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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 338x106, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7761179 No.7761179 [Reply] [Original]

Would you like a hiragana/katakana captcha for /jp/? Think about it.

>> No.7761187

That would be amazing. I think I'm going to email moot about it.

>> No.7761190
File: 148 KB, 676x638, 1298369424662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying moot would do anything to 4chan other than changing board names

>> No.7761191

and then /jp/ was dead

>> No.7761196

That would be interesting. I wonder how far board traffic would drop?

>> No.7761200

I support this

>> No.7761201

This is amazing. Should be implemented

>> No.7761204

Already did two days ago.
Still no reply. No wonder, I forgot to put;
>ps. responde porfavor.

>> No.7761205

It's a neat idea, but since I doubt recaptcha supports it I don't see it happening.

>> No.7761207

Kanji captcha is the only solution

>> No.7761210
File: 577 KB, 681x849, 1283130365075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot, if I may, I urge you to implement this type of captcha system for /jp/. You have to enter the name of the spell card that appears in the image. Many of these spells are fairly well-known, and you can refresh the box by clicking on it if you don't know the name. I believe this system would improve the overall quality of this board and its members, and it's somewhat more meaningful compared to these gibberish captcha phrases.

Think about it.

>> No.7761211

it takes like 3 days to learn the kana, no excuse

>> No.7761215

Why not make the would-be poster capture the spell card instead, in a little Flash app or something? Not everyone memorizes the names of spell cards.

>> No.7761217

It's two separate words: "por favor".

It would be better if we had to capture the spellcard itself, I think.

>> No.7761221

I support this.

>> No.7761219

Ok, thats better.

I just copied it from a shitty thread I made a year ago.

>> No.7761223

Wouldn't that make it incredibly easy to automate posting?

>> No.7761227


Suddenly spam posting comes back at full force

>> No.7761233

do it.

>> No.7761236

You missed the joke.
It is supported, don't look down on reCAPTCHA faggot.

He could just post a link to a kana chart on the top where the "The colony Drop Fanzine is stapled--not hot glued." is.

>> No.7761237

They might as well. It's already not legible.
That wouldn't work because a computer can distinguish parts of the images.

>> No.7761240

There no more shit posting, all the outsiders would finally leave and /jp/ would be back to normal. please, tons of people email moot.

>> No.7761241

/jp/ - super sekrit klub
we hate them japs but you better know their language if you want to post here

>> No.7761243

Also forgot.
He won't reply my email soon since he is on Brasil anyway....


awkward moot is awkward.

>> No.7761250


Nah. All you have to do is make the board less attractive to spammers than some other site that doesn't make you captcha spellcards just to post.

>> No.7761259

It's the summerfags who get defensive and go all "I-it's not like I like Japanese culture! I hate Japan! S-stupid Japs!"
If we had a captcha like that, they'd be gone.

>> No.7761262

Yeah, no kidding. There seems to be an increasing number of people who are incredibly insecure about their hobbies.

>> No.7761264
File: 254 KB, 593x593, 131372725930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minha cara quando

>> No.7761265

please do this, its just fucking two people spamming /jp/ and making it shit, get rid of them and it will be perfect.

>> No.7761269
File: 129 KB, 700x700, 1310856011704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gods lurk here

>> No.7761283

Yet a better idea: make all Touhou related words autoban

>> No.7761285
File: 182 KB, 860x978, brch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, which one of you guys is creating all these threads at BRchan?

>> No.7761290

I can't watch this...

>> No.7761298

Let's get this type of captcha.

>> No.7761300

Most of the fags lurking at that place are too retarded to speak english.

>> No.7761301

Hey guys!

hey listen...


What if-


What if Moot removed the fucking captcha already?

>> No.7761305


>> No.7761308

It seems to vary by board. That's pretty cool.

>> No.7761310
File: 22 KB, 675x438, 131371776836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7761311

People trying to force the "we hate Japan and only like some of the things they produce" mindset have been around for years.

>> No.7761312

>Touhou and portuguese on the same page.

