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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7807151 No.7807151 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ i just had a panic attack about going back to college even though im on prozac (30mg a day).. I made my schedule as easy as possible, so im only going two days a week. When i get panic attacks, i feel like im gonna faint/get dizzy or i choke up, how do guys calm yourself down? i go to my bed and lay on my stomach, are there any better ways?

>> No.7807157

The Sopranos thread?

>> No.7807158

The Sopranos thread.

>> No.7807162


>> No.7807166

Fucking weaboo faggot go watch something that isn't anime.

>> No.7807169

Obviously, 30 mg is not enough.
Raise to 45.

>> No.7807170

Yes, make a blogpost on /jp/, that will help.

>> No.7807174

You gonna let this guy talk to you like that!?

What a pussy!

>> No.7807176

As dumb as it sounds, holding my breath helps somewhat in these type of situations.

>> No.7807178

>how do guys calm yourself down

>> No.7807182

suck my cock dude

>> No.7807186

>how do guys calm yourself down?

I go for a drive or make myself some tea, or take a nap.

>> No.7807192

I'm pretty sure there must be a drug experience board somewhere.
Guess OP should just keep looking!

>> No.7807193


>> No.7807188
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Music usually helps me calm down.

>> No.7807204

I know what you feel OP.
So I didn't take any lectures this semester.
Now I need to figure out how to explain not leaving the house for 3 months to my parents.

>> No.7807200

There's 420chan.

>> No.7807205

I rub a stone I keep in my pocket, though that is more suppressing the urge to start shit or say something stupid than anxiety.

Also girls think I'm spiritual because I keep a polished rock on me.

>> No.7807210

Vomiting is actually quite refreshing.

>> No.7807211


Has 420chan gotten any better?

I left around 2009 when Spardot started becoming a nazi with the site and Kirtaner just bent over like a bitch.

>> No.7807213

By "spiritual" you mean crazy right?

I also have a pet rock that i speak to from time to time when i get nervous.

Pebbles is a good girl, not like these other sluts i have to work with..

>> No.7807221

Native american shit bro. Works like a fucking charm.

>> No.7807227
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>> No.7807229

I go to the bathroom and stand in the stall until it clears out, then I stand around and look at myself in the mirror

>> No.7807253
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Severe Anixety/Depersonalization/Derealizatiin guy here

I've struggled with alot this stuff the past 3-4 years and the. Answer didn't come into my lap for quite some time. I went through alot of suffering to get to this point, but I feel just running/jog, watching my breath, listening to music or pretending I'm antagonist of some sort of show that needs to man up (helps with work outs with the music).

I've been committed, seen by more doctors you can take And had my share of meds. None of it worked. I'm still somewhat fearful of what's going on with my body ANd mind, but most of the strength to pull through this rests on you.

Try to find someone to help guide you through a panic attack on a public place or have some kind of safety back up. Had to have someone asset me when it or to the pint where I could barely function outside without having problems breathing, my head feeling light, the World around me feeling unfamiliar and becoming scared that I didnt exist And reality was fake; thus if I left my house, all of it would fall apart.

Not sure how I managed after that person left me, but I do know the running has helped me. Greatly

You also have to learn to be the boss somedays and tell your mind to shut the fuck up and keep rolling. Nor sayin it'll be easy modo the first few try's, but it will get better

In short though, take it easy OP

>> No.7807280

i used to have these when i was uncertain of my future and started college.
Taking your time to deeply and slowly breath is what worked for me. and you musnt think about it
try to think on something else

>> No.7807291 [DELETED] 





>> No.7807297
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Myself i simply take a extra dose whenever i have to go outside to do something.

By the time i get to the door i no longer care about anything.

>> No.7807316

I dont wanna take drugs. theyre expensive and i might get addicted.

i try to deal with my anxiety best i can.
i set up my schedule so i only need to go to classes 2 hrs per day 6 days a week. it's bad but it could be worse. i have at least 24 hrs between each class, that gives me enough time to sleep AND take a good long nap to calm down.
i just wish i could control it fully and actually talk to people during classes. maybe i could even end up making some friends.

>> No.7807327
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Myself i tend to turn on the vibration function on my phone and pretend someone is calling me.

And at said point i politely excuse myself and leave the room and speak to myself for a few minutes over the phone.

..I did not realize i was crazy untill now.

>> No.7807345


Stop posting that shitty character.

