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File: 50 KB, 640x480, ehhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7759879 No.7759879 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7759888

Looks like Kagetsu Tohya to me.

>> No.7759884

Kagetsu Tohya

>> No.7759896


>> No.7759902

Nasu dicking around with his characters again.
Sometimes i wonder if he's stupid,a genius or just insane.

>> No.7759907

How much weed was Nasu smoking when he wrote this?

>> No.7759913

Does Nasu get laid?

>> No.7759922
File: 357 KB, 700x966, arcsionrecord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nasu needs no weed.

>> No.7759923


Based on the sex scenes he writes, take a wild guess

>> No.7759938

Considering how he describes intercourse, and his description of a vagina's walls, I think the man has never been close to a woman since he crawled out of his mother.

>> No.7759940

Based on what he writes I'd say he must be scared of women.

>> No.7759951


What are you guys trying to say? You mean sex isn't like watching a maritime documentary?

>> No.7759967
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Depends if you enjoy passionate marine vertebrate love.

>> No.7759975
File: 77 KB, 640x480, fatty_arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is Arc such a fatty?

>> No.7760013
File: 139 KB, 818x1200, tsukihime1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akiha is just jealous of Arcueid's perfect feminine figure.

>> No.7760077

I was reading Kagetsu Tohya but i was kinda put off with there really being no love or moe routes with akiha and arc, everything was every plain. I was reading it for a while too, did 24 fucking days. Does it ever go into a decent route with arc or akiha, or is it always bad ends and just talking about nothing? for a fan disc, it really doesn't have a lot of what fans would want, i was expecting a lot of love for each girl.

>> No.7760093 [DELETED] 

Anybody? I really want to finish it but im afraid of wasting my time.

>> No.7760105

Arc loves to yiff.

>> No.7760109


Get out.

>> No.7760110

KT is more of a fan disk. The only bits that matter are the Ren bits, since everything else DID NEVER HAPPEN, THUS THEY ARE NOT CANON, FUCK YOU.

You can pretty much skip it all.

>> No.7760120

Did you honestly expect someone to answer that fast?

>> No.7760128

yeah but i want to read it for more love for arc and akiha, but everything is really plain,he goes to school or sees a character for like 3 seconds,sits in the park,than see a character for 3 seconds, nothing really fun or loving at all, which is a let down because its a fan disc. I was looking for just more fun/love and focus on each character.

>> No.7760131

No. Just some tiny interaction.

For all intents and purposes just follow the guides for the characters you like, and ignore the rest, as it is plain fluff or porn.

>> No.7760146

I enjoyed KT a lot. I really liked the non-linear loop style, but I can see why other people would find it annoying. I never felt like skipping something new though. Everything was either entertaining, crazy or cool to read.

>> No.7760156

Is there even any porn for each character? Arc even seems to have even a lesser role than the others and you only see her in her room and nothing good happens, well i did see the moon arc...

>> No.7760168

He probably does now.

>> No.7760169

You get to read about Crimson moon and other random shit about her.
If you read it as solely Arc fan, then it has little to offer, but if you read it as a Typemoon fan in general and stop being a faggot there's a lot.

>> No.7760173
File: 52 KB, 640x480, pop poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were the popularity poll rankings?

>> No.7760183

I loved Ciel's comments on the poll.

>> No.7760188

No. Mostly Hisui, Kohaku and Ren.

>> No.7760197

Well is there a day just for her at least? I actually was reading a day were there was one just ciel day and she and shiki were fighting some evil ceil, which was cool and all but i really want something like that for arc and akiha.
Now im disapointed, but why? why are arc and akiha shafted so much in this?

>> No.7760208

Because Flower of Thanatos, that's why.

>> No.7760213

That is sort of ironic, considering how well she scored in the last Tsukihime poll.

>> No.7760230


That's not ironic, it's just coincidental

>> No.7760255

>an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.

Kohaku ranking 2nd after lamenting not making it into the top 3 counts as irony.

>> No.7760260

>Well is there a day just for her at least?

Well you can choose to sleep with her when you visit her in her room. Then you can flirt a bit with Princess Arc in a dream inside the dream before you cuts you into 18 pieces

>> No.7760272


Lamenting about the results of one poll and getting a higher ranking on a another poll is not irony.

>> No.7760281


>an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.
>contrary to what was expected.

Just because she got low in one poll doesn't mean she's expected to get low in the next one too you idiot

>> No.7760304 [DELETED] 

read that one already, it was nice but i need more, out of all these days i cant believe there is only one day for arc, i didn't even see a day for akiha yet, only fucking bad ends. thats why i dont get what nasu was thinking when he made this, its not like a fan dick at all. what the fuck are every other day about? im on day 24 in the walk through already out of 44 days and nothing really happened, that one random girl from akihas school that tells the future bores me even more than ciel.

>> No.7760308

With hindsight it is. It's similar to dramatic irony. When you read the scene in the present, her statement becomes ironic.

