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7809157 No.7809157 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any connection between Alice and Medicine? It seems odd that the two of them don't interact with each other more. Alice have been perfecting her magic and doll making skills in order to create a fully sentient doll for a long time now. Why doesn't she just go find Medicine and ask her about her origins?

>> No.7809158

They spoke at the SSIB party.

>> No.7809164

How did that go down?

>> No.7809169

There were no survivors.

>> No.7809221

>Medicine's origin?
She probably won her Alice Game

>> No.7809284
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It's too bad Medicine is so underground on the Touhou fanbase. She has a cute design and interesting enough backstory.

Then again, I guess somebody's gotta pay the price. Just like Kisume!

>> No.7809308
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A doll that spews poison enjoying life? Nonsense.

>> No.7809322
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I think the two of them look lovely together

>> No.7809325
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>> No.7809386

Medicine is a tsukumogami (most likely) and that's not exactly what Alice wants.

>> No.7809408

What? Tsukumogami seems like exactly what Alice wants to me. It would be just like Pinocchio.

>> No.7809418

She says herself that Life is also a poison.

>> No.7809447

I'd help Alice create life, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7809526 [DELETED] 
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Alice just wants to be someone's waifu and raise a moe moe daughter together with her husbando.

Anon wants a waifu so he could raise and moe moe daughter together with her.

'Tis a cruel world indeed that the two cannot find each other.

>> No.7809541

I'm not saying I'd like Alice, but someday, yes, I'd like a cute daughter for me.

Until she grows up and enters puberty, that is.

>> No.7809644

Medicine all for doll liberation?
so wouldn't she see Alice as one of the doll oppressors she wants to fight against?

>> No.7809677
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Alice also seems to be the only person who gives a shit about dolls though.

who knows

>> No.7809678


>> No.7809680

What about Hina?

>> No.7809688
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