>> No.7807346

steins gate no sentaku

>> No.7807367

suck my cock dude

>> No.7807373


>> No.7807378

Booze. I'm not into medication.

>> No.7807382

Why is that crazy? That's just an strategy.

I hope you can overcome that and get to make some decent friends. I know it's hard, but don't give up.

>> No.7807386

Ive been taking it easy for these 3 months and i thought i was getting better with the prozac, but then today i started to get the feeling of passing out because of going to college tomorrow. My father also keeps on telling me i need to get a job and it makes me feel uneasy,

>> No.7807387

>Why is that crazy? That's just an strategy.
I agree, but the rest of the "normal" world would probably not.
Hence i use the word crazy, because that is what they would call me..

>> No.7807405

You need clonazepam. But only take it for 4 or 6 months, and leave it as soon as you feel ready to do so.

>> No.7807424

Clonazepam really only helped me short-term. I developed a tolerance for it and it really does nothing except make me drowsy anymore.

>> No.7807453

Do meds really cause extreme apathy?

>> No.7807455

Besides the prozac, he also gave me ativan, I just took like a 1/4 of it because its so strong that it makes me feel all weird and sleepy.

>> No.7807462

Oh and its 0.5 mg, i made sure he gave me a low dose of it, I only took it once besides today because when i took it it really passed me out. I was just having just a panic attack that i gave up and took it.

>> No.7807471

Such* not just.

>> No.7807493

Actually, I heard it's pretty common among assholes who don't want people to talk to them in public; they just keep talking into their phones so it looks like they're busy.

>> No.7807497

They do for me. I'm pretty apathetic even when I stop taking them, though, so your mileage may vary.

>> No.7807504

Try Wellbutrin if you get the opportunity

>> No.7807516


My grandmother's verizon phone has an ENTIRE MENU for the "fake call" feature.

I shit you not.

>> No.7807523

pics or it never happened

>> No.7807524

nah, still shitty. A lot of chans turned to shit that year, 711chan and 420 come to mind first.

>> No.7807539

/jp/ - Advice and Blogging

>> No.7807543

I had several panic attacks. And I was fluttery and itchy and spastic all over. It's a good thing I planned before hand and got the seats in the back of the lecture halls.

>> No.7807555

>>Try to find someone to help guide you through a panic attack on a public place or have some kind of safety back up.

Anon, I will gladly be that person for you.

>> No.7807566

I've never had such thing because I'm not gay.

>> No.7807601

I don't have "panic attacks", i'm in a panic every second i'm anywhere in public. You guys have it easy.

>> No.7807604

My ass you would. I bet you're just planning to leave that guy in the middle of some crowded area and take pictures or videos when he spazzes out.

What does being homosexual have to do with panic attacks?

>> No.7807695

>What does being homosexual have to do with panic attacks?

It means you're a faggot and you should stop being a drama queen.

>> No.7807706

suck my cock dude

>> No.7807718

>drama queen

Fuck that noise. If anything I wish I could just be left alone and not have to look at people when I walk on my merry way. But no, I have no choice but to commute to the most crowded city university in the entire state. Oh the horrible irony.

>> No.7807733

>bawww they won't stop talking to me and found the most interesting person in the world!

Nobody gives a fuck about a faggot who gets panic attacks just for going to crowded places.

Stop thinking so highly about yourself.
You're like currybutt.

>> No.7807745

I wish I could not give a fuck but if I didn't then I wouldn't have this problem in the first place. It's not that easy to shake off past experiences.

>> No.7807782

Having panic attacks dose not have to mean your afraid of people or crowds , are you retarded?

>> No.7807793

you do know you cant even control it most of the time, having depression/anxiety/panic attacks is most of the time biological.

>> No.7808258
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Panic attack sufferer here. I find that for the most part keeping myself distracted helps. Right now I'm a NEET because I can't handle real life. I'm on 60mg citalopram daily for depression and anxiety, and 100mg trazodone nightly for sleep and as an adjunctive therapy to the citalopram. I have 0.5mg alprazolam to take when I have panic attacks/otherwise get severely anxious/am in a situation where I expect I might become severely anxious or have a panic attack. Benzos are not a long-term solution. I take them rarely, sometimes more often than others. I am currently seeking a permanent disability, though I have been denied twice. The next step is to get a lawyer and attend a hearing. OP, I recommend you seek a disability program of some sort, or a vocational rehab program. Right now you're not capable of dealing with normal shit.

