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7784462 No.7784462 [Reply] [Original]

Akiha thread.
Can't we just talk about Akiha?

>> No.7784466

aki aki

>> No.7784467
File: 94 KB, 627x422, Black Saber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Akiha would you like to talk about?

Her personality is not that interesting and her character relationships are none but Shiki and those girls from Kagetsu Tohya.

Her design is beautiful but she's not that interesting so there's not much to discuss.

>> No.7784468
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1313331326800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Akiha in CP episode 2?

>> No.7784471
File: 2.36 MB, 2000x1784, 432432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer cumslut Akiha myself.

>> No.7784479

Akiha was better later in the series. The first part was just trying to paint her as a villain.

>> No.7784475
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, [UTW]_Carnival_Phantasm_-_01_[BD][h264-720p_AC3][F7FCE7A4].mkv_snapshot_03.45_[2011.08.21_14.40.54].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't watch CP for the lolis

>> No.7784481

Too busy looking at Arcueid's shapely body.

>> No.7784482
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The best.jpg

>> No.7784485
File: 485 KB, 2112x2816, 1288667615491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because CP is shit.

It reminds me of this paper if all the 4chan references were replaced with Type-Moon references.

>> No.7784487
File: 33 KB, 450x531, 1289756181916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carnival Phantasm is light-hearted fun and it showed Caster without her hood.

>> No.7784490

Did I like her ersatz from these shitty OVA?


>> No.7784505

The Fate segment of CP was good. The Melty Blood segment... not so much. I hope the next releases will be even better!

Also, madokafriends, I realize that nobody likes your character, but could you please stop trying to co-op good characters with your horseshit?

It's unseemly.

>> No.7784514


>The Melty Blood segment... not so much

But GALUNDO and Alte Sturz!

>> No.7784550
File: 54 KB, 795x666, None [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

akiha is the best, even though she's only level 0

>> No.7784559

Arcueid and Kohaku were the only characters they got right.

>> No.7784565
File: 234 KB, 930x1222, None [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki Aki

>> No.7784572 [DELETED] 

i checked through the lists and wow korea is not one of the civilizations in civ v!
china and japan are both here so its unfair to us koreans because we took over a huge part of asia in our history. see Goguryeo

korean civilization is one of the oldest in the world. we have 5000 years of history which is longer than both china japan and england. also we were never colonised by the western civilization

a lot of important people in history are korean like yi sun-sin, ban kimoon, bands like tvxq 2PM are both high selling

companies like samsung, hyundai are very rich and powerful

combined the koreas have the largest military in the world

i can think of tons of reasons but im disappointed that a civilization like korea is forgotten

>> No.7784566

It was all within my calculations.

>> No.7784574 [DELETED] 

I wish there was an option to vote Korean out of the game because they are over represented. After all, according to the Korean History Channel, Koreans founded the Chinese, Indian, Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations. They also founded a civilization in Essex (Southern England), conquered Arabia, discovered America, colonized Alaska and became Native Americans. They even conquered the Incas!

Even Chinggis Khan was descended from Koreans according to some Korean historians. Japan as well.

Right there they are represented by at least 6 civilizations! Frankly, I want less Korea in ciV.

For your viewing pleasure:


Finally, Jesus was Korean as well!


>> No.7784577 [DELETED] 

i guess korea is not that well known around the world so i will tell you some korean achievenents:
mp3 player
turtle ships
a lot of japanese and the royal household are descendents of korea and their culture came fromkorea

>> No.7784581

I was so sorry for Sion.

>> No.7784592

Sure is angry secondary in there

>> No.7784600
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her and Hisui really got shafted. It was almost painful watching those scenes.

>> No.7784604

you keep using that word.

>> No.7784606 [DELETED] 

hey meido, i know this shitty girl is your waifu, but this isn't the only thread that needs cleaning:


please delete all the shitty posts there, thanks

>> No.7784607

Hisui, out of all of them, bore the brunt of hatred. Akiha's public schizophrenia was so out of character, too. A Naga laugh? Really? The real Akiha would've responded to Arcueid with condescension or outright violence. Yelling "onii-sama" in broad daylight? What.

I don't understand any of it. Aside from Arcueid's random brilliance, I was almost pained to watch it.

The Fate segment, in comparison, was so in character, so absolutely fascinating, and so genuinely humorous that I watched it twice, just to make sure I hadn't missed anything awesome.

