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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7754061 No.7754061 [Reply] [Original]

Rate and reviews the last 3 VNs you played:

MLA: 10/10
You can definitely find faults in it, the pacing, the fact you have to go through Extra and Unlimited first but the overall experience is just so damn good it's impossible for me to give it less than a 10.

Kara no Shoujo: 8/10
The aesthetic was very pleasing and it's always enjoyable to play as an adult.
But I found the actual detective work a bit too simple and all the twists too obvious. Not a bad VN but I expected better.

Demonbane: 8/10
Overall pretty entertaining but too long for what it was, the humor wasn't also not to my taste most of the time though Dr West and Elsa were great. It actually has a pretty good plot though.

>> No.7754078

Reviews of eroge based on fan translations are irrelevant here.

>> No.7754086


>> No.7754087

so you either know moons, or you leave /jp/

>> No.7754092

you should know how /jp/ reacts to opinions and people thinking their own have any worth

>> No.7754096

from which parallel universe you came from?

>> No.7754106

Demonbane Al and Ruri routes - 6
Kara no Shoujo - 5, dropped after "the police found the killer somehow and he killed himself just because, nobody died except Orihime and you got mad for no reason" ending.
Muv Luv Extra - 7, Unlimited - 5, Alternative - 6, dropped after realizing just how much time I've wasted on something I didn't enjoy.

>> No.7754219

Tsukihime 9/10
FSN 8/10
Muv-Luv Extra 6/10

>> No.7754249

"The best thing about learning Japanese is not learning Japanese, it's showing everyone on /jp/ that I did."

>> No.7754261

I was fed up with reading shitty translated VNs so I started learning Japanese instead.

>> No.7754273

Rewrite: 8.5/10
A Key game that really doesn't feel like a Key game at all. It's a VN with an ever changing mood and a surprisingly strong setting.
But it suffers from the "most of the game is average but the last route is fantastic" problem, thankfully the last route is pretty long.. Give it better art, cut the common route in half, kill the horrible Key writer who did Chihaya and Shizuru's routes and it would have been god tier.

Tenshi no Hane: 8.5/10
Pretty much the same problem as Rewrite but not as extreme. Most of the game is good but not great, the last route though is amazing. The problem is that a lot of really interesting concepts are introduced but not developed in the last route, it really feels like the real plot only start just before the end. Maybe it will get a sequel in the future.
Also they could have made Ayame a woman and absolutely nothing would have changed, the trap setting was pretty unnecessary and Ayame never even has a problem acting like a woman.

Grisaia no Kajitsu: 9/10
The common route is probably as long as Rewrite, the difference is that when I really wanted to get over with it quickly in Rewrite I could have gotten 10 hours of the same thing in Grisaia and I would have been happy.
The humor and character interactions in general simply got me, though they are probably not for everyone.
The individual routes themselves are also pretty high quality with some pretty powerful drama and even some action scenes, Amane's route in particular was amazing. Though I personally thought that Yumiko's route was weaker than the others which is a shame considering she is pretty much pushed as the main heroine, most people leave her last which make for slightly disappointing final compared to the rest of the game.
The main complain I had with Grisaia was that it really needed a route to tie all the loose ends but considering they announced not one but two sequels I guess it's a moot point.

>> No.7754275

Why, of course.

>> No.7754276


>Tsukihime 9/10
>FSN 8/10
>Muv-Luv Extra 6/10

Now you can you go for Higurashi/Umineko/Hinabata and Ever 17 and you're done. Everything else is shit.

>> No.7754289

/seacat/ is calling you back

>> No.7754311

This is as autistic as giving VNs scores like they were some kind of fucking video game.

Kara no Shoujo—Fantastic endings, great voice acting, great main heroine.
Awfully implemented dating/detective work. Completely random sex with undeveloped sub-heroines was utterly pointless and irrelevant to the plot, and the game didn't even try to make them interesting enough to care about. So much aimless content makes a great deal of the game an unfocused mess, though I won't deny it was interesting enough to keep me entertained until the end.

Demonbane was a lot of fun and frequently amusing, although the fight scenes, especially the mecha ones, dragged on for too long and were too repetitive. Also, way too much overlap between routes meant replays were even more repetitive, especially between Al and Ruri's routes.

