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File: 229 KB, 577x689, 1208195467049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
778593 No.778593 [Reply] [Original] West Coast US (California)

Experimenting with Yukari, also learning Iku.

>> No.778601

Best new title yet!

>> No.778614

/r/ host.

>> No.778653


>> No.778893 : 10800

>> No.778906

GG, V. LOL, Youmu was so friggin fast, she missed all her SCs... maybe they'll actually hit you in a alternate dimension or something somewhere down the line.

>> No.778907

GGs. I hate fighting Youmu, so I had to use my main. Her elbow is more than a little ridiculous, as well as her alt 214C.

>> No.778912

Don't we have a board for that?
What's it called again? Oh yeah..
/v/ - Video Games

>> No.778916

Doesn't work

>> No.778922

hmm Can you try hosting?

>> No.778929
File: 41 KB, 544x384, 1212876138738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup newfag
Hosting(USA), Sakuya player

>> No.778927

They don't want Touhou. Get used to it.

>> No.778928

See >>778653

>> No.778934

Feed not the newfag

>> No.778942

Doesn't work for me.

>> No.778944


Can't seem to connect.

>> No.778945

Have you updated to 1.02?

>> No.778951

anyone know why when i fraps SWR it the game slows down to like 50%?
my pc: 3ghz dual core e8400, 4gb ram, 8800gts

>> No.778953



>> No.778959

Because FRAPS is an enormous piece of shit.

>> No.778960
File: 155 KB, 491x445, 3g3v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I see. Seems that my router IP changed.
Rehosting(USA), Sakuya player

>> No.778964

Are you playing SWR or Crysis?

>> No.778974

i frapsd the game once before and it was fine, but now when i try it the game play slows, i dunno lol ¯\(°_o)/¯

>> No.778987
File: 27 KB, 382x294, fraps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my configuration for fraps and I record fine even though my computer is less powerful than yours.

>> No.778989
Southern California
Power Level < 9001

If anyone knows any other crud besides Fraps and can be easily grab through internet, please let me know.

>> No.779010

Sorry about the lag. That's a first for me hosting. You must be pretty distant.

Seconding /r/ I asked this question yesterday with no response.

>> No.779040

mind if I go next?

>> No.779055

I am.

>> No.779070

US East, experimenting with a couple of characters.

>> No.779094


>> No.779098
File: 296 KB, 500x800, 3fvu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, I love playing against Marisa. Her damage output is godly.
Rehosting(USA), Sakuya player

>> No.779129

Oh, I forgot to give you advice so you can improve..
LEARN COMBOS. It's hilarious when I give you a huge chance to punish me like a blocked 6A and you do a 350 damage combo. Also, get rid of time slow. Time stop can be decent, but time slow is absolutely horrid.

>> No.779156

lol lag made me win

>> No.779175
US West - Powerlevel High - Experimenting with a couple characters.

>> No.779200


>> No.779292


ggs whoever played against me. We're pretty evenly matched.

Yuyuko vs Reimu was a robbed match, though.

>> No.779296

GG, Kite, but g2g. Damn phonecalls in the middle of matches...

>> No.779326

GGs. I freaked the fuck out when you almost beat me with Reisen of all people. It didn't help that she seems to be immune to my grab spell card...I did it right on top of you while you were doing that long drawn out punch of hers, and it completely whiffed.

>> No.779334

I'm fairly certain the super armor weather negates one of Suika's grabs. So that might have been it. I'm not 100% certain about that though, it's just that my grabs always seems to fail on hit during typhoons.

>> No.779336


Thanks for the games anon.

>> No.779340

lol GGs. I think I did a j.2A which is kind of like a teleport because it sends Reisen back to the air after doing it.


>> No.779342
File: 104 KB, 750x786, Hijiki Roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

West Coast, Day 1 Remi. Will use Reimu if my ass is beaten too severely.

>> No.779350

You beasted me with Yuyuko. That's all that matters.

Looking at the replay, I don't know what the hell I was doing the second round. It looked like a ghost had taken the controller from me or something, cuz I don't remember any of that shit.