I'm guessing Nasu just doesn't remember what to do with the Tsukihime cast, or there wasn't enough time to do anything meaningful with them.

>> No.7784608 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 874x1300, homu in disguise3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the meido's waifu?

Now it makes sense.

>> No.7784609

hey meido, i know this shitty girl is your waifu, but this isn't the only thread that needs cleaning:


please delete all the shitty posts there, thanks

>> No.7784612

Attention to everybody in this thread:
Carnival Phantasm isn't supposed to be serious.
It's supposed to be the nasuverse, now with 200% more wackyness ecks-dee, you know it.
The characters are not supposed to stay in character.
They are reduced to archetypes and events.

>> No.7784614

Well he did not take the characters from Tsukihime but the characters from Melty blood.
It's quite different.

>> No.7784617

No, that occurred with the Fate segment. The Melty Blood segment was just pain. There's also a difference between being out of character and having your character removed.

>> No.7784618 [DELETED] 

I seriously hope you are not serious.

>> No.7784619

suck my cock dude

>> No.7784621

That's what I said. Reduced to archetypes.
The characters aren't even characters.
Seriously, did you expect marvelous new fantasy from Carnival Phantasm?

I do not condone it, but if you don't like it, don't watch it. There's always the Fate/Zero adaption for later.

>> No.7784622
File: 106 KB, 600x600, Yama - Fufu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7784625
File: 136 KB, 1024x768, 1312559710809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was nice to see animated swimsuit Akiha.

About to go replay her routes. I hope they don't end quite as badly as I half remember them doing.

>> No.7784629

You know your thread is shitty if not even wtH will post there.

>> No.7784632

Akiha in Melty Blood is Kohaku Route jealous/dignified/violent Akiha, not publicly disgraceful in front of her esteemed nemeses. Jumping at every little thing Shiki says that doesn't square up, getting into pissing matches with Ciel and Arcueid, being serious about non-serious things. She should've spent the entire episode being one-step from rage. That's Meltan Akiha. Surprisingly well done in the Melty Blood manga, especially the second part.

Sion's greatest humorous trait in Melty Blood is taking everything seriously and completely missing the point. I would've expected her to attempt to surreptitiously entangle Arc and Ciel with etherlite so that they couldn't intercept the ball, thus unintentionally fouling herself, and missing the point of why she was fouled. Instead, she is a one-joke repeat. The only glimmer of character she has is falling for Ciel's lame lie, as if it's common knowledge.

Hisui is... Hisui is just neglected.

>> No.7784631

Yeah... that thread is beyond saving, reported.

>> No.7784633

Actually Shion's personality has been preserved,you can see it right when Ciel explains the rules of volleyball.

>> No.7784635

>The only glimmer of character she has is falling for Ciel's lame lie, as if it's common knowledge.

As I said. Then, she was completely ignored.

>> No.7784637

They do.

>> No.7784640

B-but Hisui made that weird Kagetsu Tohya move, didn't she? That must count for something, right?
She's a character now, right? I read the books too, you know!

>> No.7784656

Exactly what i said.

>> No.7784700
File: 255 KB, 800x667, akihag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck OP-pic was deleted?

>> No.7784700,1 [INTERNAL] 

Deleting all Homu pics?
This moderation is hilarious.

>> No.7784700,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Deleting all Homu pics?
And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7784700,3 [INTERNAL] 

Akiha is the meido's 2D wife, so there is some extreme bias against homu in effect.

>> No.7784700,4 [INTERNAL] 

Quit shitting up /jp/ with images of a girl you know nothing about from a show you never watched Zunbar. It's ridiculous. Consider this a warning.

>> No.7784700,5 [INTERNAL] 


Saten-san!! Don't be rude!

>> No.7784700,6 [INTERNAL] 

S-Sorry. I get a bit stressed out sometimes...

>> No.7784700,7 [INTERNAL] 

Jones confirmed for janitor

>> No.7784700,8 [INTERNAL] 

No she isn't! /jp/ is!

>> No.7785186
File: 183 KB, 354x1050, 20041231152250540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wash your face, bitch.

>> No.7785186,1 [INTERNAL] 

If I was there'd be no posts on /jp/

>> No.7785186,2 [INTERNAL] 

Akihafags are the worst actually.

>> No.7785435

How does it make you feel when your type-moon characters only gain public recognition because they look like Madoka characters?

Does your inner hipster cry with pain?
