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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7780388 No.7780388 [Reply] [Original]

I'm searching for a reasonably "intelligent" VN (it just have to got a good story). I'm pretty sure that some of these VNs actually exists.
Which means (in my case): No emotional "let's-make-you-cry"-VNs, no guro-VNs and no forced "Luke-I'm-your-father"-twists (except they're good) and a fortiori no "Yadda yadda Oniiiiiiii-chan~"-VNs.
Unfortunately i've never read any VN that satisfied all these points. It could have a macabre story, a detective story or something mesmerising fascination like in "Mushishi" - I'm pretty free regarding the genre.
Picture somehow relevant, it's from a VN that NOT satisty these points. Which means a VN i don't want to read (I don't want to blame ryukishi07 fans. His VNs are still somehow readable).

>> No.7780392
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>> No.7780391

that copypasta always makes me laugh

>> No.7780402

Kara no Elfen Lied and Muvu Luvu: Grotesque

>> No.7780407

Sounds like eroge is not a medium for you. Have you tried books? I hear some of them satisfy all those points.

>> No.7780434

Eroge is fine for fapping. I skip the most parts there and translate only the parts that actually looks good (and the beginning of course). For example "Sayoko" from Black-Cyc.
>Have you tried books? I hear some of them satisfy all those points.
That's true. Books have a bigger selection. But I'm pretty sure that some VNs satisfy these points too.

>> No.7780440

>Yadda yadda Oniiiiiiii-chan

>> No.7780442

There are no good translated VNs, so yeah.

>> No.7780448

>Eroge is fine for fapping
It's funny because you can always spot people who came from /a/ by the way they think eroge means nukige

>> No.7780450

If you really believe that then you should take 407's advice.

>> No.7780460

Hmm.. no moe, no nakige, no twists, and no horror. Might I suggest you look up the author "Jane Austen"? I hear she writes pretty good books where nothing fucking happens.

>> No.7780458

Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno.

>> No.7780469

Usually you'd refer to a poster by it's full post number.
Just click the post number instead of typing it out.

>> No.7780478
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Oh, and here I was sitting and wondering if 407 was some doujin author I haven't heard of yet...

>> No.7780482

It seemed clear enough.

>> No.7780495

>no horror
Horror is fine. I just don't like guro.

Not browsing /a/. But Eroge means something like "erotic game". Putting that erotic stuff in the front. And erotic stuff is fappable. So, what?

>> No.7780498

>Putting that erotic stuff in the front
and here is where you are wrong

>> No.7780501

>Eroge means something like "erotic game"
Right, so any game with any amount of erotic content could be called an ``eroge''.

>Putting that erotic stuff in the front.
No, that's a nukige. Many eroges have only a few h-scenes. Nukige is the word for eroge that are only excuses for h-scenes.

>> No.7780529

Maybe try Phantom of Inferno. It's a bit long at times but pretty good overall and I don't think it has any of what you're trying to avoid.
I have to agree with the other posters, though. You're looking at the wrong medium

>> No.7780527
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>> No.7780532

Well, if i would read a book that contains some sex-/erotic-scenes (pretty common for every second novel). I wouln'd call it "erotic".
But thanks. Good to know.

>> No.7780543

SubaHibi can solve all of these problems.

>> No.7780556

Seconding this. A lot of people haven't read it because the only version that exists in English is the horrible DVD Format one put out by Hirameki a while back, but Phantom of Inferno has an interesting premise with decent execution.

>> No.7780568

If most of my conscious life wasn't filled with reading books, than maybe I would be more eager to forgive VNs some of their grievous faults.
But as it stands, there is no English-translated VN that I can consider good.
"Enjoyable"? Sure, a few.
"Pretty good, but..."? Yeah, there are some.
"Good."? None.
And that is why I'm currently learning Japanese.

>> No.7780578

Oh geez, you must be one of those weirdos who reads eroge for the literary merit instead of cheap entertainment and cute girls.

>> No.7780584
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You are trying a little too hard.
>emotional "let's-make-you-cry"-VNs
So you want no drama and emotions. Dull guy.
>no guro-VNs
So you want no violence or no arousing violence ?
>no forced "Luke-I'm-your-father"-twists
Right, no twists. And I believe that for you, every twist is forced because they surprise you. A plain good old story with nothing surprising. This probably rules out detective stories as well. (yes they have twists, surprising I know)
>no "Yadda yadda Oniiiiiiii-chan~"
So no anime antics. Seems like you're trying to find something from nippon that doesn't remind you you're a weeaboo. Self-defeating but who's to judge.

You know what, how about you relax and hold no goddamn expectations. Because something that is usually not your cup of tea, can actually entertain you. (no forced twists, yeah right)

>wasn't filled with reading books
Congratulations. You know what, you should STICK TO READING BOOKS.
>consider good
I'll be the first to remind you when a VN wins some kind of Nobel prize in literature.
>currently learning Japanese
We all have some buyer's remorse within us. Try not to make it so apparent. You'll only disappoint yourself.

>> No.7780586

You are trying to learn japanese to see if non-translated VNs are "good"? Well, good luck bro!

>> No.7780588

No, I read them for cheap entertainment and cute girls and boys obviously, I'm not reading them for literary merit because there is none to be found.

>> No.7780595

If you didn't find any English-translated eroge good I sincerely doubt learning japanese is going to be of much help.

>> No.7780599

What I want to ask is, what are you so angry about?

>> No.7780600

Ero is holding back eroge, the medium could be so much more.
I can't wait till all VNs will be on xbox, 3d and all ages, so we could read all those serious anime stories without sad, pathetic smut and moe crap.

>> No.7780603

Why such an immediate reaction ? Seems like you're mad.

>> No.7780615

It's funny because all-ages adv get released all the time and no one seems to give a fuck about them.

>> No.7780623

Indeed, I can't wait for KID's next game.

Oh wait.

>> No.7780628

>no one seems to give a fuck about them.
They sell way better than eroge, but whatever you say.
Unless you meant no one on /jp/.

>> No.7780645

>So you want no drama and emotions. Dull guy.
Some drama is OK. But a story only based on these "let's make you cry"-stuff means the author is in my eyes not capable/not willing in writing a good story.

>So you want no violence or no arousing violence ?
Some Violence is ok, but it depens on the story. With guro i mean, well. I guess it's better to say, i just DON'T want anything that is like "Elfen Lied". That should summarize it all...

>Right, no twists. And I believe that for you,
>(except they're good)

>> No.7780646

Yeah, I meant amongst people who think porn is unnecessary and drags the game down, etc

>> No.7780658


Just shut up.

That blog post you're referring to was so absurd it was funny but repeating that the way you do, it's just pathetic.

>> No.7781013

Yeah, this genre is not for you.
