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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 155 KB, 579x533, 1310883362328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7770236 No.7770236 [Reply] [Original]

So we have western touhous (remilia, alice), chinese touhous (meiling), persian touhous (parsee), but not a single Korean touhou. Why is that? Racism?

>> No.7770240

And what? Have her play starcraft?

>> No.7770243


>> No.7770245
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>> No.7770244

Need more turban touhous

>> No.7770249

ZUN is the hidden Korean 2hu

>> No.7770254
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>> No.7770255
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>> No.7770259
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>> No.7770261
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>> No.7770263
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>> No.7770268


>> No.7770269
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>> No.7770274
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>> No.7770277
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>> No.7770286
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>> No.7770289
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>> No.7770295
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>> No.7770300

damn that was a great read, I fapped so hard

>> No.7770301
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>> No.7770307

I don't understand. What did she do with the carrot?

>> No.7770313

Wheres my black touhou

>> No.7770311


>> No.7770318


Not really, I haven't seen this since /jp/ was first created. Whatever happened to maullar anyway?

>> No.7770333

Stealing Tenshi's car.

>> No.7770331

>flan noir
>coming a week after duke nukem forever.
now that douk noukum forever is out,we must hold maullar to his word on this one.
someone put him on the phone.

>> No.7770364

Well, that was fun.

>> No.7770378


>if your legs where danmaku i'd be grazing them baby.

I'm thinking about using that one time.

And about the theme, those OP calls western are really European, according to there aren't american (usamerican, mexican, brazilian, etc) touhous either.

>> No.7770389

Korean mythology is kinda weak?

>> No.7770400

Do they have any decent myths?

>> No.7770432


The Korean myths in Shin Angyo Onshi were pretty cool.

I think ZUN just doesn't really give a shit about anything outside Japan, OP.

>> No.7770610

Where are the American touhous? Where's my great white buffalo touhou?

>> No.7770665

Because in perfect Gensokyo Korea is still part of Japan.

>> No.7770674

How would you compare it to American mythology?

>> No.7771371

More like yearly dose.

Fuck, I don't know why I still have saved that thing.

>> No.7771632

Indian touhous... so many backstory opportunities

>> No.7771652
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>American Touhous

>> No.7771656

Why are there no slavic touhous?

>> No.7771662
File: 546 KB, 691x925, 257f8c2413b05d039b4a209f65ebaaad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finnish Touhous

>> No.7771675

Someone once here said a Mexican Touhou would probably be something Catholic-Amerindian like La Santa Muerte.

Sounds really rad to me :D

Also, if there was a Slavic Touhou, it would be probably based on Juraj Jánošik or Ježibaba. Or maybe it would be based on the tale of Shqipetar and the two-headed eagle.

>> No.7771690

Remilia and flan are vampires and the origin of vampires are in Slavic countries

>> No.7771695

okuu is korean

>> No.7771701

Consider who you're replying to before posting.

>> No.7771798

But by that logic even Arc is slavic.

No, they are most likely meant to be pure germanic aryans.

>> No.7771801

gtfo kimchi

zun doesn't like americans and coreans

>> No.7771804
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Japanese bird is not Korean.

>> No.7771820

We need a Scottish toho

>> No.7771872

Fun fact:

Japanese mythology is very similar or even the same as the Chinese.

>> No.7771896

Desperate Korean damage control

>> No.7771894


let their japanese superiority delustion

>> No.7771904
File: 182 KB, 190x190, reimu dancing because she is reimu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have Russian Touhous and we don't have our Touhou too.

>> No.7771908

It's always the same pattern. You can smell the Corean butthurt and tears.

>> No.7771953
File: 97 KB, 848x402, aya kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to 2ch to make more propaganda, jap/tai

>> No.7771960

>chinese touhous (meiling)
Yeah. "Chinese" Not Irish at all.

>> No.7771977

Your picture and what you said have nothing to do with what they've said at all you know? And what is your link trying to prove? That various countries/cultures use crows a source for mythologies? Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>The three-legged (or tripedal) crow is a creature found in various mythologies and arts of Asia, Asia Minor, and North Africa.

Stop being so desperate.

>> No.7771984

don't you see, okuu is corean because coreans invented crows in mythologies just like they invented many more things (read: nothing at all lol)

>> No.7771985
File: 63 KB, 500x324, matreshka_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more Russian touhous :3

>> No.7771988

You are the one that sound desperate here, Jap.