>> No.779355

Seriously, I really want to smack Reimu for 66c and 623b/c. ;_;

>> No.779365


Yeah, super armor weather prevents a couple of cards from working, such as Komachi's life swap and life halving attacks. Suika's grab is probably in the same situation.

>> No.779420

Thanks for the games. Learned that my deck is pretty good already.

>> No.779429

For high level players: Do you use melee-counter, bomb, or weather cards? Are they generally useful?

>> No.779441


Only melee counter.

>> No.779442


I wouldn't consider myself a high-level player, but I do find bombs quite useful. Generally you can use them on the wakeup and get some breathing room. Counter hit card is also pretty good, but I only use them on Patchouli because her melee is terrible and she gets cornered a lot.

As for weather cards, I don't have a full understanding of how they work, so I don't use them. Either way, I find other cards more suitable for nearly all of my decks.

>> No.779450

Yes to counters, no to bombs and weather cards.

>> No.779455

When the timer's above 50, it automatically cuts to the current weather.

Are there bomb-combos?

>> No.779464

Everyone uses melee-counter. Dial-A is just too rampant not too. Bombs are scarce because they can easily miss, and I'm pretty sure everyone who can't read kanji ignores the weather and has not weather cards. The only other cards that are useful are the Card charging one, and you have to be facing a slow-mid projectionist to safely use them (ie. Iku, Youkai Busterless Reimu, Remi)

>> No.779465

hangeki only (melee counter)

>> No.779474

keikaku only (keikaku means plan)

>> No.779482


Imagine it, now the Suikas can activate super weather whenever they want!

>> No.779485

Actually, scratch Iku. 6C is probably the quickest projectile attack in the game.

>> No.779491

Just as ZUN'd...

>> No.779496


Ah, I was using them when the timer was below 50, I guess I read it wrong. I'll check them out some time, but weather really isn't problematic enough to me for something like that to be needed. Thanks for the info.


Wallslam or groundslam from an attack is also a good time to use the card charger. I usually link bombs and card chargers together because the wallslam is powerful enough to guarantee that I get all of my cards before they can reach me again.

>> No.779497
File: 74 KB, 300x300, MAID&#44; POUR MORE TEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking suck with Remi. ;_;
Any good Remis out there want to give me some tips?

>> No.779499

GGs. I really liked the 623C on wakeup, but please don't make me punish the same mistake (22C) that many times again.

>> No.779505

The point was to make you run to punish me so I could cancel into a Red the Nightless Castle, but after the second time I got beamed, I realized it wouldn't work on a Marisa. And I STILL kept doing it.

>> No.779516

Use 236C more, and learn the combos on the wiki. Particularly the 2700ish damage midscreen one that you had an assload of opportunities to hit with, and the 2850 damage corner combo. And please, for god's sakes, use her 5C projectiles less. I ran into them by being stupid a couple times, but god they're awful. You should also only use her 214B/C for when they're knocked down, since it has a LONG start-up time.

>> No.779522


Don't spam 22B/C if you do; it's a highly situational move against good players.

The problem with Remilia is that a lot of her attacks are very punishable if they miss; this is counterbalanced by the speed of some of her other attacks.

Approaches with j.5A or j.2A are usually fast enough to allow a 5A before being punished, and her C projectiles are really good, so use those. When you're cornered, 236C can get you out of there safely most of the time.

Not that I'm a pro Remilia or anything, but take it as you will.

>> No.779525

In any horrible situation where you're going to get shot, use 22b/c. Always works against me. ;_;

>> No.779529

You guys are playing the game wrong
You're supposed to fight in the middle of the screen and allow your opponent to stand


>> No.779532

That's a free 1200 damage (or 1,600 if he had let me use my damn skill cards)

>> No.779540


Eh? C projectiles can cover your 236C approach most of the time, if anything. They're not spammable like a lot of other projectiles, but they aren't terrible.

>> No.779543

We give honor to our opponent by beating them next to a wall and keep pressuring until they escape. The more they are in the situation, the stronger they are. ;_;

>> No.779550

remis flying bat shit projectiles can be charged, and she shoots 3 of em

they also go through a lot of other projectiles, canceling them out

>> No.779554

her C projectiles are really good, so use those.
....no, they aren't. They're good if the opponent has low spirit and doesn't have a good projectile. And even then, they're ONLY for pressure, not actually dealing damage.