>> No.7754337

If you don't know Japanese, then your eroge reviews can never be considered anything more than some unimportant opinion of some random guy on the Internet, especially when you write three sentences and call it a review. Take what Moogy, Ixrec and Asceai write as an example of a good review.

>> No.7754350

Asceai doesn't know japanese, Ixrec's "reviews" are the most retarded shit ever and Moogy is a fag who only reviewed MLA, something everyone and his mothers played

>> No.7754360

>Asceai doesn't know japanese
Huh? What would make you say that?

>> No.7754376
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>Take what Moogy, Ixrec and Asceai write as an example of a good review.Take what Moogy, Ixrec and Asceai write as an example of a good review.Take what Moogy, Ixrec and Asceai write as an example of a good review.Take what Moogy, Ixrec and Asceai write as an example of a good review.Take what Moogy, Ixrec and Asceai write as an example of a good review.Take what Moogy, Ixrec and Asceai write as an example of a good review.Take what Moogy, Ixrec and Asceai write as an example of a good review.Take what Moogy, Ixrec and Asceai write as an example of a good review.Take what Moogy, Ixrec and Asceai write as an example of a good review.

>> No.7754379

Stop stroking your own penis, reviews ARE opinions of random fucks on the internet, someone isn't automatically revoked from their right to give opinions when they're reading a translation of a book, or a movie with subtitles. You're retarded.

>> No.7754380

Top 60 VNs of all time
It doesn't differ too much from the stuff we usually talk about

>> No.7754389

His written Japanese is pure shit and looking at his reviews it feels like he barely understand what he reads.

>> No.7754403

I never bothered to read his reviews but I'll take your word for it

>> No.7754478

You could say reviews of novels not originally written in english are also irrelevant, same for movies or games.
That's stupid.

>> No.7754522

It started at 125 and stopped at 60, how do I watch the rest ?

>> No.7754526
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>> No.7754531

>60~1位→ sm10245954

>> No.7754536


>> No.7754655

Sharin over Muramasa? I raged so hard...
Baldr Sky Dive 1 9th? What the hell is wrong with these guys... Nanoha route was utter BAWW shit, L/Rain's route was mediocre at best, Chinatsu's was emo but ok.
Actually the whole top 10 or so looks fucked up... sengoku rance 4th...
I'm confused.

>> No.7754657

Good list and all but wow, the rankings below 30 can pretty much be ignored. Kirakira and Kono aozora ni yakusoku wo being higher than Oretsuba, Kiminozo being higher than Muramasa, and Baldr Force being higher than Baldr Sky, ahahah.. and lastly, Kazoku keikaku at #2. These kinds of lists never work well as some eroge are too polarizing.

>> No.7754712

On EGS there are votes given by people who played games on release, so nostalgia probably plays a part in those rankings. I mean there's no way in hell Kazoku Keikaku would rank that high if it had been released, for example, this year.

>> No.7754722
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>> No.7754741
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Are you saying Muramasa is better than Sharin or even G-senjoo for that matter? 0/10

No way in hell is the text of that game this eloquent and refined pic related

>> No.7754739

Utawarerumono: 3/10
I just can't fucking finish it
Gekkou no Carnevale: 6/10
Noble Works: 4/10
Jesus god whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.7754748

there are also many more casual players on erogamescape, human drama games like Sharin are more widely accessible than a fantasy/alternate history longass story like Muramasa

>> No.7754752

epik for teh -9001(over nine thousand!!!!!)/10 win

>> No.7754760

I see. Indeed, I have not played all of them, but I saw many were released in ages past. I guess that's part of the deal.
Also, did I miss Asairo? I didn't see it in the top 60 and I have yet to watch the 120-60 part. I hope it wasn't rated that low...

>> No.7754763 [DELETED] 

>there are also many more casual players on erogamescape
Probably the same reason why games like Clannad or Symphonic Rain will end up being higher than Muramasa even when it gets a translation. Casuals are more lenient on grading and will grade up everything 10/10 even though they don't meet the criterion of a kamige.

>> No.7754768

>there are also many more casual players on erogamescape
Probably the same reason why games like Clannad or Symphonic Rain will end up being higher than Muramasa even when it gets a translation. Casuals are more lenient on grading and will grade up everything 10/10 even though they don't meet the criteria of a kamige.

