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File: 67 KB, 491x349, Sad Coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7770753 No.7770753 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7770768

Sure I will. When I raise my son to play Coco's route, and I can experience it again by proxy. And so on for his son, and on and on.

>> No.7770776

Ever17 is not the only game where the final route makes everything slot into place

>> No.7770781

You will never experience again what you felt when you played the epilogue in G-Senjou no Maou and cried a river of bitch tears.

>> No.7770787

The bricks of Ever17 only works if it's one of the first VN you read.
Otherwise you get used to the tricks VNs use so it's pretty easy to predict everything

>> No.7770808


People actually cried at the end? Wow.

I mean I knew it was bad but not THAT bad.

>> No.7770809

The Blick Winkel plot device isn't very common in VN. Hell, even in video games in general.

>> No.7770816

If you're calling the ending bad, I don't want to know how you reacted to the rest of the game.

>> No.7770817

I still think Blick Winkel was a pretty stupid name.

>> No.7770819

For people not reading it yet, get out of here because someone starts spoiling you.

Why do you look here?
Still looking eh?
Tsugumi and Sora routes takes place in 2017, Sara and You routes takes places in 2034. You are Blick Winkel, 4th dimension being helping protagonist get out of timeloop. Strange thing is, nobody knows who or what started timeloop in the first place. You and Tsugumi are father and mother of Sora and Kid. You died at the end of Tsugumi route, but got magically resurrected

>> No.7770824

But You isn't the father of Sara and Kid, Takeshi is. Also Takeshi is the one that dies, not You. Your spoilers are inaccurate!

>> No.7770828

I am You.

>> No.7770829

Oh You.

>> No.7770836


But you, i meant you as a character. Not as you as You, do you understand, you ...

>> No.7770842
File: 12 KB, 168x234, 1303510259691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there was one VN that I could just forget everything and replay...

>> No.7770849

Muv-Luv Alternative.

>> No.7770893

Actually I did. When I played 999.

>> No.7770897

I didn't know they made a Boku no Pico VN.

>> No.7770902

Like what? Name other games please.
Already played YU-NO.

>> No.7770906

But 999 is a piece of shit.

>> No.7770917

But it's the same thing as Ever17.

>> No.7770959

It would if the writter didn't lose his brain and the game wasn't cluttered by shit minigames.

>> No.7770997
File: 38 KB, 630x360, 1219991489725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.

>> No.7771002
File: 106 KB, 704x792, nipaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco was my favorite Piko.

>> No.7771019

It's not a question of Blink Winkel, it's a question of tricks.
Ever17 relies on these tricks rather than a good narrative which is why I really can't consider it very good.

>> No.7771038 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 243x195, 1311601435858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you complete the first part of remember11 and it explains nothing

>> No.7771055
File: 18 KB, 407x308, 1307305891749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play ever17
>Get really into it, like it
>As the days progress, turns out Tsugumi is invincible because of thief blau disease (Hinamizawa syndrome?)
>oh noes coco is sick u guize
>come on whats behin this door
>lets hack it
>ok go
>it goes further down
>We need to use 1 hours of our very short time left to configure the room air pressure until you go down
>ok lets go
>Oops nothing to see here only dead guys lol
>Cocos father is dead too
>Ok lie in this capsule things
>Oh whoosp you died
>now the kid too
>Get a 'You fucked up, try again!' ending
>start all over
>Somehow managed to get the same ending

Fuck this VN

>> No.7771059


>Thief Blau

>> No.7771069

Should have used a walkthrough after you fucked up the first time, like I did. (My mistake was telling Tsugumi I already knew what archimedes principle was, I believe.)

>> No.7771091 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 600x1712, 1299093996622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play Ever17 as his first VN

Nothing lived up to it, sadly.

>> No.7771120 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw greentext implying buttravaged that feel when no sage

>> No.7771160

But I did, once everything in Remember11 slotted into place.

>> No.7771243 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 630x360, 1219991681728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything just slotten into place

>> No.7771248
File: 43 KB, 630x360, 1219991681728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything just slotted into place

>> No.7771306
File: 317 KB, 885x487, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7771327

But I did experience Coco's route again, quite literally as a matter of fact. While playing Katahane.

>> No.7771868


Relevant to my interests.

>> No.7771875

i figured everything out before the park even sunk