You implied that "The three-legged crow is Japanese onry!" then I proved you wrong and you let your jap butthurt flow.

Japs invented everything!
Chinese culture also!

>> No.7771989
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1312120438529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm posting shit and no one can't stop me
Get out of /jp/

>> No.7771990

Japs kidnapped Koreans to force them to make celadon pottery. they were mad jelly of them incense burners.

>> No.7771993

You're fucking stupid.

If you fall for this kind of Jap trolling you need to kill yourself.

>> No.7772003

I actually think I took a picture of the exhibit when I went to the museum at the palace in Bundang.
you deny that the japs were jelly that their shitty porcelain pottery wasn't as popular.

>> No.7772000

>You implied that "The three-legged crow is Japanese onry!"
And where did anyone imply that, besides the fucking fact that Okuu happens to be a Japanese Touhou in Japan and in a Japanese made story based on a bunch of Japanese mythologies? Not even the OP makes a mention of Japan.

>Japs invented everything!
>Chinese culture also!
Do you even read threads before you post? Do you even read people's posts? I've seen your posts before, you're the same guy who yells "jap/tai propaganda" at every occasion and delude yourself into thinking that everyone is against you. Please do us a favor and learn some reading comprehension before posting.

>> No.7772007
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>> No.7772012
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>> No.7772013

Yeah, Koreans made so much pottery that: William Elliot Griffis, Corea the Hermit Nation,

Corean architecture is in a very primitive condition. The castles, fortifications, temples, monasteries and public buildings cannot approach in magnificence those of Japan or China. The country, though boasting hoary antiquity, has few ruins in stone. The dwellings are tiled or thatched houses, almost invariably one story high. In the smaller towns there are not arranged in regular streets, but scattered here hand there. Even in the cities and capital the streets are narrow and tortuous.

about eighty-five per cent of the people can neither read nor write, though the percentage varies greatly with the locality.

Corea has no samurai. She lacks what Japan has always had - a cultured body of men, superbly trained in both mind and body, the soldier and scholar in one, who held to a high ideal of loyalty, patriotism, and sacrifice for country.

>> No.7772014
File: 49 KB, 700x600, chen jumping on sleeping ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could be most Russian Touhou?

And who might be Touhou from our favourite city of Russia?
Reimu is not included...

>> No.7772016
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Kaenbyou sounds almost Korean.

>> No.7772020
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>> No.7772027
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>> No.7772031
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>> No.7772035
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>> No.7772039
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>> No.7772041
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>> No.7772043

Don't try to hide yourself jap.

You are the one that made posts like
>Desperate Korean damage control

>Do you even read threads before you post?
Yes. Don't try to play the innocent like your kind always do.

>I've seen your posts before, you're the same guy who yells "jap/tai propaganda" at every occasion and delude yourself into thinking that everyone is against you.
Do you even read your own posts?
And no, I'm only against lying japs like yourself.

>> No.7772044

Korea's stunted cultural growth is due to location, and, quite frankly, Japan fucking over everyone else in Asia. If Korea has some second golden age in this era, so be it, this is a likely prospect.

>> No.7772048
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>> No.7772051
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>> No.7772055

Oh look it's same buthurt jap again.

Please post the source of your bullshit, Jap.

Also, as I said before read the Joseon Dynasty.
Korea was the "Hermit Kingdom" because it wasn't copying the west like the Japs and Hong Kong.

>> No.7772059
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>> No.7772063

Japan - country that best export is pornography and related products and shitting on floor otakus.

Korea - country that best export are MMO players and cheap electronics for video game players.

From "normal" view it's like Mozambique would argue with Zimbabwe which one is better.

>> No.7772062
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>> No.7772067
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>> No.7772074
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>> No.7772076
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>> No.7772082
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>> No.7772092
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>> No.7772115 [DELETED] 

Congratulations, you basically said nothing at all in your entire post, and did nothing to rebuttal my sound arguments.

>Please post the source of your bullshit, Jap.
Wrack your brains a little and learn to use google.

>Korea was the "Hermit Kingdom" because it wasn't copying the west like the Japs and Hong Kong.
Oh, and here I thought it was deemed a hermit nation because of all those castles, antiquities, fortifications, temples, monasteries and public buildings mentioned in the text did not match magnificence of pre-Meiji Restoration architecture.. must be my slow brains doing tricks on me. As if. Please start getting a clue and work on your reading comprehension. Better yet, learn English if you want people to take you seriously.