>> No.7754776

Starting from most recent:

Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo / 車輪の国、悠久の少年少女: 10/10. Finding out about Houzuki's past = me getting mind blown. Unlike the first Sharin, there truthfully was no such thing as a happy ending. -sigh-

Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo / 車輪の国、向日葵の少女: 10/10, really made me re-evaluate a lot of things in life, and the ending was pretty sad. True route was baaaaaw.

G-senjou no Maou / G-線上の魔王: 8/10, wasn't perfect by any means, but it was a good read and a great tear-jerker at the end.

>> No.7754796

yeah, see the post after yours for a 10/10 given to a fandisc which is 80% average after stories, lol.

>> No.7754806

He should adjust his score immediately to match your criteria.

>> No.7754813


>> No.7754817

>giving fandiscs 10/10
go to hell, that's some fanboyism right there

>> No.7754831

I'm not criticizing his score, I was agreeing with the other guy who was saying people sometimes rate things too generously. If you cannot see the difference, honestly I don't even care to argue about it.

>> No.7754836
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Pretty cool stories there. Tell me more.

>> No.7754837 [DELETED] 

>Symphonic Rain will end up being higher than Muramasa
Actually, I take that back, as Muramasa is just below Symphonic Rain on VNDB. F/sn would probably be a better comparison because they both have action. It's funny though, since Muramasa shits so fucking much over F/sn it isn't even funny. Oh well, can't beat something that has an established fanbase consisting of mindless Nasu's feces gobbling drones.

>> No.7754838

Muramasa is better yes, but Clannad and Symphonic Rain are great games though.

>> No.7754842 [DELETED] 

>Symphonic Rain will end up being higher than Muramasa
Actually, I take that back, as Muramasa is just below Symphonic Rain on VNDB. F/sn would probably be a better comparison of a game which will overshadow Muramasa's ranking because the fanbase is too generous with voting. It's funny though, since Muramasa shits so fucking much over F/sn it isn't even funny. Oh well, can't beat something that has an established fanbase consisting of mindless Nasu's feces gobbling drones.

>> No.7754843

Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! (8.5/10)

It's what MLE should've been - a light-hearted and fun schoolkid VN with samurai girls. Doesn't pretend to be deep, and doesn't try to.

Demonbane (6.5/10)

Nitro and Lovecraft seem like a natural fit, but I wasn't entirely sold. Felt a bit awkward at some points. Some of the plot rationale was poorly explained. It's a mish-mash of fantasy and mecha. On that front, I guess it does well enough.

Wind - a breath of heart (7/10)

Only because I'm a sucker for school-kid romance VNs. I wouldn't call it completely generic (hey, look at the genre - what do you expect?), but it didn't really capitalize on what made it unique, plot-wise, and it was a weaker novel because of it. It was nice to read, the conclusions to the story arcs seemed overtly rushed and strained. Not a bad novel, but there are more fulfilling reads.

>> No.7754851

>Doesn't pretend to be deep, and doesn't try to.
Did you read all of it? Wanko, Miyako and true route were so HURR LET'S PUT SRS DRAMA IN MY FUNNY they were painful.

>> No.7754855

>Symphonic Rain will end up being higher than Muramasa
Actually, I take that back, as Muramasa is just below Symphonic Rain on VNDB. F/sn would probably be a better example of a game which will overshadow Muramasa's ranking because the fanbase is too generous with voting. It's funny though, since Muramasa shits so fucking much over F/sn it isn't even funny. Oh well, can't beat something that has an established fanbase consisting of mindless Nasu's feces gobbling drones.

I haven't played Symphonic Rain, but I do agree on Clannad being a good game. For me, only few eroge/VN has come close to Muramasa, and that's saying a lot considering I've played almost every game which people consider kamige or would give 10/10 without a moment's hesitation.

>> No.7754862

>can't beat something that has an established fanbase consisting of mindless Nasu's feces gobbling drones.
Just because Muramasa is great you don't need to shit all over people who like other games too, you know? You are allowed to have varying degrees of like.

>> No.7754875

Demonbane might actually deserve the "really, really average copypasta." Actually, I'd call it above average but I've gotten a lot better from Nitro+

>> No.7754887

Sorry, I just can't help hating irrational fanboys.

