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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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778451 No.778451 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a newfag and i would like to read a touho manga,
any recommendations?

>> No.778456


>> No.778461

I recommend you leave

>> No.778467


>> No.778470


Follow this advice, it's the best we can give you.

>> No.778480

If you like Cirno you may enjoy this.


It relates to the events in PoFV, but it's still nice even if you haven't played that game.

>> No.778484

I already know that site, but there too many manga and i don't know where to begin

>> No.778487


>> No.778491

Download any of them and start reading.

>> No.778496

Start reading at random. Stop reading the ones you don't like, continue with the others.

>> No.778501


>> No.778506

Stop encouraging summer here, please.

>> No.778507

I don't want to waste my time

>> No.778509

get a piece of cardboard, cut it into a circle, and split the circle into pieces with each piece containing 1 doujin

put a needle in the middle of the circle and spin it. read what it lands on

>> No.778529

(9) is good. Read that one.

>> No.778538

by not acting like a youtube fag who just found out what two who is

>> No.778547



>> No.778554

Oh man. Sure is full of fags with something to prove here.

>> No.778573

itt: elitist jerks

>> No.778579



>> No.778581


Summer isn't welcome here.

>> No.778587

Ennui Akadako for comedy.
Tohonifun for badassery.
Aki Eda for lesbian romance.
Hole of Yago for disgusting, unbearable moeblob cuteness.

Those are probably the best representatives of the four main genres of Touhou doujin.

>> No.778598


>> No.778599

what's wrong? Born as a touhou fan? nigger

>> No.778651


>> No.778677


>> No.778733


>> No.778755

You're the worst kind of faggot

>> No.778759
File: 777 KB, 1135x1600, 1 (00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is probably a faggot because >touho

However this topic was still useful to me.

Immortal Wings for canon Mokou backstory. See picture for canon Flandre backstory (forgot the title, crappy text version translation floating around someone on Voille).

>> No.778765

>>778759 Immortal Wings for canon Mokou backstory

>> No.778773

best defense is a good offense. I say he just wants us to accept him.

>> No.778774

I don't mean that seriously.

>> No.778789

Go on. Keep at it. You almost look cool.

>> No.778813

Sagebombing him instead of helping him will only worsen the situation. I for one welcome newfriends and wish them good luck with fitting in.

>> No.778822


Wrong on every level. Fuck you and the season you rode in on.

>> No.778824

Get this shit back to /a/.

>> No.778827


>> No.778830

But then how will you show your touhou knowledge superiority?

>> No.778832

Does it make you feel hard, 'beating' on someone new and inexperienced? If he wants to enjoy Touhou, then he can. I don't see why we're bashing him instead of helping him.

>> No.778845

Because knowledge on a franchise about little girls is the only thing he has over anyone. This is his only chance to feel better than anyone in his life.

>> No.778852


I don't appreciate your summer trolling, faggot. We're heading to hell in a handbasket fast enough already, no one asked you to get out and push.

>> No.778857

He wants to read manga.
We have a board for that.
It's called /a/ - Anime & Manga.

>> No.778890

We used to get along, Anonymous.

>> No.778914


I never got along with saboteurs OR New Age crystal healing faggots. Fuck off with your revisionist history!

>> No.778919

Summer vacations and 4chan faggotry are unrelated

>> No.778923

This is sad. It's difficult to look at the first page of /jp/ right now.

>> No.778939

You can be banned for posting touhou on /a/ last time I looked.

/jp/ is fine for touhou manga. Anyone that says otherwise is a faggot.

>> No.778957


They're trolling, and you're encouraging them.

>> No.778966

What's the manner? Not man enough to encourage a troll?

>> No.778977


>> No.778997


The safest bet for posting Touhou is /tg/

>> No.778998


I'm usually willing to play along with ones that aren't actively ruining the board. My willingness goes up the more talented they are.

>> No.779006

Actually I wasn't planning on replying to any potential trolls.

>> No.779074

Anonymous, stop flaming yourself.

Jesus, the things some people do for attention.