>> No.779556


22B/C is way too punishable on the block. It's mostly for surprises and punishing laggy projectiles. Against a grounded opponent, 22B/C is practially begging to be punished. 236C is superior for getting out of locks.

>> No.779559

Ok, for the guys defending her C projectiles, let me give you a hint: I was playing Marisa. My projectiles ate hers for lunch.

>> No.779565 : 10800

>> No.779566

i like using remi's downward 22b/c on opponents with slow casting spells when they try to spam

it usually works, but thats really the only time i use it
also, 236b/c has a big fat hit box and even though it is an upwards attack it always nails people in front

>> No.779568


Of course, they're exclusively for pressure. Because they move slow, they cover 236C rather well. Might as well have out some sort of projectile while you assault the opponent for cover, you know?

>> No.779569

Also, a note on 22B: USE IT WHEN SOMEONE MISSES WITH A SPELLCARD. 22B goes through EVERY OTHER MOVE IN THE GAME (except a few melee specials such as Youmu's 623B/C)

>> No.779570

Remi C Projectiles is near decent to Chiquita's B Projectiles due to larger startup. I think its best used in a blockstring chained all together or delay it in a blockstring, hoping you poke them and not get that forward dashers onto you.

>> No.779571

the main difference is hers shoots 3 charged
and they also juggle for a long time

>> No.779585

Iku's scarf and drill. Iku's scarf can even eat 22B/C on startup and then hit her immediately after she bounces off of you.

>> No.779590

Oh fuck me, I read it wrong. Nevermind.

>> No.779591

Iku's scarf is essentially a counter-attack. She's completely invulnerable during the start-up.

>> No.779614


>> No.779617

Is hosting "IPaddress":10800?

>> No.779628

Not necessarily. Just a port that's open. 10800 is the default, but you can use others.

>> No.779635

Anyone who wanna play a Reisen? I cant host


>> No.779639

GGs Jetm.

>> No.779642

GG's again GP. I still can't handle Yuyuko with anything other than Yuyuko.

>> No.779645

Host now.
Lets have a manly Reisen mirror.

>> No.779648

Host now.
Lets have a manly Reisen mirror.

>> No.779653

...I cant host

>> No.779670

Want more noobish advice from the barrier guy? 214B/C on wakeups, 2B/C makes a nice anti-air if you can't use a Red, and only 22B when you KNOW they're about to fire off something. I use it more of a retreat maneuver than an attack, myself. Practice those combos, although at your level, you should be able to piece them together (I just went into practice and threw together 5AAAAA 2C hjc.9 j.A.A @ 17 hits, 2.4k corner. 5AAAAA 2C hjc.8 j.5C @ 25 hits, 2.5k corner; I'm pretty sure both are on the Wiki). 2A chains with 2B/C easily, you can find something to work for you from there on. Oh, and you're going to become 22C happy, at least use the alt card to gain some breathing room. It's grazeable, but Remi's quick enough to avoid getting hit. Hopefully...

Best I can do. Good luck!

>> No.779673

Getting beat by reisen isnt all too bad btw :V tiersblabla

>> No.779685

"2B/C makes a nice anti-air"
By far the best advice in there.

>> No.779688

Right, but it takes a significantly higher amount of effort to do anything with her. If you get beat by a Reisen, you probably got beat by a good player.

>> No.779690

BTW, use the 2C over the 2B, since it leads to combos.

>> No.779701

If you're going to 22C in cover it with a 214B/C first. It's a pretty nice little trap. The 22C juggles them into a 2k combo if they try to graze the 214 and a blocked 22C can't be punished because of the cover from the bullets. Their only option is to sit there and block while they lose half of their spirit meter.

I'm nowhere near your level mind but it's turned out to be a reliable little trick thus far.

>> No.779705

Any EU that can host wanna play me?

>> No.779708

Flight up -> punish

>> No.779732

Too powerful!

>> No.779735

The problem with the 2A > combos is that input delay makes them impossible if there's the slightest bit of lag.