>> No.7754894

average faggot who gives 10/10 fsn hasnt read much vn/eroge, i.e. casuals

no wonder ppl hate their guts

>> No.7754911

Your mother: 2/10
Was old, fat, and hairy. Her pussy was loose, but gave an experienced blowjob fully utilizing her lack of teeth. My dick smelled like piss for days after it though.

Your big sister: 6/10
Had a nice skin, but was a total whore and I felt disgusted with her tattoos and piercings. Had the stamina to keep up with me and was agile enough for extreme stuff, but there were brown bits of shits falling out of her ass during anal.

Your little sister: 8/10
Taking her virginity was a great boost and watching her cry in agony definitely made her tight pussy feel even better. Her clumsy blowjob was charming and she drank my semen too. However, she refused to call me "onii-chan", so I had to punch her making her teeth fall out. They were probably milk teeth, so I wouldn't worry about it much.

>> No.7754912

owned lmao

>> No.7754917

mla: 6/10. overrated.
f/sn: 11/10. dat saber.
cross+channel: 8/10. endless eight.

>> No.7754926

>Oh well, can't beat something that has an established fanbase consisting of mindless Nasu's feces gobbling drones.
As if Nitro+ doesn't have its share of shit-gobbling fanboys.

>Sorry, I just can't help hating irrational fanboys.
Oh, the irony. Muramasa is better than F/SN, but you're worse than Nasu fanboys here.

>> No.7754930



>> No.7754932

I'll never get why you people seem to hate so much that there are people that happen to like something you don't.

>> No.7754943

Well, I'll never get why you tolerate it! They're horrible people and the world has to know.

>> No.7754970 [DELETED] 

>As if Nitro+ doesn't have its share of shit-gobbling fanboys.
Every fanbase have their share of blind followers, they just happen to be more prominent in Type-Moon's fanbase.

>Oh, the irony. Muramasa is better than F/SN, but you're worse than Nasu fanboys here.
Pray do tell, how does me saying that people who rate F/sn 10/10 are more likely fanboys or casuals that haven't read many VNs make me worse than a Nasu fanboy? How many VNs have you read? Have you read Muramasa and F/sn and actually compared the two?

I do not think F/sn is a bad game. In fact, I gave it 82 on EGS.

>> No.7754972 [DELETED] 

>As if Nitro+ doesn't have its share of shit-gobbling fanboys.
Every fanbase have their share of blind followers, they just happen to be more prominent in Type-Moon's fanbase.

>Oh, the irony. Muramasa is better than F/SN, but you're worse than Nasu fanboys here.
Pray do tell, how does me saying that people who rate F/sn 10/10 are more likely fanboys or casuals that haven't read many VNs make me worse than a Nasu fanboy? How many VNs have you read? Have you read Muramasa and F/sn and actually compared the two?

FYI I do not think F/sn is a bad game. In fact, I gave it 82 on EGS.

>> No.7754981 [DELETED] 

>As if Nitro+ doesn't have its share of shit-gobbling fanboys.
Every fanbase have their share of blind followers, they just happen to be more prominent in Type-Moon's fanbase.

>Oh, the irony. Muramasa is better than F/SN, but you're worse than Nasu fanboys here.
Pray do tell, how does me saying that people who are too keen on giving F/sn an inflated vote are more likely fanboys or casuals that haven't read many VNs make me worse than a Nasu fanboy? How many VNs have you read? Have you read Muramasa and F/sn and actually compared the two?

FYI I do not think F/sn is a bad game. In fact, I gave it 82 on EGS.

>> No.7754995

>As if Nitro+ doesn't have its share of shit-gobbling fanboys.
Every fanbase have their share of blind followers, they just happen to be more prominent in Type-Moon's fanbase.

>Oh, the irony. Muramasa is better than F/SN, but you're worse than Nasu fanboys here.
Pray do tell, how does me saying that people who are too trigger-happy with giving F/sn an inflated vote are more likely fanboys or casuals that haven't read many VNs make me worse than a Nasu fanboy? How many VNs have you read? Have you read Muramasa and F/sn and actually compared the two?

FYI I do not think F/sn is a bad game. In fact, I gave it 82 on EGS.

