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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7794729 No.7794729 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /jp/, here's the deal:

Recently I have noted a surprising number of people expressing interest over working on a visual novel. I know this story has been going on around here for years, but this time I want to take advantage of that. Right now, we have a /jp/ channel on IRC dedicated to making and sharing original content, kind of an extension to the OC thread. We tried to get a few projects going before, but for many reasons which ranged from lack of writers to poor direction, we failed all of them so far.
Trying to avoid that, we are organizing this call to arms with the following purpose: get anyone who is interested on working on a SHORT VN(around 20k words to be more precise) to join the channel, and get a few discussions going about which sort of scenario should we work on.

Before you jump the gun, be advised that we currently have around 10 people standing by at the channel, and have been for quite a while. Of course that when talking about actual projects the line of responsibility gets hazier, but so far I'm under the impression that people quitting randomly won't be a problem.

So tl;dr of what you need to do:

1) Join #jp-devel @ irc.rizon.net (http://cbe001.chat.mibbit.com/#jp-devel@irc.rizon.net))
2.a) Artists/Musicians/Coders who are interested, join and move to step 3.
2.b) Writers, pitch your idea of a scenario you'd want to write until the end.
3) Discuss the project until we have a fixed goal.
4) Take it easy.

If you just want to talk with other /jp/ users, that is also fine, we mostly chat about all sorts of related shit anyway. More people are always appreciated.

See you guys there.

>> No.7794741

Excellent, another IRC channel that I can idle in!

Jokes aside, I guess I'll join in to cheer you guys on.

>> No.7794755

ks dev getout

>> No.7794775

I know this isn't actually going anywhere, but it'd be another nice waste of time, I suppose.

>> No.7794796

The few guys that actually talk are meme sprouting teens. The rest are perpetually idling or sucking some tripfriend dicks.

>> No.7794797

You don't have at least a general idea of what you want it to be? Date sim or mystery? Kinetic novel or branching? Erotic content?

>> No.7794803
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/jp/ related IRC - not so good.

>> No.7794801

Yea. Most of the IRC channels are like that unfortunately.

>> No.7794806

There's a reason they say #/jp/ is the exact opposite of /jp/. It's beyond me why they even use this board's name.

>> No.7794807

Thanks, but I've got a better chance of making it on my own.
Still, good luck.
I might come steal some of your musicians when I'm further along, though.

>> No.7794809

Jesus fucking christ, that's terrible.

>> No.7794810


There are a ton of /jp/ ircs. Some of them even mix with other boards. It's a great way to filter normal people.

>> No.7794822

goddammit normalfags

>> No.7794837
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Meanwhile at japangeneral.

>> No.7794888

I don't see what's wrong in that screenshot you took.

>> No.7794891

There is no rules regarding the content of the story as of now. Everyone is welcome to join in, pitch your idea and discuss the already presented ones. Just keep in mind that the actual script can't get too long.

Yeah but you are quoting A-san, which is notorious for being a faggot.

Best of luck to you too.

To everyone else who's still not sure about joining, please consider doing so. We are just brainstorming about concepts and ideas, even if you don't want to take part on any potential projects, I'm sure your input will be appreciated.

>> No.7794894
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>> No.7794896

get out failure devs

>> No.7794901


>> No.7794903
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This is going places!.

>> No.7794910

Looks more like /a/, than /jp/.

>> No.7794913

Not everybody conforms to /jp/ posting etiquette when off /jp/.

>> No.7794912

Im a coder, cant get on IRC right now but I think sure I could help out.

>> No.7794915

A real shame they don't.

>> No.7794919

Though it would be good if they did.

>> No.7794917
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The steam group still retains the anti social behavior.

>> No.7794927


>> No.7794928


I maintain the /jp/ habits outside of /jp/. I believe that those who don't do the same are the people that I dislike here.

As for this thread's objective: I think it's better to just work on your idea alone and then when you need help with artists, music, etc just go there and ask.

>> No.7794953

It was joke, I wasn't trolling.

Someone should learn to take it easy.

>> No.7794963

If everybody went only to get help and didn't idle there to offer the room would be empty all the time and nobody would get any help ever.

