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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7753235 No.7753235 [Reply] [Original]


Why haven't we formed our own country yet?! We could call it Gensokyo v2!

>> No.7753242

Mugen is the only realistic choice for leader.

>> No.7753241


>> No.7753244
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Running a real country probably isn't as easy as a strategy game.
Also, where would we find the peasants to do everything for us?

>> No.7753246

Negatory, call it weeaboo-ville. Because you all know it's true.

>> No.7753254
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We enslave little girls, of course!

>> No.7753256

Put Sudo to work in the fields.

>> No.7753257

Little girls are unsuited to hard labor and/or warfare.
Do you want a nation or a whorehouse?!

>> No.7753259
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We can't have both?

>> No.7753263
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Free broadband for everyone!

>> No.7753268

What about when we have our industrial revolution? Thousands of little girls, mutilated by the metal contraptions they are forced to operate 8 hours a day, only guro fans would be happy with that situation.

Little girls are meant to be pampered and/or raped, just get the mentally challenged to do the physical jobs.

>> No.7753271

No one will shoot a little girl, think about it, it's the perfect army!

>> No.7753290
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There will be no industrial revolution in Gensokyo v2! We will specialize in farming and the growing of crops!

>> No.7753301

All hail Gensokyo Reich

>> No.7753303

>Agricultural focus
>Industrial revolution

>> No.7753307
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We should do away with currency, and just work in exchange for food and housing!

>> No.7753317

So we'll have plows and carriages, rather than threshers and cotton gins?

This is getting worse, let's keep it simple, promise a little girl for everyone, or technology to make yourself a little girl, and then work your way from there.

>> No.7753327

I'll be /jp/'s slave 8 hours a day if I don't have to talk to anyone.

>> No.7753326

Ha, how much of /jp/ has ever worked?

>> No.7753336
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I see no problem with that, your mouth will be filled with objects most of the time anyway!

>> No.7753339

I once worked for 1/2 the minimum wage for a few months because i needed to buy a ps3 to play ar tonelico 3. It was the worst experience of my life but it was worth it

>> No.7753353

Worst keion.

>> No.7753352
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Very well!

Little girls for everyone!

>> No.7753361


I've worked in a one of those asian nail salons.
Fat ugly women in their 40's, 50's coming in for manicure/pedicure.

Suffice to say, I DO NOT have a footfetish.

>> No.7753368
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If we pool all of our money I'm sure we can afford a space rocket! We will be the first nation to reach Mars and beyond!

>> No.7753372

But we can't bum welfare checks if we are in a different nation.

>> No.7753378
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No welfare checks will be needed! Free money for everyone!

>> No.7753385

and how do you propose our free money system works?

We allow sexual tourists to pay and come explore the natives?

>> No.7753393
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We will use our little girl army to invade other countries and steal their money!

>> No.7753396

I love it.
Where do we get the land to establish our country?

Just gonna call forth the lands of the sea or take over some existing nation?

>> No.7753399
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First we need to acquire our own lad, I can donate large Island in the Carribean!

>> No.7753402
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Mars, of course! See:>>7753368

>> No.7753433
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..Where did everybody go?

>> No.7753441

There are 6 pages missing, and this shit is still glued to the front page? Clearly there aren't enough reports.

>> No.7753442

Everyone knows little girls aren't in anymore more...
The nation crumbled from lack of support.

>> No.7753449

It's all about them babies, yo. I play their heads like bongo drums.

>> No.7753572

What about us lazy slobs?

>> No.7753588


You'll be given comfy jobs.

>> No.7753591

Cowards die in shame.

>> No.7754391

>Uncivilized Nation
>Planned Economy
>Slavery Allowed.

>> No.7754414

I'm in.
I've got $4 to contribute to our rocket.

>> No.7754418


100% clerks

>> No.7754424

I'm in, as long as we don't allow fookin' pakkies to emigrate to our cuntrey. They always roonin' ah cuntrey.