>> No.7755002

>Pray do tell, how does me saying that people who are too keen on giving F/sn an inflated vote are more likely fanboys or casuals that haven't read many VNs make me worse than a Nasu fanboy?
This "Ohohoho, look at those dumb peasants! They like F/SN! But that's to be expected, it's my fault for expecting those shit-eating ingrates to have taste!" attitude pisses me off more than Nasu's cronies.

>How many VNs have you read?
No clue, not many. 30 maybe.

>Have you read Muramasa and F/sn and actually compared the two?
Yeah, but I don't really think they are to be compared. On the account of storytelling capacity and writing Muramasa is clearly superior, but their central themes are not much alike.

>> No.7755010

>central theme

shirow becomes a hero of justice epic DXD

>> No.7755025

F/SN is like a James Cameron movie. I can't say obvectively it's bad, but I still hate it and seeing it sell like hotcakes and getting hailed as a masterpiece annoys me.

>> No.7755067

>They like F/SN! But that's to be expected, it's my fault for expecting those shit-eating ingrates to have taste!
Stop putting words in my mouth, I clearly stated that F/sn is not a bad game.

Besides, my initial post was addressing the fact how rankings should be taken with a grain of salt seeing as how certain games are far more polarizing than others, and that some fanbases are just too generous with voting (in this case, F/sn). Not sure why you got so mad all of a sudden over a post which was all but a mere jest.

>> No.7755083

>I clearly stated that F/sn is not a bad game.

Indeed, indeed. You also did that quite late, after you've drawn my ire with that haughty attitude of yours. It's not that you're incorrect, I just don't like how you put it into words.

>> No.7755094

>hating on james cameron movies
-9000/0010 fuk off hipster

>taking what people say on 4chon seriously


>> No.7755129

Yeah! The Titanic was breath taking!

>> No.7755134

maybe you just have shit taste lmao

>> No.7755140
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All this talk about Muramasa and F/sn.. where does MLA fit in??

>> No.7755148


>> No.7755151

Titanic was terrible. It's about a ship sinking but the damned ship does not sink for hours.

If I was directing it, that excuse of a captain would start channeling Ahab and ram his ship right through the iceberg while screaming about how Titanic is the greatest ship conceivable, a modern Skithblathnir that won't sink even if it's destroyed.

>> No.7755150
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>> No.7755157

>where does MLA fit in??
Between 4 (Sengoku Rance) and 2 (I can't moonrunes).

>> No.7755183

MLE - 5/10
MLU - 6/10
MLA - 7/10
Clannad - 9/10
F/SN - 8/10
KnS - 8.5/10
Kira Kira - 6/10
Family Project - 7/10
Rewrite - 8.5/10

>> No.7755192 [DELETED] 
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I find it pretty unreasonable that you have to go through ML Ex+UL and then UL-mini again in MLA to get the most of it. And if that wasn't enough, the game is full of glaring flaws like pacing problems that make even games like Hanachirasu weep. Despite the shortcomings, it's still a 10/10 game for me.

If you value epic presentation then MLA is probably more of your thing. If you value storytelling that handles the story well and is thematically more versed, then Muramasa would probably be your bet. That not to say that Muramasa is without epic presentation, though..

>> No.7755198

No i was talking about in terms of goodness, not the ranking

>> No.7755205
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I find it pretty unreasonable that you have to go through ML Ex+UL and then UL-mini again in MLA to get the most of it. And if that wasn't enough, the game is full of glaring flaws like pacing problems that make even games like Hanachirasu weep. Despite the shortcomings, it's still a 10/10 game for me.

If you value epic presentation then MLA is probably more of your thing. If you value storytelling that handles the story well and is thematically more versed, then Muramasa would probably be your bet. That is not to say that Muramasa is without epic presentation, though..

>> No.7755255
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>> No.7755259

IrodoriLOLI 7/10
Shinku was delicious but only one ero scene so fuck it

Ikkikoi 6/10
Too much tsundere for my taste, I'm not maso.

Shikigami 6/10
Gameplay is alright but it gets boring fast

>> No.7755264

Only fags hate Mitoko.
Are you a fag?

>> No.7755304

The themes of Muramasa are the nature of good and evil, justice and heroism.
FSN shares the same themes, Muramasa just goes far more in depth.

>> No.7755334

> only one ero scene so fuck it
I'm not one of those ero is holding back eroge guys, but your main complaint is how much ero a character has?