>> No.7761318

We could get Touhou and VN characters instead.
It'd be a lot of refreshing for those who are only into one thing though.

>> No.7761319

Preconceived notions?

They're more elitist than /jp/ as far as I know.

>> No.7761327

In attempted troll threads, yeah.

>> No.7761335

Even fags from /a/ or /v/ know a few toohoo and vn characters

>> No.7761337

I agree. Kanji captchas and/or kanji readings captchas would work wonders. Kana captchas wouldn't last two days before some asshole from /a/b/v/ decides to post a kana chart there and start an "EPIC RAID".

Does anyone know of a good open source kanji captcha implementation?

>> No.7761355

Kanji captchas would decimate the board traffic even more than kana captchas. Now, you could argue that the net result would be positive, and I might even agree, but I feel like that would be going too far. Kana captchas would keep out the casual shitposters, but still allow anyone with half a brain to post.

>> No.7761357

i totally agree, it would also help me and other /jp/ers to practice kana everyday.

>> No.7761364

Instead? /ts/ already has Touhou and VN characters.

>> No.7761371

How am I supposed to tell if that's Mion or Shion in that captcha?

>> No.7761421

Because eating Big Macs makes you an Americanophile. Christ, you weeaboos are stupid.

>> No.7761682

great idea, since it'll keep out most of the "just visiting" shitposters, but wouldn't that keep out some of the resident /jp/ers here too? not all of us are moonian enthusiasts; some just like to play touhou.

>> No.7761704
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, Haibane Renmei Episode 03.mkv_snapshot_20.51_[2011.08.02_00.36.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's moe, it's shion.
Not that hard to figure out.

>> No.7761702

How can you say you love her if you won't learn her language?

>> No.7761708

I think it would be a good idea. But /jp/ is already much slower now than it used to be and I fear this would only make it slower.

Although I guess the guys that read Japanese VNs would still be here, so I guess I don't really mind.

>> No.7761724

But they're the same person just as much as Shannon and Kanon are different people.

>> No.7761725

Because it's so hard to look it up in wikipedia. And if you can't even do that, you really need to get out.

>> No.7761727

/jp/ is filled with weeaboo faggots that don't know a damn thing about japan except from what they learn from anime. They don't want to admit this and anyone that speaks foul either gets banned or are told to go back to /a/ or something of the sort.

I'd be impressed if there were 3 people in this thread that knew how to properly use japanese font support on their computer.

>> No.7761731

How would a kana captcha work? Am I supposed to type おおたかはき or ootakahaki or what?

>> No.7761729

Would filter the /a/b/v/ raids quite nicely.

>> No.7761732
File: 27 KB, 285x301, 1308869586935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then they in 2 seconds discover there's this thing called IME.

Oh please. Fucking PLEASE. I'd have given your proposal 5 seconds of consideration (before throwing it out) if you had said kanji.

>> No.7761733

Considering all the people that posted to get help with the captcha for the Tera beta, it surely must be hard for some. Also new people usually have trouble telling the difference between ンソツシきさ etc

>> No.7761734

I'm pretty sure even moot knows his kana, why not go full blown kanji? Why do something half assed?

>> No.7761736

This is what f/a/gs actually believe.

>> No.7761739
File: 74 KB, 250x250, 1307524048556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7761742

not to mention that /sp/ shit when faggots post seinfield and all that.

>> No.7761744

Yeah, kana captcha would be nice.

>> No.7761743

I think it's a pretty good idea, kana alone would be sufficient in my opinion. Too bad it will never be implemented.

>> No.7761746


>> No.7761754

I visit /jp/ to shitpost and even I know kana. Deal with it, ファッゴトたち.

>> No.7761752


>> No.7761758

To make it harder, our Touhou captcha could have just the faces of the characters pasted on a white background. Other than things like EoSD Meiling, it would get pretty challenging for someone who knows jack shit about the games or isn't autistic enough to check every character page in the wiki to post.

