 [DELETED] 

NEET blogs only.

>Yes, I think we can all agree that /jp/ IS a wonderful place with posters.
I would post a reaction image here if I had any.

>> No.7820955 [DELETED] 

NEET blogs only.

>Yes, I think we can all agree that /jp/ IS a wonderful place wonderful with posters.
I would post a reaction image here if I had any.

>> No.7820957

NEET blogs only.

>Yes, I think we can all agree that /jp/ IS a wonderful place with wonderful posters.
I would post a reaction image here if I had any.

>> No.7821215 [DELETED] 

Before enlightenment, you must rake the leaves and take out the trash. After enlightenment, these things are no longer necessary, in that they are boring, and that they suck.

>> No.7821217
File: 81 KB, 600x447, 20591886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before enlightenment, you must rake the leaves and take out the trash. After enlightenment, these things are no longer necessary, in that they are boring, and that they suck.

>> No.7821221
File: 30 KB, 400x299, tumblr_kybth5LpFP1qalqero1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mascots of the NEET generation. if only they hadn't made that godawful cartoon after the amazing pilot.

>> No.7821320

Closet normalfag detected. Burn in hell, scum.