>> No.7755339

and revenge, parenthood revolving around parental abandonment, the nature of conflict, etc..

>> No.7755350

Not him, but if you have to put up with some of the most mind numbingly boring SoL and routes imaginable to get to the delicious girl with awesome route, at least give her more than one sex scene.

>> No.7755369

well yeah, I can get behind that. It just seemed weird that of all things Irotoridori could be criticized for he'd choose the number of scenes

>> No.7755467

What does /jp/ think of Eve Burst Error?

>> No.7755470

The series in general is pretty good if you ask me.

>> No.7755471

Its so-so. The system is also very annoying

>> No.7755474

I love the original one. New Generation was also decent enough in my opinion.

>> No.7755476

I think we need a new translation with more additional scenes and less Bill Clinton jokes.
But we'll never get it.

>> No.7755506

It's not bad for its time I guess, it's not an all time masterpiece like Yu-No though

>> No.7755588

With all the "hate" that Muv Luv is getting ever since MLA's translation, I'd hate to see what happens to the BALDR series once they get English patches.

>> No.7755596

It's pretty easy to predict, addicting gameplay means the other boards and the casual players will be all over it, it'll soon get the same "babby's first" hate Rance does and accuses of people hyping it just because it was untranslated. Assholes will spoil Sora's route for everyone else by making unspoilered threads and everyone will complain the plot was predictable and cheap. The few actual fans will keep liking it as they have done all long while being accused of having shit taste and being mindless fanboys.

>> No.7755597

That's just the usual trolling.
Muv Luv is very liked on /jp/. And there's even continuous threads about it on /m/.

>> No.7755600


>> No.7755602

on /m/? I thought they fapped over robots, not the characters. The few times I went there they talked badly about the porn in Muv Luv, I thought they were prudes.

>> No.7755605

>on /m/? I thought they fapped over robots, not the characters.
That's the only thing they care about from the side stories.
Or lack there of.
And why I regret scanning some of the stuff I did.

>> No.7755609

I agree that there's too much Total Eclipse (I personnaly don't give a shit about it), but that's because Alt has already been discussed to hell and back.
Still, the technical discussions are usually pretty good, as usual with /m/.

>> No.7755615

More like plot and setting adoration general.

And occasionally explaining Alt to one guy who wants the mechs and BETA without the harem/romance end.

>> No.7755620

Why do you even care about 'what's going to happen to the Baldr series'. It's been two years since Sky already, I've had my fun with an awesome VN and moved on.

>> No.7755621

No. /m/ actually have good discussions about the series, something Muv-luv was only allowed to have in /jp/ on the first threads after the leak and on 2008 and 2009, before retards from everywhere started to play it.

>> No.7755643

I don't think good games getting trolled are the result of "retards from everywhere", but from our very own shitposters who takes /jp/ for their playground.

>> No.7755654


>> No.7755662

Do you guys think Sharin no Kuni really should be considered god tier?
It was one of my first and I really liked it back then but I reread part of it recently and it's actually not that good.
It's also very noticeably manipulative.

>> No.7755685

>>7755662 It's also very noticeably manipulative.
Well, it's looseboy.
But joking aside, it's not a game meant to be raplayed since you'll notice things you're not supposed to notice on your first read.

I still love it though. The world-building is great, the characters interesting, and it creates scenes of gripping tension with just some characters shouting.

On the other side of the spectrum, G-Senjou is all cheap tricks.

>> No.7755690

Is rewrite even out yet...

>> No.7755692

Hanachirasu - I had a good laugh at the Eternal ending and Kyoko ending, and it's overall great.

Harukani Aogi - Tonoko~. All the routes were good.

Deardrops - love the music, love the characters. I wish Yayoi and Rimu had longer routes with more character development. Overall, good.

>> No.7755698

Been for more than 2 months already

>> No.7755699

Almost two months

>> No.7755700

>All the routes were good
I thought Sumika had a pretty shitty route in Haruka ni Aogi

>> No.7755707

Dam, why did /jp/ never talk about it?

>> No.7755714

Because we talked. Did you ever touch the VN general?

>> No.7755723

It had both, also unreliable narrator to make the mystery and drama whoring.

>> No.7755718

So how was R07s route? did it have yandere and caps?