>Just because she got low in one poll doesn't mean she's expected to get low in the next one too you idiot

Yes, it does. Popularity polls are nonrandom and heavily depend on precedent. For example, Arc has scored first in every poll. If there was another poll, would you expect her to do poorly? Would you place money on it?

>> No.7760309

read that one already, it was nice but i need more, out of all these days i cant believe there is only one day for arc, i didn't even see a day for akiha yet, only fucking bad ends. thats why i dont get what nasu was thinking when he made this, its not like a fan disk at all. what the fuck are every other day about? im on day 24 in the walk through already out of 44 days and nothing really happened, that one random girl from akihas school that tells the future bores me even more than ciel.

>> No.7760318

Have you been reading the side stories? That's the fandisc part. The storyline is more centered in Ren with random shit of other characters.

>> No.7760324

I read the one with ahika and the 7 wonders of the school.

>> No.7760332

That's the continuation of the Akiha route right?

You also have other random shit like Crimson moon's story, a sidestory of being alone with Hisui and Kohaku for eternity and having threesomes, Ciel's weapon and Akihiko's story and other shit. Check a guide how to unlock them all.

>> No.7760343


>> No.7760357

A continuation?, i thought that came before shiki came to the mansion? Also im interested in Arihiko story, he has some random horse girl in his room right? I was surprised he was in the magical universe, which is cool. Also does his older sister have some plot? Is she a magus or something?

>> No.7760368

It takes place after Akiha's true end. Reread the end.

>> No.7760371

It's a continuation, re-read the ending of the story, it's Ciel telling her that Shiki is alive or some shit.
And the horse girl is Ciel's weapon.

>> No.7760382

Arihiko doesn't get involved in magical stuff. His sister isn't magical at all. She's an artist.

The entire story is just Arihiko being awesome, such as his decision to have sex with a horse, just because she's there.

>that one random girl from akihas school that tells the future bores me even more than ciel.

Seo Akira will kill you in your sleep.

I'm glad that someone knows what irony is on /jp/.

Also: Kagetsu Tohya is a fan disk. It's not supposed to be a standalone story focusing on only one character. Even the main heroine of the disk, Ren, has very little effect on the story.

If you want to know what Kagetsu Tohya is about, it's about Tohno Shiki. Tsukihime was about its heroines, and Kagetsu Tohya was about Tsukihime's hero. You don't really appreciate Tohno Shiki until you read Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.7760393

I appreciated Shiki ever since he fought off Roa with a knife in his mouth.

>> No.7760396 [DELETED] 

Maximum fucking autism, as expected from White Newfaggot.

>> No.7760406

The White Ren legion has been around far longer than you have.

>> No.7760413

You mean Whine Ren.

>> No.7760416

No, i know its a fan disk, im just saying.... Its not what i was expecting. There are a lot of random stuff and you only see arc like once in her room and nothing really romance happens, i wanted more akiha and arc doing stuff and hanging out with them/loving them. not just herpderp lets go to her house for 3 seconds and never see her again. Im still but hurt over there only being one day ( the sleeping/dream for arc, akiha so far for what i read has no romance at all so far, they couldn't give her one fucking day?

>> No.7760420 [DELETED] 

You forgot your #chilly. And your name.

>> No.7760421
File: 14 KB, 100x100, 100px-Akira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seo Akira will kill you in your sleep.

This piece of rape bait? Killing ANYONE?

>> No.7760443

Threaten her manga. You'll never be heard from again. Being Akiha's whipping girl is just a cover.

Greetings, yandere, homo stalker-kun.

>> No.7760480 [DELETED] 

You best show some respect, loser. I can have you killed any time I feel like it.

>> No.7760488

You're a drugsdealer at your school right?

>> No.7760492

You cannot kill that which has never lived.

>> No.7760497 [DELETED] 

I have no need for you. Enjoy your death.

I can certainly try.

>> No.7760800

>Does Nasu get laid?
Yes, but in return for his enrapturing charm he has to give up the taste of seafood.
It is slowly driving him mad.

>> No.7760822
File: 1.08 MB, 1748x1181, 8240407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those don't sound like Helen post, Arc you're far too hi and or drunk to roleplay an aging swedish lesbian.

>> No.7760939
File: 105 KB, 800x600, 1223233489475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one random girl from akihas school that tells the future bores me even more than ciel.
I thought the story with her and not-Shiki was pretty cool.
Aside from that, she's just someone from Akiha's school who is of no importance. She's to Akiha what Sacchin was to Shiki, only without the fan following.

>> No.7760947
File: 451 KB, 2500x3000, 10911444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Akira less popular than Sacchin

If only we had her numbers we'd have already had a fucking route. Seo is love.

>> No.7760972

There was a 2009 online poll where she was ranked pretty close to dead last.

First Google result:

>> No.7760982

By 2009 sacchin had meaty bread to pad her votes and seo hadn't been seen since tohya.

>> No.7761003


>> No.7760999

Holy shit people hated seo, shinjis more popular than her, well he did have his reason if you read the vn, plus the whole rin coming to his house for no reason, just to bash him and make him even more depressed was kinda random and fucked up.

