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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7817500 No.7817500 [Reply] [Original]

How old are you /jp/?

How much time left until you will become magician?

>> No.7817518

Sorry, I had a life before 4chan.

>> No.7817524
File: 63 KB, 448x434, 131265092536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 18.

>> No.7817523

6 years

>> No.7817526

I am already a sorcerer supreme.

My body radiates runic energy while swelling up with ki at the same time.

>> No.7817531

18 years old?
or 18 years left?

>> No.7817534
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I'm actually secretly a hikikomori

>> No.7817541

I'm 19 years old and I feel terribly old... It's so depressing.
I wish I could be at least 16.

>> No.7817544

26, four years to go.

>> No.7817543

18 years left.

>> No.7817548

/jp/ suicide rates:

18: 10%
19: 15%
20: 20%
21: 30%
22: 40%
23: 50%
24: 60%
25: 70%
26: 80%
27: 90%
28+: 99%

>> No.7817562
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a forty somtink codger

>> No.7817565
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28 years old.

Two years left until wizard status, hell yeah motherfucker.

...Just you wait.

>> No.7817567

Wait. Do you become a wizard with 30 or 40 years?

>> No.7817566

>I was born in 1992
>I feel terribly old


>> No.7817573

43 years left.

>> No.7817578

I do too.

>> No.7817586 [DELETED] 

9 long years to go

I'm not sure if I can stick it out

>> No.7817595
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been a NEET for 3 years

haven't left the house in a year

probably going to have a 1 way trip to gensokyo sometime within the next year ;_;

>> No.7817601

36 years
hanging there...

>> No.7817605

I'm 21
I need to fuck someone, or something. Whatever with a hole is fine.

>> No.7817610

Buy a tenga.

>> No.7817611

try a cat

>> No.7817616

Couldn't satisfy me.
I need something with quality as Byakuren at least.

>> No.7817629

28 here.
however, I have a girlfriend and an active sex life.

>> No.7817631

I share your pitiful desperation.

>> No.7817637

get one of those "over 20 pounds of pussy and ass" things

>> No.7817664
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It is too late for me..
I am christmas cake tier.

>> No.7817678


I'm also 19... and I know that feel...
...though I wish I didn't.

>> No.7817681

your a faget.

>> No.7817705

23 year old failure at life.
7 more years.

>> No.7817703

You can always look for other place than Gensokyo.

>> No.7817713

Gunbutte ne, Failure-kun~!

>> No.7817724

do your worst, lowlife.

>> No.7818150

Does anyone have that picture with description of ranks for magicians?

>> No.7818155

I'm already in my 30th year. I don't feel any different.

>> No.7818167

Glad to see I'm not the only guy over 30 here...

>> No.7818171
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What is this wizard talk about? Intending to become a reaver.

>> No.7818173

Since I'll turn 22 at the end of this year....

8 more years.

>> No.7818177

3 years. I don't know if I can make it. I'm getting sick of fapping and anime, but I know if I stop, I'll get used to horrible real woman and probably even settle for one.

I hope true VR comes out PDQ.

>> No.7818180


Please, ignore the poster known as "Uidrew".
He is barely an aspergers kid and a brain-dead imbecile who labours under the delusion that he is a great poster.
His life consists of shitposting and imagespam, denying responsibility and leaching of his mother.
Truly, he is a laughable figure.
The state of his motherboard is worrisome.
I would not desire him as a comrade, nor as my friend on the internet.

>> No.7818188

Less than a year.

>> No.7818184

Don't you want to be a sorceress Helen?

>> No.7818192

27, wizard status incoming... oh wait 2012 apocalypse :'(

>> No.7818198

You'll need to find better links if you want to make a stale copy pasta be interesting.

>> No.7818200

I've been twelve years old for at least 15 years now.

>> No.7818210


A reaver. Then hopefully a revenant.
With some exceptional luck and faith in my grandmothers' genes, aiming to eventually become a dread lady.

>> No.7818213
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Three years more until I will find that I'm terrible as a magician, even more than a mortal. That will be a whole new level of grief.

>> No.7818214

19. I'll be 20 in a few months.

Also sage because I've be alive for too long.

>> No.7818226
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>> No.7818229

that Saten is beautiful...

>> No.7818239

I wonder if this is the 4chan board with the oldest average poster

>> No.7820444
File: 219 KB, 850x478, DUUUUR..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23, working at a server virtualization consulting company, sworn off women, life is progressing.

>> No.7822450

This is not a good thread, but fuck it.

>> No.7822635

Uidrew isn't that bad. Sure he may not read and has aspergers, but it's not like that makes him any worse of a poster. Komeiji's the real shitposter, but I'm not sure if that guy leaves /a/.
I'll never be a one ;_;

>> No.7823375
File: 210 KB, 720x480, 1289334053566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too old... 24
But I look and feel me more like 18/19!

>> No.7823381

can i still be a wizard if i was raped as a kid?

>> No.7823391

No, that title goes to >>>/fk/ .

>> No.7823392
File: 70 KB, 412x343, 1303355505515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2 more years until I become a Wizard of the Grand Order.

It will make it all have been worth it, man.

>> No.7823397

I'll be 22 in two weeks. No plans so far at that.

>> No.7823465

I turned 18 yesterday. Spent the day on /jp/ and readin' VNs. Feels good man.

>> No.7823476
File: 165 KB, 567x567, 1312248534976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7823480

I'm 27, still virgin, etc.

>> No.7823488

21 in 2 months.

>> No.7823504

Was born in 1991, so im 20. Wish i was born in the 80s because i liked older games/vns and the feel of playing older games/vns and the internet was a lot better. also this thread is no better than /soc/ shit, actually all /jp/ has been is /a/ and /soc/ and fucking /v/. were did all the /jp/ers go..

>> No.7823518

Three years.


They got disgusted and scared away by your complete lack of ability for English grammar and spelling.

>> No.7823532
File: 297 KB, 486x534, yeeaaaahhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I felt like I was born in the wrong generation ;_;

>> No.7823543


>> No.7823589

Why would you say that? All the kids nowadays do nothing but play shitty video games and go on facebook. thankfully they wont come to /jp/ because there is no love for anything Japanese like their was in ours. We at least had rpgs, stories in our games and they weren't a complete waste of time, tv was also worth watching.

>> No.7823588

Got 9 years left. Should I really wait that long to be disappointed that I won't actually become a wizard?

>> No.7823598

I hate you so fucking much. Why the hell did you do that?!

>> No.7823614


I don't understand why people in their early 20's are calling themselves old.

>> No.7823618
File: 71 KB, 440x433, ghostbusters1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true and the 80s and 90s have the best non-animu series ever! The most modern non-animu series today are very shitty! I had a good time as a kid with great cartoon series, pic related.

>> No.7823622

10 years to go.
I'm still a youngster but my path is already sealed.

>> No.7823623

They want to be a teenager again... me too! ;_;

>> No.7823702

i wish i could watch some he-man

>> No.7823752

Just turned 23 today, September 4.

>> No.7823765
File: 189 KB, 698x829, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kill me