>> No.779737

Too much slow down. Good games. ;_;

>> No.779743

Doesn't work, remi recovers before the bats finish hitting.

>> No.779748

Any EU that can host wanna play easy Reisen?

>> No.779750

If all your inputs are delayed, it'll still hit if you input it with the correct timing from memory instead of waiting for visual cues.

>> No.779756

Pretty fast actually, considering I'm in Asia.

>> No.779758

I will! Don't ignore me on irc, I just asked for a match

>> No.779763

But you don't get hit by the bats. You graze through them. If the bats are infront of her when she lands from the 22B, you graze through them as if they weren't there and punish her. If the bats are behind her, you use a downward projectile or something to make them disappear.

>> No.779767
File: 47 KB, 704x396, gtfoBOSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.779776

Oh god, newfag alert. Those of us who actually cared about anime before 4chan went to hell didn't use torrents, we used xdcc bots. IRC is how you get anime.

>> No.779780
File: 73 KB, 750x600, 1212212502683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
779780 EU noob

pic related, should have been in the game

>> No.779788


>> No.779790


>> No.779800

Not knowing THIS makes you a newfag?

>> No.779809

Good luck with that.

No, IRC is where people with no lives go to engage in pissing contests with other attention whores and drama queens.

>> No.779819

Err, sorry duder. connection just had a spastic attack and his chugging like a mofo.

>> No.779823

Mod likes IRC?

>> No.779842

No, IRC is how you vie for mock social status with other egomaniacs.

Good luck with that.

>> No.779891
File: 102 KB, 520x735, Blood By Moonlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, let's try this again. Maybe I won't be so terrible this time.

>> No.779955 canada east, intermediate

>> No.780010


>> No.780043
File: 76 KB, 580x755, train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was getting more and more furious at every botched train. I never want to see another one of those bullshit throws again. ;_;

>> No.780047

ggs limiter.

>> No.780050

abba, if u dont mind how do u pull those dash attack your marisa does?

>> No.780059

The sweep is 66a, blast is b, and broom is c.

>> No.780063 eastcoast

>> No.780068

but I notice ur able to control the dash, stop and attack. instead of running all the way through.

>> No.780108


>> No.780188

You lost me.

>> No.780189


>> No.780211

Well I can't stand listening to the menu music anymore so I'll be messing around in practice until one of you wants to play.

>> No.780243

Dash with D, let go D when you attack?

>> No.780248

How the hell do you get 2700 mid screen? The most I can manage is 2200.

>> No.780276

5AAA 236B 2A 5C 623B

>> No.780292 ec

>> No.780293 ec

>> No.780317

236B has such a big recovery time that you can't combo out of it and it normally knocks them way out of range for a follow up anyway. Is there some kind of trick to it you aren't letting on?

>> No.780383

GGs but please don't play Aya or Youmu against me ever again. It's the most annoying bullshit..I don't mind the losing, so you can play Reimu or Tenshi, but Aya and Youmu just feel like you're killing me and then spitting on my body. ELBOW ELBOW CORNER SHIT CORNER SHIT BULLSHIT GUARD BREAK ATTACK.

...Remi games were fun though.

>> No.780391
File: 215 KB, 800x800, Red the Nightless Castle02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs...It felt like I was actually getting somewhere with her, but then our matches turned somewhat into Cat and Mouse games, so I ended up making dumb mistakes for you to punish...

It is quite literally midscreen. The wallbounce from 236B should put them right into range for 2A.

>> No.780392

It literally has to be in the middle of the screen so that the 236B brings you right where they land after they bounce off the wall, so you can do the 2A

>> No.780513

This is why the counter hit card exists.

Also, Border Escaping, but sometimes it isn't desirable.


>> No.780597

ggs jetm

>> No.780603

GG's. Your Alice is a beast.

>> No.780609

My Alice is shitty. I can never launch myself into an opponent or I get my ass kicked; I'm stuck being defensive.