>> No.7754436

Forget it guys, once I'm rich I'll buy a mansion and invite you all to live there

>> No.7754435

A country with 0% of birth rate.
the country will be made of NEETs from every countries

>> No.7754444
File: 8 KB, 172x168, None [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where will our land be? how will we get it?

>> No.7754452

See >>7753402
We're going to invade Mars.

>> No.7754457


Make an artificial island. It's now the trend these days.

>> No.7754458

Der Beek Planitia, Mars, with a huge ass rocket.

>> No.7754459

Nice quads bro

>> No.7754467

I nominate Zunbar for secretary of defense.

>> No.7754490

So would we end up trying to kill the normals or just exist alongside them grudgingly?

>> No.7754494


0% birthrate is best birthrate.

>> No.7754496

mars? This is gonna be VERY expensive...

>> No.7754517

All the human garbage of the western world in one place. How convenient~

>> No.7754528

We need to invent robots first. Then we can start building loli robots to do all those annoying things needed to make a society go around, and they'd make a much more effective military than little girls, due to the whole part about being emotionless machines who can be programmed to kill.

We'd be like the Ancient Greeks. Freed from the burden of labor by our loli robot slaves, we'd have the schole (leisure) to spend on self-improvement (reading more eroge).

>> No.7754529

More Nazi K-On Pictures Please

>> No.7754532

Considering how Australia turned out, I don't like this idea.

>> No.7754533 [DELETED] 

Our army of little girl is going to steal money from everyone. It's a flawlessly perfect plan. Nothing will stop our cute little lolis.
This or we can do >>7753368

>> No.7754538

Our army of little girls is going to steal money from everyone. It's a flawlessly perfect plan. Nothing will stop our cute little lolis.
This or we can do >>7753368

>> No.7754548

government pays for the autis-

>> No.7754555

IRL lolis don't work that way.

reaching? fine. we will reach there. what will do about the atmosphere? agriculture? surviving is gonna be VERY expensive. we will die there.

where will we put this island?

>> No.7754562

For the record: that was completly unitentional. but now I have to get the 666, and I know I will fail... dannit.

>> No.7754568

Could you skip the 777 either way? We don't need KOG rearing his ugly head.

>> No.7754576

I need to get my mother from the bus station soon. I don't think I'll get anything earlier than 888.

>> No.7754588

Our population will rely solely on immigration

>> No.7754587

Reminds me of that one youtube comment.

>> No.7754673


>We'd be like the Ancient Greeks. Freed from the burden of labor by our loli robot slaves, we'd have the schole (leisure) to spend on self-improvement (reading more eroge).

Don't forget pederasty, another thing Greeks and /jp/ have in common.

>> No.7754761


>> No.7754764

Also I'm back! that was faster than expected.

>> No.7754950
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>> No.7754977

Making robot little girls do all your tasks for you is way too cruel. We are better off making von Neumann loli robots and letting them loose on the world. They would be sold as maids, but once you buy one, metal items in your house would disappear one by one and you'd notice that you're getting shorter, more obedient and more feminine with each passing day until your "maid" fully converts you into another loli robot. If one of those maids can turn her "owner" into a little girl in a year, the entire world will become cute, young, perfectly obedient maidens in a bit less than 33 years. In those 33 years, we'll use our remaining resources to turn ourselves into loli robot ojou-samas and then live forever served by billions of cute robot girls, though perhaps some of us would also convert themselves into servile maid robots so that they may find joy in doing their best to please the little girl they like, serving as her lover and attendant for the rest of their eternal lives.

>> No.7755000
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Or we can buy from this guy

>> No.7755017


what are the chances something like this actually goes on in the world?

>> No.7755029

What are the chances of me losing my virginity?

(+2 if I ever get to be rich enough to get a girl actually have consensual sex with me)

>> No.7755042


sick trips

>> No.7755044

Chances are much higher than you realise.
Why you'd want to is beyond me though.

>> No.7755086


Go back to /v/ retard.

>> No.7755101


Children sold into sexual slavery is not unheard of.
Mutilation is not unheard of.

Something like that probably happened more than once, there are people for everything.
