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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.77 MB, 2330x3497, 1314122119112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7780164 No.7780164 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7780173
File: 481 KB, 1280x800, [AnimePaper]wallpapers_Fate-Stay-Night_fromzephyr(1.6)_1280x800_108273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The slut in her natural environment.

>> No.7780175

You would hardly need a bra with breasts that small.

>> No.7780176

nikubenki mesubuta

>> No.7780179


>> No.7780184

why do they always have to do that signature in the corner shit?

No one wants to look at that on your shitty photoshop edit wallpaper.

>> No.7780195
File: 29 KB, 240x69, ohsaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin is as lovely as ever.

>> No.7780197

The usual "Original arts! Do not steal!" mentality.

>> No.7780201
File: 869 KB, 4500x2817, ffe3d3dd443f3abc6cf5bc2471552dca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saber's breast size has been steadily increasing since FSN. Takeuchi likes them big.

>> No.7780216

Nero Saber has bigger breast, she was more pampered than Arthur Saber.

>> No.7780217

Saber's breasts are small. Dark Saber has larger breasts due to increased prana source. Nero has larger breasts due to indolence.

>> No.7780220


>Dark Saber has larger breasts due to increased prana source.


>> No.7780226

>Dark Saber has larger breasts due to increased prana source.
That's plain retarded.

>> No.7780229

I think she pads it. Her armor that is.

>> No.7780238
File: 1.30 MB, 2299x3494, 1099ab9cc71277081f28183ecc4b96fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saber's breasts are small.

Not anymore.

>> No.7780236

Don't question magic.

>> No.7780240
File: 162 KB, 850x1251, sample-6297462c9445ab738c4dcb6974c5691b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saber tits.


I know, original picture is 4mb.

>> No.7780246

That's still smaller to how Rin and (especially) Sakura looks now.

>> No.7780259
File: 267 KB, 1920x1200, 2d12e4a5741ca01b9d075725a4828679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin got pretty big in FHA, didn't she?

>> No.7780270

Not like it's a bad thing. Though... Sakura really got them milktanks then.

>> No.7780275

It has always been my dream to cook and feed Rin some proper and nutrient food, and slowly witness her chest grow bigger, and bigger.
She really needs to eat you know, to sacrifice her meals is a no can do, even if she needs the money for continued use of her magic.

>> No.7780278

>Tits increasing

Oh god, how horrifying.

>> No.7780281
File: 1.30 MB, 2000x1250, 1314125925236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lady will never wear something like this.

And she's not even lady. Generic tsundere can't be lady.

>> No.7780282

Unfortunately, she won't grow much more. Her body's nearly reached maturity.

>> No.7780302

>Her body's nearly reached maturity.
That's true. But the interesting thing about Rin is how she, naturally, is supposed to be bigger.
Her mother and sister are both more well endowed.
While Rin's chest won't grow in the same manner as theirs due to what you said etc, they will still grow somewhat notably at least.

Cause, the main reason her's aren't as big, is due to how she doesn't feed herself properly.
It follows the same logic as how you can't truly effectively "diet yourself" a breast reduction, cause when you let the diet go, they naturally pop back to something close to their natural size.
Rin is below her natural size, so her's will still grow some. She even said that she is careful with what she eats, partly due to how everything she eats goes straight to her chest, and how she was slightly uncomfortable with that.

>> No.7780301

Then it's good that she's not a generic tsundere.

>> No.7780304
File: 90 KB, 600x835, f07ef933608fec7e283e4c3d3d8fc6ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then it's good that she's not a generic tsundere.

Akiha is not.

>> No.7780325

I like Rin and Akiha, for different reasons.

What now?

>> No.7780326


>> No.7780339

Breasts don't reach their maximum size if you don't provide the essential fat and nutrients during your developmental years. You'll get a huge boost from pregnancy, but if you never become pregnant, you'll be roughly what you ate during your years of puberty.

It's why gymnasts tend to be flat as boards their entire lives: they've too active and burn too much fat that would go to their breasts.

>> No.7780384

Well, about Saber. Despite practicing swordsmanship and doing the chores of a squire, she always had the appetite (even though the food was shit back then; I bet Sir Ector's wife cooked way better than her cooks at Camelot) and always had a good night's sleep. "A sleeping child will grow", they say.

Had she been as flat as a board, she wouldn't have had to take such precautions in hiding her gender (despite being a female king). All she'd have needed was a slightly bigger shirt, but she wore her armor practically everyday.

>> No.7780411

For this very reason it might perhaps not be that significant.
But she could easily increase one cup size or so.
But yes, the development years more or less sets the standard, in that regard it isn't too different from how your maximum height is determined.

But you know, a ballet dancer might very well end up with small breasts for most of her entire life, especially if she doesn't eat more than to sustain her muscles.
If, the same girl were to give dancing up in her twenties somewhere, and start to eat very rich and proper food. They can still grow somewhat due to getting the resources to grow towards what they have wanted to become, but haven't been able to due to lack of resources .
But due to the lack of resources, the "roof" is also significantly lowered as the body have basically set itself and adjusted towards not really having that big of a rack. But they still grow, and that's quite lovely.

>> No.7780587

That's why the Lady is a Tramp

>> No.7780612

I am confused as to whether or not the participants of this thread are for or against bigger breasts

Is this the same /jp/

>> No.7780631

I don't mind them as long as the character stays in character. But nothing radical.

>> No.7781533

so, Saber's tit size depends on who's the master?
That's ridiculous and funny
