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7798786 No.7798786 [Reply] [Original]

High Tea & ニューハーフ / General thread. Feel free to post all stuff related to traps, GID, HRT, newhalf, witches tea parties, /jp/manor, Oto*Nyan, frilly dresses, KayoPolice, when Chisame comes home, beauty tips, discussing the correlation between little lolis and tea, or whatever. Dr. Pepper is fine too.

No camwhores allowed, only pure maidens.

>> No.7798791

dude what
sounds gross

>> No.7798811

Please don't try to force the association of tea with your attention whoring "epic traps"

>> No.7798829

How long do you guys steep for?

>> No.7798842

That depends very heavily on the tea, but I've only very recently learned to make it myself. I usually drink Earl Grey, with a slice of lemon on the side, having been brewed for around 180 seconds.

>> No.7798868

I've recently started drinking Acai Berry tea, which is pretty nice.
My favourite is still rooibos, although that one doesn't have any caffeine in it.

>> No.7798877

I'm confused
Is this a tea thread or a trap thread?

>> No.7798887

I wanted a tea thread goddammit.

>> No.7798889

if by "trap" you mean "fat weeaboo wearing mom's panties" then yes

>> No.7798898

trap tread, I guess.

And I though that tea was for manly men only...

>> No.7798911

I just got some tea in the mail yesterday. 400g of genmaicha (200g dusted, 200g plain) and 100g of fukamushi sencha.

I think I'm going to order something other than green tea in a few weeks. It's been years since I had white tea.

>> No.7798943

Not interested in traps or lolis, but I am a big tea fan.

Currently drinking Phoenix oolong. And working on capturing all of Mokou's cards... it just seems appropriate.

I brew lightly-oxidized ('green') oolong for a minute with water just reaching boiling (when I start to see the small bubbles), and heavily-oxidized ('dark') oolong for about 45 seconds with full boiling water.

I brew Japanese green tea at 140 degrees for 90 seconds.

I brew Chinese green tea between 160-185 degrees for 30 seconds.

I don't really drink Western style tea anymore. Generally the closest I get is tea with milk as bubble tea when I happen to be around Asian neighbourhoods.

>> No.7798965

Traps having a tea party thread.

>> No.7798975

I've been wondering about what is considered western-style tea. I'm guessing things like breakfast blend and earl grey. Is it any black tea?

>> No.7799013

Do note how nearly the entirety of discussion in this thread is about tea, instead of all that other stuff you seem to so vehemently pile on.

Anyways, there's a few tins of Earl Grey at one of the local asian markets. How should I expect that to differ from more western Earl Greys, if at all?

>> No.7799031


Assams, Ceylons, any blends intended for a Western market, really. I wouldn't consider all black tea western, however. I have been drinking Keemun, which is a Chinese black tea.

The difference between Chinese black teas and the stuff intended for Westerners is the mellowness. You can actually drink good Asian black tea without anything in it, and if it's good quality tea, there's very little bitterness. If you try drinking an ordinary UK breakfast blend without sugar, it'll be very bitter.

>> No.7799054

I'm going to punch that guy who mentioned Peppermint tea in the last thread straight in his dick.

I bought some, and it's ass. It's like "drinking" a smell, if that makes sense.

>> No.7799060


Earl Grey was originally a Chinese tea. It depends what the quality is though... generally, if it's in a supermarket, it's going to be several years old and not very fresh anymore, and probably not a high grade to begin with.

Unless it's from a specialist tea shop, I wouldn't try drinking Earl Grey without sugar...

>> No.7799063

I see. Thanks for explainin a bit for me.

>> No.7799106

Trap shit should stay away.

Tea, however, is nice.

>> No.7799111


Get over yourself, dumbass.

>> No.7799157

There's nothing wrong with girls drinking tea. It can be so refreshing to have a nice cup of tea in a cute little dress while admiring your shaved legs which look girly thanks to years of malnourishment.

You could call it /teaparty/ if you want but then some fool is going to throw a fit and discuss politics because of their autism. Or you could make about five threads a day about the same thing, instead of herding all the shitposters into one thread like we do with the idolfags and buyfags.

>> No.7799170

What the hell is a "buy fag"? Someone who buys things? Stop using that garbage _____fag language.

>> No.7799185 [DELETED] 

>What the hell is a "buy fag"?

>> No.7799201

I hardly even buy figs anymore, I only have 4 things pre-ordered.

>> No.7799205
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>> No.7799223

That table is so disgustingly glossy. Imagine all the snot and tiny semen particles that will become visible with time.

>> No.7799233

please leave, tea threads are fine, all that other shit is fucking /soc/ and normalfag shit.

>> No.7799247

Get out. meido, this is /soc/ shit delete the thread. We like tea threads but this is just hidden as a 3dpg gay /soc/ shit.

>> No.7799298
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As for me I decided to try a tip in one of the other threads about plucking facial hair. I don't know if I was doing it wrong or not but it ended up taking more than twelve hours to get half of it done and I'm not sure about the rest because it hurts and the temporary numbness, and takes ages, and seems tedious. The see-through hairs are the worst and feel most brittle. It does feel a lot smoother and looks nicer though after the numbness and redness started to die down.

Does anyone know how long the hair will stay away for? And will the new hair be less or easier to pluck after the first time?

I just had some Earl Grey.

Stop trying so hard.