>> No.7761000

Melty Blood has been around sine 2004 and doesn't explain why Sacchin's more popular than several other MB characters. Also, several MB characters ranked extremely low.

Sacchin's current popularity is probably due to her popularity in-joke getting out of control.

>> No.7761007 [DELETED] 
File: 380 KB, 641x480, Tsukihime_TideOfSadism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akira was adorable. I'd her my merciless tide of sadism.

>> No.7763951
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1201907832390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Akira was adorable. I'd her my merciless tide of sadism.
The real failing of Tsukihime was how completely deredere Akiha was on her route. If she displayed just a bit more of her sadistic side then the route would be so much hotter, or at least a V.Akiha end.

>> No.7764136


The sadism is just Shiki's imagination though.

>> No.7764197


>or at least a V.Akiha end.

Isn't that her Normal end?

Where she's permanently Vermilion and Shiki feeds her blood every day?

>> No.7764347

>Where she's permanently Vermilion and Shiki feeds her blood every day?
That's not what I meant and you know that.

>> No.7764352


You know it's not really Crimson Red Vermilion unless it's Crimson Red Vermilion, right?

The V.Akiha we see in Melty Blood is just a TATARI image, not how the real inverted Akiha behaves. The real inverted Crimson Red Vermilion Akiha is childlike, bestial, and insane.

>> No.7764367


>Crimson Red Vermilion

Does Nasu realize he's basically just saying red three fucking times in a row?

>> No.7764368

>The real inverted Crimson Red Vermilion Akiha is childlike, bestial, and insane.
A yandere is fine, too.

>> No.7764370


that makes it DEEP

>> No.7764372

That's the point. It is a demonic blood sucking insane demi-human.

>> No.7764376


So for the reason you have to call it three shades of red? Makes perfect sense.

>> No.7764381

I take it as red=violence
3xRed=batshit insane
Kind of makes sense.

>> No.7764382
File: 98 KB, 627x954, 1312498054567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This Akiha is Vermillion Akiha too you know

>> No.7764386


Scarlet is the best red.


>> No.7764390

In his defense, it rolls off the tongue pretty goddamn well.

>> No.7764389


No, that is Akiha on the brink. She has not inverted yet.

>> No.7764393
File: 103 KB, 660x800, arcciellovely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could also be that quite often Nasu's grip on the English language is roughly the Japanese counterpart to a 14yo fangirl puzzling together Japanese names for her original characters.

I'm starting to think he does it intentionally to feed the fandom demand for disturbing word salad.

>> No.7764410


close enough

>> No.7764459
File: 278 KB, 963x1115, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to be comprehensible to a normal human being?

>> No.7764463

Sure. Just follow the lines and let the beauty of common sense and logic guide your hand.

>> No.7764467

I can't even imagine who made that
I'm not sure how to feel

>> No.7764484


Look for scene you want to see
look for requirement flags/points
how to raise flags/points? ctrl+f them in the .pdf of this image


>> No.7764496
File: 87 KB, 600x401, 1285340446468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever you call it, Akiha's nice when she's like that.
Hell, I'd let her rip me to shreds.
My god, it's beautiful.

>> No.7764530

So there is really only one day day for arc, and not even a day thing for akiha for romance, only bad ends?

>> No.7764589
File: 477 KB, 850x850, 20037153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurenai sekishu. A red that is deeper than blood. That's how he describes Akiha's hair and aura.

It's like saying whitest white, blackest night, or any other similar idiom. It's a superlative meaning. Kurenai sekishu. Crimson red vermilion.

A red deeper than red.

>> No.7764813


Actually it's more like "a red redder than red" and it sounds just as stupid

>> No.7764817

Crimson-red vermilion

Bam. Is your autism satisfied now?

>> No.7764833

Now you're triggering mine, because crimson and vermilion are different shades of red.
Just sayin'

>> No.7764835
File: 68 KB, 811x326, 2011-08-19_211600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7765194

Since when is pink a type of red?
Damn, now I'm spergin'.
This is turning into an angry thread, where everyone is angry.

>> No.7765212
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 2011-08-20_000805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7765214


Mahogany is a red redder than red. Why didn't they just use that?

>> No.7765287

Because it dregs up images of furniture and we've had enough to deal with concerning THIS CHAIR.

>> No.7765299
File: 22 KB, 250x349, damnchair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There can be no love between humans and furniture.

>> No.7765305
File: 48 KB, 220x220, Arihiko_mugshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never met a good couch.

>> No.7765309


Well then there's about 10 others to choose from. Fire brick Akiha has a nice ring to it.

>> No.7765312

Rusty Rose madder Akiha

>> No.7765333
File: 84 KB, 640x480, what..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His what now?

>> No.7765336

I think Wine Akiha actually makes an appearance in Kohaku's route.

>> No.7768035
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 2011-08-20_163807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sadistic Akiha