>> No.779132

best thread ever

>> No.779195

>Ennui Akadako for comedy.
>Tohonifun for badassery.
>Aki Eda for lesbian romance.
>Hole of Yago for disgusting, unbearable moeblob cuteness.
Thanks to this advice I got around to reading Yuka v Yukari. God damn that was ridiculous.

>> No.779198

Ridiculously badass.

>> No.779217 [SPOILER] 
File: 230 KB, 800x1200, wriggle_vs_sdm_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm downloading this next. If the 150 page doujin is anywhere near as awesome as the cover I'll be happy.

>> No.779219

Gar Wriggle is gar.

>> No.779229
File: 81 KB, 400x400, 683577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is.

>> No.779236


I don't agree with your LOLSUMMER charade but that metaphor is worthy of an internet.

>> No.779239



>> No.779250

Same person.

>> No.779251

ITT: Act like tough guys and scare away any and all potential contributors away under the false pretense that they're apart of some conspiracy associated with a season.

>> No.779248
File: 517 KB, 1000x1500, wriggle_vs_sdm_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This page made me lol

>> No.779257

If they weren't here already, we don't want them.

>> No.779266


>scare away

Exactly. That's our only defensive mechanism. I'm not willing to give up on /jp/ yet. If you don't like it, feel free go coddle the animesuki fags on /a/. I'm sure they'll appreciate your kindness.

>> No.779273


You're the disease killing off the little bit of good that's on 4chan.
This isn't some secret rich boys club that no one knows about.
There's hundreds if not thousands of people who use this site everyday.

As long as they're not being a complete asscup and spamming pedobear and trying to make a new meme every three seconds then they're welcome to join us.

>> No.779284

ITT one guy who wasn't a regular last summer.

>> No.779276

Since when did summer become a myth?

>> No.779291


>> No.779298

>>779219 gar
Get the fuck out

>> No.779300

Unfortunately, the newcomers do exactly that, because that's what they see as "cool" on this site.

Go away, with the rest of them.

>> No.779312

I remember when this argument was used to defend newfags on old /b/. Fat lot of good it did; it turned out to be wrong AND counterproductive.

>> No.779320

Why hello, OP.

>> No.779324


See, that's the thing. They can seamlessly integrate, or they can stick out like a sore thumb. And I'm sitting simmering in the summer heat and rage holding a hammer. No one bothers with newfags who don't advertise. That is the democracy of Anonymity. If you don't print it on your forehead yourself, no one knows your join date. You'll only get yelled at for being a faggot over the shit you post, the same as everyone else.

tl;dr good newfags don't need help, helping bad newfags begets more summer

>> No.779335


>> No.779347

> You'll only get yelled at for being a faggot over the shit you post,
This is the key to victory: The best way of discouraging people is to ignore them, posting summerfag nonsense just enrages them and feeds these dramafag threads.

You and your summerfag brethren should stop your summerfag nonsense.

>> No.779351


shut up summerfag you're not fooling anyone

>> No.779352

You should stop posting.

>> No.779360

Take your own advice; it works both ways.

>> No.779376

Anonymous what did I saw about arguing with yourself.

It's a waste of time.

>> No.779391

I wonder, when my awesome threads are ignored in /b/, I ragequit. When I am assailed by a neverending stream of new/summerfags in /a/ instead, I stay and troll them for some hours or until I get banned.

>> No.779393

>>779391 when my awesome threads are ignored in /b/,

>> No.779396

in b4 dioxin

>> No.779397


I wonder~
I wonder~

>> No.779401


/jp/ is too slow to ignore anything, unfortunately. I mean, look at this. It's daytime, during summer, on a weekend... and you can refresh for over a minute without a single new post.

We're fucked.

>> No.779406

Sorry, I haven't gone to /b/ since 2002.

>> No.779409

Daytime? It's 1 AM. What is wrong with you!?

>> No.779412


>> No.779424

Well, when I use it in /a/, I always get 3-7 people telling me 4chan didn't exist back then. It's a really great way of derailing a thread due to the massive amount of replies you get.

>> No.779425

A superior timezone