>> No.780809


>> No.780840

I can't figure out what's wrong with how I play. I seem to run into basically every single attack that anyone throws at me, can never cover the field (even with characters who excel at doing so), get hit by nearly every spell card anyone uses against me, and win nearly all of my matches (that I win in the first place) by weather effects screwing the opponent's character over. I even spectate a ton of matches played here, but can't execute anything I see people do effectively.

I don't think it's my character choices, as I've already seen each character I've lost with beat me into the ground by another player. I don't even see anything special happening in those matches, I just see the same stuff I try to do and simply can't replicate. I suck at this game. *sigh*

Aside from that, good games, pardon the vent.

>> No.780841
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.02 - Weather: OFF (Will desync if you use weather on.)
Playing random tonight, for a while at least, so give me a bit if you're looking for Yukari replays.

>> No.780873

Well while playing you I found your pressure is just not there, our games felt kind of relaxing to me actually. Defensively you're pretty good but not punishing enough.

Your Komachi could hammer me pretty well but you could master her j.2a which has a large enough radius to hit from behind.

>> No.780880

Go Practice Mode and practice strings listed on the SWR Wiki for your particular character of interest. Then practice these combo's against lower leveled players.

>> No.780933

In his defense, he can combo well enough with some characters. I think more than anything, he needs to get good with projectiles to cover him while he charges and keep the pressure up.

In any case, I hope my advice helps. It was fun playing.

>> No.780967

Another thing I notice is that when I get cornered, I find it nearly impossible to escape, and I have no counter hit cards most of times where I do get stuck. I just keep getting hit by another wakeup 5AAAA, and if I recover away, I end up backing into a corner again from pressure. Bad habit, can't seem to stop myself even after I mentally remind myself not to do it mid-battle.

Looking at this replay from a match we just did, I see myself airdashing directly into projectiles and getting hit out of my dash, multiple times back-to-back. I don't even know what's going on anymore, it looks like something I'd see from an easy mode CPU. No skillful maneuvering, no strategy, getting hit by everything, etc.

>> No.781001

That's something else; I can do them just fine offline, but I seem to choke online, mostly because the player is actually moving around, and when I actually catch them with something, I don't expect it.

Might just be an off-day for me; I don't remember playing this badly on any previous threads. So...

Anyone else want to play? Maybe I'll do better after analyzing some stuff I did earlier.

>> No.781071

This is what I think kept happening with the flying into projectiles and being hit out of the air:

I could see those approaches coming and so I'd fire quick projectiles and jump. You'd end up using your momentum to try to land an a to where I was but get hit by said projectiles.

One way you could go about improving this is making a decision to dash at different heights, jump canceling projectiles so that they cover you on your way in, or keep grazing and try to land behind me to punish.

>> No.781166
East Coast
Will start with Youmu, but random afterwards.

>> No.781170

GGs. I don't know what happened at the end though.

>> No.781193

I always have the problem of running into projectiles right when they're being released from the other person.

>> No.781198

1. Just keep netplaying/Arcadre mode without dying. Counter cards are necessary, and you need 3-4.

2. Obviously, sounds like you need to learn to block on wakeups. Even if you have a good poker (Aya, Marisa, Sakuya), it's times they'll still lose out to a well-timed punch already in motion.

3. Pay attention to the way your opponent finishes each Dial-A combo. If they end it normally, the last hit (wallslams, mostly) usually gives you enough time to counter or escape. If they break off into bullets anywhere before the last hit, you have time to graze out, but you have to watch for the bullet gaps in order to do so.

>> No.781219

Nice Youmu Jetm, you're definately way better in the air with Youmu than I. I hope you don't mind if I add one of your corner pressure tricks to my own.

>> No.781226

Err... What? No one has even joined yet. I'm still waiting...

>> No.781250

Continuing to graze well beyond the distance of the attack seems to get me out of those things far more often. I'll stick with this method for now until I can train myself to react faster to things.

Analyzing the most recent battle I did against another player, I began to see another bad habit I've developed: I'd be looking at what my own character was doing, and ended up with the opponent hitting me while I was concentrating on the wrong part of the screen. I'd also look at my deck for a little too long and be hit by a projectiles somewhere along the line. I'll be sure to fix that up; I should know what my character is doing already.

