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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7778795 No.7778795 [Reply] [Original]

This will be the last time you hear from me or talk to me. I'm just tired of it. Tired of talking, tired of running.

Today I was verbally harassed and abused, and also tricked. See I know a lot of you are normal guys who can just hang out and laugh at /jp/ and thats pretty much an hour of your day. It isn't like that for some of us.

My whole life I've had to be made fun of, laughed at, and told I'll never be good enough for anything. My family doesn't like me, I don't have any friends. The closest thing I have is what's on /jp. This is why I started visiting 4chan, and it's why I love the 4chan community so much. And I love /jp/ too.

The day I joined /jp/ I'll never forget it, it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. I literally must have stayed up that entire night, and not gotten any sleep. /jp/ meant everything to me suddenly, it was similtaniously hilarious, and a good image board, with funny people on it. Now what you have heard today might make you think I dont still think that. But that's that thing, I still do. I think Suigin is hilarious. ZUN!bar is a great user, one of the best guys I've met online. etc. But even so, all good things must come to an end.

I have seen the dark side of /jp/ today. I have seen things I never want to see again. People have sent me offensive messages on Formspring, and after a while I felt for the first time in my life like the internet was turning into real life. I couldn't go anywhere without being emotionally hurt. I felt a little like this before when I got reported but this was a lot worse. With every new message I felt my soul sink deeper.

Think before you post. You're talking to real people, even if it doesn't feel like it. And 4chan may be a joke to you, but to some people, it is their entire world. And when they see 4chan go away, it's like their entire world being taken away before their eyes.

>> No.7778804

Suck my cock dude

>> No.7778803
File: 124 KB, 670x504, Getout5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7778811
File: 14 KB, 165x215, chad-henne-7-nfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what sent you over the edge there, special buddy?

>> No.7778812

You seem awfully desperate lately, anon. Why don't you just go to craigslist?

>> No.7778815


>> No.7778816

dude suck my cock

>> No.7778818 [DELETED] 
File: 365 KB, 859x1023, 122159555422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Formspring is the attention-craving lunatic troll side of /jp/. It's no wonder you got bothered there.

Just play Yume Nikki for a few hours, go to sleep, wake up, then come back here. It'll be fine.

>> No.7778828

thanks for the heads up, I almost fell for it

>> No.7778839

Is Formspring really that rough of a place? Seems like a lot of people get bullied over there.

>> No.7778837

I'm not gonna stop till I'm be the best Touhoumon Trainer ever.

>> No.7778847

every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost every repost is a repost of a repost

>> No.7778848

I hear Jones raped a guy over formspring.

>> No.7778866
File: 54 KB, 529x547, 1311252124525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN!bar is a great user

>> No.7779005
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>> No.7780715

>Post your formspring on 4chan
>Expect kind words

>> No.7780724

Nice bump.

>> No.7780725

Wow, that's dark. Does that have something to do with why only followers can see his questions now?

>> No.7780760

What happens on /jp/ stays on /jp/.

>> No.7780766

You must be pretty cute, right?
Being that stupid, yet not afraid to say whatever floats your mind.