>> No.7761759

I think it is a better idea to use a Hangul captcha instead ^_^

안뇽하새요! ^_^

>> No.7761763

/kr/ - Starcraft
Hangul is a pretty fun language to write, actually, I've tried to learn a bit about it because corean beta mmorpg servers nida and I was quite impressed at how simple it is.

>> No.7761764

Considering Touhou fags are one of the reasons /jp/ is so shitty, they should just not be allowed to post.

>> No.7761778

You're a funny guy Anonymous. I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last.

>> No.7761791

Do you really think someone from /b/, looking to make a quick shitpost, is really going to install an IME and look up a kana chart just to post a thread? They'll just go for another board instead.

>> No.7762375

If every respective image has the same checksum all the time, this captcha would make spamming a lot easier.

>> No.7762389


>> No.7762403

There are random thin black lines, so they aren't exactly the same, but yeah, this captcha isn't suited for a big board.

>> No.7762409

I think ホモ共 sounds better.

>> No.7762420

No. Anyone can see that captcha doesn't prevent spam and shitposting. We still have daily pig threads and flanfly garbage. At least if Moot took away the captcha we'd be able to lol at Cornelia posts again.

>> No.7762512

I guess I will go and e-mail moot too.
At least we won't have to see idiots from /b/.

>> No.7762539

I'd rather see a kana captcha on 4chan as a whole. Would be a much, much better place.

>> No.7762541

Would you like a full width charac
ter captch for /jp/? Think about it. 

>> No.7762559

The mass of idiots unable to get into /b/ would be too terrible a force to release suddenly upon the internet. We should put a kana captcha on every board besides /b/, a kanji captcha on /jp/, and leave /b/ with the current captcha to serve as an idiot box.

>> No.7762568

A kanji captcha on /jp/ would leave more than half of current /jp/'er out...
Then again... that probably wouldn't be bad...

>> No.7762571

>a kanji captcha on /jp/

Agree, we are the true elite of the internet.

>> No.7762572

you seem under the impression people who know japanese aren't shitposters, which is pretty laughable considering some threads we had in the past and Bangkok

>> No.7762576

It would at least keep out the blatant outsiders who post shit like translation requests.

>> No.7762580

No no, there are probably shitposters among those who can read kanji. But there are a lot more retards among those who can't.

The problem is there are also many good posters who cannot read kanji.

>> No.7762582

First, we get a hiragana captcha. Quality of /jp/ improves drastically ...for a few weeks, when we notice that a lot of the shitposters enjoy shitting up /jp/ enough to learn hiragana. So we try a katakana captcha instead, and same thing happens, works at first, but doesn't take long before everyone can bypass it. So we decide that the kana are a little too use to learn, and decide to move on to kanji, using grade 1 jouyou kanji, which most veterans should know by now, but should be enough to scare away anyone unwanted. Things look brighter, but with time, it's undeniable that /jp/ is starting to return to how it was. Let's move up to grade 2, that should be harder! Same thing happens. Grade 3, same thing. Grade 4, 5 and 6, same thing. High school jouyou! A golden age of a few months, and then the same. Well, fuck kanji, let's do some vocabulary. Same thing. Advanced vocabulary! Advanced grammar! 2ch slang! Osakaben! Yakuza slang! The way samurai addressed their daimyo in the Sengoku era!

And about 2 years after the hiragana captcha was introduced, most /jp/ers knew more Japanese than Japanese people themselves.

>> No.7762588


get out

>> No.7762591

Translate this: 中出快楽

>> No.7762593

Okay, I laughed.

>> No.7762595

What a moon captcha WILL keep out:
>what does this mean in teh nihongos?
>lol raid xD epic win, we are leegun
>I just read Saya no Uta, worts another good wun?
>lol you weeaboos why don't you go outside
>SNSD/Corea strong thread!
>I like kimonos and bento boxes. what's one that's relly KAWAII <3

What a moon captcha WILL NOT keep out:
>Which Touhou would you fuck
>good morning /jp/!
>lol autism xDDD
>im about to suicide /jp/ please give me attention and tell me not to suicide

>> No.7762607

whoops, I somehow left out a few few lines...