>> No.7808274

You're like some typical /b/fit/v/sp/soc/ normalfag. Go have sex with your girlfriend you fucking loser.

>> No.7808325

I get intense panic attacks when I have to go outside or talk to people, especially girls. Actually, I think I get so nauseous when talking to girls I could throw up. Luckily, I do not go outside. Good luck, I would not be able to sit in a classroom with so many people.

>> No.7808518

Cry more nerd.
go back to your gay threads.

>> No.7809193
File: 348 KB, 659x600, 1218111552795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Anon. I suffer from anxiety and depression, but like you my biggest problem is my panic disorder.

I dropped out of college.

This probably wasn't very helpful or inspiring information for you, but at least take comfort in that your not the only one with that problem.

Here is a picture of Spaida Man.

>> No.7809204
File: 184 KB, 600x1200, 1305032317625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a year-long break from university because of constant panic attacks.
My parents tell me I should use this time to become normal and start talking to people again.
Instead I will consume large quantities of anime, VNs and vidya.

>> No.7809210

Ironically, the best way to prevent panic attacks is to keep your mind busy. Thats why I always have my math workbook with me.

Also, sit in the very back and close to the door. Have long, one hour minimum breaks between classes so you can calm down if something happens.

You need to find a safe place in your uni, for me its the library which I'm always in practicing math.

>> No.7809224

>pretending I'm antagonist of some sort of show that needs to man up
I think you meant "protagonist," unless you pretend that you're Cobra Commander or Skeletor or something.

If you really do pretend to be Skeletor to help with your anxiety then you are the coolest person alive.

>> No.7809231

>going back to college

Get out of /jp/, normalfag. This board is NEET only, and your kind isn't welcome around here.

>> No.7809239

>even though im on prozac
Excuses excuses.
I've been on Prozac for about 6 years and I work full time and go outside regularly.
Taking pills won't make you go outside, they won't make you want to socialise, that's down to you, you've go to make the effort to do that.

>> No.7809246

Jesus Christ, look at this guy.
You're so /a/ it hurts.
You're trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.7809253

>they won't make you want to socialise,
Nothing can make a person want to socialize.
Not that anon, I personally have no difficulty socializing, but hell if I enjoy it.

>> No.7809258

>defends fags who come into /jp/ in order to wave their dick about how much of an alpha frat kid they are
>tells other people they're trying too hard

Has anyone ever told you that you're hilarious?

>> No.7809263

Nice green text there.
Who are you quoting by the way?

>> No.7809271

you're ass faggot

>> No.7809277

Quoting, Rhetoric, Sarcasm, referencing your own post, paraphrasing are all great uses for the quote feature. Only a closed-minded dipshit will disagree with this.

>> No.7809301

I lift weights to deal with anxiety and panic attacks, I don't know why it works for me for some reason, of course I have to go to the gym at 3 am in the morning since I don't like dealing with people.

>> No.7809331
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Yeah, distractions work. I also used to read but nowadays I play simple but immersive games on my smartphone. It's a lifesaver.

>> No.7809372

I just got back from an appointment with my psychiatrist who has given up on me and decided I'm not even worth the trouble anymore. I finished throwing up about fifteen minutes ago from the anxiety and now I'm back at my computer. How fun.

And Prozac does next to nothing unless you mix it with a variety of other medications that you're really not supposed to. Apparently mixing Prozac with codeine wasn't a good idea according to the aforementioned quack, but fuck if it didn't make me feel better at least temporarily.
But to answer your question, I don't "calm myself down." I just either wait until I throw up or it passes on its own after about thirty minutes.

>> No.7809388

prozac works on its own but wont do shit until it has about a month to build up in your system

i take 40mg a day, have done so for i don't know how long, and will probably continue to do so for the rest of my life, and i don't give a shit as long as it keeps working

>> No.7809389

if quick-fix stress relief is what you want you will never ever get it from prozac in any form, just smoke some dope fag

>> No.7809411

I tried that once roughly 4 years ago; it didn't work great and was too expensive to continue with, alcohol is a much cheaper alternative.
Besides, short-term effects wasn't what I was looking for from prozac, even I'm not that stupid. But the long-term effects were too 'long-term' for my liking and I ran out before I knew it and my doc refused to give me anymore after having learned I was "abusing" it, so that's that one out the window.
But hey, at least I'm still able to leech off disability benefits for the rest of my life and never need to work ever again. I love the UK's brain-dead welfare support programs making life so much easier than it ever logically should be.