>> No.7794987

So are you trying to say that it would be different otherwise? That channel exists for more than 6 months already and all that it produced was a side-scrolled game that died because of the lack of sprite artists. Even now, people are circling around like rats in a box.

>> No.7795003

Look, I understand that one might be skeptical about the results the group achieved so far. It's been a long time since we tried to get fresh ideas in, and on that period of idling the group was on the verge of dying.
But right now, we are doing the only thing we can if we want /jp/ to ever make something new again: talking and brainstorming about what can be done. It's only natural that in between that stream of ideas we end up losing focus or having a hard time on keeping the point straight; Even so we want to take our chances once more, hoping that this time the story ends differently.

>> No.7795014


Nobody is trying very hard right now. So far it's only a few people throwing in joke ideas. The only way to really get this going is to just start something and then working from that. All we need is a start.

>> No.7795021

Sure, that's fine. If you want to start, then please present your idea and your script. Because otherwise we'll have to keep discussion as it currently is; trying to find a commonly accepted idea so we can work on it.

>> No.7795039


There's no logic in talking about a game that doesn't exist. What we need is an engine or something to build from. Games aren't built by thinking about them.

>> No.7795042

Tried the channel, didn't like it. Good luck, though.

>> No.7795060

Kritzinger trying to exploit other people once again: the visual novel.
Todays, on /jp/.

>> No.7795063

>Games aren't built by thinking about them.

I'm sure we have efficient coders to sort that out, but we can use Kirikiri or ONScripter for all we care. For now, we need to come up with a good idea to procceed. If we just "do it", it'll end up as non-documented clusterfuck, which will most likely eliminate any interest.
Let's take it easy, talk about this calmly and keeping our cool, once we have a plan, then we'll assign positions and jobs to all members.

>> No.7795068

This has nothing to do with Kritzinger or Shock Cocoon; what the crawling fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7795071

Kritzinger's on the channel, apparently.

>> No.7795074

yeah, yeah, nothing to do.
So, what happened on /a/ with his threads? Did they find anyone at all?

>> No.7795085

So what? Please get your act together and stop jumping the gun based on a single picture.

How am I supposed to know?

>> No.7795092

You are incredibly annoyed over nothing.

>> No.7795101

Man, I'm trying to keep this nice and friendly so we can get productive. Are you really going to start resorting to the "u mad!!!" for no reason at all?

>> No.7795104

>So what? Please get your act together and stop jumping the gun based on a single picture.
You're jumping the gun yourself, dear, I wasn't >>7795060.
Just stated one possible line of logic the poster might have.

>> No.7795116

I apologize for that, but I hope you agree such distinctions are hard to make when you anonymously reply for someone else.

But disregarding all that, anyone who is still interested, please join the channel.

>> No.7795168

Wow, fantastic job at being a faggot. I was only in that room for a short while to introduce a few people I know who'd like to work on a visual novel - but just not Shock Cocoon.

>> No.7795196 [DELETED] 

Looks like you're so famous that just being in a room is enough to get people to declare the room shit.

>> No.7795201

Why don't you hurry back to your #ihatekritz chatroom and circlejerk about it? I'm sure you can use your tears as lubricant.

>> No.7795205

Looks like you're so famous that simply being vaguely associated with you is enough to damage something's reputation.

>> No.7795208

forget it guise, jus forget it...

>> No.7795209

I don't even particularly dislike you. I thought it was just funny that people hate you so much, but now I'm actually starting to think that you might actually deserve the shit you get.

>> No.7795227


samefag talking to himself

>> No.7795246
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Thread derailed.

I don't think anything is happening on the IRC. It just needs time.

>> No.7795254

OC fags are the worst. Stay in your IRC circlejerk.

>> No.7795267

That feel when I have lots of story ideas but they all involve swords and touhous and wizards and touhous and are therefore useless.
One day I should man up and host a D&D game or CYOA or something.

>> No.7795274

Or you can stop shitposting, make new characters, and put your ideas to use.

I doubt you'll do that though. Too much work for someone like you.