What a moon captcha WILL keep out:
>lol cirno is so kawaii :3

What a moon captcha WILL NOT keep out:
>What are you still doing here /jp/? we're wating for you at /bung/!

>> No.7762606 [DELETED] 

Some thoughts about Higi.

Higanbana (as human) died (was killed) in school infirmary. When she and Marie were drinking tea Marie asked: "Why are you living in such clean place, but I - in old fuken dirty toilet?" Higi replied: "We can't choose the place of our death".

>> No.7762613

>What a moon captcha WILL NOT keep out:
>im about to suicide /jp/ please give me attention and tell me not to suicide
Nah, the kind of people who attention whore over the internet don't have the self-discipline to learn something independently like Japanese.

>> No.7762626

don't forget
>___ thread? ___ thread.

>> No.7762624

eu sao posting todos o que burromerda

>> No.7762639

Guys, just realize there's no place anywhere which succeed in keeping jerk away.
Countries try to do it with army, they fail.
rich people use armed guards and large wall, it fail.
what can you actually expect from a captcha ?

>> No.7762643

to keep away spambots?

>> No.7762666

I'm all for it. Too bad it won't be implemented bacause of technical difficulities and moot's laziness.

C: おおたかはき

>> No.7762671


superior Japanese board has 300 mods and range bans autism on sight.

>> No.7762672

Remember when moot tried to roll his own captcha shortly before reCaptcha? It was slow as shit, and you had to wait up to 20 seconds before it would even appear.

That is why we will never see custom captchas.

>> No.7762676


>> No.7762678

you mean just moot's laziness. there is no technical setback from introducing new software. many Japanese BBS boards use kana captchas, and mainland Chinese websites such as Renren and Baidu use (Simplified Chinese) kanji captchas.

>> No.7762684
File: 11 KB, 331x170, renren_captcha1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that was because he introduced it site-wide, and all the boards put together make up a lot of traffic. just /jp/ by itself ain't gonna have the same effect.

pic related. /jp/, these are easy kanji. you should be able to solve this, right?

>> No.7762689

Um.. well...... of course I could! I... just don't want to reduce myself to using that subhuman language, that's all!

>> No.7762690
File: 47 KB, 154x281, renren_captchas_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are a few more (Chinese) captchas from Renren.com. how good are you at recognising kanji, /jp/?

>> No.7762696


Not this autist again.

>> No.7762701

You know it would be fun if Moot actually did this and then /jp/ died as a consequence.

>> No.7762699

Alright, let's stick with the kana captcha idea instead.

>> No.7762705

for some reason I found this anon's tone hilarious. as if he all of a sudden had realised something, and the idea shot down.

>> No.7762704

What does Chinese captchas have to do with recognizing kanji?

>> No.7762707


>> No.7762712

technically "Kanji" means "chinese character". But yeah there are a lot of daily use chinese ideograms that are totally obscure in Japan.

>> No.7762714

most of the characters in in Chinese and Japanese are the same. although there still are quite a few that are different. e.g. Chinamen use 运动 instead of 運動, and 强奸 instead of 強姦.

>> No.7762715

regarding the character for "rape", in traditional Chinese and japanese kanji, 姦 is three 女, and I don't understand how that means "rape". on the other hand, in simplified Chinese rape is 奸 - 女 means woman, and 干 means "to do" (i.e. fuck), so 女+干 means "to do a woman".

>> No.7762720

So a lesbian threesome = rape

>> No.7762738

US-Taiwanfag here, of these characters (they're all simplified; I read traditional), I can only read a few, I don't recognise the lot...
>动?钴也 (in kanji/traditional this would be 動?鈷也)
>?发?? (发 is simplified for 發)

>> No.7762744


The problem is that they are spelt differently, it wouldn't work.

>> No.7762745

漢 means "brave man", not "Chinese"

>> No.7762748

当治大十 ?
That second kanji is so messy its really hard to read.

>> No.7762752

日本 means "day book" not "Japan"
韓 means "courageous" not "South Korea"
朝鮮 means "morning fresh" not "North Korea"
米 means "rice" not "America"
仏 means "Buddha" not "France"
英 means "brave" not "England"

>> No.7762753


>> No.7762754

its not a Kanji. I think its just an X.