>> No.7772118

Marisa is western

>> No.7772122 [DELETED] 

Congratulations, you basically said nothing at all in your entire post, and did nothing to rebuttal my sound arguments.

>Please post the source of your bullshit, Jap.
Wrack your brains a little and learn to use google.

>Korea was the "Hermit Kingdom" because it wasn't copying the west like the Japs and Hong Kong.
Oh, and here I thought it was deemed a hermit nation because all those castles, antiquities, fortifications, temples, monasteries and public buildings mentioned in the text did not match magnificence of pre-Meiji Restoration architecture.. must be my slow brains doing tricks on me. As if. Please start getting a clue and work on your reading comprehension. Or better yet, learn English if you want people to take you seriously

>> No.7772129

Congratulations, you basically said nothing at all in your entire post, and did nothing to refute my sound arguments.

>Please post the source of your bullshit, Jap.
Wrack your brains a little and learn to use google.

>Korea was the "Hermit Kingdom" because it wasn't copying the west like the Japs and Hong Kong.
Oh, and here I thought it was deemed a hermit nation because all those castles, antiquities, fortifications, temples, monasteries and public buildings mentioned in the text did not match magnificence of pre-Meiji Restoration architecture.. must be my slow brains doing tricks on me. As if. Please start getting a clue and work on your reading comprehension. Or better yet, learn English if you want people to take you seriously

>> No.7772153

>and did nothing to refute my sound arguments.
But you didn't have arguments to begin with.

>Wrack your brains a little and learn to use google.
Already did.
>mentioned in the text
Your "text" is bullshit.
>As if. Please start getting a clue and work on your reading comprehension.
This is getting old.
Stop it.
>Or better yet, learn English if you want people to take you seriously
I don't get it?

>> No.7772157
File: 36 KB, 500x620, kevin chang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best post in this thread.

fucking faggots arguing (throwing shit at each other) which country is best are the worse.

>> No.7772160

please get the fuck out already. no one here likes you

>> No.7772170


>> No.7772181

except, you know, it was so stupid that I didn't even bother to respond. almost everyone grew up with japanese cartoons and games. the people whose lives are dedicated to the entertainment japan shits numbers in millions. so, I think it's safe to say that the country exports more than just porns. the same cannot be said for the other shithole of a country whose name I won't mention

now if you deny this, you're also going to deny US' importance compared to random countries like netherlands which have no effect on our lives whatsoever

>> No.7772182

>The first documented use of "hermit" to refer to Korea is in the title of William Elliot Griffis' 1882 book, Corea: The Hermit Nation. The writer of the book had never visited Korea, did not speak the language, and had no first-hand experience with the country. He supported the invasion and occupation of Korea by Japan, and in his works often attempted to prove the superiority of Japan. The publication of The Hermit Kingdom, and its circulation, particularly in North America, led to tacit approval of Japan's incursions into Korea. It was used to justify Japanese actions by showing the Korean people as primitive, uncultured, unable to function internationally, and needing Japanese direction.

Oh boy, Japs brainwashing on 18th century!?
Truly an advanced nation.

>> No.7772184

coreans confirmed for retards who don't know how centuries work

>> No.7772187

>shits numbers in millions
Yeah, no.

>> No.7772192

This is news how? Thought is was common knowledge, which is why the world doesn't give a fuck about that shithole.

>> No.7772193

Oh sorry the 19th century.
And I'm not Korean.

>> No.7772194 [DELETED] 

good ol wikipedia, it's got sources and all http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermit_kingdom

haha oh wow

>> No.7772197

Stop being so delusional Jap.

>> No.7772201

good ol wikipedia, it's got sources and all http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermit_kingdom

haha oh wow

>> No.7772203


>> No.7772210

I wish gooks would get the fuck off to their own website already. They've been shitting up like every thread lately.

>> No.7772212

>The neutrality of this article is disputed. Please see the discussion on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved. (July 2011)

>> No.7772224

Yeah those gooks should fuck off to 2ch, 2chan.

>> No.7772255
File: 243 KB, 388x587, 1313917041816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not keeping your zipperheads in the fridge

>> No.7772255,1 [INTERNAL] 

This thread proves that /int/ shitflinging will always be cancer, and those who wouldn't put up with it were in the majority in the past.
RIP in Pasta, 4chan. i luv u ;_; <3

>> No.7772255,2 [INTERNAL] 

>nostalgia over 2011 /jp/
see >>7772255
