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File: 67 KB, 309x384, _-Dodonpachi-Resurrection-Deluxe-Edition-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7750420 No.7750420 [Reply] [Original]

Just played Dodonpachi and it made me realise why I like Touhou so much.
Things like the music in Touhou is not only better, but more importantly, you don't have to hear the same song every boss fight.

Other small details as well. Obviously Dodonpachi has better graphics, but I like ZUN's spellcard backgrounds and I'm still rather baffled on how he creates some of them.
Also the use of colour, why does cave feel that every bullet has to be purple, blue, or if you're lucky, green?

I'll stick with cute little girls flying through the air shooting each other

>> No.7750427

>playing shooters for the music
That said, ddp series has always been high quality in that regard.

>> No.7750428

I like having enemies with different shapes and sizes. That's my one dislike of touhou's visual design compared to Cave's.

>> No.7750439
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What about now?

>> No.7750449

Touhou bullets are mostly red or blue, but it's not like bullet color is a real selling point for these games.

That said, while I generally like Cave music, and like its style more than touhou's, Zun is a pretty good composer and it puts his games in a whole other league musically. I would notice this disparity less if the boss themes didn't usually suck in Cave games, especially the one you posted, OP.

>> No.7750452

I prefer CAVE's more rougher unrelenting guerilla warfare style, the criticisms you mention are positives to me, I like the consistency.

>> No.7750465

battle garegga has the best music, not just in shooting games, but in all games.

Also, it is by far the best shooter game. I'd recommend you to NOT play it, as all other games will be huge disappointments.

>> No.7750471

Ever since I played that MMO bullet hell(valkyrie sky?) I've been pretty anal about bad bullet coloring. That game had green enemies on green backgrounds shooting green bullets at you. The game wasn't very difficult but not being able to see anything was infuriating.

>> No.7750478

I don't want to make a new thread so I hope it's okay I post this here.

For at least a week ago I was fapping furiously in bed.
I didn't want to stain the bed sheet or my underwear so when I came I did so into a can of candy (it was empty).
The next 4 times I masturbated I came into the can. And then I didn't touch it for a week.

Today I decided it's time to dump the cum.
So I took the can into the forest, found a suitable spot and opened the can.
All the semen was black! It still smelled like semen but it was black.

Is this normal?

>> No.7750498
File: 20 KB, 410x535, '^'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should probably make a new thread for that.

>> No.7750503

I don't think that would be so smart. Last time I did that I got banned.

>> No.7750505

I played that too, yeah everything was a dull 3D model on a dull 3D background, shooting tiny hard to see bullets. Just from an art perspective it looked awful. It wasn't good besides that either. Nobody will ever make a game like that again, that was the one shot for a STG MMO and it was shit.

>> No.7750511

Speaking from experience, yes, that's normal. Your dick and balls are fine.

>> No.7751153

The only real problem I have with DDP is how god damn slow I feel. I don't need to zoom around the screen at light speed, but I feel like I'm crawling around it instead.

>> No.7751160
File: 185 KB, 845x720, 1313028635532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The red ship is really fast.

>> No.7751164

Troll thread.

>> No.7751167

Hellsinker has better music. It all matches the stages and boss fights.

>> No.7751177
File: 90 KB, 400x388, 1308536834036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it odd that I love both series for their distinctive styles ? Including the music and bullet colors.

>> No.7751187


Gave it another shot and it's faster than I remember, but after a few seconds of play I still get that feeling of slowness. I don't know why.

>> No.7751198
File: 62 KB, 859x954, 2341354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If so it's a really bad one. I'm not even mad.

Nah, they both have good points even if you strongly prefer one over the other.

Maybe it's the parallax?

>> No.7751216


Maybe, I have the same problem with a few other games like that.

>> No.7751266
File: 16 KB, 212x209, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna have to agree on the SEA OF PURPLE complaint, but at least you know exactly what is an item and what is gonna kill you.

>> No.7751760

Your 2hu can't play 2 player mode, you mad?

>> No.7751984
File: 97 KB, 639x480, ahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story, brosurance

>> No.7752002

I sure hope so, but it probably isn't.

>> No.7752086

I disagree because I've never run into a bullet thinking it was an item. Logically, I can see this happening, just never to me.

>> No.7752126


>> No.7752202

What does the comment on that first music file have to do with Samidare?

>> No.7752212

All of my fury. All of it.

>> No.7752304

samidare-san, I believe it's referring to the person who made that song.

>> No.7755680
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What a shitty thread

>> No.7755694
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>> No.7755702
File: 28 KB, 256x341, Air Gallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7755703
File: 91 KB, 640x480, hell4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7755708
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>> No.7755710 [DELETED] 

I see a lot of people that like the music in Cave games, but I still dislike the vast majority of the tracks. My biggest qualm with DoDonPachi, though, is the lack of "actual challenge" on higher difficulties. Yeah, it's definitely harder than Touhou, but in the end the only reason for that is because of the massive amounts of bullets fired at random angles (and sometimes even random speeds). There's actually less patterns than there is purple buckshot all the fuck over the place.

That being said, I do enjoy playing Cave games from time to time. I like Touhou more, but a change once in a while is always a good thing.

>> No.7755721
File: 36 KB, 320x453, homura_ps2_eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT we dump obscure shmups

>> No.7756674

obscure? alltynex. nuff said.

>> No.7756752
File: 22 KB, 218x218, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't either, but I do get paranoid and just try to avoid everything untill the blue amulets go away.

Index finger a little twitchy? Feel like bombing?

>> No.7757504

Raizings too cool

>> No.7757532

You should always be autocollecting items on SA stage 4. If you're not, you deserve to be confusing point items for blue amulets.

>> No.7757710

shmups in general are rather obscure shit. We wouldn't know because we are nerds

>> No.7757729

>>(67 KB, 309x384, _-Dodonpachi-Resurrection-Deluxe-Edition(...).jpg

Uhh, are they localizing DFKBL or something?

Anyway, gotta love the "AHHH SO MANY PURPLE BULLETS" complaint. It's difficult to explain, but the patterns in Mushi and Futari aren't completely random, if it were, people would never complete Ultra because nobody would be able to memorize it.

>> No.7758136


DFK is getting a PAL release in november(without ketsuipachi though)
my body will never be ready

>> No.7758321

The cheapest place to order it from


>> No.7758324
File: 22 KB, 411x291, gdb01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you guys reached me?

>> No.7758327

>Sprache: Deutsch, Deutsch

Haha what its actually multilanguage?