>> No.7762756

other boards only shitpost during epicraidsxD
all your everyday shitposters probably been here longer than you
fucking stupid weeboos

>> No.7762755

I support this,but instead of kana use kanji

>> No.7762761

See? You're one of our everyday shitposters. Your anger indicates that you probably won't be able to post here if captcha gets implemented. So, we'll at least get rid of you.

>> No.7762762

It's funny, because it's true.

>> No.7762768
File: 44 KB, 720x500, 720px-Chenzihmyon_typefaces.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cursive writing for you. fucking sucks yeah I know.

kanji comes in sans-serif (computer display), serif (with those edges, like those old woodblock printed books), "kaisho" (inkbrush, but written legibly), seal script (like some ancient magic shit) and cursive (like running-writing, you write it quickly and shit but its hard to read).

>> No.7762765 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 400x500, hi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7762773
File: 60 KB, 706x491, asdgrhar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derp, fucking transparent PNG, how does it work 4chin?

>> No.7762780 [DELETED] 

I actually been on forigener board with katakana captcha, know what i was like?
300 one-liners a week, half of them people showing they know basic japanese (so cool!), other half is shiposts. Well /jp/ will probably will get 1000 one liners a week.
Good thing moot don't give a fuck about every stupid idea he receives .

>> No.7762799
File: 69 KB, 541x270, XiaozhuanQinquan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't read these ancient runes, you don't know SHIT about deciphering moonrunes.

>> No.7762803

The "Lol I can kana" shitposts will die down quickly enough when everyone gets bored of it, and it won't measure up to the current shitposting at all.
Remember when we had the DNS fail? Half the posts were circlejerking over having the intelligence required to edit text files, quality discussion was a small tiny fraction, but the signal to noise ratio was still far better than usual. It won't be perfect, but it'll be better than we have now.

>> No.7762810

The first 4 rows are all legible enough, but then what the hell seal script.

>> No.7762811

from right to left, vertical:
that's all I can do. Is that good enough anon?

>> No.7762820


>> No.7762823

moot should implement seal script captchas by having us read 3,500 year old texts written on stone cave walls just to troll the shit out of all of us.

>> No.7762824

Second character should be 介 instead, I think.

>> No.7762837

>Seal-script captchas
Somebody make this happen.

>> No.7762846

moot should just change the name back to Japan/General

>> No.7762848

why did he change it to Megucas/Suffering in the first place?

>> No.7762864
File: 151 KB, 681x450, seal_script_captcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go.

>> No.7762859

I think /jp/ will get quality content once again.
Good idea OP.

>> No.7762861

moot should replace the captcha for questions that every normal /jp/ user should know, for example:

Question: "What is the White Ren's tripcode?"
Answer: "#chilly"

>> No.7762870

but eventually the pool of questions will run out, and everyone will know the answers. /b/ raiders would go to a copypasta q&a list and find the answer.

>> No.7762871 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 941x1254, 11__2_rare_grotesque_gagaku_noh_men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7762873 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 941x1254, 11_japanese_netsuke_and_masks_45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7762884
File: 14 KB, 498x155, cat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanji captcha
Fuck. Well that'd give me a reason to learn anything besides kana.


>> No.7762888

>but the signal to noise ratio was still far better than usual.

I agree, though it won't magically give /jp/ material to discuss nor will it cure local shitposters. and if someone think people who don't know kana will leave, they won't, they been in this cesspool for a period a time, they want to be here.

>> No.7762893

if /jp/ switched to kanji captchas, the only people who would populate /jp/ would be chinese

weeaboos are too lazy to learn runes, and japanese don't touch baka gaijin websites like 4chon.

>> No.7762894

Those fucking cats, jesus christ.

>> No.7762905

koreans already dominate /v/ and /sp/, and finfags dominate /int/

/b/ is the true american board (maybe /k/ as well)

>> No.7762907

I think moot should remove the captcha and add in the verification field an mp3 player with short parts of touhou songs(5-10 segs, in that time you must be able to know the song), and then the poster must type the whole name of the song.