>> No.7809412

I just do it. There really is no way to ease into that environment except for forcing yourself into it. You shouldn't take breaks from college; attend summer school.

>> No.7809415

I have some presentations I staved off as long as I possibly could in a few days and anxiety is literally churning my stomach. I keep fapping to not think about it, it's the best poor man's drug.

>> No.7809424

>I keep fapping to not think about it, it's the best poor man's drug.
Words of wisdom right there. I always fap just about an hour or two before going out anywhere, it's a wonderful stress-reliever like no other. Try to refrain from fapping while actually outside, however, unless you're 100% certain that either nobody's watching or nobody who's watching really cares. Somewhat shockingly, people tend to become quite disturbed when a man masturbates in public, for whatever reason.

>> No.7809445

This fag argues in every thread about gay little rules he has for everything.

>> No.7809451

>I always fap just about an hour or two before going out anywhere
I'd do this too but I'm paranoid as fuck about the smell

>> No.7809460

Just take a shower.

>> No.7809466

Well yeah, the shower was a given. Still paranoid though

>> No.7809524

>i just had a panic attack about going back to college even though im on prozac (30mg a day)
Prozac is for depression, not anxiety.......

I don't know why you guys hate it so much. I take 1 or 2mg and I can talk in from of people with no problem. The only thing bad about it is that tolerance builds up quite fast.

>> No.7809539


>safe place

What do you do if your college is experiencing extreme overcrowding, and the libraries are unsupervised and have loud people everywhere? Every corner of the school is just packed with people, I can't find a quiet place.

inb4 shitty college. It took everything I had to gather the courage just to re-enroll, I have to start somewhere.

>> No.7809632

there is no safe place really
on the first few days people will approach you to convince you to join their fraternity or christian group, least thats what happened to me.

>> No.7809645

take a deep breath, keep calm and carry on

>> No.7810181
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I had to take the summer off due to constant panic attacks. I was in the ER twice and even called 911 once because I'm retarded and thought I was having a heart attack.

Thanks to that I'm a super senior now and have to hang my head in shame whenever someone asks what year I am.... which is pretty much never since I only leave my apartment to take exams and get groceries.

>> No.7810191
File: 16 KB, 212x119, 1314458028167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have panic attacks just about any time someone talks to me in college.
You'll get pretty good at stonewalling through it and then breaking down into tears when you get back to your room later.
It works fine for me.

>> No.7810197

what the shit has this board been doing since I quit coming here? jerry springer shit goes on >>>/adv/

>> No.7810206

Newfag pretending to be oldfag.

>> No.7810215

>Newfag pretending to be oldfag.

>> No.7810225

If only Kircheis were here...

>> No.7810240


>> No.7810245

oh fuck me

>> No.7810245,1 [INTERNAL] 


That's it, now I'm angry.

>> No.7810245,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Error: Thread specified does not exist.



I'm never spending more than 30 seconds on a post again. Fucking half an hour down the drain.

>> No.7810245,3 [INTERNAL] 


Post it here. I'll read it.

>> No.7810245,4 [INTERNAL] 

That's why you're always supposed to Ctrl+C before submitting on posts that are more than one sentence.

>> No.7810245,5 [INTERNAL] 

If you're an idiot, maybe.

4chan X's quick reply doesn't go anywhere if the post hits an error. If you use the default reply system then you just need to hit the back button and it's still there. There's no reason to copy it.

>> No.7810245,6 [INTERNAL] 

>>My ass you would. I bet you're just planning to leave that guy in the middle of some crowded area and take pictures or videos when he spazzes out.

That sounds hilarious, yet still very awful. I could never do that.

It just sucks to see how hard some Anons have it. I don't really want to see people on /jp/ suffer. I guess it's all just words in the end (because we all live a million miles away) but I would gladly be the guy that pats Social Anxiety Anon's back and tells him that things will be OK as he panic vomits into the toilet.

Earlier today I was walking on campus and there were literally oceans of students. Then I remembered this thread on /jp/ and recalled that not everyone can go outside and do these kind of things. So I guess just reading through all this made me remember that I shouldn't take these kind of things for granted.

>> No.7810245,7 [INTERNAL] 

Being nervous and shy is acceptable, Anon. Having panic attacks simply for being around other people isn't. It's not supposed to happen.
You should probably contact a mental health professional.
