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File: 64 KB, 490x356, 20743_1306860543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7757578 No.7757578 [Reply] [Original]

This game is nearly impossible to find for a decent price.

Anyone have their old one? I'll pay something reasonable for it. $20 should do it?

>> No.7757598

The only way you'll get my Chrono Trigger cart is from my cold dead hands

>> No.7757603
File: 9 KB, 242x239, 1311831963479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't use emulator

>> No.7757607

You piece of shit. Who the fuck do you think you are?

Why would you ruin the experience by using an emulator?

>> No.7757608

Emulate the overrated shit.

>> No.7757610

>Chrono Trigger

I'll give you the DS version for that price.

>> No.7757616

The DS version is localized better anyway.


>> No.7757628
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>> No.7757630

How can this game possibly be this rare? Did they only print like 10 copies? This should have sold like hot cakes with a cover like that.

>> No.7757631

>>Goku with a sword

Also you should get the DS version. Has extra stuff to explain the Chrono Trigger/Cross storyline a bit more.

Because you'll need it; good luck understanding that thing.

>> No.7757634

You're just jealous you didn't play real deal SNES games like me.

>> No.7757653

I may be in the minority, but I actually really like a lot of Akira Toriyama's non-dbz artwork.
Ex: The chrono trigger cover(I hate the way some of the characters look in the animated parts of the ps1 game though)
Dragon quest 1-5
The early Dragonball(not z) manga chapters(the really early stuff, I guess)

>> No.7757712

Ah, yeah, this game.

I always thought Terranigma was Europe's answer to not having received Chrono Trigger. But really, it wasn't, since we also didn't receive many other titles, like Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Final Fantasy Tactics, Brave Fencer Musashi, Valkyrie Profile, and so on.

It wasn't actually released in any PAL continents, so I had to import. I also had to import an American SNES, and a power transformer, so I could play it in a 220v region.

I didn't get this until 2002, and I mostly grew up with Sega, so I didn't have much experience with SNES games. I played through Chrono Trigger 3 consecutive times, getting various endings and using different team combinations. I just loved everything about it.

I remember telling my cat about the game. He sniffed it. He died in 2006..

I'll never sell my copy of Chrono Trigger.

>> No.7757724
File: 5 KB, 126x113, flava flav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757736


>I didn't get this until 2002

Why didn't you play just play it on emulator? I had a classmate playing CT on emulator on the school computer in 1999.

>> No.7757753

It's an unfortunate fact, but your SNES will not last forever. So emulation will eventually be the only option. What will you do then?

>> No.7757756


>implying the internals of the SNES aren't quite approachable even for a novice tinkerer, with spare parts readily available in the closets of an entire generation

>> No.7757769

Nintendium aside, there's only so many SNES consoles in existence and they will eventually run out. Not soon, but eventually. So again, what will you do then?

>> No.7757858


He will be already dead when that happenes

>> No.7757885
File: 265 KB, 728x800, yui black ops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If $60 is a reasonable price for Black Ops, it's a reasonable price for Chrono Trigger.

>> No.7757891

If you want the SNES cart, then pay for it.

$20 won't do it because there are many people who are willing to pay more than that. The market determines the price with secondhand goods and collector's items.

>> No.7757893

Hmmm... Aside from custom-made chips, a SNES is a pile of COTS components, a custom PCB, and an injection-moulded case.
PCBs can be fabricated with ease. COTS components are either still in production, or can be substituted with components of the same characteristics. The case can be omitted, or recast in resin.
The only really non-replaceable parts are any custom ICs. Conceivably, with the knowledge gained from creation of accurate emulators (i.e. bSNES), FPGAs or similar programmable logic devices could be used to emulate the custom chips.

With effort, your SNES may never die. Though you may reach a Ship of Thesues state after a while.

>> No.7757910

Why not get it on the Wii virtual console? It's like 800 or something points. Or get it on the DS, you'll have to whore yourself to pay for the SNES cartridge.

>> No.7757912

> Why would you ruin the experience by using an emulator?

There is many games that haven't aged well in certain areas where emulator frameskipping to speed past the boring stuff makes the game better.

Chrono Trigger isn't one that needs this however.