>> No.7762914

ひらがな/カタカナ だいじょうぶ
Lets start a mass email petition.

>> No.7762916

but that means /a/fags would get the answers real fucking easy.

>> No.7762919

>kanji captcha
again, why would i be in this shithole if i'd know japanese?

>> No.7762920


>>>/baidu baike/

>> No.7762926
File: 41 KB, 704x396, (18禁アニメ) HHH トリプルエッチ しぐれ編 (704x396 DivX)$.avi_snapshot_14.06_[2010.11.27_00.08.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replace /b/'s captcha with hiragana captcha
>new global message: /jp/ wanted a new captcha so they wouldn't get flooded with shitposting so I did.

Yes, flooding moot's email address with requests to change the captcha for one site will go well.

>> No.7762929

because so ronery, why else? that's why I'm here at least.

>> No.7762927

The captcha is a random sentence from a Japanese VN. The user has to translate it to be able to post. The translations will be used to patch the VN.

>> No.7762931


Best I could do without a dictionary. Using Mandarin IME

>> No.7762932

Everybody fucking email moot this, im tired of these fucks spamming and acting like retards, we could actually have a decent userbase if this happens, we already do, its just being crushed by idiots from /a/ and /v/.

>> No.7762936


>> No.7762940
File: 15 KB, 511x393, brother-hao-sings-red-song-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moots face when

>> No.7762941

I have a tablet so even if I only know about 50 Chinese characters if you present me with some random character one I can input it.
Deal with it no-tablet plebs.

>> No.7762943

Who can check whether it is right 
or wrong?

>> No.7762944

Also, simplified>traditional all day, every day. Learning kanji makes me glad I didn't have to put up with that shit 10 years ago.

>> No.7762948 [DELETED] 

how do we verify the translation? like the current captcha, we'd need two sentences - one known, and to verify the entry, and one unknown, to be translated for the VN. this might be a good idea, as it makes productivity out of all this. though, some people might end up just writing "and then she was phone, niggers" like they do for the current captcha.

>> No.7762947

We will get spammed with threads saying "herp derp i can solve this you fuken weebos" the first day it gets implemented.

>> No.7762950
File: 43 KB, 570x235, idepad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit, everybody has a tablet.

>> No.7762954

solve this captcha then


>> No.7762955

The magic about this is the people that he mock cant reply so there wont be a problem.

>> No.7762962

My point was that you wouldn't have to know the kanji or anything to post. Anyone with a tablet and basic knowledge of kanji rules would make it over the line.

Then again on second thought I'm ok with either situation.

>> No.7762963 [DELETED] 


Only, 5/6 of all the words in the entire translated script will be either asdf or nigger.

>> No.7762965

You didn't take that seriously, did you?

>> No.7762976

why you guys always saging my post? you're all racist because I make good posts.

>> No.7762989

If you pick a good system it should be messy enough that they can't figure it out without a good knowledge of all the radicals anyway. Those input systems usually tend to require you to know stroke order as well, so they'd have learn that too.

>> No.7763007

Anyone who is smart enough has filtered sage ages ago.

>> No.7763009
File: 20 KB, 660x74, captcha111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7763010
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 10 [720p][9ACB242B].mkv_snapshot_16.37_[2010.07.23_02.42.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good posts

>> No.7763025

Go back to /bun/.

>> No.7763090
File: 166 KB, 800x603, who's_that_touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be our captcha.

>> No.7763099


Oh god yes.

>> No.7763112

It'd be too easy to learn a couple of obvious ones and just refresh until you got them. You'd need to implement it so that it will show a pair each time.

>> No.7763121
File: 39 KB, 825x965, 1312167774719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this as captcha?
You'd randomly get 2-3 faces.

>> No.7763127

Touhou captchas? I thought we were trying to keep undesirables out.

>> No.7763131

Damn it, I forgot why we got captcha in the first place.

Gonna email Moot asking him to remove it now.