I also need to modify my deck significantly. I barely ever have the time to use the card charger in battle, and I've been left in situations where I'd have multiples of those and end up locking myself out of the rest of my deck, because if I used anything I'd be hit out of it immediately. Bombs really do seem to be losing their purpose in-battle for me, as the opponent rarely gets close enough to me before I can actually use it. Komachi's 623 alternate spellcard seems to be producing more results than the fountain, and it'll help when I'm left in no-melee weather.

Thanks for the advice. It seems my most recent opponent randomly got disconnected. ggs to them, I can rarely pull off Komachi's 5AA 5B 6C because I keep going into the third A.

Any takers? I've modified my deck a bit, and for this session I will be using Komachi exclusively.

>> No.781255

Err. Woops. I put someone elses IP up... *cough*

>> No.781291

Ah, now I see. I can't beat fast pokes as Komachi, definitely. I'll block in that situation from now off, but when it comes time to escape, what do you usually do? Airdash up and out?

As for the dial-A thing, I'll look into that as I play, as well. Once again, thanks to anyone helping me un-suck, I'll take any advice, however basic it may be.

>> No.781307

I need some help from any Reisen player.

I've been practicing combos and block strings off of the SWR wiki for Reisen but 95% of the combos posted consist of corner combos. Does she have any good mid-screen BnB options or is she stuck with corner BnBs?

>> No.781315

Hahaha, I see. I feel a little silly.

>> No.781334

GGs Meca.

You're not the one who posted the wrong IP. It's kinda odd that the IP I posted had someone hosting it, AND they used Youmu...

>> No.781330

GG, not use to the delay :/

>> No.781343

GGs Meca. Odd, I didn't notice any delay... Maybe I'm just used to it by now.
You're not the one who posted the wrong IP. It's kinda odd that the IP I posted had someone hosting it, AND they used Youmu...

>> No.781352

You have to know the bullet patterns of the character you're playing against (hence the "Keep netplaying" suggestion; winning isn't your goal but a result). During Yuyu/Youmu's, best time to 6D is when she goes up from a j.2C/5C hjc.8. Against Sakuya/Suika's, 8/9D has better results against their 6B/6C. Again, whether you escape successfully or not depends on the player and the patterns you pick up from them.

>> No.781364

Means they haven't been discovered yet.

Make your own. You have the tools.

>> No.781419

GGs Dimglow, seems I shouldn't be using random when I haven't set proper decks on everyone.

>> No.781422

GGs GP. Was fun to play random vs random.

>> No.781444
East Coast
Intermediate Youmu, Yuyuko, Tenshi, and Suika.
Intermediate- everyone else.
I shall random. I do not mind if my opponent does not.

>> No.781483

There's your problem...Komachi. Don't try to be too agressive with her. Komachi is generally a character that, I'd say, needs more mindgame than technique itself. She requires more thinking to use than say characters like Reimu and Aya who are like asdkljasdrjasfdijadsfpewpew lasers etc.

I don't use Komachi so don't take my word for it.

>> No.781541

While neiher Aya or Reimu is so much spam as some Patchy or Marisa players, I agree with this player that Komachi takes a lot of thinking and setup. Unfortunately she's generally not given sufficient time to lay down an approach and severely lacks a way to deter/blast back rapidly approaching enemies (no "dragonpunch" if you were.) There are also a few hitbox and projectile density issues that hopefully will be fixed (standing A can go right over Suika's head when the shorty is standing and her coins perform poorly in both density and damage.)

>> No.781599

does netplay work on vista?

>> No.781622

Yes, I'm on Vista and it works fine

>> No.781625

hmmm thanks. did u do anything special before u actually play?
my one freeze when i try to connect or host

>> No.781633


Are you patched?

>> No.781646

yeah we both are

>> No.781673

Quick checklist:
Updated to 1.02
Firewall has exception
Router forwards ports correctly

To connect, copy to clipboard an IP in the format like then use the 5th option. Itll give you moon language while it waits

To host, get your IP and then select the first option. Itll ask for a port # to host on and then give some moon while it waits.

You can try to connect to yourself on the same computer through a regular and Japlocale instance.