>> No.7755725

Other than it having too many H-scenes, I liked it.

>> No.7755749
File: 51 KB, 800x600, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I just want to tell you that Tonoko is my wife so fuck off.
Thank you.

>> No.7755761

fuck yes, so there really is a yandere heroine in this? can i get a pic of her? Also i forgot, is this all ages or is there hentai?

>> No.7755765 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 608x448, 123217501150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too many H-scenes

>> No.7755778

Which girl did he do?

>> No.7755785


>> No.7755800

Although I did only mention Tonoko, Miyabi was just as great. I hope you keep her happy.

>> No.7755831

So shes yandere?

>> No.7755925

She has several screw looses but I don't know if you could consider her a yandere.

>> No.7756006

Does Touka Nishikujou have a route in rewrite?

>> No.7756013

No but she gets a lot of screentime.
She has better characterization than some of the main heroine.

>> No.7756645

Since Carnival Phantasm and F/Z were coming out I took the oportunity to motivate myself to play typemoon shit.
Fate Stay Night: 5/5
Really good. Loved the girls and the side cast was just as good. MC took a while to grow in me, but he was pretty damn fucked up behind all the heroism, which I came to appreciate a lot. The writer should really get an editor though. Or maybe it's the translation, dunno. Still barely a minor complaint since I didn't feel it took much of the experience (Most action scenes were really well written, as in, they didn't lose focus with random shit, for example, like Hanachirasu tends to do.). It was very fucking long but every route seemed necessary for the story, to say the very least.

Tsukihime: 4/5
Pretty good. They could have fused some routes as to make the experience less grindlike. There were a few routes where I feel it just didn't tell enough plot to warrant it to be another route other because it was another girl. They could've used one route for the near side (I think they are called like this) with Ciel/Arc endings and two for the far side with Akiha and Hisui/Kohaku ending. That might be just me though. The cast was good too, but the villains (mainly Nvrsqwhatever, Roa and SHIKI) were rather lacking.

Princess Waltz: 2/5, maybe 3/5
It was overall ok, but the story was terribly told at times. Some plot points and twists came out of fucking nowhere. The main cast was fairly likeable on the other hand (The brawling 'pure' loli was great). It could've used more non-sex CGs too. Not terrible but not worth recommending. Felt a little like a F/SN knockoff at times. The fact that the main character and the main girl are half brothers half cousins and they don't even care is hilarious.

>> No.7756652

You didn't even list the main villain...

>> No.7756666

You mean Tsukihime? I was listing the ones I thought were lacking. Thus I didn't list Kohaku if you mean her.

>> No.7756718

Oretsuba R: 10/10
Ai having a route nets the game a 10/10 for me. Not to mention the removal of the awful h scene with Kobato in the common route.

Rewrite 6/10
Not very good. Romeo's mediocre stuff as always, and Tonokawa is a poor replacement for Maeda. Ryuukishi only wrote one route so it doesn't matter if he sucks or not. The text was needlessly long, and the story dragged at many parts. The action wasn't bad, but seemed like the stuff you'd read in a story made by a teenager.

The Mappy system they have in the game, adds absolutely nothing and is an annoyance more than anything. It feels like a step back considering the minigames and stuff present in Little Busters.

Don't remember a third that I finished recently.

>> No.7756725

I'm playing Kara no Shoujo but it's getting too REAL DEAL for me.
The pattern get close to girl > girl gets chopped down two days latter is terribly obvious and makes me ant to ragequit more than anything.
Playing a detective that can't do shit doesn't help. Reiji is cool and all, but he'd be the school janitor and the story would be the same.

Hope the ending is worth it, but I bet it will be some shitty plot twist about the killer and nothing interesting else will happen.

>> No.7756726

>Playing a detective that can't do shit
That's kind of the point

>> No.7756727

>Romeo's mediocre
Oh boy..Well enjoy School Days.

>> No.7756734

I don't think anyone plays School Days for the writing. I enjoy it for the hilarious drama. I don't think it is better than Rewrite or any other real VN.

>> No.7756762

I got the point quickly.
And 10 hours of reading later I got bored.

>> No.7757794


>> No.7757921

> Or maybe it's the translation, dunno
Nasu stuff has its faults but yeah, Takajun's version is pretty horrible.

>> No.7759296