>> No.7763140

he gets plenty of google money, I bet, so he won't

>> No.7763216


KoG's image spammer that would kill a thread instantly

KoG's image spammer reworked to spam new threads instead of replies

the proxy report program that would use 30 proxies to simultaneously report a thread as illegal content and have it deleted

The isopod proxy spams that would delete entire boards of content

Oh, and the spam that the dis boards still get flooded with.

>> No.7763360 [DELETED] 

holy crap, image getting hit by all that at once? it will a like the biggest shit fest on /jp/ ever. It kinda like be sealed all these demons away,waiting to break out.

>> No.7763366

Iamge getting hit by all that at once, It would be the biggest shit fest on /jp/ has know to man, its like moot sealed all these great powerful demons on /jp/, and they are waiting for the day moots seals weaken.

>> No.7763413

Good idea. Normalfags and summer kids won't be able to post.

>> No.7763476

It will never happen weeaboo.

qq more

>> No.7763484


All boards would find out how to use IME and we'll have endless posts saying "I can post 2 u weeaboo faggots xDDD"

Something like this would bring too much attention to our board.

>> No.7763490

Any change at all will stir up a shitstorm.
There's a chance they'd lose interest as the shitposting wouldn't be worth the effort over time.

>> No.7763497

> they'd lose interest as the shitposting wouldn't be worth the effort over time.
Two words for you.
"Newfags can't..."

>> No.7763504

How many would bother trying to decipher kanji from the mess after a few months just to tell us about it?

Not nearly as many people as those who come to shipost here presently.

Also, I love the new capcha as the squiggle line tells me the word I have to write and I can more easily skip the other.

>> No.7763531

LMAO at people that constantly whine in metathreads thinking they're the "good" posters on /jp/.

>> No.7763537

thats why i hate this board

>> No.7763554

Why do these shitty threads always get 200+ replies ? What do you fucks hope to achieve ?

>> No.7763601

The previous system was better. The blur effect made it just as obvious which word to fill out, but at least you could read it most of the time.

>> No.7763837

I can read this one much more easily than the last. Strange some people have more trouble with this one. It's so easy.

>> No.7763855

I think it would be nice to try out for a week or two and see how much it would actually help, if anything it would give people a reason to start learning their kana, which they already should know by now.

>> No.7763873

Our master race user base back, This whole year was nothing but normalfags and newfags coming in, fucking with us, making shitty threads like "would you suck this dick lol XD", and getting their way. luckily our meido is pretty decent and the shit posts have mostly stoped, i think the normals/outsiders also left do to not being able to shit post anymore. /jp/ has been better now than the whole fucking year, but it could be even better.

>> No.7764994

Frankly, I'd prefer a Kana Captcha over the one we have now where half the time you can't even read what the damn thing is saying.

>> No.7768395

best thread on /jp/

>> No.7768439

moot isn't doing anything. I know ひらがな but that's besides the point.

>> No.7768445

People really should know kana so why not?

>> No.7768473

>our meido is pretty decent
Then why hasn't he deleted this 200+ post metathread?

>> No.7768493

I love it when obvious trolls get so many responses. Good stuff.

>> No.7768505

Meh, I wouldn't care. At least it would give me motivation to learn them.

>> No.7774094

Kana is too simple, Kanji would be more effective.
Also, all of you should mail moot about it, he may do nothing, but he always reads every single mail he gets, if he get's enough there's a thin chance he might consider it.

>> No.7774114

If you really want to be exclusive, just start typing in Japanese.


>> No.7774116

Kana would ward off the bulk of the low level shit, kanji would probably kill /jp/.

>> No.7774120

ヨウ メアン リケ ティ?

>> No.7774133

The shameful part is that I actually understood that.

>> No.7774149
File: 137 KB, 800x600, chiitrans screenie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is that shameful?

>> No.7774160


>> No.7778482

This thread just got hilariously relevant.

>> No.7778510

hiragana/kanji is ok but no katakana please

>> No.7778520

Why no katakana, use a better font.

>> No.7779602