>> No.781799

someone host

>> No.781802

What does one do when they look at the combo pages and just get completely @_@ confused?

Anyway... Horrible Canadian...

>> No.781815


If that happened to me, I'd go back to gaia.

>> No.781836

Depends, what's confusing you?

>> No.781843

Learn to read the notation

>> No.781894

GGs, really helped me improve my Tenshi. Your Komachi is awesome.

>> No.781903

I was watching your games. Interesting tricks you pulled out, such as comboing Komachi's alt 236B into her spellcard. You could really see the improvement.

>> No.781907

Do you happen to save your Komachi replays?

>> No.781932
File: 579 KB, 646x512, swr-doubleko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggs, I learned a lot tonight. Double KO was awesome, so I took a screenshot of it. Back into the earlier matches, you seriously got me with the card where she rises into the air and a rock falls; I was expecting it to be the other one, and I waited under you to punish, and got destroyed by the rock.

- Crossing up is really good at distorting defenses. I ended up getting hit a ton of times where I ended up guarding in the wrong direction after the opponent jumped over me.
- The only way I'll ever detonate those blue ghosts corrects is with 5AA 2C.
- Counter hit card is far more convenient than bomb cards. I swapped out my entire bomb section for counter hits and they've been far more useful to me.
- Komachi's comboing is extremely limited, but still effective. I keep doing 5AAAA instead of 5AA 5B 6C, which does a little more damage, and pushes back to a wall.

And yes, that is a modified palette of Komachi in the screenshot. It was my motivation to try her out in the first place, and she's doing pretty good so far. Too bad nobody else sees modified palettes. *shrug*

>> No.781948

Yes, I have it on autosave. I'll pack up the replays of tonight and upload them somewhere if you want.
I guess I had significant improvement tonight. Earlier, any time I used Komachi, it got ugly.

>> No.781954

Because using abnormal emoticons is stricktly for idiots

It's more of an overwhelming "wth" than anything else. Theres no way I could memorize button inputs from something like that.
I can understand notation It just doesn't translate very well.

Anyway... Person I played against. GGs I guess. You are the better Marisa...

>> No.781959

How do you put it on autosave?
>I'll pack up the replays of tonight and upload them somewhere if you want.
Yes please.

>> No.781961


>> No.781975

Under Config on the main menu, last option, toggle it to the left. It'll save all netplay matches you do automatically.

Here you go: http://www.sendspace.com/file/i8t4vc

>> No.781979

Yeah good games

>> No.781980

Man, that double KO was badass.

And yeah, crossing up is one of my favorite techniques. You got me pretty good in the same way a few times.

Komachi's slow, but her range is really deadly if used right. You had me on the edge just trying to avoid your ghosts and long range melee.

>> No.782001

Ah, we're on autosage, looks like it's time for a new thread.

>> No.782003


>> No.782009


>> No.782013

Thread is still bumping you retard, thus it cannot be on autosage.

>> No.782018


>> No.782021

Saw two threads ahead of this one pretty close to someone else just posting, assumed a little too fast. I need sleep.

>> No.782034


GGs jetm

>> No.782037

LOL fail ftw! *facepalm* XD Lets make the screencap into a motivational poster and put it on ED! ^_^

>> No.782043


>> No.782107

Nope, her best midscreen combo does ~900 damage less than Suika can by mashing A. Low damage combined with some shitty projectiles and have the reason why she's considered the worst in the game. Your best bet for damage with Reisen is to pile on the 236 skillcards (the default one). They combo into themselves, and at max level, they do nearly 2k damage at full health.

>> No.782124

someone host

>> No.782173

is somebody hosting yet?

>> No.782239

I'll play in an hour and 15 minutes, if anyone is still on then I'll be hosting.

>> No.782287


>> No.782289


>> No.782373

Erm, GG. Rehosting, preferably someone A) a little closer to home, or B) with a better connection.

>> No.782426

sorry anon, was too much lag.

>> No.782497
AUS Inter Suika

>> No.782538

What were you, on dialup or something? ;_;

>> No.782614

Thanks for the Ass Whuppins. GGs. I learned a lot with Suika from you.

>> No.782615


>> No.782830

