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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7757361 No.7757361 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when 1 dollar is only worth 76 yen

>> No.7757363

time to nuke them again

>> No.7757362

That can't be so. A dollar is more like... 118 yen.

Yes, 118 yen. That sounds right.

>> No.7757368

What kind of dollar are we speaking of?
US, Canadian, Australian..?

>> No.7757369

The one that matters.

>> No.7757374


>> No.7757377

Being buyfag in today's economy is suffering

>> No.7757384

Whats it like still living in 2005?

>> No.7757386

Well that can't be US, I mean with its country 14 trillion US dollars in debt and all, its only a matter of time till its worthless.

>> No.7757392


Pretty good. We just got The Office.

>> No.7757441

>butthurt yurofag

The debt doesn't mean shit since China/Japan will never collect it since we are their biggest customers

>> No.7757462

This is what Americans, the citizens of the "great and free nation", think.

>> No.7757497

OH you silly people. The debt is in US dollars. The US government controls the flow of currency production. In a worst case scenario, the US prints 14 trillion dollars worth of currency and hands it to China. Its impossible for the US to default if it doesn't want to.

Yes I am well aware of inflation risks.

>> No.7757508

That feel when 1 euro is worth 119 yen.

It went up to 135 yen after the earthquake hit... I should have taken that trip at that time..

>> No.7757512

And THIS is the reason the US can never default on its debt unlike most other countries.

>> No.7757596

You mean the Federal Reserve controls the flow of currency production.

>> No.7757661

>Not using Bitcoin

>> No.7757706

Buying doujins now is hard man. I don't know whether to go for it or wait it out.

Honestly, do you think the dollar will regain it's status or sink lower and lower against the yen?

>> No.7757714

Too bad for you! 1 AUD is ¥80 and conveniently I have things on order.

>> No.7757771

Same here

>> No.7757773


We, however, are not living in Ausfailia, so it balances out.

>> No.7757789

Every economic indicator right now basically says the dollar isn't coming up anytime soon. In fact, within the past month, it's doing quite the opposite. I honestly wouldn't expect anything positive from it for at least a year. I'm hardly an expert though, but the current economic climate is even worse than what it was just a few months ago, given stock panics and the downgrading of our credit score.

Don't get your hopes up, basically.

>> No.7757797

Why is the yen so fucking high? It can't be just because of the weakness of the dollar.

I know Japs also have an obsession with maintaining a positive terms of trade surplus but that has always been the case.

>> No.7757821

Don't things still cost twice as much for you Australians as it does for Americans? At least when we sell you things anyway.

>> No.7757832

Only alcohol and cigarettes.

>> No.7757833

>Why is the yen so fucking high?
This. I thought Japan had the worst debt?

No, I dont know shit, that is why I am asking.

>> No.7757863

Most Americans in 2011 still believe Japan and China are the same country, Japan is a little 3rd world country with nothing special about it, Canadian money is worthless, and the Euro is probably worth less.

>> No.7757875

The yen being so strong against the dollar is actually harming Japan economically.

>> No.7757883

Life would be so much better if we really could survive with that level of ignorance.

>> No.7757886

>Americunts r stoopid

You don't know many Americans, huh? Any person with common sense can tell that their Nissans and Toyotas, their Sony and Nintendo, and who knows what else are the things that they are getting from Japan, not their lead-contaminated Chinese toys. It also isn't a million dollar question that Tokyo is the largest city in the world; an elementary schooler could tell you that.

Most Americans don't think that foreign currency is useless, but rather that it isn't of use to them unless they are planning on traveling. Playing the currency market is high-risk, low-return, and a major hassle.

>> No.7757896

> Playing the currency market is high-risk, low-return

George Soros disagrees

>> No.7757935
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>> No.7758235

Right~... Because japan is sooooooo underleveled that they don't even have a decent economy.

Gimme a break. Japan's a freaking 1st world country, with advanced technology and with a decently-taught population. I'd bet the japanese guy with the lowest IQ in his country would b smarter than you. Go read a book instead of playing online videogames all day, kid!
So don't even try to compare China to Japan. They are two different things. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. It's as bad as saying that America and Canada are the same.

Oh, and by the way, the USD is getting a lot poorer nowadays. If you don't know jack about financial aspects and the like, don't write stuff about it.
