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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7773403 No.7773403 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to learn to read Japanese just to be able to play untranslated video games.

Anyway, I figured a fine way of maintaining my interest would be reading Japanese comics, so I'd have some motivation to learn/retain the various words. (I know a guy who taught himself English this way, who went to Princeton University.)

So two questions:
1. For those of you who have also done this, do you have any particular tips or resources that you think others could benefit from?

2. Somewhat unrelated, but if I read "The Magical Girl Next Door" will I regret finding out what they're saying? I've been told it's somewhat unpleasant, but I'm still curious.

>> No.7773412

It's Takotsuboya. Of course it's unpleasant.

>> No.7773431


>> No.7773433

If you want to play untranslated games, keep your interest by playing untranslated games.

>> No.7773443

>1. For those of you who have also done this, do you have any particular tips or resources that you think others could benefit from?
Where is the copypasta when you need it?

>> No.7773641

Also somewhat interested in teaching myself Japanese or hoping for some methods to make sure that I don't walk out of a potential Japanese major not learning anything.

>> No.7773688

Once you've got a reasonable foundation, you should read Yotsuba&! It's about as simple as manga is going to get, and it's a wonderful read.

and then you can feel bad about poor Yotsuba being 4chan's mascot

>> No.7773696
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>> No.7773698
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>> No.7773721


>> No.7773727

seconded this. read as much yotsuba as you can until its getting repetitive. then move on. rinse and repeat.
grab a pdf of japanese-english dictionary and go

>> No.7773758

you're a goddamn hero.

>> No.7773775

...or just read kanjidicks and tae kim's guide to japanese grammar. You don't have to listen to an unfunny youtuber or download fucking rosetta stone or watch hours of "anime" to become fluent.
You came to read eroge, so start where it matters.

>> No.7778500

You bitch. Drink beer. Write that in your fucking notebook!

>> No.7778541

Since the copy pasta neglects to say this, I'll say it.
When you learn Kanji, learn them by the radicals.
No books teach it properly like this, so grab ZKanji and a flashcard app like Anki.

>> No.7778833

>just to be able to play untranslated video games.
learn as you go
