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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7769245 No.7769245 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys still playing World of Tanks?

>> No.7769271
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why the HELL don't you wanna talk about world of tanks

>> No.7769267

Nah, my PC is too shitty to play anything but arty and that got boring fast. Also, I'm too autistic to have any people to form a platoon with, and the game's kinda annoying with randoms only.
Still, pretty good game.

>> No.7769280

/jp/ - Russian tank game culture

>> No.7769352

We're playing on Japanese servers, so it's okay!

>> No.7769390

Ran out of premium and gold, and then I realized that playing it is probably shaving years off of my life due to frustration that pub players cause.

>> No.7769399

do they have japanese tanks in japanese server?

>> No.7769419

whats the point of beginning a thread with a sage?

>> No.7769423

Maybe he lacks confidence in his ability to create threads.

>> No.7769476

20k to t44 and matchmaking won't place me with tanks 3 level above anymore, because there is none
can't wait to fight IS-7 err game

>> No.7769572

>hype over the release of US TD line
>grind'd my ass off to T28
>realized the 254mm front armor is deceive
>dropped and buy T29 back

>> No.7769578

Maybe his email autofills and there is no reason to remove it.

>> No.7769608

Remember when the KT was good?

>> No.7769617
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Yeah, until another tank farted in your direction.

>> No.7769644

Why are German tanks so shitty?

>> No.7769655

No, but I'm eagerly awaiting World of Battleships.

>> No.7769669

>105mm nerfed to the very mouth of Lucifer
>realize you're stuck with it for two and a half tanks
>aforementioned tanks can be penetrated by anything after tier 4
Being US Heavy tank driver is suffering

>> No.7769673

Because that tiny amount of better accuracy means fuck all, it lacks in firepower compared to Russian tanks and they're not as bouncy.

Oh yeah, and their modules burn the fuck down at the first sign of danger.

>> No.7769724

T82 is the best US TD because 105mm at T3 + not being placed in matches with higher than tier 5.

>> No.7769729

if u want reliability, u play T29 and T32

>> No.7769791

It makes me sad that I did not play while it was still popular on /jp/. Now I'm all lonely in this game.

>> No.7769796

You mean people actually played World of Tanks seriously? Like, not as a joke?

>> No.7769834

Panzermoe was not really a concentrated or group thing, just a few tank companies and a chatroom for /jp/-ers. the whole thing died down before clans so there was never much playing together.

>> No.7769841

I'm waiting for World of Warplanes.

>> No.7769843

It became less fun, when the whole /jp/ crowd stopped after beta. Tier 1-4 became better though, Tier 5 and higher still is shit when you half the time can't penetrate anything. Also when you don't want to buy gold, making credits takes forever.
